Resistance XXX + ?: a fun entry point to Resistance

By GreenDragoon, in X-Wing Squad Lists

On 1/25/2019 at 2:41 PM, Tyhar7 said:

Really enjoying this list tho.


How do you spend the last 5 points? Still R2HA or something else?

2 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:


How do you spend the last 5 points? Still R2HA or something else?

Still R2-HA.

I keep debating if R4's on Bastion and Jess would be better but R2-HA has saved Bastion quite a few times.

Especially when you are facing off with some lower Ini ships. Having a lock on your attack then spending it to cause damage to regain it for defence is **** good.

That said I been tempted to drop it to swap Snap for a Nien with PA.

Points changes mean a little change to this squad now.

T-70 X-wing - •Jessika Pava - 55
•Jessika Pava - The Great Destroyer (52)
BB Astromech (3)
Integrated S-foils (Open) (0)

T-70 X-wing - •Temmin Wexley - 55
•Temmin Wexley - Snap (54)
Composure (1)
Integrated S-foils (Open) (0)

RZ-2 A-wing - •L’ulo L’ampar - 38
•L’ulo L’ampar - Luminous Mentor (38)

T-70 X-wing - •Lieutenant Bastian - 52
•Lieutenant Bastian - Optimistic Analyst (48)
•R2-HA (4)
Integrated S-foils (Closed) (0)

Total: 200/200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder

With composure coming down and the Generic BB's are now scaling points, Jess can get one for 3 points to help her ability. Had to run L'ulo naked but he's okay like that anyway.

My version, with AO on L'ulo because that's awesome. Only flown it once, got the win against a near-mirror match 2X2A list. Gearing up for Hyperspace Trial on March 2nd and this is my current frontrunner.

I love Bastian and Jess, not sure that Kare is the right 4th. Dropping her down to get R2-HA on Bastian might be a good move based on experiences shared here. Any commentary from those with more experience with the archetype?!h!239:172,133,-1,186:;254:-1,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:;252:172,-1,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:;296:-1,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:&sn=Hyp02 - Lulo Bastion Kare Jess&obs=

Also...has anyone taken it against the new Tripsilon bogeyman? If so what's your opening strategy and how did it go?

Don't think AO on L'ulo is a good move to be honest. At the very least if it's working for you drop trick shot and get Temmin with composure back in the list. Purpose failing him into the back of the other two is what's going to give you 3x double mod.

I flew this list in a local store tournement last weekend and came 4th out of 12. I was rolling terribly the entire day but this list is forgiving enough to work still.

Not faced a tripsilon list yet. I'll likely use Snap an L'ulo's speed to get behind them

On 2/8/2019 at 9:37 PM, Tyhar7 said:

I flew this list in a local store tournement last weekend and came 4th out of 12. I was rolling terribly the entire day but this list is forgiving enough to work still.

You know, I truly appreciate you keeping the list going and making these updates. I didn't get to try it myself after those initial games, but I'm very glad you do!

On 2/11/2019 at 7:13 AM, GreenDragoon said:

You know, I truly appreciate you keeping the list going and making these updates. I didn't get to try it myself after those initial games, but I'm very glad you do!


It's solid list and everyone I've used it on is surprised how affective it is.

I might ditch L'ulo tho when the new transport is released. A support ship could add a lot more than a flanker potentially.


Also the points changes now allow for all 3 xwing to carry R4's. I'm a little torn between that and giving Jess a bb Astro.

Edited by Tyhar7

How do you keep the A-wing consistently stressed?

6 hours ago, Stefan said:

How do you keep the A-wing consistently stressed?

Never do a blue maneuver would be the quick answer. :)

The long one... well the additional red boost or rotate action should be all you need to keep L'ulo stressed.

Obviously, on approach, boost is what you rely on. I found myself trying to fly like a Rebel Awing, slow rolling an approach to arc dodge in or flanking the side. This can be a mistake, the front/rear turret is the core of this ship and you have to use it a lot with L'ulo. When your within range 3, or just out. Instead of slow rolling punch a 5, over shoot and switch the arc. Most people won't 4K an anticipated response and if the do your no worse off than a slow approach would have been. Better in fact as they'll be tokenless and you won't.

If you are in close hard turn away and rotate the arc. Lot's of folks anticipate 4K and sloops and forget that you can just hard 1 (hard 2 if you were previously stressed) focus/TL and rotate the arc on them.

However personally, early game I try not to engage L'ulo, I keep him well wide of my pack of Xwings. It gives me the option to flank, but mainly I hold him back, I want to tempt one or two of my opponents list away rather than timing a unified strike from different angles on a pack.

