What theme to come next from FFG in the LCG format?

By radioboyeric, in Living Card Games

I've recently gotten into the LCG format and it occurred to me that an LCG based on the adventures of Conan (of Barbarian rather than Late Night fame), based on the same rules as LOTR could be quite an interesting proposition. As evidenced by the recent Kickstarter campaign for a Conan board game, raising over $3m, there is plenty of interest in the franchise. It has a world as rich as Middle Earth, if not even more so in my opinion, plenty of scope for "travel", and a plethora of possible enemies and allies. I imagine you could do it as having Conan as an always present "hero", with no faction whose "resource" could pay for anything, and then two more heroes from differing factions, so for example a fighter like Valeria and a mage, with access to different allies and abilities based on those factions. I think it could really work well. Oh, and solo option, obviously. :)

Does FFG read this sort of thread, or do they just think it's "fanboy chatter"...?

This pleases Crom....

I've recently gotten into the LCG format and it occurred to me that an LCG based on the adventures of Conan (of Barbarian rather than Late Night fame), based on the same rules as LOTR could be quite an interesting proposition. As evidenced by the recent Kickstarter campaign for a Conan board game, raising over $3m, there is plenty of interest in the franchise. It has a world as rich as Middle Earth, if not even more so in my opinion, plenty of scope for "travel", and a plethora of possible enemies and allies. I imagine you could do it as having Conan as an always present "hero", with no faction whose "resource" could pay for anything, and then two more heroes from differing factions, so for example a fighter like Valeria and a mage, with access to different allies and abilities based on those factions. I think it could really work well. Oh, and solo option, obviously. :)

Does FFG read this sort of thread, or do they just think it's "fanboy chatter"...?

This pleases Crom....

On the contrary, nothing pleases Crom...


Maybe a solo/co-op based on The Walking Dead -- if FFG could obtain the license?

what you think of a lcg dedicated to xcom ? There are three factions , aliens , xcom and exalt , and having the license on the product you can create other or extend the range of possibilities ...

you might think about a particular game on multiple levels ( base management and research , aeronautics and tactics ) , or a cooperative against the alien threat...

An XCOM LCG would be the third sci-fi themed LCG they have in catalogue. It's true that, on the one hand, WH40K and Star Wars are something different from usual sci-fi, but still, if I had to pick up something, that something would not be sci-fi.

The hyborian age Conan could be really appealing for many; possibly something horror based, now that the Cthulhu LCG is receiving less attention. Zombies sell a lot these days, so, some sort of zombiegeddon would be a possible good choice

And what do you think about a contemporary ambientation or a second world war ambientation?

What exactly do you mean by "contemporary ambientation"? Sounds vague to me, so difficult for me to share any meaningful feedback at this point in time.

And like with anything else… if it's a solo/co-op LCG, I'd probably consider buying it. Less likely if it's a multi-player/competitive game -- but I could see a WWII (or Dust Tactics-inspired card game) providing a good foundation for a multi-player/competitive card game.

Ooh, a Dust LCG - I like it :)

Are FFG still publishing Dust? I thought it was no longer under license, but I'm not really paying attention :P

The question is: FFG will publish another LCG?

Ooh, a Dust LCG - I like it :)

Are FFG still publishing Dust? I thought it was no longer under license, but I'm not really paying attention :P

I tought they sold the licence to another compagny (but that could just be the right to make the miniatures) and I've also heard rumors that it's not going so well. Something about a kickstarter going south...

But if FFG makes a DUST LCG I'll buy it!

The question is: FFG will publish another LCG?

Why not? Every year (more or less) around GenCon, we have a new line in the LCG series opening. 2015 will be the year for AGoT 2nd edition; 2014 spelled Warhammer: Conquest; 2012 saw two new lines, Android: Netrunner & Star Wars; 2011 was the year of Lord of the Rings. Then we have to go back to 2009 (Warhammer Invasion) and 2008 (AGoT 1st edition and Call of Cthulhu), but in the end, yeah, the games work, Netrunner is their bestselling line, so that why should they stop renewing the lines or adding good games to the catalogue?

