Rise Against the Reach OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

1 hour ago, EnsignActual said:

Perception : 2eA+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage
a-s-s.png a-a.png d-f.png

I should probably up my perception at some point

The 1st sublevel has seen a serious recent firefight. It is essentially a single large room, with a desk by the far wall. A number of rebel security sentries lie dead, and a large section of the desk has been obliterated by some pretty hefty firepower.

Behind the desk, a door leads to barracks, and also a stateroom. The stateroom has a sizable ventilation shaft in the ceiling, with a scuff mark on the ceiling near it.

It would require a Second Maneuver to even reach this point, technically, so keep that in mind.

Alright, I'll move over to the stateroom, and that'll be my turn when it comes up

Are we taking turns now?

Well, they can see us now, so, I would assume so.

Ready to act whenever we get to my turn. Obviously gonna try to keep moving up, but might want to search for the more discreet climb.

@Darth__Lego @AtariAssasin @EnsignActual @MrTInce

Roll call! First, I want to make sure you’re all still with me.

I tagged you all in the post in the other game’s thread, so read that if you haven’t. Essentially, I’m splitting the two games, effective immediately, in an attempt to speed both games up. Otherwise, I fear there will not be enough engagement to get this game rolling.

You may continue to narrate your escape upward, through the clinic and resort, to one of the landing pads above. If you wish. I will post something in the IC sometime this week.

I am still here.

Just to be clear, we are making the escape without issue and getting to the shuttle?

27 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Just to be clear, we are making the escape without issue and getting to the shuttle?

Yes, I think that’s best, to get things moving. I will narrate the escape craft’s arrival, but you can feel free to describe your journey to the landing pads up top. There would be no real resistance from the minimal resort security, unless you are presenting as a threat.

I'm here! I haven't posted much, but I've been skimming over the other thread, just to keep up with what was going on. I'm all for splitting the game or trying to push on as a single shared game.

Just wanna make sure, no more structured time, no checks, just narrate how we got to the landing pad? Also, I'm gonna assume we're forsaking the secondary objective you mentioned about the people apprehended on the same landing pad, just so we can get moving along faster. If not, do let me know, I think Wesk would definitely try to aid them in his escape.

No structured time, no checks, strictly narrative until you reach the landing pads.

The rescue objective might possibly be attempted, as the two groups of PCs will be well-removed from one another by then... Other circumstances could intervene, however, and time will certainly be of the essence.

I’m around

I'll post after Ensign, since Wesk would probably follow Charon through the ducts.

Edited by Darth__Lego

@Edgehawk What will I see once I climb through the ducts?

11 hours ago, EnsignActual said:

@Edgehawk What will I see once I climb through the ducts?

The ducts will take you up and up, until they go from vertical to horizontal, climbing to crawling. An access panel opens into another duct, which is open crawlspace as opposed to cabling conduit (no longer difficult terrain).

Navigating the conduit will take longer, and time is of the essence, but can eventually take you farther up, nearly to the top of the resort.

The open duct leads to a large storage closet, with an assortment of clinic and resort uniforms hanging and folded.

You may narrate yourself as making very good time in the conduit, or escaping upward through the resort, as you see fit. Make a Simple (-) check, using a relevant skill of your choice, to help narrate your escape, if you wish.

(Or something far simpler, like Bon’Uss posted IC, would be just fine for our stated purpose of moving things along).


Just to check, where was the imperial shuttle with the pilot?

Edited by EnsignActual
2 hours ago, EnsignActual said:


Just to check, where was the imperial shuttle with the pilot?

Also on one of the landing pads.

Good to know.

Once I'm at the imperial shuttle, what do I see?

7 minutes ago, EnsignActual said:

Once I'm at the imperial shuttle, what do I see?

Do you express your intent on disabling the shuttle as my character has good computer/mechanics that may help.

Charon doesn't think that far ahead, if she gets in and can't smash it with her fists then she'll call you

Just me trying to fight my fish memory, weren't there some captured Rebel agents here on the landing pad ? Are they actually here, and if so, are they visible or would Wesk just keep going without ever noticing they had been captured?

I believe they are in the shuttle.

It is believed that a rebel pilot is being held aboard the task force’s delta-class shuttle. There may also be another detainee. Any recent captures have not made it up yet.

The other, larger shuttle, is believed to be imperial, though it bears no obvious markings.

What check would it be to physically wrench open the imperial shuttle's door? If at all possible?