Kandosii Beroya'se IC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Mesh'la Solus swings down into the starport on Haven, docking in one of the smaller berths on the outskirts of town. It is mid-afternoon and the summer sun still beats down heavily on the port as Darien and Falmok leave their ship and head to meet up with Cade and Kara who are waiting for them outside with the farm's landspeeder.

Su cuy'gar! How've you been keeping yourselves? Darien booms out in greeting as he approaches them.

Cade and Kara pick up their duffel bags and walk up to greet them.

Cade, still in mud spattered coveralls, dark circles under his eyes and looking a little sleep deprived, lightly taps Darien's shoulder with a loose fist.

"Su cuy, ner vod." Cade greets him, nodding behind him towards a couple of crates next to the speeder. "Brought the new batch of seasonal ne'tra gal for our trip, and a case of tihaar that Kyra likes."

Kara, dressed nondescript brown trousers, green top and green light jacket, half hugs Falmok with her free arm. "Hey vod'ika, good to see you!"

Falmok gives Kara a friendly (though slightly toothy) grin, Are you ready to resume the hunt?

Darien lightly smacks Cade on the back of the head, I'll load 'em up for you, go ahead and get situated in the ship. Hopefully she leaves some for us, I've seen her down that stuff! It'll be a nice taste of home. Our contact has a job for us, do you want to hear him out, or do you need a nap first?

Cade gives Darien a weary grin, "One of the Nerfs went into labor last night, got a healthy calf 'bout four hours ago.." He gestured to Kara, "Figured I'd stay up and let your co-pilot get a good nights rest."

Kara ruffled Falmok's fur on his cheek. "You bet I am, I just got a look at some of the specs for a mod kit for a YT that work wonderfully on Mesh'la Solus." Kara walked up to Darien and gave him a half hug. "How's Kyra?"

Over his shoulder to Cade he says, Not my co-pilot, my pilot! I barely got the ship here in one piece!

Then to Kara, She's doing well, She's been learning Teras Kasi, and a couple days ago, she knocked her instructor on his backside!
She hates it when... for that matter, I hate it when, I have to leave, but we both know I need to. Ferrus wasn't happy to see me go either, she told me that he cried himself to sleep last night. We all wish I didn't have to, but it's the life I choose, and I'm good at it.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

Cade grinned, " Maybe we should get you one of those chauffeur droids for you, ner'vod! Hahah"

Kara smirked, smacking Cade, then patted Darien's shoulder as she put her bag on the cargo lift. "Sorry to hear that Dar'ika, never easy to leave family behind.. I guess there isn't enough contract work on Vorpa'ya to be able to be closer to home?"

Unfortunately, no, as I'm sure you're well aware, hunting lost nerfs doesn't exactly let you rake in the credits.

Kara nodded.. "True, even supplying the local business here doesn't pay all the bills." She turned to the others as got on the lift, "Alright vode, lets go hunting. Oya"

Kara let Cade stow their gear as she made her way into the cockpit and sat at the controls.. As she ran through the pre-flight, she keyed the intercom. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we at Beroya'se Airlines welcome you all aboard, please stow and secure all items and please remain seated until the captain turns off the harness safety sign.." a choirs of laughter echoed from the rest of the ship, "our destination will be full of naughty little aruetiise, so please be careful as you exit the ship. Thank you and enjoy your flight with us."

Darien sits down in the co-pilot's seat and taps on his datapad. Okay, I've paid the bill and we've got clearance to launch. Once we're out of the atmosphere, I'll call up our contact, if you're all ready?

"We're good back here, Darien." Cade called over the intercom.

"Alright, here we go." Kara said as she flipped switches and raised the ship off the pad, and accelerated towards orbit, watching the clear blue sky turn darker and darker with small smudges of stars starting to appear.. in seconds they were in the blackness of space, pin points of stars shown brightly in the absence of atmosphere. Kara's smile broadened as she maneuvered towards one of the jump points and keyed the nav computer. "Where to Dar?"

Let's see. He flicks on the ships comm, Falmok, Cade, come on into the cockpit, let's see what Green has to say.

The holoprojector lights up and displays a symbol of tipping scales rotating slowly, Thank you for calling Tipping Point Contacts Agency, "Finding justice when all others fail" a representative will be with you shortly. Please hold. 5 minutes later, someone finally picks up and you hear a rather robotic feminine voice, Tipping Point Contacts Agency, who, may I ask, is calling?

Hello, Darien Vanth and crew, I'm calling for Green.

Please hold.
Several more minutes later, you hear a more organic, masculine voice saying, Cuy su'gar, Darien, glad to have you back! I've got a job you might be interested in.

Su cuy 'gar, Green. Good to be back. What've you got for us?

Abregado-rae. It's a little out of your area, but I think it'll be worth it. A lot of refugees moving through and that makes it much easier to smuggle stuff through an area that is already rather porous. This has left the door open for the Pykes to secure a beachhead and entrench themselves on Abregado-rae before the Republic is able to turn it's attention from the war to crime. The target is Dax Tarrk, the Pyke leading the Abregado-rae department of the organization. His department has been operating rather independently, so if you can take him out, it may disrupt the organization enough for law enforcement to take down the rest of the organization. They are using the refugee ships to spread spice and other, more... problematic, drugs throughout the core worlds. Recently, a wealthy (very, very, wealthy) Coruscanti noble's son died of an overdose. The noble's investigators traced the drugs back to Abregado-rae where the new drug lord had recently set up operations. He is offering a bounty of 20,000 credits for the live capture of Dax Tarrk, with less if he is badly injured. 10,000 dead.

What do you say?

Cade shrugged Sounds like a start he whispered in Darien's ear. You think they would miss any loose credits laying around? It could help some of those refugees...

Darien waves Cade down a little bit, Later, later, anyone else? Are we agreed then?

Kara nods, I'm good

Falmok growls under his breath, barely audible, then whispers Oya

Darien swings back around to the console and says, We'll take it.

Green chuckles and says, Good! I'll send you the details. Any questions?

Any idea what kind of resistance will we be expecting? Kara asked..

Cade raised an eye brow at Darien (now?)

Kara started programming the nav computer, getting it ready so they be underway as soon as the information from Green is transferred..

Green responds, P robably just a few Pykes, nothing too severe. We don't have any precise intel. You can back out at any time if you so desire, but you won't be paid anything unless you finish the job.

Darien whispers to Cade, Just wait a bit, then we'll talk.

Darien's datapad beeps as he receives the package. Got it.

Green says, Then it looks like we're done here. Good luck, and happy hunting.

Darien turns to Cade, What is it?

Cade shrugs, If we take out a drug ring, they won't need their profits anymore, right? We can collect our payment, but anything we find could help those refugees they're using to transport the stuff.

Kara glanced over her shoulder, Thats sweet and all Cade, but we could use that money too... Not saying we should , mind you, the payment sounds fair for what the job calls for.

Darien sighs, Stealing from drug smugglers is still illegal, and harder to cover up if we keep it for ourselves. I don't know about you, but I have no interest in spending drug-money. Cade, you've got a point there. If we find a way, we'll try to give the money to the refugees. After all, they have been wronged by the Pykes. Cade, for future reference though, please don't propose a crime while we're talking to our contact?

Now, if we all would get into our armor, I've got a surprise.

Want me to get us underway before the surprise? Kara asked.

Sure, and then go ahead and head to the table, it's about dinner time! He winks as he ducks out of the cockpit.

Kara enters the coordinates for Chardaan, the first stop on the route, and set the exit alarm to notify the crew when they were two hours out. then went to her bunk to change.