Yes, there is one. Your tiles:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
If you go
2 3 1 4
7 6 5 8
the puzzle is solved
Well, crap. That's what I get for playing when I'm tired. Thanks.
Yes, there is one. Your tiles:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
If you go
2 3 1 4
7 6 5 8
the puzzle is solved
Well, crap. That's what I get for playing when I'm tired. Thanks.
Was playing Cycle of Eternity (Bechman scenario)
late game the Mythos Event was
"This mythos event affects all players in Preston Fairmont"
No one is in Preston Fairmont or could be because he is not a room.
Maybe a wording error, or an error with the random options for the events.
This was on the latest version of the ipad app, on an ipad air.
Very small correction required, v. 1.1.1
During Cult of Sentinel Hill search token rewarded Unique Item/Evidence: Conclusive Evidence , but displayed the image for Unique Item/Evidence: Missing Link .
Edit: This was on a PC/Steam
Edited by CotgravePlaying "Dearly Departed" in v1.1.1 on Android 4.4.2 and when the final event started (we must have failed at the primary objective and the boss monster activated) in the chapel, the chapel was described as though it had just been explored (directed us to place search tokens, explore tokens, etc) even though we had fully explored and searched it earlier.
I have saved the other day my session on the first mission , and yesterday I was looking forward to go back it for a quick finale. Unfortunately when I loaded the app (latest version on steam MAC, 1.1.1 -- updated when it came out, not between my sessions) the map was empty (only the background was visible, no rooms or anything else) and while I was able to go to the next phase (either investigators or the mythos one) nothing was happening.
Very frustrating
I've got an update on Android 6 and it turns out all scenario intros arewithout voice - only text. This is a big bug for me when I'm starting new scenarios.
In Spanish, the intro of the second scenario is written in Spanish, but the voice is English.
In Spanish, the intro of the second scenario is written in Spanish, but the voice is English.
So, a bizarre sort of Spanglish?
In Spanish, the intro of the second scenario is written in Spanish, but the voice is English.
So, a bizarre sort of Spanglish?
A cthulhian language
Sorry, is this a joke or that I wrote the bug incorrectly? Did you understand it?
Indeed, Edge has asked us to tell them the bugs, and they would report to FFG.
In Spanish, the intro of the second scenario is written in Spanish, but the voice is English.
So, a bizarre sort of Spanglish?
A cthulhian language
Sorry, is this a joke or that I wrote the bug incorrectly? Did you understand it?
Indeed, Edge has asked us to tell them the bugs, and they would report to FFG.
No worries, I got perfectly what you were saying. I'm not so sure of whether this is the proper place to report it tho (it seems to me more of a mess Edge did than something FFG has directly control on), but no harm in posting and then let the people monitoring this thread decide
In Spanish, the intro of the second scenario is written in Spanish, but the voice is English.
So, a bizarre sort of Spanglish?
A cthulhian language
Sorry, is this a joke or that I wrote the bug incorrectly? Did you understand it?
Indeed, Edge has asked us to tell them the bugs, and they would report to FFG.
No worries, I got perfectly what you were saying. I'm not so sure of whether this is the proper place to report it tho (it seems to me more of a mess Edge did than something FFG has directly control on), but no harm in posting and then let the people monitoring this thread decide
1.2.1 fixed this, yes?
1.2.1 fixed this, yes?
No, this is the first version in Spanish, which is bugged.
Edited by gran_orco
1.2.1 fixed this, yes?No, this is the first version in Spanish, which is bugged.
Oh, well, oops. It works for me (1.2.1 on MacOS version from Steam).
Huida de Innsmouth, yes?
I choose that, then investigators and starting items.
Right after Comenzar escenario, it starts in, text and voice, with "Sentis un extrano hormigueo en la pile al ajar del autobus..." (sorry about the lack of diacriticals)
EDIT: I get the same results with a Windows Steam build of 1.2.1, too.
Edited by dulcaoin
Oh, sorry. I forgot to say that I was using android
Oh, sorry. I forgot to say that I was using android
I wondered if the platform being used would be key
Oh, sorry. I forgot to say that I was using android
I wondered if the platform being used would be key
EDIT: That said, I gave it an install, and got the same results on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.
Very strange. The audio in my Galaxy tan pro is English. When I touch the book button to enter the menu, all the buttons are in Spanish, but the text of the objective is English, too. There are other people with the same problem.
EDITED: This bug seems to appear randomly
Other people have reported that they hear the Spanish intro in Steam, however, other do not hear it in Spanish neither Steam nor Android.
When installing on my laptop with Windows 7 professional, the app crashes immediately, only showing the 'Loading' screen.
It works perfectly on my iPhone, though. I'm streaming to my television now. Initially I wondered why no sound came up, but that was just matter of turning of 'silent mode'.
Platform: iOS 10.1 on iPad Mini 2
App Version: 1.2.2 (Released 26 October 2016)
Scenario: Cult of Sentinel Hill
Enabled Content: All expansions enabled
After the forest and old oak tiles are revealed on the map, I clicked to go to the mythos phase and the app quit. Whenever I go back into the app and continue the scenario, it loads then quits. Over and over again each time when it finishes loading, it quits and doesn't let me continue the scenario.
I have the steam version. It crashed and provided a crash folder on my file system, and asked if I could supply the folder to the developers. How do I go about providing this folder to the developers?
Select software under Department
Platform: iOS on iPad Pro
App Version: 1.2.2 (Released 26 October 2016)
Scenario: Rising tide
Enabled Content: 2nd edition core only
After reaching the final setup (after choosing to follow suspects or going to a site) the game tells us to lay out tiles (but not add any tokens or characters). In the variant we played we followed Gilman to the Residential area, (which wasn't the ritual site so we guessed wrongly). It then tells us to "replace" certain person tokens with monsters, but they are not present on the map. Result is we have to guess where monsters appar.
Bug seems to be that the app only describes the tiles, not the content of the tiles.
Hey, I have a strange bug that started after that latest update, neither the narration or the ambient music are working on the app, here's the set-up:
Ipad 4 running 10.1, I updated to this to see if it fixed it so the previous ios didnt work either
App Version: 1.2.2(454)
Enabled content: 2nd edition core only
When I first downloaded it before the 26th patch it worked. Last night was out first game trying the first scenario and it didn't work.
I have tried deleting the app and reinstalling it, I have downloaded on my PC via steam which seems to be working fine so it must be an issue with my ipad.
I have the exact same situation as ArronS. I run the app on an iPad 4 with iOS 10.1 and just updated to iOS 10.1.1 and with both iOS versions I only get sound effects, no music or narration. Running app version 1.2.2(454).
Downloaded it on my iPhone 6S and it ran fine.
Oh interesting, it must be specific to the iPad 4 then?