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By Odanan, in X-Wing

9 hours ago, Odanan said:

It is said the book STAR WARS: TIE FIGHTER: OWNER’S WORKSHOP MANUAL has 15 TIE models (3 from the First Order). I wonder which are the 12 for the Empire...

  1. TIE Fighter (TIE/ln)
  2. TIE Bomber (TIE/sa)
  3. TIE Interceptor (TIE/in)
  4. TIE Advanced (TIE/x1)
  5. TIE Advanced Prototype (TIE/v1)
  6. TIE Defender (TIE/d)
  7. TIE Brute (TIE/rb)
  8. TIE Striker (TIE/sk)
  9. TIE Reaper (TIE/rp)
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?

Someone got the book?

TIE Boarding Craft, TIE Command Shuttle, TIE Mining Guild, Defender Elite, Gozanti are all in there too. No Echelon.

12 hours ago, dsul413 said:

TIE Boarding Craft, TIE Command Shuttle, TIE Mining Guild, Defender Elite, Gozanti are all in there too. No Echelon.

Oh, I'm very curious about the first 2.

TIE Boarding Craft:


Oversized TIE Shuttle TIE Bomber.

Oh, and apparently, they canonized the obscure TIE Shuttle (now TIE Command Shuttle) from ESB :


A very cheap crew carrier for the Empire? I want the TIE (Command) Shuttle back. And with a sexy new sculpt.

Edited by Odanan
3 minutes ago, Odanan said:

Oh, and apparently, they canonized the TIE Shuttle (now TIE Command Shuttle) from RotJ:


Was Canon and never left Canon (it is in Empire Strikes Back and has been since the original theater release). This is just the first official reference to it since the WEG rpg.

32 minutes ago, Odanan said:

A very cheap crew carrier for the Empire? I want the TIE (Command) Shuttle back. And with a sexy new sculpt.

That would be nice. Right now I'm looking at what appears to be some pretty hefty modularity in the pods and want to customize a Interdictor/Punisher into a Hyperspace capable light "freighter" using a mix of modified boarding and passenger modules. Oh the possibilities.


Hopefully with the new TIE owner's manuel there will finally be conclusive answers to how the TIE functions. Like why are there solar panels if there is a fuel port in the back? There have been conflicting info on the mechanics of the TIE since the beginning.

Personally hoping for the canonization of the Phantom, Punisher, and Aggressor. They're cool and belong in Canon. I want to see them in action on the big screen.

23 hours ago, Sir Orrin said:

Hopefully with the new TIE owner's manuel there will finally be conclusive answers to how the TIE functions. Like why are there solar panels if there is a fuel port in the back? There have been conflicting info on the mechanics of the TIE since the beginning.

Maybe it's a hybrid.

6 hours ago, ClassicalMoser said:

Personally hoping for the canonization of the Phantom, Punisher, and Aggressor. They're cool and belong in Canon. I want to see them in action on the big screen.

Phantom is super cool, Aggressor is meh and Punisher is an abomination.

But yes, instead of making new TIEs for EVERY new movie, they should canonize these old classics instead. Include the TIE Avenger and the TIE Hunter. (and don't forget the Assault Gunboat!)

On 11/3/2019 at 8:07 PM, Sir Orrin said:

Hopefully with the new TIE owner's manuel there will finally be conclusive answers to how the TIE functions. Like why are there solar panels if there is a fuel port in the back? There have been conflicting info on the mechanics of the TIE since the beginning.

Because generating power doesn't generate thrust. You need reaction mass. That's what the fuel is for. Otherwise there would be no impuls.

What they should canonise it that those aren't solar panels but heat radiators. Solar power doesn't even cover a fraction of the power output other fighters have in SW.

I watched The Mandalorian's first episode, so let's talk about the Razor Crest, and what we know so far:

1- It's not a new, modern ship. It pre-dates The Empire. Probably Mandalorian design.

2- "Razor Crest" isn't actually the "title" of the ship, but the model.

3- It has enough room in the cockpit for at least 1 crew slot.