The Xwings hit hard and can take a little punishment but I often don't want my opponents full list concentrating fire on them.

If I can tempt one ship out to deal with L'ulo; Which you usually can because no one wants him in their flank. I'll then fly unpredictable circles around them. Usually won't even attempt to get a firing arc unless I have a clear safe opportunity. My goal is to keep them out of the initial engagement while the Xwings rip through the main bulk of the list.

At this stage you now have two groups across the board and an A-wing that can quickly bridge the gap between the two. At this point I take targets of opportunity with him. Clearing up the stragglers the Xwing left behind. This usually affords me the space to boost or rotate turret as required.

Hope that helps, turned into more of general overview of how I use the Awing in this list but hopefully some of that helped to answer your question.

Edited by Tyhar7

I got 3 games in with this last night and am planning to fly it in Hyperspace Trial in 2 weeks. Composure Snap Wexley is a rock star!

Currently running it this way, but debating between Advanced Optics on L'ulo and R2-HA on Bastian. R2-HA never proc'd across the 3 games, but AO would have multiple times. Curious other's expereinces on how often R2-HA is coming into play.!h!239:172,116,-1,-1:;254:190,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:;297:115,-1,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:;296:-1,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:&sn=Hyp - Lulo Bastion Jess Snap v1&obs=

Game 1 -- Close loss to the Tripsilon bogeyman. I spread out across the back edge, he set up in the middle. L'ulo fast up one edge, Bastian up the other. Jess & Snap hard turn to stay at max possible range and focus. He couldn't focus fire on the opening so didn't lose any ships. Out of position for a couple turns due to being so spread out, but killed Dormitz and got half of Tavson. I'm encouraged as this felt like it was a winnable game. Lost by about 20 points.

Game 2 -- Easy win against Magva & 3 T65s. He got half points on 2 Xs but I didn't lose a ship. Some variance helped but this felt like a good matchup.

Game 3 -- Close loss to Imp Aces (Maarek in Tie Adv, Vermiel, Duchess, Scourge). Struggled some on this one with the repositioning higher Init opponents, but another winnable game with some more practice. Lost by 7 points with a chance to win on the last turn.

Anyone know of any recorded games with it that I can watch?

34 minutes ago, Mistborn_Jedi said:

Anyone  know of any recorded games with it that I can watch? 

I'm not sure who besides myself and mainly @Tyhar7 plays this list.

1 hour ago, GreenDragoon said:

I'm not sure who besides myself and mainly @Tyhar7 plays this list.

I've played it about a half dozen times between vassal and in person. My biggest concern is with Bastian and his locks triggering against ships with high shield count.

On 1/29/2019 at 7:12 AM, Tyhar7 said:

Points changes mean a little change to this squad now.

T-70 X-wing - •Jessika Pava - 55

T-70 X-wing - •Temmin Wexley - 55

RZ-2 A-wing - •L’ulo L’ampar - 38

T-70 X-wing - •Lieutenant Bastian - 52

Total: 200/200

I really think this build has legs...

But I also feel like it could lose to itself simply by having the 2-3-4-5 initiative tree.

6 minutes ago, Bucknife said:

I really think this build has legs...

But I also feel like it could lose to itself simply by having the 2-3-4-5 initiative tree.

Could you expand on that?

5 hours ago, Mistborn_Jedi said:

I got 3 games in with this last night and am planning to fly it in Hyperspace Trial in 2 weeks. Composure Snap Wexley is a rock star!

Currently running it this way, but debating between Advanced Optics on L'ulo and R2-HA on Bastian. R2-HA never proc'd across the 3 games, but AO would have multiple times. Curious other's expereinces on how often R2-HA is coming into play.!h!239:172,116,-1,-1:;254:190,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:;297:115,-1,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:;296:-1,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:&sn=Hyp - Lulo Bastion Jess Snap v1&obs=

Yeah as it stands I've dropped R2-HA from my list. Happens my first games were with Low ini swarms where it triggered enough to be noticible. The last tournament I used it on it didn't trigger once.

I'm now torn between adding a BB unit to Jess so she can use her ability a little more or running R4's across the X-wings.

I think I'm leaning towards the later, the BB unit can be useful but I think with good management Jess's single charge is enough.

However keeping the X-wings in a small swarm inevitably means I need to 4K or Talon to joust and it's crazy how much I miss the blue hard 2's when I don't have them.

