Resistance XXX + ?: a fun entry point to Resistance

By GreenDragoon, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Just letting you guys know, if you can get two friendlies in Rose's arc (pod) you have better odds than heroic finn for pushing damage through, even if finn adds a focus! She's 4 points cheaper, too!

Swapped out my XXXa list today for this weird, but oddly effective, list I called "Vennie and the Jets" (hopefully someone old like me gets the joke lol) with Vennie as a gunship and three blue recruit A-Wings blocking for him (her?). Flew against another Resistance list of 4 X-wings (Nien and 3 generics) and decimated it. Then we switched lists and he had Poe and Rey's Falcon against my Obi-Wan and 3 ARC-170 list (poor Poe and Rey didn't know what hit them, at the cost of a single ARC).

I JUST got the Resistance Transport the day before the new rules update...I guess I will have to take some responsibility for that, thinking I could get in on the "Big Deal" and pals lists. This one's on me guys lol. Sorry. 😛

12 hours ago, Roller of blanks said:

Just letting you guys know, if you can get two friendlies in Rose's arc (pod) you have better odds than heroic finn for pushing damage through, even if finn adds a focus! She's 4 points cheaper, too!

That's what i do with my Reroll Squad :

Rose Tico (26)
Crack Shot (1)
Pattern Analyzer (5)

Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2

Temmin Wexley (54)
Composure (1)
Black One(2)

Ship total: 57 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 4

Lieutenant Bastian (48 )
Ion Cannon (5)
R3 Astromech (3)

Ship total: 56 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 4

Jessika Pava (51)
BB Astromech (3)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 54 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 4

Total: 199

Edited by Break__Fast
17 hours ago, Roller of blanks said:

Just letting you guys know, if you can get two friendlies in Rose's arc (pod) you have better odds than heroic finn for pushing damage through, even if finn adds a focus! She's 4 points cheaper, too!

I know, it's part of my reason why I see Finn as dead. There is a better alternative for fewer points to the 30pt Finn. And 43pt Finn seems to be out anyway.

On 9/18/2019 at 7:42 PM, Flurpy said:

We need a name other that XXX Cova, sure as **** ain't Googeling that or suggesting younger players to Google it.

I just went ahead to see what the results would be. 😂 Apparently there's an... adult entertainer... with Cova in her name. So caution in Googling might be wise.

Spoiler for tomorrow. Working title is:

XXX Cova takes 10 Italians.

If you are familiar with how the Grand Championship is structured that should tell you how I did. Will write it up later.

With Rose instead of Finn you have the points to upgrade Bastian to a higher Init pilot (Kare or Nien both viable depending on how you build out the rest of it). The initial goal of this list was 4 double-modded attacks, which Bastian helps pull off. But one of the risks flying it in my experience has been Bastian being PS-killed before he can shoot. Does the value of a I4 or I5 outweigh the potential of Bastian's double-modded first shot?

36 minutes ago, Mistborn_Jedi said:

The initial goal of this list was 4 double-modded attacks, which Bastian helps pull off.

I don't know how that is still possible tbh. There are 46pt available.

A 4th Xwing is at least 45pts, and then not double modified. That leaves Awings, pods and couches, and specifically Lulo, Finn and Cova.

Awings don't get the equivalent of double modified 3dice attacks for 46pt, but close with predator.

Finn is known.

Cova can get the 3rd die by R4 or Leia, but not yet a second mod. Another way to get a double mod is Admiral Holdo (right? Transferring the lock, does that break it?! The idea is to take one with Bastian, transfer, deal damage, and take another one), Chewie, and in edge cases Rose, or Leia if the force is kept for mods.

Alternatively the couches can take cannons (HLC, autoblaster, ion maybe?). So... maybe there is another version?

For example this:

  • Temmin Wexley (54) , Composure (1) , Integrated S-Foils (0)
  • Jessika Pava (51) , Integrated S-Foils (0)
  • Lieutenant Bastian (48) , Integrated S-Foils (0)
  • Logistics Division Pilot (32) , Heavy Laser Cannon (4) , Amilyn Holdo (9) , Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

The first three are obvious, but Jess loses her BB - or Snap the R3, a variant I liked personally a bit more.