4- No info about secondary weapons, yet, but it has enough guns for a 3 dice primary. Apparently, no turrets or moving guns.

Edited by Odanan
4 minutes ago, Odanan said:

1- It's not a new, modern ship. It pre-dates The Empire. Probably Mandalorian design.

🤨 Both the LAAT and Firespray pre-date the Empire and are KDY designs (LAAT via KDY's subsidiary) which both share design aspects with the Razor Crest. What leads you to believe that the ship is a Mandalorian design?

16 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

What leads you to believe that the ship is a Mandalorian design?

I'm probably wrong.

It was the way the show reverences the Mando traditions... the protagonist owning a Mando ship would make sense (although how the Mythrol bounty character reacts when he sees the Razor Crest might indicate the contrary)

1 hour ago, Odanan said:

I watched The Mandalorian's first episode, so let's talk about the Razor Crest, and what we know so far:

1- It's not a new, modern ship. It pre-dates The Empire. Probably Mandalorian design.

2- "Razor Crest" isn't actually the "title" of the ship, but the model.

3- It has enough room in the cockpit for at least 1 crew slot.

4- No info about secondary weapons, yet, but it has enough guns for a 3 dice primary. Apparently, no turrets or moving guns.

Thanks for a spolier free breakdown!

Hear is the Star Wars Database article on the Razor Crest.


refers to it as a military craft used for patrols. Might indicate the potential for more armaments, but perhaps not.

The only concrete thing is it looks like it belongs on a medium base. Since we have 5 other Scum medium base ships, I hope we’ll see something about it that will give it a distinct flavor.

I’ve done a lot of speculating on other threads on the site, but for now, I’ll leave it at that for here. Need more data.

Finally another option for the Rebels: Stinger Mantis.

latest?cb=20190610141339 D8zdCFHXoAAfZPR.jpg

That fin is gonna be a bit of a pain to deal with on the model, but it does look cool.

53 minutes ago, SabineKey said:

That fin is gonna be a bit of a pain to deal with on the model, but it does look cool.

Yep. Could be a rotating fin, I guess.

Looks like a medium base, right? Rebels could use a medium base. Anyone has any idea of the weapons of that ship?

3 minutes ago, Odanan said:

Looks like a medium base, right?

I think large base from looking at the scene where the protagonist first encounters it. The side hatch seems to be roughly the same size as the loading ramp hatch (width wise using the gal as a reference) on the Falcon and it looks to be a fair bit larger than the Reaper that shows up in the tail end of the scene to chase it off. It is just about the length of the Falcon from what I can tell. A bit narrower though. Fire power estimate... /shrug It has plot weapons (double tapped a LAAT/le in that scene) so...

The question is: would it be Rebel?

1 hour ago, Odanan said:

The question is: would it be Rebel?

Maybe?.?? I haven't played the game so I'm not sure if they do more than help Saw on one planet when it comes to the Rebellion. From what I've read (not going to spoil it here, the Saw part has been in previews) the crew is focused on something else other than fighting the Empire. Well, that and trying to survive the inquisition.

Edited by Hiemfire

And here is the new X-Wing! Looks like something between the T-65 and the T-70.

BTW, are those ion cannons? Or did she fire some sort of missiles?

On 11/4/2019 at 7:34 PM, CaptainJaguarShark said:

Maybe it's a hybrid.

The Prius of fighter craft.

On 11/18/2019 at 5:19 PM, Odanan said:

The question is: would it be Rebel?

Revisiting this. After watching this vid I think an argument can be made for either Scum or Rebels. Scum because they really don't seem to be all that heavily tied to the Rebellion if at all (one mission set with Saw) and are doing their own thing for the most part. Rebels because "ThEy aRe fiGhtInG thE 3Mp1r3!!!" as part of doing their own thing. (If you hadn't noticed, I hate that being the primary defining factor for faction placement of OT era ships and pilots...)

It'll be up to FFG, if they decide to include it in the game.


Edited by Hiemfire