How about this variant? Jess locks the Red Squadron, and then uses ability for rerolls. So, if Bastian can get a lock, potentially Lulo + 3 X-Wing with rerolls and focus for offense. Not as defensive, but Ints of 2, 3, 3, 5, so a tad more activation flexibility. I haven't flown it, but I want to.!s!296:197,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:;257:-1,-1,-1,175,-1,171,-1:;254:196,-1,175,-1,-1,-1:;239:172,133,-1,-1:&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

Jessika Pava — T-70 X-Wing 52
M9-G8 7
Integrated S-Foils 0
Ship Total: 59
Half Points: 30 Threshold: 4
Red Squadron Expert — T-70 X-Wing 48
Integrated S-Foils 0
Black One 2
Ship Total: 50
Half Points: 25 Threshold: 4
Lieutenant Bastian — T-70 X-Wing 48
BB Astromech 2
Integrated S-Foils 0
Ship Total: 50
Half Points: 25 Threshold: 4
L’ulo L’ampar — RZ-2 A-Wing 38
Heroic 1
Trick Shot 2
Ship Total: 41
Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2
7 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Could you expand on that? know,

that one moment when...around round 2 or 3 of combat....

you have to break formation in a four ship list that ideally flies close together and realize that you can't go ANYWHERE you want to because of the position of your ships relative to each other and the timing of their moves...

Then you resign to putting ONE of your ships where you want and self bumping or disengaging the rest.

Then you lose because you have no mods and bad positions.

If it's happened to you before, you know exactly what I'm talking about, and the feeling when there's nothing you can do to fix it.

If you haven't, then I just sound like a jaded negative Nancy.

All I'm saying is that 4+ ship lists where all the ships have different initiatives can be deceptively tricky to fly, and when you have to change plans, your ships can get in each other's ways accidentally when you least expect it.

4 hours ago, Tyhar7 said:

Yeah as it stands I've dropped R2-HA from my list. Happens my first games were with Low ini swarms where it triggered enough to be noticible. The last tournament I used it on it didn't trigger once.

However keeping the X-wings in a small swarm inevitably means I need to 4K or Talon to joust and it's crazy how much I miss the blue hard 2's when I don't have them.


I can see where R2HA would be useful against low I ships. But at least around me basically no one is flying I1. I was already leaning towards going with AO instead, this convinces me.

R4 is my default on Xs these days. Hmm, dropping Crack Shot would let me put R4 on one of the T70s.

52 minutes ago, Bucknife said:

If it's happened to you before, you know exactly what I'm talking about, and the feeling when there's nothing you can do to fix it.

Oh I've been on the bump train you're talking about many times. I'm getting better at avoiding it, but it's still a work in progress.

The good news for this list is that L'ulo generally flies by himself on the outside, so you only have to manage 3 ships. And all of those have the same dial so I think it's simpler than the Drea swarms I was flying before Resistance came out.

11 hours ago, Mistborn_Jedi said:

Anyone know of any recorded games with it that I can watch?

Found one thanks to X-wing Battlereport. Haven't watched it yet.

Nice, good find!

I think I know who the Tourist is (a british guy?), and he's pretty good.

I've tested variation of the squad:

Nien + PA, Black One

Wexley + Composure



So more XXXa than XXXx but I must say it's really strong. I'll be playing with this.

16 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

I'm not sure who besides myself and mainly @Tyhar7 plays this list.

I ran into this list in the last round of a tournament a couple of weeks ago. That sneaky Snap double-action was a nasty little surprise, but my opponent got very unlucky and lost the A-Wing before he could get a shot off, then it was down to three low-PS T-70s against ProTorps Wedge, Luke and Dutch and that was always going to be an uphill struggle.

It's a good list.

2 hours ago, Rodafowa said:

I ran into this list in the last round of a tournament a couple of weeks ago. That sneaky Snap double-action was a nasty little surprise, but my opponent got very unlucky and lost the A-Wing before he could get a shot off, then it was down to three low-PS T-70s against ProTorps Wedge, Luke and Dutch and that was always going to be an uphill struggle.

It's a good list.

Sounds familiar.

If that was the shop tournament in MK UK that was me.

Ended with Jess and Luke left on the table. Was a close match.

Edited by Tyhar7
47 minutes ago, Tyhar7 said:

Sounds familiar.

If that was the shop tournament in MK UK that was me.

Ended with Jess and Luke left on the table. Was a close match.

Oh nice! Yes, it sure was. If you hadn't taken those two damage when the front corner of the A-Wing crept into range of my lead ships in the opening round it might have ended very differently.