The transport steals the lock from Bastian - the lock he hopefully acquired because he dealt some damage! Downside is that the transport needs to hit the bullseye for a fully modified 4dice attack. The alternative of Autoblasters is 3dice only in the bullseye, too. It doesn't convince me, personally, but maybe it's an idea.

Rose as pod pilot frees up points, but she can't get a 3rd die on the attack.

XXX Cova takes 10 Italians

Right, so that was a weird weekend. It's going to be a wall of text since it's 10 games.

To give some context. I live in Croatia, and was debating going with a friend of mine to the Italian Grand Championship, but honestly we were planning on skipping since it's an 8 hour bus ride to Bologna. This weekend comes around and as an impulsive decision I decided to make the trip anyway. Friday after work I go home, pack my backpack and catch an overnight bus. Since I cannot really sleep in buses I arrive in Bologna at 6 in the morning, at this point being awake for 24 hours straight. Fortunately I met a X-Wing player a couple of months ago from Bologna who was kind enough to drive me to the venue, so thank you Lorenzo. One additional detail, the venue restaurant doesn't accept credit cards, and I had no cash so I have no way to buy food or drinks. This all doesn't really matter, but it's much funnier to imagine all these games happening to a person who hasn't slept in a day and hasn't eaten in half a day

My List

Cova with Pattern Analyzer, Heroic, R4 and Jamming Beam
Wexley with S-Foils, Composure and Jamming Beam
Pava with S-Foils
Bastian with S-Foils

You all know the list and how we fly it. No explanation necessary.

Day One:

Round One - Federico (Scum)

Federico was flying Boba, Torkil and Seevor. Honestly I have never lost to Boba before, and on paper this was a beautiful match up for me. I somehow never lose against Big Bad + support ships. He deploys in one corner, I in the other. The first engagement happens in the middle of the board, and its heavily in my favor. All four of my ships are in R2 of Boba, Cova and Wexley did a 3 bank, so all mods are active. Torkil and Seevor are outside of R3. Perfect, right? 12 Dice later I do exactly two shields on Boba and loss all shields on Pava. This affects me mentally and I panic, instead of committing to Boba, I change priorities and zoom for the support ships while Boba K-turns behind. I kill all his support ships and lose Wexley and Cova in the process. 20 minutes left to kill Boba with Pava and Bastian. He kills Bastian I half Boba and that's enough for him to win. Federico went on to Top 4. so yeah, don't let bad dice variance make you change a good strategy. If I continued pressuring Boba sooner or later he would have stopped rolling like a madman and I would have a much better chance at winning.


Round Two - Allesandro (Empire)

Allesandro was flying Soontir, Duchess and Rear Admiral Chiraneau. Again I think this is a favorable match up for me, but what do I know. Chiraneau and Duchess in one corner, me in the opposite corner, Soontir in front of me. I zoom to get Soontir and call his bluff. Got Soontir in R3 of all 4 ships but cannot push any damage in. While that is happening Chiraneau and Duchess approach from the flank and I turn into Duchess and delete her. I lose a shield here and there but manage to consistently get Chiraneau in arc while forcing Soontir not to engage too directly. Chiraneau goes down due to a nasty combination of Panicked Pilot and Damaged Engine leaving him a sitting duck. I lose Pava. 25 minutes left and its Soontir against the world. Soontir takes down Cova, and my boys decide that's enough for them and I run. Soontir doesn't have enough time to do damage. Full Soontir is left against full Wexley and half of Bastian. Close Win. People reeeeally don't like Pava. Its going to be a pattern for the rest of the matches, she's priority #1 for some reason for most people and I disagree. Pava is the strongest early game ship and the weakest end game ship I have. Killing other ships makes Pava weaker as a side-effect so to me it doesn't make sense to take risky shots just to harm her. But it might be interesting to hang back with Pava in the future if people continue forcing a shoot at her.


