Kandosii Beroya'se OOC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

argh.. dice site wont let me in... hang on...

I can roll for you if necessary.

yeah.. I keep trying, but wont log me in

Tracking the mooks : 3eP+2eD+1eS 3 successes
p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png d-f.png d-th.png s-th.png

You've caught up to them, they are still just walking down the street. I'll go ahead and roll Stealth for Falmok and Kara (Easy difficulty with 1 Setback for Falmok and 1 Boost for Kara [because she blends in more]. Applicable talents: Stalker for Falmok, adds a Boost to Coordination and Stealth)

Falmok: Stealth : 3eA+1eB+1eD+1eS 3 successes, 3 advantage
a-a.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png b-a-a.png d-th.png s--.png

Kara: Stealth : 3eA+1eB+1eD 1 success, 2 advantage
a-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png b--.png d-th.png

What do you want to do with the Advantage?

let's see here... they dont know they are being followed, and start talking just loud enough to be over heard as they go to their base? :D

Okay, go ahead and narrate the trip. You are able to follow them until the get to their hideout, I'll IC their talking, you just narrate the tracking, catching up to, and following of the goons. (you already got that part down, but I already typed it out so...) The city has a lot of waterways that are often used for transport (think Venice).

forgot to ask, what time of day/ environment is it? shadowy, or daylight with crowds?

Mid-morning. Maybe about 10:30 or so earth time.

How do you want to handle this?

Kara would be the logical choice to act like a down and out spacer, stopping for a drink, and keep an eye open.

If you want to try to talk your way past the guard, it'll be an Easy Charm check with both a Boost and a Setback. A Boost because she doesn't look like a Threat, but a Setback because he isn't supposed to let anyone in.

Do you still need me to roll for you?

Possibly, what is the dice site? Left my note at work, and I'm using my phone lol

: 2eA+1eD+1eB+1eS 0 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-a.png a--.png d-f.png b-a.png s--.png

What do you want to do with the 2 Advantage? It might require additional checks, but Failure only means that you didn't Charm him, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't get past him.

Well he sounds drunk or drugged, maybe try and tell him that he infact invited her there. :)

Okay, try the check again, but upgrade the difficulty once.


: 2eA+2eD+1eB+1eS 1 failure
a-a.png a-s-a.png d-f.png d-f-th.png b--.png s-th.png

Are you gonna give up, or do you want to have someone intervene (or creative use of Destiny)?

Go ahead and IC your first attempt.

Actually, I need you to make that check again, you increased the difficulty instead of upgrading the difficulty. Upgrading is where you change the purple into a red.

Go ahead and roll 1 Challenge die, and I'll sub it out for the 2 Purples.

: 1eC 1 failure

Could've been worse..

Well now you've got one Advantage, what do you want to do with that?

What are my options? (What can advantages be used for?)