The arts are awesome (same has the cards!)
I search some of them on the web and discover a lot a of Star Wars Arts! I will post my creation after the French National Tournament (I create 2 cards has goodies for the participant).
The arts are awesome (same has the cards!)
I search some of them on the web and discover a lot a of Star Wars Arts! I will post my creation after the French National Tournament (I create 2 cards has goodies for the participant).
Galak Fyyar said:
As long as this thread is named SW LCG Dream Cards (not Galak's Fyyar SW LCG Dream Cards thread) anybody is free to post anything here. About requests - I take them, but now only for Sith and Imperial units (sorry, don't have other card templates, but work in progress).
Cool. Here's my idea:
<> Anti-Orbital Ion Cannon
Rebel Affiliation
3 cost
1 force icon
Enhance your play area.
Reaction: When opponent declares a
Capital Ship
unit as an attacker in an engagement, focus this enhancement to place one focus token on that unit.
Stand by, Ion Control…Fire.
-Toryn Farr
Trying to avoid the dream card trap of being overpowered. At first I was going to make it Limited, but I figured with the AT-AT coming out being able to remove non-limited enhancements, it would fit better thematically to have the AT-AT able to remove it. Also, I figured having it only work on defense and requiring it to focus would keep it from being too abusive. And with the Death Squadron SDs and the Executor coming out there will be more targets that it could be used on.
I know this is odd subject matter for a dream card, but I've always loved this cannon. Always wanted to find an excuse to use the equivalent card in the old SW:CCG but it wasn't useful. Would be cool to see something like this somewhere in the Hoth Cycle, but I have my doubts that it will appear in the set. Maybe it will be represented as the game text on an objective?
I kind of found it intimidating to post text-based dream cards next to Galak's fully-rendered works of art, but I might as well suck it up. I think it could be easier balance-wise to dream up whole sets rather than individual cards, since that's where true card strength lies in this game. So here's my attempt at doing that.
Scion of the Force
- Objective (Jedi)
Resource: 1
Capacity: 5
Force Sensitive
unit card in your edge stack gains 1 Force icon when resolving an edge battle.
"The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear." - Qui-Gon Jinn,
The Phantom Menace
MWM1 - 1/6
Anakin Skywalker
- Unit (Jedi)
Cost: 2
Force: 2
Capacity: 1
Icons: n/a
Character. Pilot. Force Sensitive.
If any player controls Darth Vader, return this card to owner's hand.
Remove 1 damage from a target
unit. (Limit once per turn.)
You may play this card on a friendly Speeder or Fighter unit as an enhancement with the text: "
Prevent 1 damage to this unit. (Limit once per turn.) If any player controls Darth Vader, return this card to owner's hand."
"I know we're in trouble, just hang on!" - Anakin Skywalker,
The Phantom Menace
MWM1 - 2/6
- Unit (Neutral)
Cost: 2
Force: 1
Capacity: 2
Icons: U
Vehicle. Speeder.
After this unit survives an engagement as the attacker, remove 1 focus token from a target friendly objective.
"They have podracing on Malastare. Very fast, very dangerous." - Qui-Gon Jinn,
The Phantom Menace
MWM1 - 3/6
Ancient Monument
- Enhancement (Jedi)
MWM1 - 4/6
Gather the Council
- Event (Jedi)
Cost: 0
Force: 2
Search your deck for a
Force User
Force Sensitive
unit and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
Established in the earliest days of the Jedi Order, the High Council acted to serve and advise other Jedi, and was frequently consulted by the Chancellor of the Republic in times of crisis.
MWM1 - 5/6
Target of Opportunity
- Fate (Neutral)
MWM1 - 6/6
I'll go ahead and take a crack at this.
Struggle in the Chambers - Objective (Jedi)
Resource: 1
Capacity: 4
Death Star.
Reaction: After you refresh, remove 1 focus token from a Force User or Force Sensitive unit you control.
EVG - 1/6
*Luke Skywalker - Unit (Jedi)
Cost: 6
Force: 4
Capacity: 3
Icons: Attack|Attack|Blast|(Attack)|(Blast)
Character. Force User.
Targeted Strike.
If this unit leaves play and the Balance of the Force is with the light side,
this unit is captured by your opponent at any dark side objective of his choice
and the Balance of the Force is switched to the dark side.