Round Three - Danielle (Empire)

And the submarine begins. Vader, Duchess and Whisper. The list I played against the most since that's what my sparring partner flies. Honestly I don't remember much of the match, I was half blind and semi conscious from hunger and no sleep. It was classic aces versus beef. I kill Duchess and lose Cova. He plays better takes out Pava and I realize the tournament is over for me. Its full Whisper against Wexley and Bastian. I need a miracle. As a last ditch effort I throw everything straight into Vader, some lucky rolls ensue and I manage to half Vader, and lose half of Bastian in return. And then it happens. He misjudges the decloak and flies Whisper of the table. A full Whisper. We are both shocked. He puts half into Wexley with Vader. So now its half of Wexley and half of Bastian against half of Vader. I lead by a couple of points. Fifteen minutes left and for the second time in three games I run. Somehow manage to block and dodge my way to a win. He took it graceful and declared himself my lucky charm, since that Whisper turned the tournament completely around. After each round he came to ask how I did, one of the nicest people I meet.


I manage to beg some money from a couple of familiar faces to afford food and something to drink. Slightly better now, still tired as ****. Pass out for a 15 minutes nap before round four.

Round Four - Giacomo (First Order)

Tripsilon. So apparently that's still a thing. Tavson, Doritz and a Star-killer. He deployed in a triangle close to me, I zoom as fast as I could, reverse Cova, survive the initial onslaught, get behind him and it's done. I lose Cova. Shortest game of the day and only decisive victory. This is the point when my dice started to get hot, so for the rest of the weekend I needed to apologize to everyone. Read your **** cards people, Bastians ability is 1-2, this is like the fourth match someone reminded me to get my target lock when I was bumped. Your local Resistance players are cheating you.


Round Five - Alvise (Rebels)

Rebel beef against Resistance beef. The BBQ special. Wedge, two generic B and Leia generic U. We setup for a joust, I think that was the wrong call for him, I out-joust this list since for him almost no double mods will be present. He places Wedge at R3 of all my 4 ships. Wedge goes down, the game is done, the rest was just a straight brawl. I think Pava and half of Cova, maybe I don't remember, survive. Dice might have been too hot to kill Wedge that early, but I still think I out-joust it especially since I saw no reason for Wedge not to try and flank me.


Someone tells me that it's not 5:1 for the cut, but 4:2 as well. I realize I made the cut, my brain completely shuts down from exhaustion.

Round Six - Francesco (Empire)

Another wonderful opponent, his English wasn't the best but we waived hands and laughed. Either him or Danielle gave me sand from Genoa as a present, super cool people. Double Defenders and Palapatine driven by Kagi. I misjudged the initial engagement and got blocked, a lot. I exchange Cova for the Shuttle. Continue to misjudge flying, he gets all the calls correct. Went to time and it was close in points but wasn't really close. Ended up full Wexley against both defenders halved. Had a last round chance to kill one defender and win but I managed to bump. My brain was finally in total free fall from exhaustion. Francesco went on to Top 16.


And now the adventure starts, I have nowhere to sleep since I wasn't planning on making the cut and already booked a return bus. With some local help I find a cheap room to rent and pass out. Get up early to walk to the center of town to the closest ATM to get some money. I pay off my debts and can finally afford food. I enjoy breakfast immensely.

Day Two:

29 people made the cut. 3 people get a bye and 26 go into the pre-cut.Only one player went 6:0. I finished 17th overall and best in Resistance. 3 Resistance make the cut, another Cova soup and someone I didn't catch. The Cova soup is stopped at Top 16. Got my range rulers but not my deck. Apparently FFG didn't send any. I am semi-optimistic about receiving the deck in the mail.

