What theme to come next from FFG in the LCG format?

By radioboyeric, in Living Card Games

FFG just needs to buy out Legend of the Five Rings from AEG and rerelease it as a LCG before they do anymore damage to it. It'd work great as a LCG formatted game and really save the game for the awful death of bad design it is dying right now.

Well, I don't know why AEG would want to sell it, but if this happened I'd check it out. I like the theme of L5R but I cannot stand the cycling out of cards, random packaging (of course) and honestly their card pool seems kind of boring from what little I've seen. Everyone's ability is one of the same half-dozen or so. It seems popular though, I mean people who like it really seem to get into it.

So, take the theme and general concepts but tune it up and spice it up and I'm sold :)

I can't see AEG ever selling it again. If the game did start to die they would likely implement their own version of the LCG.

The reason L5R is so popular is because of the story and the fact they players can help create the story of the game. It has an evolving story that continues to grow and expand and develop over the games history both in game and out of game. I help run a site devoted to storing the games history and stories called Kaze no shiro.

I know it is not likely for them to sell but it's still be nice to see it out of their hands. I can hardly stand Emperor Eddition at this point, Also they have removed all the interesting non-human factions to the point not even Shadow Lands is really a thing anymore.
I'd love to see a reformat of the game returning to it's roots and building a new story from there, seeing how it evloves again and what the new world becomes.

Till something like that happens I am likely going to leave L5R for Netrunner, I will miss the story aspect of the game tho, it'd be interesting to see FFG do something like that for Netrunner once things get a little settled. Maybe turnaments that score points for the differing factions to effect how the story changes after that. Android is kind of a interesting and large setting so I can see them being able to do some cool things with it.

Toqtamish said:

I can't see AEG ever selling it again. If the game did start to die they would likely implement their own version of the LCG.

The reason L5R is so popular is because of the story and the fact they players can help create the story of the game. It has an evolving story that continues to grow and expand and develop over the games history both in game and out of game. I help run a site devoted to storing the games history and stories called Kaze no shiro.

I don't mind if they do an LCG version themselves, as long as they do a decent job of it and don't screw up the model.

And yes, the history and story part of L5R is fantastic - I've got no beef with that whatsoever. It's a very rich setting, someone should look into making a great game to go with it :) OK, so that's at least partly tongue-in-cheek there, but the game could be so much better than it is IMHO. Starting with removing the bits that abuse players like CCG packaging, cycling cards out so aggressively, and then moving into mechanical improvements and better card diversity. Love the setting, game is sort of meh I think. I'd certainly watch an L5R tv series though.

But, it ain't never gonna happen.

So I'm also kind of disappointed in the new LCG-like re-release of Shadowfist. Some of you have already read about this on cardgamedb, but the main part goes like this:

1. Can't buy through normal channels
2. Future packs are 1x cards, with maximum allowable copies=5.
3. Official 2p rules were removed from the LCG version, devs act like it doesn't matter
4. Rulebook in the core set is not the full rules, need to go online for that or buy the old CCG rulebook (but there are also changes).

This is a good example of a company paying lip service to the LCG model hoping to leverage the reputation - but actually failing to deliver on that promise. It's a shame, I've heard it's a pretty good game. There isn't much traffic on their BGG forum, so I'm figuring that the re-release isn't going so well and it's likely to die out again at some point. Coulda been…

Lord Nat said:

I know it is not likely for them to sell but it's still be nice to see it out of their hands. I can hardly stand Emperor Eddition at this point, Also they have removed all the interesting non-human factions to the point not even Shadow Lands is really a thing anymore.
I'd love to see a reformat of the game returning to it's roots and building a new story from there, seeing how it evloves again and what the new world becomes.

I like EE but I do miss the Shadowlands and Ratlings. Ratlings were my faction during Lotus edition and then they were removed from the game and I stopped playing for a while. The lack of non humans is true and is making things kind of boring in that regards but the currently evolving story is interesting and who knows maybe next arc we will see some non humans back.

Toqtamish said:

I like EE but I do miss the Shadowlands and Ratlings. Ratlings were my faction during Lotus edition and then they were removed from the game and I stopped playing for a while. The lack of non humans is true and is making things kind of boring in that regards but the currently evolving story is interesting and who knows maybe next arc we will see some non humans back.

Not to mention, I strongly feel that a faction should never be removed during a game's lifetime. You can add them, but once you do that faction is the favorite faction of some of your players and they're going to be greatly upset if you kill them off. The only time you can remove a faction is when you reboot a game which is effectively killing the old game and making a new incompatible game based on the old one.

Shadowlands, Ratlings, Naga too…

dboeren said:

Toqtamish said:

I like EE but I do miss the Shadowlands and Ratlings. Ratlings were my faction during Lotus edition and then they were removed from the game and I stopped playing for a while. The lack of non humans is true and is making things kind of boring in that regards but the currently evolving story is interesting and who knows maybe next arc we will see some non humans back.

