Another thanks from me!
Deck Builder freeware for CoC CCG/LCG (2.0.4 of 26-May-2013)
Really a GREAT JOB!
Like Cthulhu himself!
Thanks a lot!!
Hello Cultists,
First, let me wish you a happy new year !
It's been a little more than 5 years already, since the first beta version of the DeckBuilder was released
Now is a good time for a new version
Here are the news of version 1.5.5:
- Added all cards of the Asylum : In the Dread of Night .
- Added all cards of the Asylum : Search for the Silver Key .
- Added first published card of the Asylum : Journey to Unknown Kadath .
- Added the Zoog resource filter to the existing Transient resources filter.
- Adaptation of filters to the new cards.
- Added cards and deck lists for the newly completed asylum packs.
I will update the LCG pictures pack tomorrow
Have fun with it !
Hi again
The LCG pictures pack is uploaded. You can find the links on my download page.
If you have difficulties with, I created a mirror download on Hotfile.
I wouldn't be able to play the game without help in deckbuilding from your exquisite s/w
thx again Nyarly
I notice the subtype down gets touchy with the zoog added.
Deckbuilder Yes!
Add me to the list of fans for your Deck Builder program. It makes things SO much easier.
I did have two points that my mind just seems to have a block about. In the Statistics screen, under totals, what information is being given by the 'P, C, U, R, I, M, F, Y' field? Also, under Distribution, what gets included under the 'Different Printed Icons'? I haven't been able to find the answer on my own, though I'll probally smack my forehead when I find out.
Thanks again for the great job!
EnigmaKnight said:
Add me to the list of fans for your Deck Builder program. It makes things SO much easier.
I did have two points that my mind just seems to have a block about. In the Statistics screen, under totals, what information is being given by the 'P, C, U, R, I, M, F, Y' field? Also, under Distribution, what gets included under the 'Different Printed Icons'? I haven't been able to find the answer on my own, though I'll probally smack my forehead when I find out.
Thanks again for the great job!
You are most welcome in the list
PCURIMFY fields are counts of cards of each rarity type (P=promo, C=Common, U=Uncommon, R=Rare, I&M=Premium editions cards, F=Fixed, Y=Yithians). Of course, since all LCG cards are Fixed, this kind of statistics is less interesting in LCG format.
"Different printed icons" is the distribution of character cards per number of different printed icons they have. For example, each Alaskan Sledge Dog you put in your deck will be counted in the '0' column. If you put 1 Ravager from the Deep (CCA icons) and 1 Dreamlands Sholar (AI icons) in your deck, they will be counted in the '2' columns, because they have 2 different types of icons printed whatever is the total number of icons. This permits to see the distribution of 'multi-purpose' characters within your deck.
Note that a corresponding type of filter is available in the 'Filters 2' page of the Advanced filters, under the name '# different icons'. If you '3', you will see only cards who have 3 different printed icons (they may actually have 3, 4 or 5 printed with duplicated icons)., you can go smack your forehead
(not too hard) !
Not sure if it has been brought up before, or it exists and I'm just not seeing it (likely), but one enhancement I could see would be adding a search of the card text similar to how the title search works.
Just recently, for example, I was building a deck around "uniqueness" so I wanted to find all cards that would effect (or not affect) cards that are unique. Being able to search the descriptions for the word "unique" would have done that. Similar for Night, Discard, exhaust, leave play, etc.
KallistiBRC said:
Not sure if it has been brought up before, or it exists and I'm just not seeing it (likely), but one enhancement I could see would be adding a search of the card text similar to how the title search works.
Just recently, for example, I was building a deck around "uniqueness" so I wanted to find all cards that would effect (or not affect) cards that are unique. Being able to search the descriptions for the word "unique" would have done that. Similar for Night, Discard, exhaust, leave play, etc.
Advanced filters, page 4: you can search on all textual parts (gametext, flavor text, illustrator and FAQ comments)
Of course, this is a quite slow filter...
Nyarlazorbec said:, you can go smack your forehead
(not too hard) !
Thank you, that explained it nicely. This program is a dream to work with!
Nyarlazorbec said:
KallistiBRC said:
or it exists and I'm just not seeing it (likely),
HA! I knew it was likely it was there and I wasn't seeing it.
(p.s. I'll be getting you the new scans soon
FFG cthulhu spoils are at, perhaps useful for deckbuilder updates.
Thanks Johnny.
I already have the scans necessary for the update. Work is in progress and should be finished before the end of the week (I still have a few features to add
Stay tuned !
I used the deckbuilder with powerpoint the other day. Man was that cool, to see it up on the big 12' X 24' screen at work.
Is it possible to enlarge the card image, like drag it to any size, like on a second screen. Would be great in a larger setting, while running any cthulhu demo or a tournament or just to enhance the visuals for yourself.
Regardless, best program ever made.
johnny shoes said:
I used the deckbuilder with powerpoint the other day. Man was that cool, to see it up on the big 12' X 24' screen at work.
Is it possible to enlarge the card image, like drag it to any size, like on a second screen. Would be great in a larger setting, while running any cthulhu demo or a tournament or just to enhance the visuals for yourself.
Regardless, best program ever made.
Thank you for the comments
The card picture is displayed in it native resolution by default. Enlarging it would require to resize the relatively low resolution picture, giving quite bad display IMHO. The best way is to use high-resolution pics in place of the ones I provide...but I can't provide such pics
PS: The DeckBuilder is coming in a moment...