Pre-cut - Marco (First Order)

Quickdraw, Scorch and two TIE/sf. I am so surprised that I am still here and not on a bus back home, that I am just here to have fun. We setup for a straight joust, again I think that this is the incorrect call for him, people for some reason refuse to treat my list as a jouster list. We slam into each other. First round of engagement he nearly kills Pava (again with the Pava prioritizing) and I nearly kill Scorch and one Tie/SF. And then the dice come in and don't stop for the rest of the day. In one single engagement round the following happens. Pava kills Scorch, Bastian kills the Tie/SF and Wexley and Cova kill a full health Quickdraw, I have never seen anything like this. The game is done, we fly around for some 10 more minutes and I catch the last Tie/SF

Top 16 - Dario (Republic)

Remember that one 6:0 player? Yep. I already lost to Dario twice in various tournaments including denying me the podium in my own hometown. I realize I have exactly zero chance here. Its Delta Re-gen Anakin, Delta Re-gen Obi and a Torrent. I setup my brick of beef in the lower right corner. He setups up in the opposite corner. I slow roll my brick of beef up the board edge, he circles around to my back with Anakin and my left flank with Obi. The Torrent wants none of this and flies away from everyone. I assume Obi is bait and he will run away forcing Annie up my behind so I turn into Annie with everyone but Bastian who stays pointed at Obi for pressure. Somehow I call it right, a lucky R3 shot clips Annie and forces Re-gen running, a lucky shot from Bastian clips Obi and forces Re-gen. My dice were determined to outperform my stupidity. I spread out and try to prevent Annie from escaping out of my starting corner. In the crucial turn of the game I completely accidentally block Annie ( Actual image of me realizing I blocked Annie by being too stupid to be predictable ) which gives me 3 shots on him. Dead Annie and with time running out he concedes. I am shocked, he is shocked, the room is shocked.

Top 8 - Allesandro (Rebels)

4U Wings. The one list I didn't want to play. I got completely dismantled by it at the Euros. I am tired, I am increasingly running out of options how to go back home as people start to leave and I know for a fact that he is twice the player I am, having already played the final of the System Open in Bologna so I do the only thing I can think of.

I set up for the joust.

12 red dice against 12 red dice. 8 green against 8 green. He wants to joust and I am the "player that is wrong" here but the difference is small enough that good dice can bail me out. We meet slightly outside R1 of each other in the middle of the board, he loses most of Leia U, I lose most of Pava. Knowing a Leia blocking turn is coming, I split forces. Bastian and Wexley go to the right of his formation, Pava to the left and Cova puts the gear in reverse. Somehow I arc dodge everything and get only a shield on Cova. Now with me being behind him and no Leia active I turn in and go to work while Cova bravely runs from the Us. Cova dies, Leia U dies, I still have 3X behind his 3U and the match is helped along with another series of insane dice roles proving that lucky stupid > unlucky smart. Game ends with Wexley and Bastian cleaning up the last U just before time. Even though most games have the phrase "Cova dies" she is undoubtedly the MVP in the list putting in a shift each game and dying when its expected from her. Without Leia the careful balance of reds needs to taken into account but for her points she is quite the knife fighter/blocker/sweeper/multi-purpose tool.

Top 4 - Samuele (Empire)

I have won an invitation to Worlds, in a room where 70% of the people are probably better pilots but that's why I brought the list I brought. Its extremely Resistant (huehuehue) to pilot stupidity, its quite forgiving, has mods for days and can push the speed into high gear when it's time to pretend that Wexley is an "ace"

Anyway the mathematically inclined among you will recognize this as match 10. Here we stop. Across the table were two Decimators loaded to the teeth. Having learned nothing about tempting fate I do what I must.

I set up for the joust.

The game was lost due to my inability to properly communicate with my opponent and know what cards did. I fundamentally misunderstood how Jerjerrod boosting card works which meant instead of me blocking him he ended up blocking me. A brawl ensured and my dice almost saved me again. Pretty much everything died and in the end it was 3 Hull RAC against 1 Hull Wexley. With 5 minutes on the clock left I turn into the inevitable. I need to survive a 3 dice attack unmodified at range 2 and then kill him on the return. He lands 2 hits I roll Focus, Blank. My luck ran out. The game was done. He played much better and probably should have won 45 minutes ago but such are dice.
Samuele went on to win the final against Sear Swarm.

