Hello, Andrew
first i would like to congratulate you on the excellent Star Wars line of gamers you provided and especially Imperial Assault.
I would like to note that regarding Imperial Assault, the Campaign part is awesome and requires little to no tweaking, especially
after your excellent support with Legends of the Alliance App.
I would only like to see more weapons, traps,condition cards (burn, poison, immobilise,a la descent) and agenda cards.
Also you could upgrade the heroes, by releasing new skirmish upgrades or brand new cards. (e.g. Captain Solo with new abilities)
Maybe you could use the Upgrade booster pack method you used with Legion instead of releasing full expansion boxes.
FInally i would like to NOTE that in Legends of the Alliance App you have FIXED many many old Imperial Assault cards by giving them excellent new abilities and bonus skills (Stromtroopers, Dengar, Boba Fett and 0-0-0 come in mind for instance)
WH dont you release those excellently refined abilities as new character cards to create an Imperial Assault Skirmish Only Second Edition?
The Legion figures are excellent and we already buy them to use on your excellent RPG line, and maybe these figures could be released
in the future as Legion-Imperial Assault cross compatible.
Legion pushed Star Wars forward in the open warfare scale, we would really like to see this excellent skirmish action return to the tight corridors
of starships and bases for Imperial Assault Skirmish Second Edition,
Thanks again for everything you gave us so far!!!