Many of you may not be con goers so what you should know is that this is sort of a peak con time. GenCon just ended, DragonCon is wrapping up, as is PAX Prime. GamesCon was not long ago, and I think Games Convention in Germany is soon. I don't know which cons FF goes to but Aug-Oct is the big time for games and computer gaming cons. Sort of like Spring is big for CosPlay Cons.
That said, If FF is dealing with any number of these then it makes sense that there is some delay as they need to ensure they have product (not only this one but all of them) for the cons.
I can tell you that the average wait in like just to get into the FF booth at GenCon was ~25min during non-peak times and as much at 1.5hr wait during some of the high peak times. The average of averages being 30-45 mins. Thats just to get in to look around! FF and Paizo both had lines to just get in to their booths. They were also the biggest booths there with Wizards focusing solely on running games and not having a booth.
Am I biased, we have to assume so since I was able to get a copy. Is it fair? Not much in life is. I have no doubt the FF wishes they could get copies to everyone on day one, they do make money on it after all so it isn't like they don't want your money, there are just circumstances.