Deck Builder freeware for CoC CCG/LCG (2.0.4 of 26-May-2013)

By Nyarlazorbec, in CoC General Discussion

Hybrid said:

Is there a way to use the deck builder to print off a copy listing all lcg cards

so I can remember which cards came from which APs? This mess could have been

avoided if each AP had more specific Collector info. I've tried to use the deck builder

to do this but can't seem to get it to work. I guess I could print a seperate card list for

each AP but that would be 8 seperate sheets. It would be nice to combine them for half that.

Is it possible? If so maybe someone could guide me through the process?


I'm sorry, but I don't clearly understand what you want to get serio.gif

Is it some kind of checklist with cards grouped by set/AP ?



Yes, a list of all LCG cards by AP.

The deck builder is a great tool and I suspect that

there is a way to create this list. I must be doing something wrong.

Nyarlazorbec said:


I'm sorry, but I don't clearly understand what you want to get serio.gif

Is it some kind of checklist with cards grouped by set/AP ?



Well, if you tell it to list just the Summons of the Deep packs by number, they'll all be in order. 1-20 is the first, 21-40 the second, etc.

Other than that, I'm not sure what else you're asking

Ok, now I understand more clearly.

The DeckBuilder is not a checklist generator, so there is no direct way to do that.

Indirectly, you could use the sets and AP decklists provided with the software (in the 'All cards' subfolder) to load each, one after the other.

Then, you may export the decklist using tab-delimited format to clipboard and paste it in Excel, for example, just adding manually the title of the set or AP.



Is there an update for The Path to Y'ha-nthlei coming? I know there probably aren't scans of the card images yet -- who normally does them by the way? they seem consistent and good in quality -- but even an update with just the cards entered into the database would help for deckbuilding. And there is that ingame card viewer that works well enough :)

I have a pretty decent scanner at home and can help with the scanning if need be. Just let me know and I'll get to scanning asap.

Hi guys,

Just coming back from vacations gui%C3%B1o.gif

I'm waiting for scans to make the update (spoilers are not reliable enough to make an error-proof update...)

It will include the last FAQ corrections.

@KallisticBRC : I'll reply to your email in a moment.



hi again Nyarlazorbec, thanks for keeping the deckbuilder going, its such a useful tool, just wanted to say again how much I appreciate it.

Hello cultists,

There is a new version 1.5.2 of the Deck Builder available on my website happy.gif

Here are the news:

  • Added all cards of the Asylum : The Path to Y'ha-nthlei .
  • Added XML format export for Lackey (compatible only with the LCG plugin).
  • Added an export option to have complete sets names instead of abbreviated ones.
  • Adaptation of filters to the new cards.
  • Added cards and deck lists for the newly completed asylum pack.

The LCG pictures pack will be updated later tomorrow.

Special thanks go to Wendigo for the donation and to KallistiBRC for the scans and Lackey support !

Enjoy !



Nyarlazorbec said:

  • Added XML format export for Lackey (compatible only with the LCG plugin).

Special thanks go to Wendigo for the donation and to KallistiBRC for the scans and Lackey support !

Just a heads up to all that I'm updating the LCG Lackey site and it's not quite ready. It'll be ready to go sometime in the next day or so, and once done I'll put a post here letting everyone know. Thanks so much to Nyarl for adding in the .DEK export!

Kudos to both of you for your hard work! aplauso.gif

newager said:

Kudos to both of you for your hard work! aplauso.gif

All the Kudos go to Nylar. He did all the real work, I was just along for the ride. :)

Also, the Lackey plugin is now up to date w/ all LCG cards. Look for a new post w/ installation instructions in the CoC General Discussion forum. I'll stop hijacking this thread now. gui%C3%B1o.gif

My Pleasure, Kalli happy.gif

By the way, the updated LCG pictures pack is available through my download page, with all the last pictures ;)



Hello cultists,

There is a new version 1.5.3 of the Deck Builder available on my website

Here are the news:

  • Added all cards of the Asylum : Twilight Horror .
  • Added first published card of the Asylum : Search for the Silver Key .
  • Adaptation of filters to the new cards.
  • Added cards and deck lists for the newly completed asylum pack.

The LCG pictures pack will be updated later tomorrow.

Many thanks, again to KallistiBRC for the scans happy.gif

Enjoy !



Can I just add my voice to the chorus: Thank you Nyarlazaorbec! Your deck-building tool is absolutely fantastic, and immensely helpful. Thanks for all of the work you've put in (and continue to do).

Thank you for your support !

The LCG picture pack has been updated with the complete Twilight Horror pack.

The download link is at the bottom of the Deck Builder download page.




iGaveHimLife said:

This interests me more than the lackey in many ways, but the lackey thing is awesome btw, so thank you.. it is a great way to playtest my decks and keep in touch with other fans that I have met at cons and stuff.

Anyway.. I can not seam to get the deck builder to only show LCG versions of the cards ..

iGaveHimLife said:

and I can not work out how to get it to show card images .... can someone please help me with that?

If you still have problems, please ask here gui%C3%B1o.gif



Thank you for your reply.. I see now.. I have the deck editor running with only LCG cards as well as the images showing. I really like this deck builder, and I am very comfortable with it. Cheers and great work.

I was just thinking.. as LCGs do not have the collecting aspect to them.. maybe it would be a good idea to put in the deck selection area (were you can turn on or off asylum packs) a spinner for you to add the number of packs you got... that way your card list would be an exact copy of your real cards and you will not accidently add 3 cards when you only have 1... (just an idea.. I have only just started playing but I can already foresee buying more than one copy of the same asylum pack)

This is awesome. Thank you very much for your work on this.

Any chance you also play Warhammer and could make a program like this for Invasion?

there allready is one for invasion

Thanks again for continuing to update this.

Hello cultists,

A new version of the Deck Builder is available happy.gif

Here are the changes:

  • Added all cards of the Asylum : In Memory of Day .
  • Added first published card of the Asylum : Sleep of the Dead .
  • Added first published cards of the Secrets of Arkham expansion.
  • Adaptation of filters to the new cards.
  • Added cards and deck lists for the newly completed asylum pack.

Thanks, again, to KallistiBRC for the scans gui%C3%B1o.gif

A warm and deserved THANK YOU to iGaveHimLife for the donation gran_risa.gif !

Have fun !


Thank you very much for the help. I downloaded the deckbuilder freeware and will start using it immediately.

New Deck Builder is right up to date and efficient as ever. Thanks for keeping this going! Dreamlands Asylum Pack six is: Journey to Unknown Kadath. Card spoiled is F120 Unknown Kadath, Home of the Other Gods.

johnny shoes said:

New Deck Builder is right up to date and efficient as ever. Thanks for keeping this going! Dreamlands Asylum Pack six is: Journey to Unknown Kadath . Card spoiled is F120 Unknown Kadath, Home of the Other Gods.

Thanks for the info happy.gif !

...and I received the card pic, thanks again gui%C3%B1o.gif

