Call for suggestions: What are you having fun with that we should try??

By Blail Blerg, in X-Wing

I had a blast with TIE Salad in a local Hyperspace tournament recently: Empire&d=v6!h=200!183:,28,,:;175:,113,,:;209:,,,:;224:125,:;229::&sn=Tie Salad&obs=

TIE Reaper - Major Vermeil (49)
Director Krennic (5)
Ship Total - 54

TIE Advanced x1 - Ved Foslo (45)
Fire Control System (2)
Ship Total - 47

TIE Striker - Countdown (44)
Ship Total - 44

TIE/ln Figher - Seyn Marana (30)
Marksmanship (1)
Ship Total - 31

TIE/ln Fighter - Academy Pilot (CARL!) (23)
Ship Total - 23

Total - 199

You can put Optimized Prototype on any of your ships, but I have generally put it on Seyn to give a nice punch. It was not uncommon on the initial engagement for Seyn to be able to punch through 2 damage - one to a shield because of Optimized Prototype, one face down damage under a shield due to Seyn's ability + Marksmanship. Vermeil tends to be the biggest target as he is the highest point cost ship, but he can live pretty decently, particularly if you bring gas clouds which have great synergy with Seyn as well. Ved has FANTASTIC movement flexibility. Countdown is hard to kill unless the target of a lot of focused fire. Carl is a great blocker and frequently is ignored and can get to work with nice range one and other pot shots.

Very fun list to fly, but requires a lot of thought, particularly with 4 different dials to keep track of and the flexibility that you have with Advanced Ailerons on the Reaper and Striker. The fact that all of the ships except Carl are I4 means that they can activate and engage in any order which is fantastic for choosing abilities and target prioritization.

I've been trying out 4x Torrents with a Jedi support ship. Still need to test Ion Missiles over Clusters but Torrents are tougher than people think and Synced Console is fantastic, once you get used to the order of operations to use it. This is the latest version I'm trying.

Delta-7 Aethersprite - •Obi-Wan Kenobi - 71
•Obi-Wan Kenobi - Guardian of the Republic (53)
R3 Astromech (3)
Synchronized Console (2)
Battle Meditation (13)

V-19 Torrent Starfighter - Gold Squadron Trooper - 32
Gold Squadron Trooper - (25)
Cluster Missiles (5)
Synchronized Console (2)

V-19 Torrent Starfighter - Gold Squadron Trooper - 32
Gold Squadron Trooper - (25)
Cluster Missiles (5)
Synchronized Console (2)

V-19 Torrent Starfighter - Gold Squadron Trooper - 32
Gold Squadron Trooper - (25)
Cluster Missiles (5)
Synchronized Console (2)

V-19 Torrent Starfighter - Gold Squadron Trooper - 32
Gold Squadron Trooper - (25)
Cluster Missiles (5)
Synchronized Console (2)

Total: 199/200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder

This is a fun list that I've been using to learn rebel ships (I primarily fly empire and scum). My goal is to have enough triggers to force me to slow down and remember to use my s foils.

UT-60D U-wing - •Benthic Two Tubes - 57
•Benthic Two Tubes - Cavern Angels Marksman (47)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
•Leia Organa (2)
Pivot Wing (Open) (0)

BTL-A4 Y-wing - •Evaan Verlaine - 46
•Evaan Verlaine - Gold Three (35)
Crack Shot (1)
Ion Cannon Turret (4)
Veteran Turret Gunner (6)

T-65 X-wing - •Edrio Two Tubes - 45
•Edrio Two Tubes - Cavern Angels Veteran (45)
Servomotor S-foils (Open) (0)

T-65 X-wing - •Garven Dreis - 52
•Garven Dreis - Red Leader (47)
Composure (1)
R2 Astromech (4)
Servomotor S-foils (Open) (0)

Total: 200/200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder


7 DeadMan Z's.


Do the Jedi suffer from lack of punch?

What good Jedi lists have you had?

Also, currently I have 1 of each expo. Wondering if I should get 2 of each.

