Mansions of Madness Bug Report

By Julia, in Mansions of Madness

Please, use this thread to address all the problems with the app. Remember to specify as many details as possible, thus, the exact nature of the problem (possibly by printing the screen), the OS you're using, the version of the app you're using and so on.

I think (well, Kraisto suggested, and it's a good suggestion) that if we gather all the info in one place it's easier for the guys at FFG to follow (and since the thread was pinned, I think they think it's a good idea too)

Also, please, whenever the app is updated, post here the log of the changes so that I can edit the main article for everyone to see.

Thanks everyone for helping!


Patch 1.03

-Fixed soft lock in Escape from Innsmouth finale


Version 1.0.4 released for Android, PC and Mac. The iOS version is still at 1.0.3 at the time of this posting.

- Fixed issues causing various soft-locks in the mythos phase.
- Fixed issue causing soft-locks on some saves.
- Fixed typos.

Please Note: We have detected an issue running Mansions of Madness on Windows 10 Tablet devices in Windowed Mode. Please be sure to run the app in fullscreen until a fix can be addressed.


Version 1.2.0 - Released on 2016.10.10

• Added support for localization asset bundles

• Added German language content for base game scenarios

• Access German content via Options menu (internet connection required)

• Minor optimizations and bug fixes

Edited by Julia

Note that Descent has this for Road To Legend, and it IS pinned to the top of the forum.

Very useful.

Edited by any2cards

Twice in a row I've had the steam app become unresponsive during the second scenario. SLIGHT SPOILERS. Both times this occurred 3-4 turns after the mob tossed a torch into the hotel. I have been able to successfully complete the second scenario as of yet.

Belive me, they read all the forums and the mails for software support channel. The topic facilitates to everyone to take a more accurate status on the problems and for FFG to bring solutions more quickly.


Edited by cheeseburglar

I had one single bug in playing MOM so far of two games.

Scenario - Cycle of Eternity

Phase - Mythos

Action - Cultist attack. The cultist attacked my investigator. The test result was a success for me, and I reversed the attack and did one damage to the cultist.

This was the final wound, so the cultist was destroyed on its own activation.

When we clicked the end round button, rather than end mythos phase, it said end investigator phase. The result was had to take two back to back mythos phases before our investigation phase came around.

I sent in an email to software support, but we played through what felt like most of the 2nd scenario (Escape from Innsmouth?) and saved it on my older, I believe first generation iPad mini. When we loaded the game the next day it would display the map and we could zoom in and out. The state of the map that we could see looked right, but we couldn't scroll around and only the main menu and option buttons/icons would work. If we pressed the monster, item and end turn buttons they would animate (they look like they're actually pressed in) but nothing happens.

Edited by Daverman

We had this same issue as Daverman, same exact behavior. Started the game last night, played through maybe a dozen turns and then needed to call it a night so saved and exited. When opening the saved game, we had the same exact scenario Daverman explains above - we had to abandon the game; nothing else was active beyond the options menu and 'save and exit' was disabled.

Can't believe my first post on here is to talk about a problem! But we had the same issue as Daverman and smorgan74. was t from a saved game though - it just stopped working. Gutted, as it was our third attempt at the scenario and the first one where I was actually rolling some successes! App was running on an iPad Air with the latest iOS - 9.3.4.

A smaller issue on that scenario was that it says the mob has left the board, but their icon doesn't disappear, and we got the 'left the board' message every round.

Also a problem with Innsmouth scenario, game froze when after Innsmouth Mob attacked with no figures in the space. Only the mission log and end game buttons seemed to be working; and only the 'book' button for that matter.

Also 4 turns after torch.

Agatha Crane, Wendy Adams and Rita Young.

Miniatures in play: Innsmouth Mob, Riot, Deep One, Deep One Hybrid.

Items: Old Journal, Puzzle Box.

Craven Found, Light Turned On.

Alll tiles in scenario except: Tower not Explored, Line of Sight still in Street 2.

Edited by Fuller

The Innsmouth Scenario has been given me a repeating issue.

On a certain Mythos phase, Riot would toss a torch, causing a fire, and spawn two additional monsters. The monsters move towards the investigators and the app softlocks. The only functioning features are the message log and settings. This has occurred to me twice.


1st Playthrough - ver.1.0

Rita Young

Carson Blair

2nd Playthrough - ver.1.0.1

William Yorick

Agatha Crane


iPad 4th Gen

Regardless of app version and the progress I have made, the game still froze at the Mythos phase.

Bug in scenario 4, Rising Tide -

Interact token stopped working while attempting to complete the ritual puzzle at the final location.

Video here:

This bugged-out looking option appeared shortly before the bug became apparent:

I'm using Steam on OS X El Capitan, and this is version 1.01 of the app.

