Finding Rey a wing-man for the prom

By Flurpy, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Hey all so even though lockdown is on I have managed to keep the flag flying for Rey in the Sith taker Cup - I am running Rey 101 and Lulo and Zizi.

I'm one game in so far and won my first game against a Jedi and Torrent swarm all with homing missiles and synchronized consoles - it was nasty! Great squad. I have been really getting into TTS and loving it so far!

Next game is against Obi, Ric and 2 Arcs - i'll keep you posted!

Let's keep this thread alive - DO IT FOR THE RESISTANCE!!!!!!

1 hour ago, mattcogg81 said:

Hey all so even though lockdown is on I have managed to keep the flag flying for Rey in the Sith taker Cup - I am running Rey 101 and Lulo and Zizi.

I'm one game in so far and won my first game against a Jedi and Torrent swarm all with homing missiles and synchronized consoles - it was nasty! Great squad. I have been really getting into TTS and loving it so far!

Next game is against Obi, Ric and 2 Arcs - i'll keep you posted!

Let's keep this thread alive - DO IT FOR THE RESISTANCE!!!!!!

That sounds like a tough match up for Rey, good going on the win.

No spoilers, but I have a long post coming about Reistance in general. I've been pretty active in TTS recently with some decent results 😄

That's good to hear! It's a great platform for trialling stuff. Look forward to it!

3 minutes ago, Mattcogg said:

That's good to hear! It's a great platform for trialling stuff. Look forward to it!

Unfortunately most of it revolves around my Hyperspace Kaz's Jousters list, but the final of the three tournament I will play in next week is Rey and Friends.

So I am signed up for the Space Jam - who is making the correct choice and taking Rey? @GreenDragoon @Flurpy

In other news I won my second round against a Republic List - Ric - outmaneuver, Obi wan CLT/R5 and two Squad Seven Arcs with dedicated - I had the bid by 2pts and it was a major decider. Both of are dice were awful but Rey put in the hurt - didn't lose a shield off any ship and got half on Ric so tight result. I discovered the art of self bumping with Rey who just doesn't need actions! Great game, great opponent and onto Round 3!

I signed up for Space Jam. But I am in a dilemma, I am currently 22:3 in official real life/TTS events with Kaz's Jousters but I would also like to fly Rey at a premier event. Still not sure.

I'm sure you will make the right choice!

What's Kaz's jousters btw - is it in a different thread?

3 minutes ago, mattcogg81 said:

I'm sure you will make the right choice!

What's Kaz's jousters btw - is it in a different thread?

My primary Hyperspace list. The one I flew in UK. Pava, Bastian, Kaz and LeiaCova.

Originated in this thread.

I "find" the list and name it here.

Edited by Flurpy

Ah yes! I remember - didn't know you named it!

10 minutes ago, mattcogg81 said:

Ah yes! I remember - didn't know you named it!

Yeah I even got to name it on ListFortress. Primarily since I am still pretty much the only person running it.

Yeah that's the one I meant, @mattcogg81

I think jouster/alphastrike/swarm lists can do really well because I believe the average turn count is relatively low on TTS. Rey has a bit that alphastrike character. It could be enough to make cut, so I'm really torn.

My alternative is an imperial anti-ace list with FifthBrother+Homing, but that might suffer more from low turn counts.

In my experience rounds have been lower on TTS but I think that might just be me! Some people are really quick though - any data on turn count? Space Jam was awesome to watch on the weekend - I saw a Rey build with 3 a-wings I think - no stealth device though!

Not to my knowledge, and I'm not going to rewatch all of space jam 1 for that ^^

9 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Yeah that's the one I meant, @mattcogg81

I think jouster/alphastrike/swarm lists can do really well because I believe the average turn count is relatively low on TTS. Rey has a bit that alphastrike character. It could be enough to make cut, so I'm really torn.

My alternative is an imperial anti-ace list with FifthBrother+Homing, but that might suffer more from low turn counts.

yeah two things are making me pick jousters. Low turn count and I cant for the life of me estimate distances on TTS. Ive been bumping everyone, hitting rocks, landing on bombs and everything else more than ever, so I am definitely leaning towards 1 forward list flying.

On 4/25/2020 at 2:28 AM, Flurpy said:

I have a long post coming about Reistance in general.


I am having last minute doubts about Lulo now - I don't know why I just never seem to fly him correctly and and those crucial times of hitting hard he doesn't! Someone convince me that is a bad choice - Talli is calling me and I don't know why? @GreenDragoon @Flurpy help me see sense!

17 hours ago, mattcogg81 said:

I am having last minute doubts about Lulo now - I don't know why I just never seem to fly him correctly and and those crucial times of hitting hard he doesn't! Someone convince me that is a bad choice - Talli is calling me and I don't know why? @GreenDragoon @Flurpy help me see sense!

Because Tallie in the safety wheels of that list. You don't play Rey and Friends because its safe reasonable or smart. You play it because it's a constant dance with death, it's life on the knife edge, and nobody embodies that more than Lulu. A little candle (Tallie) burns itself out just like a flaming torch (Lulu) does. Choose your own way to burn.

And now that I qouted Sophie Scholl on a plastic miniatures games forum I have reached peaked absurdity.

18 hours ago, gennataos said:


Yeah. I played in a 48 South American tournament which if I understand correctly is the largest non System Open tournament there, and an 20 man Balkan championship. Top4 for south America had 2 Resistance (yours tuly included) and the Balkan one had 3 Resistance and an all Resistance final table( yours truly included) so the plan was to go through all those lists since Resistance seems to be doing really well just haven't had the time to write it up.

