Eldritch Horror Statistics

By Tibs, in General Discussion

Hi all. Yesterday I got my copy of Eldritch Horror and decided it was time to make the (inevitable) statistics form.

Submit your game results here
and view all submissions to date here .

I designed the stats form by overhauling my Elder Sign form, so notify me of any mistakes or omissions.

Rather than posting corrections to individual submissions here, email me: [email protected]

Edited by Tibs

You have "How many investigators were defeated?" in there twice. I think the second one is supposed to say "devoured".

Think it needs anything like the investigator selection methods that is in the Arkham Stats?

I feel like there will be special events too but I don't know the game well enough yet to pick any yet. :)

Wow, already? Thanks Tibs! This is great. Do we know when it will be officially available? I'm excited to give it a try.

Well done Chris. Just out of curiosity: have you ever seen my post for you in the Civilization forum asking if it would have been possible to have also some Mansions of Madness statistics? Never got an answer, and was wondering if you noticed it or not.

Yeah I copied "Devoured" over to "Defeated" and forgot to change it. It's fixed.

I considered adding the stat for how investigators were selected but I really don't do anything with that in the Arkham stats and it just wound up taking up space.

Once I'm more familiar with special events and acquisitions, I'll add that on.

Julia! I did not see that comment. My email notifies me about new threads but I don't have time to browse them like I used to.

No, I don't think I'll be doing a Mansions of Madness form, in part because I don't think it would work well. Many scenarios have multiple ways to win or to lose, and many are spoilers in and of themselves, so that alone would kind of be a mess. Others have made forms where you can rate the specific Objectives for each scenario and (surprise, surprise) it turns out that fan scenarios are among the most highly rated.

Actually, not a big surprise :D I see what you mean. I was considering something like "expansions used", "Scenario played", "objective chosen", "investigators used", "final result". Easy peasy, just to see win/loss ratio and the strongest investigators. Still, no probs if you believe this wouldn't be effective :)

(there are other guys in the Civilization thread asking you stuff, anyway. No rush, just sayin')

Thanks for the answer :)

Hi Julia,

Is Mansions of Madness actually worth playing (without tweaking it or anything)? Sounds like it must be. I must have misunderstood some previous comments you made on that subject that made it seem pretty sketchy.

Schmiegel, hi,

sorry, long time no talk, you are often in my thoughts for Descent these days. I should really find the time to write you a decent letter, maybe in ten days or so. Yes, Mansions could be worth playing IF

a) your Keeper accept he's playing more an RPG than a boardgame. If the Keeper pushes to win, most of the games will end in bloodshed and frustration

b) you accept some surreal stuff could happen

Nonetheless, I always suggest to read these two interesting threads over the Geek:

Mansions of Madness - Fully revised

What work and what doesn't

This said, from what I've seen during the playtesting, the new PoD is absolutely brilliant, with most of the issues afflicting the game fixed, and finally a win/loss ratio decent (50/50); I do really hope this is the beginning of something big and important :)

Drop me an e-mail when you have a little free time :)


What an incredibly helpful post! Thanks, Julia! Why is it that so many of the times I run into you on these forums, it seems like an encounter in the Inner Sanctum of the Silver Twilight Lodge..!? (And I didn't even realize I was a member.)

Since I've never even played my copy of Mansions of Madness (and now I most certainly will), it seems like with the arrival of Eldritch Horror, I'll have two brand new games. I'll definitely drop you an email soon. And thanks again!

You're welcome :) And... I'm not a member either :mumble: just don't tell mr. Stanford, ok? :)

Wow the data on display here is BEAUTIFUL. I'm going to enjoy watching how this develops as the game goes on ^_^

Currently the odds of beating EH is the inverse of beating AH. I need to get some more games under my belt and formulate some winning strategies. :)

Tibs! TIBS! You're an awesome being! Great stat form you made, love it and it shows how the game balanced.

And it's perfectly layed out and formated, clear, concise and awesome.

Thanks! If we were on BGG i'd throw some GG your way but here, i'll throw a Like for you since it's the only currency accepted.

Hi Julia,

Is Mansions of Madness actually worth playing (without tweaking it or anything)? Sounds like it must be. I must have misunderstood some previous comments you made on that subject that made it seem pretty sketchy.

I'll be the annoying dude that shows up in a grouyp conversation and break the mood lol.

Mansions of Madness is awesome and totally worth it if you're into the theme. It's an immensely immersive game with great narrative and mechanics. It's the one game that i'd bring in a weekend with friends in a dark and humid refuge in the woods.