I've been kicking some major aft with this list lately. It evolved from a U-Wing, Y-Wing, and two X-Wing build that worked, but was a bit too slow moving for my usual play style. As soon as A-Wings became Hyperspace legal, I rebuilt the list and it has been a HOOT. While this list is way more effective against lower Initiative pilots, it has enough coverage to do well against other balanced lists.

RZ-1 A-wing - •Jake Farrell - 40
•Jake Farrell - Sage Instructor (36)
Daredevil (3)
Marksmanship (1)

T-65 X-wing - •Thane Kyrell - 58
•Thane Kyrell - Corona Four (48)
Predator (2)
R5 Astromech (4)
Spare Parts Canisters (4)
Servomotor S-foils (Closed) (0)

T-65 X-wing - •Wedge Antilles - 61
•Wedge Antilles - Red Two (52)
Marksmanship (1)
R5 Astromech (4)
Spare Parts Canisters (4)
Servomotor S-foils (Closed) (0)

RZ-1 A-wing - •Arvel Crynyd - 38
•Arvel Crynyd - Green Leader (34)
Intimidation (3)
Marksmanship (1)

Total: 197/200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder

"Why R5s over R2s?" you might be wondering. Well, I prefer to have the option to return fire if and when it presents itself and the R5 allows me to repair some NASTY ship crits. I've also found Thane and Wedge's abilities mildly make up for a lack of a dice modifier on Attacks if they used either the parts canister or R5 ability, plus I can pass along a focus with Jake if I manage to keep him within range of either X-Wing. most of the players I fly this against tend to want to focus either of the X-Wings, allowing the A-Wings to flank... and in Arvel's case, fly himself directly into the side of the attacking squadron.

I've been loving how X-Wings fly in 2.0 and the A-wings are zippy and evasive. They've actually been the ones to land the killing blow the last 2 games I've played.

I just read R5, and an action is a much better trade for repair than not firing... Daaaaang

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I like R2 droids, but I find R5s provide a lot more flexibility without having to completely disengage from a fight. I also dig the versatility of the spare parts canister being either used as a smaller rigged cargo chute or a spare charge for the R5.

1 minute ago, Kehl_Aecea said:

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I like R2 droids, but I find R5s provide a lot more flexibility without having to completely disengage from a fight. I also dig the versatility of the spare parts canister being either used as a smaller rigged cargo chute or a spare charge for the R5.

Yeah. and I basically never disengage. I just joust to death. Never works as well for me as my opponents who disengage all the time.

I've had solid results from my all-comers list, Han's Toolkit:

Han Solo: Lando/R2-D2

Dutch: ICT/VTG

Garven: ProTorps/S-Foils

200 pts.

Doesn't win everytime, but more than it loses! Hyperspace legal, has most of the Rebel cards effected by the last point adjustment (I know, no Princess), efficient and trades points well.

On 4/10/2019 at 4:11 AM, Ronu said:

Not the strongest but certainly fun and super tanky.

4x Red Squadron Veteran - S-Foils- R2 Astromech

flavor with EPT to taste

stong against lower initiatives and block and tough against higher Initiative pilots.

Actually that's a pretty strong list. 1st in swiss in the Austin HT was 3x RSE Heroic + Jess.

On 4/11/2019 at 3:11 PM, Blail Blerg said:

Do the Jedi suffer from lack of punch?

What good Jedi lists have you had?

Also, currently I have 1 of each expo. Wondering if I should get 2 of each.

Ani/Soka/Obi are the standouts. They are not quite as strong as 4-ship rebels but you can definitely win with them .

I tried Quad Deltas for awhile (Soka + 3 JKs with CLT/Sense) and it's quite fun if you like blocking but fall apart in too many circumstances.

Edited by prauxim
1 hour ago, prauxim said:

Actually that's a pretty strong list. 1st in swiss in the Austin HT was 3x RSE Heroic + Jess.

Quite a different list being T-70’s vs T-65’s

1 hour ago, Ronu said:

Quite a different list being T-70’s vs T-65’s

Ahh RSV not RSE. Yeah, that's quite a bit different. It'd be hard for me to fly RSVs when Heroic RSEs are under 50, even without Jess in the mix. They'd def need a better points fill than R2.

