I want a Team-up...
and we can make it cannon, make Karnage a Shistavanen
I want a Team-up...
and we can make it cannon, make Karnage a Shistavanen
14 hours ago, RuusMarev said:
You sir have won the Internet for me today. Excellent blending of the old and new. Approved!
(man, now I need to find a good candidate to swap Karnage for a crew or pilot in xwing and make up an unofficial alt art)
And we'll save money for voice actors, lol
And they are coming fast!
(everything is exciting, except that Resistance aces pack - it needed badly to come with the T-85 instead of a second T-70)
Edited by Odanan13 hours ago, Cgriffith said:Release Dates (going to be crazy release schedule) and my wallet is going to feel force Choked.
Wave 7 (September 2020)
Xi-Class Shuttle $29.99
LAAT Gunship $29.99
HMP Driod Ship $19.99
October 2020
Tie Brute
Heralds of Hope Squadron Pack
November 2020
Droid Tri-Fighter
Jango Fett Slave 1 (Separatist)
Nimbus Class V-Wing
ETA-2 Actis
On 1/28/2020 at 8:40 AM, Odanan said:Since FFG made my last wish for a wave to come true, here are more: (too soon?)
Wave 8:
- Republic: V-Wing
- Separatists: Rogue-class starfighter
- Empire: TIE Brute
Wave 9:
- Republic: Eta-2
- Separatists: Droid tri-fighter
- Resistance: X-Wing T-85
Wave 10 and beyond:
- Republic: Clone Z-95 , Nu-class/Theta-class (pick one of the shuttles)
- Separatists: Jango's Slave 1, Sheathipede (though CIS pilots/dials for these two could come in card packs)
- First Order: TIE Dagger , Kylo's Modified TIE Whisper , FO TIE Bomber
- Resistance: Resistance Y-Wing, Resistance B-Wing (kind of boring...)
- Scum: Razorcrest , Bounty Hunter Fighter (from The Mandalorian)
Post from January. In red those announced already.
Keep it up with the good work, FFG!!
PS: too soon to guess the Wave 8?
Thrilled for the Republic / CIS fans out there!
May I ask you: what are the 10 (non-epic) new ships you want to see the most in the game?
In retrospect, it seems I want a lot more cards than ships.
Edited by ClassicalMoser
11 minutes ago, ClassicalMoser said:I5 Laren Joma U-Wing with Turret slot (somehow)
2 die turret arc. Pilot ability says that you must put it in the side arc? Can rotate after performing a stop maneuver or while the wing are in a specific position, but not actually on action bar?
17 minutes ago, 5050Saint said:2 die turret arc. Pilot ability says that you must put it in the side arc? Can rotate after performing a stop maneuver or while the wing are in a specific position, but not actually on action bar?
We got a version in quick build that just had the turret upgrade. Seems more balanced to me since turret upgrades are strictly more limited than turret primaries. Also missed it but switching one crew for a gunner would be cool too.
Your mileage may vary. I don't think it's exactly likely in any case but it would be fun to have an excuse to put Bistan on the right ship. It was some kind of an ion repeater he used in Rogue One anyway so ICT would be a decent approximation.
Again not good but fluffy. Incidentally prevents I5 double-crew shenanigans if that's worth anything.
Edited by ClassicalMoserI'm not sure I have 10 but I'll give this a shot.
Well I didn't get to 10 but close enough. Looks like not all of mine are ships either, but as usual FFG has hit the big ones for actual ships I want to see. Not a bad thing really.
Edited by Hippie Moosen1. Clone Z-95
2. Razor Crest
3. Rogue Class Star fighter
4. Resistance Y-Wing
5. Resistance B-Wing
6. Tie Dagger
7. Tie Whisper
8. FO Tie Bomber
9. T-85 X-Wing
10. Fan Fighter
I know we said 10 but there’s more:
11. Gauntlet Fighter
12. Tie Echelon
13. Umbaran Starfighter
BONUS; Old ships, new pilots; Hera (A-Wing, B-Wing, X-Wing), Poe (Millennium Falcon), Wedge (Resistance Gunner), Old Lando (Millennium Falcon), Kanan (Hwk-290), Sabine (A-Wing), What am I missing???
Edited by ccjacks3
1. Ark Angel
2. FO Bomber
3. TIE Whisper-modified
4. TIE Dagger
5. Sentinel Class Landing Shuttle
6. Asajj's Fan Fighter
7. The Twilight
8. Tora Doza's Blue Ace
9. TI 85 X-wing
10. Droid Racers
Fun mentions, an Iron Squadron rerelease of the YT-2400, more Huge ships, and a LOT more pilots for the movie original ships.
