I feel, as a largely one-man operation, that I'm essentially a stranger to most of you - and I think this would be a fun opportunity for you to get to know the guy behind "The Hive Tyrant" a little better.
The Hive Tyrant - WH40k: Conquest Video Series Thread
I feel, as a largely one-man operation, that I'm essentially a stranger to most of you - and I think this would be a fun opportunity for you to get to know the guy behind "The Hive Tyrant" a little better.
The deck analyses continue! Today, I'm joined by the enigmatic Florian (2015 Nuremberg Regional Champion), and together, we discuss a powerfully competitive Astra Militarum deck list - so, be sure to purge a heretic near you, alongside Torquemada Coteaz! Enjoy.
Feedback regarding both gameplay and commentary style are encouraged. Enjoy!
In need of a reprieve from my recent onslaught of OCTGN commentary? Love Conquest
charming accents? Well, then do I have the perfect video for you!
join me as I sit down with recent, 2015 Australian National Champion Brendon Byrnes, and we discuss all things Conquest, community building, and competitive gaming!
Enjoy - because this interview was a blast.
2015 Australian National Championship
- featuring Brendon Byrnes
But for today, more commentated Conquest LCG on OCTGN is now available! Watch two immensely talented players battle it out, as the relentless Packmaster Kith is pit against the indomitable will of Urien Rakarth! Enjoy.
Edited by TheHiveTyrant
Regardless, enjoy! This match was intense.
Ragnar Blackmane versus Zarathur, High Sorcerer - Warhammer 40,000: Conquest
Keep up the great work Mitch, I really enjoy watching these matches.
Keep up the great work Mitch, I really enjoy watching these matches.
Glad you're enjoying them! I fully intend to do so. Much more to come soon!

Edited by TheHiveTyrant
This video was created, in part, to appeal to players who have never previously experienced the Warhammer 40k fictional setting, and additionally, to encourage players which enjoy other Warhammer games to experiment with Conquest.
Edited by TheHiveTyrant
Love seeing beautiful, on-point gameplay end up coming together perfectly?
Well, then I humbly suggest you check out a straight-up brawl between two competitive monsters - it's Eldorath Starbane (piloted by John Gobeil), pit against Ragnar Blackmane (run by OCTGN user soultsunami)! Enjoy, because what a match!
Eldorath Starbane versus Ragnar Blackmane - Warhammer 40,000: Conquest