"Never. I'll never turn to the dark side." - Luke Skywalker, Return of the Jedi
EVG - 2/6
Jedi Lightsaber - Enhancement (Jedi)
EVG - 3/6
Trust Your Feelings - Enhancement {Jedi)
EVG - 4/6
Jedi Mind Trick - Event (Jedi)
EVG - 5/6
A Son's Words - Event (Jedi)
Cost: 3
Force: 2
Action: Place 1 focus token on each enemy unit commited to the Force. If the
Balance of the Force is with the dark side, switch the Balance of the Force to
the light side.
"There is still good in you father. I can feel it."- Luke Skywalker, Return of
the Jedi
EVG - 6/6
EDIT: For some odd reason it's double-spacing all of my lines, so… sorry about how this looks.
EriktheVikingGamer said:
EDIT: For some odd reason it's double-spacing all of my lines, so… sorry about how this looks.
Someday we may have a forum that makes a bit of sense. Until that day comes, however, you'll want to hold down the SHIFT-key while hitting "Enter" to go to another line. This will make your linebreaks single-spaced instead.
Another dream card in to collection
And revised Daala…
Nice bit of Thrawn action there. He actually seems pretty balanced. Shouldn't "protect" be capitalized in his game text, since it's a keyword ability? Maybe not.
Anyway, I think it's time to throw down some serious punishment with the Force.
The Kota Insurgence
- Objective (Rebel Alliance)
Resources: 1
Capacity: 5
Nar Shaddaa.
While this objective is undamaged, it provides a resource match when playing Jedi cards.
MWM2 - 1 of 6
•Rahm Kota
- Unit (Rebel Alliance)
Cost: 5
Force: 4
Capacity: 3
Icons: U T [T]
Character. Leader. Force User.
While this unit is attacking, your attacking
units gain B.
"Explosive charges on levels two, five, and ten, just like we planned." - Rahm Kota,
The Force Unleashed
MWM2 - 2 of 6
Militia Squad
- Unit (Rebel Alliance)
Cost: 2
Force: 1
Capacity: 2
Icons: U
Character. Trooper.
"Master Kota was a military genius, but felt that clone soldiers were unfit for battle. Instead, he relied on his own militia." - PROXY,
The Force Unleashed
MWM2 - 3 of 6
Militia Squad
- Unit (Rebel Alliance)
MWM2 - 4 of 6
Cloud City Casino
- Enhancement (Neutral)
MWM2 - 5 of 6
The Force Unleashed
- Fate
Force: 2
Priority: 9
After resolving this edge battle, choose one of your participating
Force User
Force Sensitive
units to gain U, and make an immediate strike with that unit.
MWM2 - 6 of 6
Taming the Beast
- Objective (Jedi)
Resources: 1
Capacity: 5
After your refresh phase ends, place 1 focus token on a target
unit. If you control that unit, it refreshes at the beginning of your draw phase.
MWM3 - 1 of 6
•Shaak Ti
- Unit (Jedi)
Cost: 4
Force: 3
Capacity: 3
Icons: U B [T]
Character. Force User.
Elite. Shielding.
This unit contributes 1 Force icon to your side during the Force struggle.
"Poor boy. The Sith always betray one another." - Shaak Ti,
The Force Unleashed
MWM3 - 2 of 6
- Unit (Jedi)
MWM3 - 3 of 6
Cost: 2
Force: 2
Capacity: 2
Icons: U
Character. Force Sensitive.
While you control Shaak Ti, this unit contributes 1 Force icon to your side during the Force struggle.
While the Balance of the Force is with the dark side, the dark side player controls this unit.
"Shaak Ti abandoned me on this planet. Felucia is evil. It corrupted me." - Maris Brood,
The Force Unleashed
MWM3 - 3 of 6
- Unit (Neutral)
MWM3 - 4 of 6
Face Your Destiny
- Event (Jedi)
Cost: 0
Force: 2
Sacrifice a ready
Force User
unit you control to shift the Balance of the Force to the light side.
MWM3 - 5 of 6
"You've failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me." - Luke Skywalker,
Return of the Jedi
Heat of Battle
- Fate
MWM3 - 6 of 6
MarthWMaster said:
•Rahm Kota
- Unit (Rebel Alliance)
Cost: 5
Force: 4
Capacity: 3
Icons: U T [T]
Character. Leader. Force User.
