Sorastro's Painting
Sorastro, I assume you cannot modify a miniature paint for FFG, but do you do many modifications? I would love to see some examples you have done.
On 8/7/2018 at 12:02 PM, Supertimland said:Just finished speed painting up 800pts (I think) of rebels so I can actually play games whilst taking time with the Imps. Big fan of your YT vids and will be using them non stop for doing the Imps.
Thank you Supertimland! I really appreciate that
On 8/8/2018 at 12:52 AM, Bohemian73 said:Sorastro, I assume you cannot modify a miniature paint for FFG, but do you do many modifications? I would love to see some examples you have done.
Hi Bohemian73! I haven't done an awful lot of modding to be honest. I think the last thing I modded were some Empire wizards for Warhammer which I turned into Necromancers (there might be some picks on my Flickr account)
Hi fellow painters!
I'm sorry these are a little late in arriving, but I've got a PDF guide for the Fleet Troopers which I painted a while ago which you download directly HERE .
Watch out for the Snowtroopers which I'll also be releasing soon.
Happy painting!
Hi Sorastro,
Will you be painting up either the 1.4 FD laser turret or the IA Echo Base troopers? I'd love to see your take on the Hoth rebel paint scheme.
19 minutes ago, aniron said:Hi Sorastro,
Will you be painting up either the 1.4 FD laser turret or the IA Echo Base troopers? I'd love to see your take on the Hoth rebel paint scheme.
Hi Aniron! Yes - I hope to cover all of the Legion releases. Some will be as videos and the rest as PDF guides
Excellent guide Sorastro! Though, I already painted my fleet troopers following your guide for the IA rebel troopers. Perhaps my youngest son will want to follow your guide for his unit of fleet troopers that we primed last weekend :D
Hi folks!
I've got another PDF guide to share - this time for the Snowtroopers, which can be downloaded for free HERE .
Now, bring on the shiny new minis for the video treatment!
30 minutes ago, Sorastro said:Hi folks!
I've got another PDF guide to share - this time for the Snowtroopers, which can be downloaded for free HERE .
Now, bring on the shiny new minis for the video treatment!
Hey Sorastro, I noticed you used Vallejo's brush-on varnish here. Have you had experience of it reactivating paint, or wash? This is unrelated to Legion, but I've painted a model and tried to use the brush-on varnish and it just reactivated some of my paint and moved it around, which I obviously did not want to see! It was a piece of the model I had not painted recently, either, so it was very well dry.
1 minute ago, manoftomorrow010 said:Hey Sorastro, I noticed you used Vallejo's brush-on varnish here. Have you had experience of it reactivating paint, or wash? This is unrelated to Legion, but I've painted a model and tried to use the brush-on varnish and it just reactivated some of my paint and moved it around, which I obviously did not want to see! It was a piece of the model I had not painted recently, either, so it was very well dry.
Hi! Hmm that does sound very strange; I can't say that's ever happened to me. Sorry to hear that!
2 minutes ago, Sorastro said:Hi! Hmm that does sound very strange; I can't say that's ever happened to me. Sorry to hear that!
Maybe it'll work out when I start painting my Legion stuff!
Hi Sorastro,
Is there any particular reason you are using 3:2 black:dark sea blue for the Snowtrooper's blaster, while the regular Stormtrooper gets pure German Grey with a black shade and a semi-metallic highlight for what should be the same weapon in the same army? Also, the speeder bike rider getting the same as the stormtrooper but with a 1:1 black:german grey basecoat and a non-metallic highlight for the pistol.
Edited by aniron
15 hours ago, aniron said:Hi Sorastro,
Is there any particular reason you are using 3:2 black:dark sea blue for the Snowtrooper's blaster, while the regular Stormtrooper gets pure German Grey with a black shade and a semi-metallic highlight for what should be the same weapon in the same army? Also, the speeder bike rider getting the same as the stormtrooper but with a 1:1 black:german grey basecoat and a non-metallic highlight for the pistol.
Hi Aniron! No particular reason to be honest; I just enjoy exploring and presenting a range of different approaches. With the snowtroopers I was keen to find the quickest way possible of getting them table ready but still looking good, and the thinned off-black base tone over the zenithal prime seemed to do the trick quite nicely
1 hour ago, Sorastro said:Hi Aniron! No particular reason to be honest; I just enjoy exploring and presenting a range of different approaches. With the snowtroopers I was keen to find the quickest way possible of getting them table ready but still looking good, and the thinned off-black base tone over the zenithal prime seemed to do the trick quite nicely
Great, thanks!
I was wondering if using the same recipe as the regular stormtroopers would somehow clash with e.g. the yellowish-glazed armour , but then it should be safe. Looking forward to your next video.
Hi sorastro,
I watched your tutorial videos with great interest and I want to thank you for your work. Althought painting miniature for quite a long time now, I learned and pick up some new technics of great interest.
I just wanted to share my work on légion with you and the other members of this forum.
I'm just starting painted starwars légion miniatures and as of now, I really enjoyed it.
Feel free to comment.
Thanks in advance.
6 hours ago, DamL said:Hi sorastro,
I watched your tutorial videos with great interest and I want to thank you for your work. Althought painting miniature for quite a long time now, I learned and pick up some new technics of great interest.
I just wanted to share my work on légion with you and the other members of this forum.
I'm just starting painted starwars légion miniatures and as of now, I really enjoyed it.
Feel free to comment.
Thanks in advance.
Hi DamL!
Thank you so much for the kind post and for sharing your work; your figures look really stunning!
I'm glad your're also enjoying painting the Legion minis and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work
Hey Sorastro! I really enjoyed the PDFs! They are super handy for referencing specific sections. Any chance there will be companion pdfs for the previous legion videos?
5 hours ago, Lukez said:Hey Sorastro! I really enjoyed the PDFs! They are super handy for referencing specific sections. Any chance there will be companion pdfs for the previous legion videos?
Hi Lukez! I'm glad you found them useful! Unfortunately I don't have any plans to create PDFs of the videos - sorry!
12 hours ago, Sorastro said:Hi DamL!
Thank you so much for the kind post and for sharing your work; your figures look really stunning!
I'm glad your're also enjoying painting the Legion minis and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work
Hi sorastro !
Thanks for your very nice comments.
Here are a few shots of my latest painted miniature : Luke
Sorry for the background and caution ! Wet paint ☺️
I tried to cast blue light on the arms head and shoulders.
It's more obvious in real life.
Again, I watched with great interest your videos.
By the way, your new pdf are very usefull. Please publish more of them whenever you have enough time.
On 8/17/2018 at 2:30 AM, manoftomorrow010 said:Hey Sorastro, I noticed you used Vallejo's brush-on varnish here. Have you had experience of it reactivating paint, or wash? This is unrelated to Legion, but I've painted a model and tried to use the brush-on varnish and it just reactivated some of my paint and moved it around, which I obviously did not want to see! It was a piece of the model I had not painted recently, either, so it was very well dry.
This can happen if you use oil based paints, water based paints and satin varnishes (like a hair spray) I think if you use them in a specific order you can make the paints go soft and cause damage to your paint job. I had this happen to a plastic kit I was playing with, so if you look around you may find some info on the specific order and types of paints that will cause this.
Another possible cause is you used water soluble ink or paint and you just reactivated it. ?
Hi Sorastro,
Here are some new pics of my work on legion.
I just created a flickr account and I hope it will work
Edited by DamL
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