But Julia is right concerning the Keeper but I still think it's not an RPG and the Keeper should play to win, as is the Overlord in Descent. Here's a post I made some times ago and the responses in there are really helpful.


I played many MoM games with different Keepers and my best sessions were with a Keeper that played to win. Sure he could let us take some ground at first but would come at us everytime.

I don't have enough protuberances on my body to count how many times I had this discussion about "How the Keeper/Overlord should play". If the Lone Evil should not win, the designers would have give this role to cards and tokens but now it's a player controlling the evil essences in the mansion and in the dungeon.

Both games are great but I give the edge to Mansions of Madness out of pure debilitating fun we had getting stomped or those tights wins where everyone, including the Keeper, cheered so hard that the police came at my place to see if everything was ok.

SolennelBern, I'll answer you here briefly, but still, I'd invite you (or anyone who wants to dig deeper in the theme) to start a different thread in order not to hijack Tibs' original thread. Indeed, the Keeper's duty is trying to win. You can do this in two different ways: by pushing players obsessively, cornering them and beating the Hell out of their asses, or by building slowly a crescendo ending in a more or less balanced finale. Rules allow Keepers to play very hard on players, so that, when the Keeper considers only his side, 95% of the games will end in scorn and frustration. This is what I intended when saying "Keeper as in RPG": focus on the story. Use your powers to push, but not to break since Room 1. Try to gather enough forces to offer your players a gran finale with balance, instead of reducing them to crummy slaves with one health that you stomp under your heels after event 4 is revealed.

The OL in Descent (1st edition) had a totally different role, and the game was far more balanced (overall; after Heroes start getting silver / golden treasures, it becomes off-balance in favour of the Heroes) - and, honestly, good.

- end of the rant, and apologies for going totally OT -

Yeah you're right on that and sorry Tibs for hijacking your thread, impolite of me and I apologise.

Won't happen again I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

I must have fat thumbed my phone while submitting. My last entry (row 32) should be Cthulhu not Azathoth.


Sorry if I'm misinterpreting something.....but shouldn't "Defeat by Awakened Ancient One" only apply to Azathoth? That is, with the other three Ancient Ones, the game continues on the "flip side", and doesn't end simply due to the awakening of the AO..

I'm seeing something like 13 games against AO's other than Azathoth on the stat sheet that reportedly ended due to Defeat by Awakened Ancient One, but it doesn't seem like that event in itself could be what actually ended the game. (Just trying to properly understand the stat sheet...)

Other Ancient Ones also have a lose condition after they are awakened. Azathoth merely happens immediately.


For example Shub-Niggurath has a you lose condition if there are 6 monsters on his space. Thus you are defeated by an awakened Ancient One just not immediately upon him awakening.

For Cthulhu I put down "Defeat by Awakened Ancient One" because it was Cthulhu triggering that killed everyone. i.e. it was the Ancient One that directly defeated us.

That was my interpretation anyhoo.


Edited by Fenyx

Ok, thanks Fenyx. We lost to Cthulhu last night after he had awakened, but it was due to all the investigators eventually being driven insane, one by one, as a result of the third Madness from the Sea effect. So I called that a loss by elimination, even though Cthulhu had awakened.

On the 'Ancient One' tab why doesn't Shub have an entry under 'Difficulty when awoken'?

I've been playing Solo with 1 Inv & getting stomped, it nice to see that other single Inv are

having the same problem. Love this Game :wub:


Edited by Old Dwarf

I love it too, Old Dwarf. I guess you'll always have your naysayers....regardless of the real quality of a game. But it would be unfortunate if they dissuade others from purchasing a game as great as this! Win or lose (it will probably be mostly the latter), I really enjoy the interesting narrative that develops. Others just have to win all the time. While it might be satisfying, it's not necessary.

Thanks for this Tibs.

Just one suggestion: Do you think it might be interesting to track the number of mythos used/remaining when winning? I think this is the best indication to show how close the game was (number of mythos is how I actually use the game length field in the Arkham Horror submission form).

Thanks for this Tibs.

Just one suggestion: Do you think it might be interesting to track the number of mythos used/remaining when winning? I think this is the best indication to show how close the game was (number of mythos is how I actually use the game length field in the Arkham Horror submission form).

Ooo, I like this.

Also # of mysteries solves and # of solved mysteries shuffled back into the deck would be nice too.