Not to mention, I strongly feel that a faction should never be removed during a game's lifetime. You can add them, but once you do that faction is the favorite faction of some of your players and they're going to be greatly upset if you kill them off. The only time you can remove a faction is when you reboot a game which is effectively killing the old game and making a new incompatible game based on the old one.

Shadowlands, Ratlings, Naga too…

To be fair a lot of factions were removed in the move between WotC and AEG when gold edition was starting but there was way too many factions back then. Naga, ninja, monks, Toturi's army (my faves), and Yoritomo's alliance all got removed to focus back on Shadowlands and the great clans. Since then YA was returned as Mantis, Shadowlands got folded mostly into Spider and ratlings got the axe with their version of judgement day (Tomorrow).

Doomtrooper could be interesting to see again. Plenty of factions all at war with each other. Warzone is making a resurgence in minis game so maybe there is a chance. I know lots of people love the setting, Mutant Chronicles.

i'd love to see 7th sea in LCG .

This was a great fun card game and it fits very well FFG universe with all the factions .

Please FFG ! ( but just after Vampire ^^)

Will be nice if it turns out to be true.

I want to bring up a suggestion that was mentioned when this thread was originally started:


That's the LCG I would like see next.

Lord Nat said:

I have seen rumors of a World of Darkness Living Card Game floating around.
I posted about it here: http://www.vekn.net/index.php/forum/5-generic-vtes-discussion/45787-hear-the-rumor-about-the-wod-living-card-game and there is talk about it here: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/942306/it-seems-we-are-getting-real-ffg-lcg-vtes as well.

I'd love to hear some offical word on this rumor as it seems to be spreading quickly and seen as true.

I have to agree a V:TES LCG would be nice, but I think this "leak" might just be faked. To be honest I don´t see a new LCG from FFG until late 2014 or early 2015. They just released 2 new games in that sector and I would guess flooding the market wouldn´t benefit this type of games. We already see a decrease in sales for some of the older LGCs, I see the delux only expansions for Warhammer and CoC as a indicator for decreasing sales on those products. It might be a good strategy though to keep the game alive. But at some point in the future there will be LGCs that woun´t be supported anymore and I think putting out more games will see more games die quicker.

If we see another LGC this year, I´d be shocked. Though I could see them releasing a co-op only game like Lord of the Rings LGC earlier than my predicted late 2014 release of a competetive LGC.

40K plz

U already made some fitting sleeves ;)

Harry Potter I would love to see a good Harry Potter Card/Board game.

Harry Potter already had a card game which is now dead. It was a ccg. Problem with Harry Potter is now that the books and movies are done it is not really a hot commodity anymore. I can't see that being one they bring out.

As for me, I would like to see 2 genres represented that are not yet;

Wild West: Either through the Weird West version of Deadlands Doomtown (already has the factions), or through a more historical version like Boot Hill.

Espionage: Top Secret style. You could make different good guy or bad guy factions and keep all the trappings of the classic spy genre. (Special gadgets, double agents, etc.)

Impossible to give a good guess due to the LCGs they introduce seem random. LoTR and AGoT I understand since they're wellknown franschises. Netrunner was a blast from the past but Star Wars?! It had its hayday when Star Wars III came out and that was some years ago! Still, I like the game!

I would have guessed for Warhammer 40K instead since that is 'in' now (atleast more than Star Wars!) but for the next one I really don't know.

I guess for Warhammer 40K though.

I don't want a new LCG to be released though! They should focus on the ones they have.

Campaigner said:

Impossible to give a good guess due to the LCGs they introduce seem random. LoTR and AGoT I understand since they're wellknown franschises. Netrunner was a blast from the past but Star Wars?! It had its hayday when Star Wars III came out and that was some years ago! Still, I like the game!

I would have guessed for Warhammer 40K instead since that is 'in' now (atleast more than Star Wars!) but for the next one I really don't know.

You do realize there is several more movies for Star Wars on the way right ? Star Wars is a much hotter franchise than 40K which is dying a death of a 1000 cuts due to its parent company.

The_Big_Show said:

I'm still holding out hope for a Warhammer 40K LCG.

Ditto .

I'd love to see a rehash of Battletech. Same rules just make it a LCG

I was hoping FFG got a hold of the StarTrek TCG and did the Netrunner treatment on it, basically cleaning up mechanics and refreshing it a bit.

Campaigner said:

Impossible to give a good guess due to the LCGs they introduce seem random. LoTR and AGoT I understand since they're wellknown franschises. Netrunner was a blast from the past but Star Wars?! It had its hayday when Star Wars III came out and that was some years ago! Still, I like the game!

Well, Disney recently bought up the Star Wars franchise, and they're planning on releasing a new movie very soon. So, we'll be seeing Star Wars stuff for awhile.

In any case, I think that SW stuff tends to sell pretty well, regardless of whether it's in the theaters or not, due to the nostalgia factor.