Thanks @Flurpy also having looked against all the math stuff - Lulo is perfect I just need to fly Lulo better!

******* finally. 13 months after getting back into X-Wing this dumbass has won an international tournament, thus ending a long streak of podiums placements at small tournaments and losing in the cut at the large ones.

Now I have to do a write up.

Nice what do you win?

15 hours ago, Flurpy said:

******* finally. 13 months after getting back into X-Wing this dumbass has won an international tournament, thus ending a long streak of podiums placements at small tournaments and losing in the cut at the large ones.

Now I have to do a write up.

Was it streamed?! 🙂

Hi all,

So I took Rey to Space Jam and dropped after Round 5 going 2 and 3 - and also have almost finished the Sith taker Cup and am hoping for 3-3. I do not feel these results reflect the list but more so my flying and my decision points. I am getting better all the time with this list but single decisions are costing me hugely with Rey and alot of things out there right now seem to be chipping my A-wings to half points pretty easily (Fifth brother + homing missiles). Over the course of the tournaments I was amazed at I can fly so well all game and lose it in the last round. I also was frustrated with my poor choices. I listened to Oli 186th Twitch stream about list building and still can't help thinking it's all still about the wingmates for this list? I am having a wobble at the moment and want to change the list but how long should you keep flying until you make a change?

Thoughts please

If two A-wings are good, why not three? List

Rey (70)
Korr Sella (6)
Rey’s Millennium Falcon (2)

L’ulo L’ampar (43)
Heroic (1)

Zizi Tlo (40)
Heroic (1)

Tallissan Lintra (36)
Heroic (1)
Total: 200

On 5/23/2020 at 6:25 AM, mattcogg81 said:

Hi all,

So I took Rey to Space Jam and dropped after Round 5 going 2 and 3 - and also have almost finished the Sith taker Cup and am hoping for 3-3. I do not feel these results reflect the list but more so my flying and my decision points. I am getting better all the time with this list but single decisions are costing me hugely with Rey and alot of things out there right now seem to be chipping my A-wings to half points pretty easily (Fifth brother + homing missiles). Over the course of the tournaments I was amazed at I can fly so well all game and lose it in the last round. I also was frustrated with my poor choices. I listened to Oli 186th Twitch stream about list building and still can't help thinking it's all still about the wingmates for this list? I am having a wobble at the moment and want to change the list but how long should you keep flying until you make a change?

Thoughts please

Hey Mattcogg81. I’ve been lurking on this thread for a while and have been experimenting with various Rey builds and lists. Like you, I’ve found it both frustrating and rewarding. I think you really hit the nail on the head by saying that one bad turn can change an entire game with this list. So much depends on getting Rey into the endgame as unscathed as possible it places a very large burden on whoever you decide to fly her with.

I thought I’d share a little of my current experience and maybe it can help you with your situation.
So, the version I’ve found to work best for me is Rey, Cova, Zizi:
(70) Rey
(9) Rose Tico
(10) Finn
(4) Stealth Device
(2) Rey's Millennium Falcon
Points: 95
(40) Zizi Tlo
(6) Concussion Missiles
(1) Heroic
Points: 47
(38) Cova Nell
(2) R4 Astromech
(0) Jamming Beam
(17) Leia Organa
(1) Heroic
Points: 58
Total points: 200
The choices I’ve made are based on the fact that 3 ship builds are less common than 4-5+ ship lists so with these Rey squads we already start on the back foot.
With that in mind I like Cova for many reasons but the extra red dice she brings to the table over an A-wing is vital. Plus Leia grants Rey manoeuvre options not accessible via Korr, white sloops and blue one and three banks - all very useful. Not to mention being able to hard stop and reverse, it gives you many options to bamboozle your opponent. The biggest thing is survivability though, it’s very hard to wipe her off the board in one turn without some serious focus fire, and nearly impossible to be halved to a stray range three shot through a gas cloud - unlike an A-wing - but that’s a painful story for another time. 😭
On the subject of A-wings, Zizi with concussions adds that extra dice of firepower too and a threat to higher ship count lists. A well placed concussion late game vs already damage ships can be crippling, just keep Rey well away! I don’t need to say much else about Zizi that hasn’t already been said, she’s very solid.
I don’t think there’s much different about my Rey to anyone else’s bar the omission of Korr. But with Leia, Korr is not mandatory and the points you save can beef up Zizi’s offence.
Being critical of myself I’ve don’t think I’ve yet found the sweet spot on how to fly Rey effectively. She requires lots of decisions (I’m sure you’re familiar with them all) such as are you cagey with the force and save it for defence even if you can get the full 4 or 5 hits? When is the lock action better than focus? Do you burn your stealth device to get a good range one shot on something? All these situationally important decisions really cascade and if you decide the wrong thing at the wrong time I’ve found Rey can easily end up halved or worse. One thing I have found pretty effective is to side arc Rey and use her to kite, sometimes the front arc can be a bit of a trap and if you need to disengage because she’d be taking too much heat otherwise, the side arc plus Rose locks and force are good shots not to be sniffed at.
Anyways, what with X-wing being a digital experience at the moment it’s totally the time to experiment with new things, be it wingmen or upgrades. There’s no point being stuck in a rut as we have everything available to use!
One final note: I’ve yet to fly the list outside of practise games (I’ve been a bit of a chicken) but I’m part of an online league with my gaming group so I might press the ladies into action for that...I’ll report back.
Edited by Torches