There's an entire long story about me coming home but that's not relevant. Anyway I made it. Thanks to the people in this thread ( @RStan , @GreenDragoon , @Mistborn_Jedi )for improving my ideas and list, hopefully will see you in Minnesota next year, since I dont have time to organize going this year.

Edited by Flurpy

Congratulations @Flurpy . Good to see what could be the updated main Resistance 4 ship beef already proving itself.

Edited by RStan

Congrats @Flurpy and thanks for the detailed report. I haven't put this Cova on the table yet but definitely looking forward to it.

Great stuff, definitely top of my list of lists!

Update: I recalculated the probability for rose vs. Finn in the pod, and This time the calculations said finn was almost twice as strong as rose on offense

7 hours ago, Roller of blanks said:

Update: I recalculated the probability for rose vs. Finn in the pod, and This time the calculations said finn was almost twice as strong as rose on offense

Should be 1.875 for Rose vs 2.5 for Finn, because Finn can have a third die unlike Rose.

But that also leaves him at 1 unmodded green and locked into blues compared to Rose with 2 rerolls. Which puts Rose on par or ahead if considered overall.

10 hours ago, Roller of blanks said:

Update: I recalculated the probability for rose vs. Finn in the pod, and This time the calculations said finn was almost twice as strong as rose on offense

3 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Should be 1.875 for Rose vs 2.5 for Finn, because Finn can have a third die unlike Rose.

But that also leaves him at 1 unmodded green and locked into blues compared to Rose with 2 rerolls. Which puts Rose on par or ahead if considered overall.

Rose doesn’t mind getting blocked and isn’t token reliant like Finn either.

Rose + C3PO is a nice support ship and can tank quite a bit of fire if positioned correctly.

I’ve been playing around with this list.

Rose XXX

(26) Rose Tico [Resistance Transport Pod]
(6) C-3PO
Points: 32

(54) Temmin Wexley [T-70 X-wing]
(3) R3 Astromech
(0) Integrated S-foils
(1) Composure
Points: 58

(51) Jessika Pava [T-70 X-wing]
(4) R2 Astromech
(0) Integrated S-foils
Points: 55

(48) Lieutenant Bastian [T-70 X-wing]
(0) Integrated S-foils
(6) Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Points: 54

Total points: 199

Is Jess good enougn without an astromech?

Asking because with Cova/Pattern/R4/Heroic instead of a Pod, there's no points for it.

41 minutes ago, ayedubbleyoo said:

Is Jess good enougn without an astromech?

Asking because with Cova/Pattern/R4/Heroic instead of a Pod, there's no points for it.

Absolutely, yes. In my last version I put R3 on snap instead, with the idea that his target is usually dead after all ships fired. R3 gives him a mod for after the kturn.

I then saw that one of the Foss twins did the same at the Australian opens, so it can't be that stupid :)

On 9/23/2019 at 6:40 PM, GreenDragoon said:

For example this:

  • Temmin Wexley (54) , Composure (1) , Integrated S-Foils (0)
  • Jessika Pava (51) , Integrated S-Foils (0)
  • Lieutenant Bastian (48) , Integrated S-Foils (0)
  • Logistics Division Pilot (32) , Heavy Laser Cannon (4) , Amilyn Holdo (9) , Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

The first three are obvious, but Jess loses her BB - or Snap the R3, a variant I liked personally a bit more.

The transport steals the lock from Bastian - the lock he hopefully acquired because he dealt some damage! Downside is that the transport needs to hit the bullseye for a fully modified 4dice attack. The alternative of Autoblasters is 3dice only in the bullseye, too. It doesn't convince me, personally, but maybe it's an idea.

Rose as pod pilot frees up points, but she can't get a 3rd die on the attack.

I actually looked into this last week and realised that Holdo cannot transfer friendly target locks. There are no longer a "blue/red" token situation so there is no friendly target lock to transfer since only the enemy ship has a TL token. It can be used to pull enemy TLs off a ship though which could come in handy.