42 minutes ago, prauxim said:

Ahh RSV not RSE. Yeah, that's quite a bit different. It'd be hard for me to fly RSVs when Heroic RSEs are under 50, even without Jess in the mix. They'd def need a better points fill than R2.

Actually with the R2’s they are just fine. Super flexible and somewhat tanky. You can season to taste with an EPT of choice

Darth Vader on Major Vermeil is a fun combo I quite enjoy.

I'm going to start trying variations of Wedge, Luke, and Biggs. It might not be great but I'm sure I will find it to be a lot of fun.

6 hours ago, prauxim said:

Ani/Soka/Obi are the standouts. They are not quite as strong as 4-ship rebels but you can definitely win with them .

I tried Quad Deltas for awhile (Soka + 3 JKs with CLT/Sense) and it's quite fun if you like blocking but fall apart in too many circumstances.

What and why is 4 ship rebel’s stronger?

fun ship idea: any x-wing with stealth device, elusive, and chopper. regen stealth!!!

Edited by bobafett1228
1 hour ago, bobafett1228 said:

fun ship idea: any x-wing with stealth device, elusive, and chopper. regen stealth!!!

Quinn Jast skips the Chopper+ Elusive. Though she can keep Elusive ticking too without using reds. If you want to take the weapons disabled token on occasion.

8 hours ago, Blail Blerg said:

What and why is 4 ship rebel’s stronger?

Its also known as rebel beef. One example is Wedge/Braylen/Ten/Cassian with 3x Swarm Tactics and Leia, but there are many versions. Pretty much any combo of the high(er) initiate X/Y/B pilots optionally with a U/Leia. Its definitely top 3 and perhaps the strongest completion archetype in the game.

Why is it good? That's a deep question, but if I has to take a crack at a simple explanation I'd say:

Its due to a large number of good, efficient (good stat lines dice mod abilities) pilots in the vicinity of 50 pts in which allows the 4x archetype, and [4ship + mid-high Ini + somewhat balanced value + correct to joust (or close to it) in many match-ups] is very robust and forgiving which is what you need to win 6 games in a row. Other factions have to drop to generics or goto 3ship, or goto swarm, which are good but more susceptible to bad matchups and/or dont forgive mistakes / bad dice as well.

Welp. Got a lot of Rebel lists to try now.

How about good fun Empire lists?

1 hour ago, Blail Blerg said:

How about good fun Empire lists?

If you want some ludicrious manouvring fun, try either:

  • "Echo" - Juke, Collision Detector, Afterburners
  • Sigma Squadron Ace - Juke, Collision Detector, Afterburners x 2
  • 7 Point Initiative Bid


  • Planetary Sentinel - Afterburners x 5


  • Inquisitor - Supernatural Reflexes, Fire Control System

The Sentinels have the advantage of being hyperspace legal (though the TIE/v1 has been announced for the most recently revealed wave), and the sheer ability of those things to cross the board in big swoopy turns can catch people off-guard.

A/SF-01 B-wing - •Ten Numb - 48
•Ten Numb - Blue Five (46)
Predator (2)

A/SF-01 B-wing - •Braylen Stramm - 47
•Braylen Stramm - Blade Leader (47)

BTL-A4 Y-wing - •Norra Wexley - 43
•Norra Wexley - Gold Nine (41)
Dorsal Turret (2)

T-65 X-wing - •Luke Skywalker - 62
•Luke Skywalker - Red Five (62)
Servomotor S-foils (Open) (0)

Total: 200/200

Non synergistic rebels. It's quite good imo. Everything cheats out modifiers but its fun to play with.

Norra does not double tap but takes a 180 degree arc. She can also upgrade to a ion turret or take an r4 if you drop predator on Ten.

Okies, what you all been flying?

What's your best Imp fleet?

(Yeah I know, turns out get strong and fun mixed up a lot lol)

I kind of want to test vs some Separatists. Wat + 5 vultures, regen Dooku Maul Vulture