1. Raven's Claw
2. YT-2000 / Otana
3. Razor Crest
4. Pursuer-class enforcement ship. It's weird and asymetrical! Boba had one in Legends! The Jumpmaster needs a lopsided buddy to circle around with.
5. Rogue-class Starfighter
7. Delta-class T-3c shuttle. I don't fly Empire but it seems like they should have it.
8. FO TIE Bomber. I don't fly FO either, but they lack a ship into this role and the design looks good.
9. Resistance Y-Wing.
10. CloakShape Fighter. Has shown up in a fair amount of Legends material, plus it has a cool spoiler 😉 .
On 8/5/2020 at 11:41 AM, Odanan said:May I ask you: what are the 10 (non-epic) new ships you want to see the most in the game?
1. Dunelizard
2. the pirate uglies from the Resistance cartoon (I guess that might be 2 or 3 different ships though if you include both subtypes of snub fighter and the ratted Lambda)
3. Razorcrest
4. Porax-38/Rogue/gunship from the heist episode of The Mandalorian
5. The spinny, as in how it was flown, Z-95ish bounty hunter fighter from the Mandalorian (I think it was the raider episode, might have been the backstabber one where the landing pad manager and her droids semi-adopted the kid).
6. Miy'til (ya, not going to happen, but still it'd give S&V an actual, non-Mando spinny crap, non M3-< ain't catching a blasted freighter> , interceptor)
7. True Uglies (as in a meh base ship design with a boat load of config upgrade options that change the base ship's capabilities and "role", maybe have the stipulation on the pilot cards that you must equip 1 configuration upgrade)
8. Krayt gunship
9. HH-87 Starhopper (folding wings optional, preferably non-existant, yes I hate moving parts on small miniatures)
10. Erm... Something non-S&V... Erm... Resistance Y-Wing (dakka-wing 3.0!!!
It'd get me to play the faction other than using the 1.0 T-70 model as a T-65 in pickup games
(for easy visual recognition of a limited pilot)
1 hour ago, Hiemfire said:The spinny, as in how it was flown, Z-95ish bounty hunter fighter from the Mandalorian
This one?
It's the " Bounty Hunter Fighter " and I love how it looks!
1 hour ago, Odanan said:
On 8/5/2020 at 7:41 PM, Odanan said:May I ask you: what are the 10 (non-epic) new ships you want to see the most in the game?
- Gauntlet Fighter (it looks so cool. FFG will need to shrink it just a little for the large base)
- TIE Whisper Interceptor (because I can't get the TIE Avenger)
- Razor Crest (who am I fooling? - this will certainly come soon)
- FO TIE Bomber (really nice design, and the FO could use it)
- TIE Command Shuttle (obscure? oh yes, but I really want it alongside my TIE fleet)
- Black Ace (because it's a TIE and its pilot is really an interesting character)
- Rogue-class Starfighter (preferably with "gunship" configuration from The Mandalorian)
- Droid Racer ship (because it looks amazing and could have great mechanics)
- T-85 X-wing (stop ignoring this ship, FFG)
- BT-45D U-wing (Rebels need ships and this is soooo cute)
I know it's 10, but I'm actually going to give 11, 2 per new factions and 1 per 'old' factions. Mostly because when I think about what i really want, it's mostly stuff in the newer factions and I draw a blank when it comes to Imperial and Rebel bar the two ships I will mention that are very dear to me.
Honorable mention: The Ark Angel
6 hours ago, Ebak said:I know it's 10, but I'm actually going to give 11, 2 per new factions and 1 per 'old' factions. Mostly because when I think about what i really want, it's mostly stuff in the newer factions and I draw a blank when it comes to Imperial and Rebel bar the two ships I will mention that are very dear to me.
- Ginivex-Class fanblade starfighter (Separatist)
- Rogue-Class Porax-38 Starfighter (Separatist, with some Scum crossover)
- G9 Rigger-class light freighter (Republic)
- Z-95 AF1 Headhunter AKA The Clone Z-95 (Republic)
- BTA-NR2 Y-Wing Starfighter (Resistance)
- B-Wing Fighter (Resistance)
- TIE/dg Dagger Starfighter (First Order)
- First Order TIE Bomber (First Order)
- Razor Crest (Scum)
- Raven's Claw (Rebel)
- Rogue Shadow (Imperial, with some Rebel crossover)
Honorable mention: The Ark Angel
That is a fine list!
3. Jeez, what an ugly ship. Isn't out there any other large ship for the Republic?
10. That's freaking sexy, but will FFG release more Legends ships?
11. Same as 10, and even more unlikely.
30 minutes ago, Odanan said:Isn't out there any other large ship for the Republic?