Ooh, a Dust LCG - I like it :)

Are FFG still publishing Dust? I thought it was no longer under license, but I'm not really paying attention :P

I have no idea. And truth is, I've never actually played or even followed Dust. It looks really cool, but… my bank account wouldn't allow it!

But if they still had the license and made an LCG for it, I might actually be able to afford it (and have an easier time finding space to store it!).

Edited by TwiceBornh

I'd like to see an LCG based on the expanded universe of Stephen King. I don't know how Call of Cthulhu does it to have all these unrelated characters and timelines in the same game, but in this case The Highways in Hiding and the doors to other worlds could serve as the reason to have them in the Stephen King universe. The Dark Tower, The Stand, It and many others have many interreferences and belong to the same universe. Also, I'd like to see an LCG set in a contemporary time and setting for a change.

However things go , and hoping for a setting different from the usual cliché , I hope a competitive LCG prepared for multiplayer.

Another interesting feature to me is that of a fast-paced game , but deep, obviously.

Super Smash Brothers please...


Mushroom Kingdom


Donkey Kong Country



Would be pretty fun and could easily be a 2-4 player game rather than the standard 2 we've seen recently.

An XCOM LCG would be the third sci-fi themed LCG they have in catalogue. It's true that, on the one hand, WH40K and Star Wars are something different from usual sci-fi, but still, if I had to pick up something, that something would not be sci-fi.

Android: Netrunner is also sci-fi, though more of the cyberpunk genre than space opera.

True! So, it'd be the 4th. Even more unlikely, imho!

XCom can be a Coop Game - that would be great, to have a second one. In Coop Games would Star Trek my first wish (and BattleTech overall), but XCom would be nice.

How about Dunes and Battletech? I remember both of these franchises had a CCG in the past. Would be nice to see them come back in a LCG format. Both should also be designed with multiplayer mode in mind as well.

How about Dunes and Battletech? I remember both of these franchises had a CCG in the past. Would be nice to see them come back in a LCG format. Both should also be designed with multiplayer mode in mind as well.

BattleTech - absolut yes! That would be the greatest and I would be all in.

Star Citizen. *drops mic*

FFG has obviously gotten some sort of licensing from CDPR for the Witcher Adventure game and I would love to see a primarily solo (or co-op) Witcher LCG structured like LOTR. The mechanics could (should) be different, but deluxe/adventure packs with the combo of an adventure and new player cards, set in the Witcher universe would be great!

The world and lore are certainly extensive enough for lots of adventures. Players could play witchers from different schools as well as sorceresses, soldiers, etc and have cards for unique and generic allies, weapons, potions, bombs, traps, signs, spells, runes, maneuvers, stances, weapon oils, armors, etc. Whereas the LOTR game has exploration and combat as the major beats, a Witcher card game could focus on investigation as a major element (along with combat). It'd be nice to also see the combat mechanics allow for some changing of your deck on the fly to simulate preparing for the fight as you learn more about what type of foe you will encounter. Could be hard to support/encourage replayability with investigation as a major component I guess...

Just a pipe dream, but seems like it could be a good fit.

FFG has obviously gotten some sort of licensing from CDPR for the Witcher Adventure game and I would love to see a primarily solo (or co-op) Witcher LCG structured like LOTR. The mechanics could (should) be different, but deluxe/adventure packs with the combo of an adventure and new player cards, set in the Witcher universe would be great!

This is actually interesting, in a "full circle" kind of way.

You're definitely right, that Fantasy Flight Games and CD Projekt Red have some strong relations. And seeing as Android: Netrunner is also tied in with R. Talsorian Games, as it's origin with Cyberpunk 2020 (and the like), and CD Projekt Red is developing Cyberpunk 2077 with Mike Pondsmith, it gets even more interesting. So seeing a Witcher LCG after the rather successful Boardgame that was released is a strong likelyhood. Plus, I could see that another development in Android with the eventuality of Cyberpunk 2077 from CDPR, could see an explansion into something more than just Netrunners vs Corporations on the table top. It could really bloom into full out Cyberpunk. A person can dream, right?