Edited by TRK27

I'm also having trouble with Innsmouth, had my second crash after the 1.01 patch on Monday.

It was after torch and spanning of the deep one. Usually happens after the mob moves during mythos. Screen then becomes unresponsive, stuck at the 'select monster for horror check.' Where main section of scree in greyed out. Quitting the app and relaunching brings you back to the locked screen after 'continuing' from the main menu. Again screen unresponsive except now the menu button works.

Using: iPad Mini 4. iOS 9.3.3 and MoM app with Monday's patch. (1.01?)

Whoops...not a bug...

Edited by spiraljacobs

Innsmouth one ( the second one) Freezes after the riot appears for the second time. The whole app half freezes, has done this three times now. I consider that mission 100% unplayable because of it. The rest have had no problem. Well we haven't played the super long one yet. But the rest are great. Same as the other guy, ios mini fully updated.

Edited by gylvan2002

I encountered the same problem Daverman, Giant Weasel, and smorgan74 with the app being unresponsive when you load up a saved game. Any word on when this might be fixed? I feel like our group will be saving more games when playing the really long scenario.

We seemed to have problems where the text of the explore action overlapped with the tile in such a way that we had trouble identifying where to place tokens.

Platform: Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, Steam version

Scenario: Cycle of Eternity (all 1st edition product)

I should also note that it was very hard at times to see where the walls/barriers should go. There were a few times when a hallway would just have an opening with no tokens at the end, and later we'd find out they butted up against an unexplored room. It would be awesome if we could get a high-contrast (Green?) border that glowed/pulsed whenever a new token was to be placed or interacted with, to draw attention to it. Also an option to view the map behind a text box without actually dismissing the text.

Here we go: (out on steam and android)

1.0.2 - Released

-Bug fixes across all scenarios.
-Bug fixes with the save system.
-General stability improvements.

Edited by kraisto

I just played Escape from Innsmouth on Steam V 1.0.2. and received the glitch that freezes the interface after a Riot Monster movement. I could see nothing specific that would have triggered the bug. It was a 2 player game, there was a Priest of Dagon on the board and fire was currently spreading as well.

Afraid to save the current game state and quit, I force closed the app and re-opened it to continue. The game loaded the turn before it had bugged out, we played the turn again, and during mythos, the same bug occurred directly after the riot moved.

In the end, we just ended the scenario and called it a night.

Sadly folks, v 1.0.2 didn't seem to fix Escape from Insmouth.

Edited by Soakman

I just played Escape from Innsmouth on Steam V 1.0.2. and received the glitch that freezes the interface after a Riot Monster movement. I could see nothing specific that would have triggered the bug. It was a 2 player game, there was a Priest of Dagon on the board and fire was currently spreading as well.

Afraid to save the current game state and quit, I force closed the app and re-opened it to continue. The game loaded the turn before it had bugged out, we played the turn again, and during mythos, the same bug occurred directly after the riot moved.

In the end, we just ended the scenario and called it a night.

Sadly folks, v 1.0.2 didn't seem to fix Escape from Insmouth.

New game or old ?

Edited by kraisto

Played Escape from Innsmouth again, this time using Steam, version 1.02. The game still soft locks after Turn 14.


Three investigators: Preston, Wendy, and William

Main Riot was at Pier.

Small Riot was enabled.

Deep One Hybrid was enabled.

Deep One was enabled.

Fire was enabled after Torch.

Agent Craven was in Library.

Most map tiles were revealed besides eastern portion.


Soft lock occurs right after Main Riot moved to Pier.

The game did not go into combat checks, as it should have, with the current monsters and soft locked instead.

Only working commands were Set Fire, End Game, Investigator Eliminated, and Message Log.

EDIT: The bug is definitely related to the Main Riot monster, with the constant horror checks and such, when it isn't visible on the map.

Edited by resrer012

I guess it is a bug report for the app and not the game - I was using the app and setting up the game.

I started the scenario, selected investigators and continued to the prologoue narrator/voiceover. While the narrator was still giving the introduction, I connected a charger to my phone. The usual "bip" sound played from the charger connection and then the app went mute.

I had to save and quit the game and then re-open the app to continue with sound.

Small mistake I noticed in the latest version (1.0.2) - for the perfect ending of Scenario 3, the end screen repeats the same paragraph twice instead of completely transcribing the narration:

Twice in a row I've had the steam app become unresponsive during the second scenario. SLIGHT SPOILERS. Both times this occurred 3-4 turns after the mob tossed a torch into the hotel. I have been able to successfully complete the second scenario as of yet.

I've had the EXACT same problem, around exactly the same time!

Edit: And this is after yesterday's update.

Edited by DadouXIII

I can confirm that the patch did not fix the Innsmouth mob issue on Steam.