The J-Type Naboo Star Skiff . 29 metres long, 49 wide (!) Maybe pushing the limits of standard play and would probably need a base type similar to the Ghost, but it'd look sweet on the table alongside the Naboo N-1's:
2 top mounted laser cannons, sensor jamming system, and canon.
As for what I'd like to see? Well... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I'm really not psyched for "Resistance B-Wings / Y-Wings, First Order Bombers" etc. If all you have to go on is cloning existing ships, then why bother? Personally I'd much rather see them get something unique and distinct - like reprints of the Upsilon and StarFortress, or more unique ships from the Resistance cartoon - than slight upgrades and palette swaps of existing ships from existing factions.
Which is probably another reason why I'm more interested in the potential for prequel ships than I am the sequels.
Anyhoo, that's just my take on the subject.
36 minutes ago, Odanan said:That is a fine list!
3. Jeez, what an ugly ship. Isn't out there any other large ship for the Republic?
10. That's freaking sexy, but will FFG release more Legends ships?
11. Same as 10, and even more unlikely.
Agreed about the ugliness of the G9 Rigger, but it's sort of like a pug for me, it looks ugly but it also has a cute factor.
There's also versatility for the craft. It would be a large base ship and it would be nice because it was flown by both Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Rex meaning you could have a large base force ship and give us a Pilot Rex for Republic. To not step on the toes of the LAATi its important to only have one crew slot but given it was a scum style freighter you could argue an illicit slot. While the blaster on it can swivel, I think making it a turret ship wouldn't fit it. It's shown to be exceptionally maneuverable in the show itself so I'd like to see it fly appropriately, or at least have access to the barrel roll, and give it a forward arc and a cannon slot.
Not only that, in one episode it was shown that it's cargo bay is large enough for a Delta 7 to fit inside . So I could see a docking mechanic with a way to launch a republic small base ship. Sure you'd have to stretch the imagination with something like a Y-Wing, but it could be interesting.
The Republic don't have a lot of combat focused ships that can be large based. The LAAT was always the biggest thing we saw them use and even that was a transport. There are multiple shuttles that were used however. The Nu-class Transport , the Eta-Class Shuttle , The T-6 Shuttle and the Theta-Class Shuttle . All of these were used for transport and not direct combat with the Nu being the most combat focused as it's commonly reffered to as the 'Assault Shuttle'.
Now, that being said, if we do get a large base ship other than the G-9, it's mostly going to be the Havoc Marauder which was a custom shuttle that the Bad Batch used. Not only is this more likely than the others due to its combat and transport application but because of the crew and gunner cards we'd get out of said expansion. Given that we are also getting a Bad Batch TV series, this MIGHT end up being a cross Imperial ship too.
As for the Legends ships, they were literally all I could think of! I couldn't think of any canon Rebel and Imperial ships, although after posting it someone did remind me of one: The Stinger Mantis from Fallen Order. Which technically is not a Rebellion ship, it would fit very well on that faction and I really don't think Scum is an appropriate faction for it.
2 minutes ago, FTS Gecko said:The J-Type Naboo Star Skiff . 29 metres long, 49 wide (!) Maybe pushing the limits of standard play and would probably need a base type similar to the Ghost, but it'd look sweet on the table alongside the Naboo N-1's:
2 top mounted laser cannons, sensor jamming system, and canon.
As for what I'd like to see? Well... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I'm really not psyched for "Resistance B-Wings / Y-Wings, First Order Bombers" etc. If all you have to go on is cloning existing ships, then why bother? Personally I'd much rather see them get something unique and distinct - like reprints of the Upsilon and StarFortress, or more unique ships from the Resistance cartoon - than slight upgrades and palette swaps of existing ships from existing factions.
Which is probably another reason why I'm more interested in the potential for prequel ships than I am the sequels.
Anyhoo, that's just my take on the subject.
Wow, I forgot that one. It would look really nice on the table, wouldn't it?
No turret? hmmm... well, so it should be nimble and, since it's not heavily armed, should have lots of crew and support gimmicks.
3 minutes ago, FTS Gecko said:If all you have to go on is cloning existing ships, then why bother? Personally I'd much rather see them get something unique and distinct
I'm in agreement here, but it is also why I am interested in the ship in game because the goal is to take two similar ships and make them distinct. A T-70 flies very differently to a T-65, at least to me. As does flying a RZ-1 compared to an RZ-2.
So I am...but also not interested if that makes any kind of sense. Good shout on the J-Type Naboo Star Skiff! I do think if they were going to do this they would have been more careful with the wording of the Naboo Handmaidens 'Decoyed' condition. However, the solution to that is simply have a ship ability: "Naboo Craftmanship: Treat this ship as a Naboo Roya N1 Starfighter for the purposes of game text." Again the wording may have to be different to avoid a situation where they release cards just for the N1, but they can word it right.