Hi again, cultists !
The new version 1.5.6 of the DeckBuilder is now available,
including updated LCG picture pack
New features are:
- Added all cards of the Asylum : Sleep of the Dead.
- Added first published cards of next sets and Asylum packs.
- Added new single-card export from the card display screen, including:
- Export of card title and collector info
- Export of card faction, title and collector info
- Export of card compact spoiler
- Export of card full spoiler (like previous versions)
- Specific export for "Le Cénacle" french board (with BBCodes and smileys) of the card faction, title and collector info
- Specific export for "Le Cénacle" french board (with BBCodes and smileys) of the card in a compact, yet complete, spoiler format.
- Added cards and deck lists for the newly completed asylum pack.
Using the export formats with BBCodes and smileys, designed for "Le Cénacle" forum, will not give good results on this board (smileys are missing).
Have fun !
This is an AMAZING job !
Mates, believe me, this man rocks !!!!!
I could'nt see what might increase the high level of development this amazing deckbuilder has, but this new version is pure madness to me !!
Hurray for Nyarlazorbec, King of the Yellow Software !!!
I am liking the new version's export capability a lot.
Great work yet again Nyarla!
I was thinking of a possible feature suggestion BTW (and there's probably already a way to do it since you seem to already have all the features I've ever wanted). Currently the collection manager is a pretty cool way of managing the black border collection, but with the LCG format it has, for me anyway, limited usefulness. One thing that could make this really useful (and would extend to the black border as well) would be "deck awareness".
For example, lets say I own three of the Core Set, and three of all the APs (which I do heh). Next I update my collection numbers to know exactly how many cards I really have (such as nine Dogs and three Marshal Greens). I go ahead and build some new deck, and I put in five dogs (a weird number I know) and two Greens (another weird number... shhh). I could then go ahead and modify the collection and remove the numbers of each from the collection, but it is *very* easy to forget to do this. It would be pretty cool to be able to mark a deck as "tracked" or something so that the collection numbers would update when you save the deck, click a button, or something like that. Now the cards would still be in the collection, but now be marked as "In Deck". So that later, when I'm building another deck, I know that those cards are actually in use somewhere else. For example, now I'm building another deck, and I go to put in eight Dogs and three Greens, to find out I only have four Dogs and one Green available.
This comes up all the time for me actually. I usually have no less than five decks built, so whenever I go to make a new one, it's nice to know what is actually available to be put in a deck.
Tnak you very much, Nyarlazorbec!
Thank you, all ! I'm glad you appreciate it
KallistiBRC said:
Great work yet again Nyarla!
I was thinking of a possible feature suggestion BTW (and there's probably already a way to do it since you seem to already have all the features I've ever wanted). Currently the collection manager is a pretty cool way of managing the black border collection, but with the LCG format it has, for me anyway, limited usefulness. One thing that could make this really useful (and would extend to the black border as well) would be "deck awareness".
For example, lets say I own three of the Core Set, and three of all the APs (which I do heh). Next I update my collection numbers to know exactly how many cards I really have (such as nine Dogs and three Marshal Greens). I go ahead and build some new deck, and I put in five dogs (a weird number I know) and two Greens (another weird number... shhh). I could then go ahead and modify the collection and remove the numbers of each from the collection, but it is *very* easy to forget to do this. It would be pretty cool to be able to mark a deck as "tracked" or something so that the collection numbers would update when you save the deck, click a button, or something like that. Now the cards would still be in the collection, but now be marked as "In Deck". So that later, when I'm building another deck, I know that those cards are actually in use somewhere else. For example, now I'm building another deck, and I go to put in eight Dogs and three Greens, to find out I only have four Dogs and one Green available.
This comes up all the time for me actually. I usually have no less than five decks built, so whenever I go to make a new one, it's nice to know what is actually available to be put in a deck.
I see. Not simple feature though. How would you 'unmark' cards ?
There could be several bad cases of messing things up, so it needs a careful analysis.
I'll think about it...
Yeah the marking and unmarking of cards themselves would be something of an issue. I could forsee it being more of a "decks manager" functionality. The idea being that decks themselves get marked as "managed" or not (maybe adding a section to the deck zdb format. [Managed], [Collection], or something like that)
From there, the collection numbers would have to be "aware" of the decks that are managed. Perhaps when loading the Collection.txt file, you could fire off a routine to scan the folder where the decks are stored, looking for the managed section, and updating the in memory representation of the collection. To avoid rescanning and saving Collection.txt again when exiting the program, you'd need to alter the in memory representation to have an additional "in a deck" count or something like that.
Anyway, just some ideas. I'm not entirely certain if this functionality would be useful to anybody other than myself, so don't lose a whole lot of sleep over it.
If you want to chat about it more, feel free to email me.
Thank you nyarlazorbec for the new deckbuilder. It just makes the game better.
Hello cultists,
A new release of the DeckBuilder is available to conclude the Dreamlands cycle and update the cards according to the FAQ 1.1 changes.
Here is the detail of the changes:
- Added all cards of the Asylum : Journey to Unknown Kadath .
- Application of all errata, clarifications et bans of the LCG FAQ v1.1 .
- Adaptation of filters to the new cards.
- Added cards and deck lists for the newly completed asylum pack.
Note that the LCG pictures pack is now separated in two files. The first pack contains all cards up to Journey to Unknown Kadath and will not change from now. So, you will not have to download it again after today. The second file starts with Secrets or Arkham and will contain the future sets.
Have fun !