5 hours ago, Lyynark said:

I actually looked into this last week and realised that Holdo cannot transfer friendly target locks. There are no longer a "blue/red" token situation so there is no friendly target lock to transfer since only the enemy ship has a TL token. It can be used to pull enemy TLs off a ship though which could come in handy.

Thanks a lot! It feels like there are still many of these "duh" moments where remnants of 1.0-thinking are brought into 2.0

In that case I do not see how we can get 12 double modified red dice now in resistance. That might be a good thing for the game, but it's bad news for the list. At least it requires change.

4 ship resistance

(48) Lieutenant Bastian [T-70 X-wing]
(0) Jamming Beam
(0) Integrated S-foils
Points: 48

(51) Jessika Pava [T-70 X-wing]
(3) BB Astromech
(0) Jamming Beam
(0) Integrated S-foils
Points: 54

(36) Nodin Chavdri [Resistance Transport]
(5) Ion Cannon
(4) Larma D'Acy
(6) Korr Sella
(5) Pattern Analyzer
Points: 56

(29) Finn [Resistance Transport Pod]
(8) Perceptive Copilot
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 42

Total points: 200

This gets you most of the way to triple mods. Every other round Nodin can take three actions for double modded ion shots. Bastian and Pava do their things and 42 point Finn slots right in. Can also trade Finn for optics, heroic, crack shot Greer if desired.

I meant without Finn. My premise is that I shouldn't use Finn anymore. I know many disagree, but I'm quite sure about it.

3 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Thanks a lot! It feels like there are still many of these "duh" moments where remnants of 1.0-thinking are brought into 2.0

In that case I do not see how we can get 12 double modified red dice now in resistance. That might be a good thing for the game, but it's bad news for the list. At least it requires change.

I actually realised this in the midst of trying a slight variation of your list :)

3 hours ago, missileaway said:

(36) Nodin Chavdri [Resistance Transport]
(5) Ion Cannon
(4) Larma D'Acy
(6) Korr Sella
(5) Pattern Analyzer
Points: 56

I've been toying with the idea of putting C3PO and Korr Sella on Nodin Chavdri along with an R4 astromech. This gives you a coordinate as your first action, then you end up with one of the following:

  • 3 calculate
  • TL + 1 calculate
  • Jam + 1 calculate
  • Focus + 1 calculate

The double stress is easily shed in the following turn. Calculate goes well with the single defensive dice.

Last minute decision to go to another Hyperspace Trial this weekend and I'm not sure what to take now that Big Deal isn't such a big deal. So figured I'd touch base with my favorite group of Resistance pilots. Is there potential is 2 Transports?

Cova Nell (38)
Leia Organa (Resistance) (19)
Ship total: 57 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 4

Nodin Chavdri (36)
Tactical Officer (6)
R4 Astromech (2)
Ship total: 44 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 4

Lieutenant Bastian (48)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Ship total: 48 Half Points: 24 Threshold: 4

Jessika Pava (51)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Ship total: 51 Half Points: 26 Threshold: 4

Total: 200
View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Nodin Jess Bastian&obs=gascloud1,gascloud2,gascloud3

3 hours ago, Mistborn_Jedi said:

Last minute decision to go to another Hyperspace Trial this weekend and I'm not sure what to take now that Big Deal isn't such a big deal. So figured I'd touch base with my favorite group of Resistance pilots. Is there potential is 2 Transports?

Cova Nell (38)
Leia Organa (Resistance) (19)
Ship total: 57 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 4

Nodin Chavdri (36)
Tactical Officer (6)
R4 Astromech (2)
Ship total: 44 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 4

Lieutenant Bastian (48)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Ship total: 48 Half Points: 24 Threshold: 4

Jessika Pava (51)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Ship total: 51 Half Points: 26 Threshold: 4

Total: 200
View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Nodin Jess Bastian&obs=gascloud1,gascloud2,gascloud3

If you're going that route, why not just Jess/Bastian and two RSEs?