While this unit is attacking, your attacking
units gain B.
"Explosive charges on levels two, five, and ten, just like we planned." - Rahm Kota,
The Force Unleashed
MWM2 - 2 of 6
Give me some time and I make him
MarthWMaster said:
Taming the Beast - Objective (Jedi)
Resources: 1
Capacity: 5
After your refresh phase ends, place 1 focus token on a target
unit. If you control that unit, it refreshes at the beginning of your draw phase.
MWM3 - 1 of 6
Seems like that needs to be Forced Reaction. If it's just a Reaction, you'd presumably never (or only under very specific circumstances) use it on your own creatures, and thus the refresh part wouldn't be necessary.
What font are you using for the cards?
JMCB said:
What font are you using for the cards?
Galak Fyyar said:
2. Fonts – main font for the game text is the “Eurostiel” and “Eurostielb” (for bold text). For cost and health numbers FFG use “Impact” font and “Times New Roman” for lore text – you may easily find all those fonts on your PC or in internet and add them on card again with something like Photoshop etc. All icons you may find in Rulebook PDF at support page on this site.
alpha5099 said:
MarthWMaster said:
Taming the Beast - Objective (Jedi)
Resources: 1
Capacity: 5
After your refresh phase ends, place 1 focus token on a target
unit. If you control that unit, it refreshes at the beginning of your draw phase.
MWM3 - 1 of 6
Seems like that needs to be Forced Reaction. If it's just a Reaction, you'd presumably never (or only under very specific circumstances) use it on your own creatures, and thus the refresh part wouldn't be necessary.
That's the reason for the second part of the text. Your draw phase occurs immediately after your refresh phase ends, so when you use it on your own Creature , the focus token is removed right away. This is mostly to get around the included Rancor's text when it would otherwise destroy one of your own units.
MarthWMaster said:
alpha5099 said:
MarthWMaster said:
Taming the Beast - Objective (Jedi)
Resources: 1
Capacity: 5
Reaction: After your refresh phase ends, place 1 focus token on a target Creature unit. If you control that unit, it refreshes at the beginning of your draw phase.
MWM3 - 1 of 6
Seems like that needs to be Forced Reaction. If it's just a Reaction, you'd presumably never (or only under very specific circumstances) use it on your own creatures, and thus the refresh part wouldn't be necessary.
That's the reason for the second part of the text. Your draw phase occurs immediately after your refresh phase ends, so when you use it on your own Creature , the focus token is removed right away. This is mostly to get around the included Rancor's text when it would otherwise destroy one of your own units.
MarthWMaster said:
That's the reason for the second part of the text. Your draw phase occurs immediately after your refresh phase ends, so when you use it on your own Creature , the focus token is removed right away. This is mostly to get around the included Rancor's text when it would otherwise destroy one of your own units.
Not necessary
As a reaction you always have the option of doing it. As a result, you would always just not trigger it if you were the only player to have creatures on the board, period. The Forced Reaction is the only one that you have to do at this stage.
Also, you can have 1,000 focus tokens on the Rancor and it still will eat something.
Darn it, you're right. I don't know why I thought that would work. It's been a while since I've gotten to sit down and actually play the game. I would like there to be some way for Taming the Beast to tame the Rancor, though, flavor-wise.
Interrupt: When a forced reaction on your creature unit is initiated, cancel its effects.
In that case, though, it would only have a use when the Rancor is in play.
In that case, though, it would only have a use when the Rancor is in play.
I like Thrawn alot, but instead of gaining protect character, wouldn't it make much more sense for Imperials to gain Edge X instead? X could be a variable value, like the number of Officers participating in the battle. He was a military genius after all and should be winning the Edge easily
Edge 1 ought to be more thab sufficient; otherwise I agree.
how about someold republic??
Darth Bane and/or freddon nadd
Master Kota is ready
MarthWMaster said:
•Rahm Kota
- Unit (Rebel Alliance)
Cost: 5
Force: 4
Capacity: 3
Icons: U T [T]
Character. Leader. Force User.
While this unit is attacking, your attacking
units gain B.
"Explosive charges on levels two, five, and ten, just like we planned." - Rahm Kota,
The Force Unleashed
MWM2 - 2 of 6
*GASP* you changed the set number! And minor misquote; not "level" but 'level
Overall though, good job! I like how he turned out.