Not actually a dream card, but this saturday tournament we even allow to play this prize card in Grand Final - as "Print on Demand' card - enjoy!
Not actually a dream card, but this saturday tournament we even allow to play this prize card in Grand Final - as "Print on Demand' card - enjoy!
My creation for the national tournament in France next week.
This one replace Heroic Sacrifice :
Some typo error on this one ( enemy Vehicle unit )
This one replace Darth Vader :
News. "The search for Skywalker" was create some problems to my work (FFG uses some images, which I want to use for dream cards) - I now waiting FFG for their complete of Hoth cycle to create what in a rough drafts named as "Epic Battles - Hoth". And as first card of this set I want to show you this promo card, which you can use right now. This isn't a dream card again, but on my point of view this image is more correct for Hoth theme. More cards is coming…
I want that Wedge so bad… Not only is the artwork more appropriate for the objective set he comes in, but the quote is more relevant to what the card does (in effect, letting you make "one more pass").
Need some Dack for my speeders. Could just make him a copy of Black Squadron Pilot but giving him a tactics seemed more interesting. Like shooting a harpoon gun at an AT-AT to lock him in place.
Dak Ralter
- Unit (Rebel Alliance)
Cost: 3
Force: 2
Capacity: 2
You may play this card on any
unit you control as an enhancement with the text: "Enhanced unit gains [blast Damage][Tactics]."
Hey, Imperial fleet, get ready to suck some Dack
" -
Dack Ralter,
Family Guy
Custom Deck Box on our local SW GE day!
Amazing deck box!
Did you create it? What is the material used to create it?
I love it and I'm very jaleous!
My dream card is just a playable Boba Fett card that isn't over costed and nearly worthless. you'd think that would be an easy one to do……
Skychapon said:
Amazing deck box!
Did you create it? What is the material used to create it?
I love it and I'm very jaleous!
Thanks!!! I made it from photo-cardstock at my job, but it is a rough draft, next time I will show you something better.
bobafett012 said:
My dream card is just a playable Boba Fett card that isn't over costed and nearly worthless. you'd think that would be an easy one to do……
I still working on Hoth based set, but I plan to show it after FFG will show their "Escape from Hoth". And this is little preview of my work:
Random rules note (not that it matters much for dream cards):
Echo Base Marksman doesn't work as you are never attacking a unit. Attacking units engage an objective and when they strike can apply their unit damage to participating defending units, but at no point in that are they "attacking" one of the defending units (also, by the time they chose a Trooper to apply their unit damage to, it would be too late for gaining Targeted Strike to matter).
I don't care about the hate that I will get for this, but I would like to see an actual playable Jar Jar Binks.
dbmeboy said:
Random rules note (not that it matters much for dream cards):
Echo Base Marksman doesn't work as you are never attacking a unit. Attacking units engage an objective and when they strike can apply their unit damage to participating defending units, but at no point in that are they "attacking" one of the defending units (also, by the time they chose a Trooper to apply their unit damage to, it would be too late for gaining Targeted Strike to matter).
Maybe you could change the text to the flavor of the Tie Attack Squadron like:
Unit gains [blaster][blaster] and targeted strike when you control more "Hoth" Objectives than your opponent.
Unit gains [blaster][blaster] and targeted strike when you play a "Battle of Hoth" fate card in your edge stack.
or something.
dbmeboy said:
Random rules note (not that it matters much for dream cards):
Echo Base Marksman doesn't work as you are never attacking a unit. Attacking units engage an objective and when they strike can apply their unit damage to participating defending units, but at no point in that are they "attacking" one of the defending units (also, by the time they chose a Trooper to apply their unit damage to, it would be too late for gaining Targeted Strike to matter).
OMG - You are totally correct! Thanks for comment, I try to be more attentive to word spelling… The game is still so young, to have its complete "game language"
Neutral: Cost 1 Resource
Jar Jar Binks
(no battle icons)
Cart text:
"When you play Jar Jar Binks, you automatically lose the game"
dbmeboy said:
Random rules note (not that it matters much for dream cards):
Echo Base Marksman doesn't work as you are never attacking a unit. Attacking units engage an objective and when they strike can apply their unit damage to participating defending units, but at no point in that are they "attacking" one of the defending units (also, by the time they chose a Trooper to apply their unit damage to, it would be too late for gaining Targeted Strike to matter).
OMG - You are totally correct! Thanks for comment, I try to be more attentive to word spelling… The game is still so young, to have its complete "game language"
Hello -_-y
I'm kinda big fan of Zahn's Thrawn trilogy so I tried to make one set of dream cards on my own. There has been some debuging process, but there is always some room for improvement. If you've got time I would appreciate some critique.
Heir to the Empire
Resource: 1
capacity: 5
Imperial Navy affiliation only
reaction: After you refresh move a focus token from a target unit to another target unit.
*Grand Admiral Thrawn
unit (Imperial Navy)
cost: 4
force: 2
capacity: 3
icons: T (T) (T)
Action: focus this unit to put a focus token on target enemy unit.
This one is constantly thinking, analyzing, strategizing.
- Emperor Palpatine
2 x Noghri commando
unit (neutral)
cost: 2
force: 1
capacity: 2
icons: U (U)
Noghri. Trooper.
reaction: After this unit has been destroyed in an engagement put one focus token on enemy unit which resolved last strike.
'For a captured commando facing interrogation, there could be only one order left to follow.'
- Heir to the Empire
Masterful deception
event (Imperial Navy)
cost: 2
action: After all sides in engagement has declared participating units you may declare one more participating unit.
"You don't have to believe, but be prepared to be proved wrong."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn,
The Last Command
Target of Opportunity fate
R2DooDoo said:
Neutral: Cost 1 Resource
Jar Jar Binks
(no battle icons)
Cart text:
"When you play Jar Jar Binks, you automatically lose the game"
So just "play" like put into play? So Jar Jar can positively effect the edge battle?
I would make Jar Jar a fate card with fate 3 and text that says: "Instead of adding Jar Jar's force Icons to your edge score subtract them from from your opponents edge score."
Or "deal X damage to a friendly objective to reduce your opponents edge score by X."
Something that would make Jar Jar go off and damage both sides in different ways.
Still awaiting "Escape from Echo Base" , but again I want to show you some rough drafts from "Epic Battles - Hoth". Revised Echo Base Marksman and two new cards - your opinion?
That ability should read:
" if they were non-edge dependent."
I like the designs though. =)
Also, Cold Weather Backpack should cost at least 1-2. That card is really powerful.
Echo Base scout leader should only work while he's participating in an engagement, otherwise it becomes a crazy powerful card that relies on luck.
Edited by JMCBThat ability should read:
" if they were non-edge dependent."
This time I disagree - black icons will has the name (p. 21 in SWLCG Rulebook):
I like the designs though. =)
Also, Cold Weather Backpack should cost at least 1-2. That card is really powerful.
Echo Base scout leader should only work while he's participating in an engagement, otherwise it becomes a crazy powerful card that relies on luck.
As I said, this is rough drafts - things may change.
Another handmade - custom deck boxes, this time for Imperial Navy:
very nice, FF should claim the rights to them and start selling them to us :-)
My Executor on the table !
2 cards side by side :
Why did you make it out of two cards side by side?