STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

22 minutes ago, ClassicalMoser said:

Pretty sure episode 9 will be good enough to appease if not justify everything that happened in TLJ

The only person I have LESS faith in than JJ is RJ, considering that JJ gave us Mary Sue Rey, Snoke-Coming-out-of-Nowhere, a planetary-size Starkiller that succumbed to a handful of Resistance ships, and a general rehash of Episode IV. Among other things.

And if KK is still in charge of LFL, then the door of every theater screening Episode IX should bear the legend, "All hope abandon, ye who enter here."

I'm looking forward to IX. I'm also looking forward the this new series, because the ST era is in dire need of expansion and the novels can only do so much in the time before episode IX comes out. Animation samples would be much apreciated!

On 7/9/2018 at 12:06 PM, ClassicalMoser said:

Pretty sure episode 9 will be good enough to appease if not justify everything that happened in TLJ

On 7/9/2018 at 12:09 PM, Sir Orrin said:

I hope you're right. I have faith in JJ.

I agree. I enjoyed TLJ, but I need something else to round out the series. I’m excited to see what we get.

On 7/9/2018 at 1:34 PM, Firebird TMK said:

The only person I have LESS faith in than JJ is RJ, considering that JJ gave us Mary Sue Rey, Snoke-Coming-out-of-Nowhere, a planetary-size Starkiller that succumbed to a handful of Resistance ships, and a general rehash of Episode IV. Among other things.

And if KK is still in charge of LFL, then the door of every theater screening Episode IX should bear the legend, "All hope abandon, ye who enter here."

“All hope abandon, ye who enter, if ye be a mysogynistic white male who can't let go of the past”

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange
Fixed a typo
5 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

“All hope abandon, ye who enter, if ye be a mysognostic white male who can't let go of the past”

I don't know what's more pathetic: that post, or your thinking that shaming language actually still works.

Nice try.

Oh, and next time, try using a spelling checker.

Edited by Firebird TMK
Additional comment
On 7/9/2018 at 11:34 AM, Firebird TMK said:

The only person I have LESS faith in than JJ is RJ, considering that JJ gave us Mary Sue Rey, Snoke-Coming-out-of-Nowhere, a planetary-size Starkiller that succumbed to a handful of Resistance ships, and a general rehash of Episode IV. Among other things.

And if KK is still in charge of LFL, then the door of every theater screening Episode IX should bear the legend, "All hope abandon, ye who enter here."

vs Mary Sue Luke and come out of nowhere Darth Vader back when Star Wars originally released?

14 minutes ago, Firebird TMK said:

I don't know what's more pathetic: that post, or your thinking that shaming language actually still works.

Nice try.

Oh, and next time, try using a spelling checker.

Thanks. Fixed the spelling.

5 hours ago, Wiredin said:

vs Mary Sue Luke and come out of nowhere Darth Vader back when Star Wars originally released?

If you think Luke was a Mary Sue (or more properly, Gary Stu), you may not know what the term means.

Luke underwent THREE MOVIES' WORTH of character development, training, and overcoming challenges, and he STILL wasn't strong enough to take down Palpatine by himself. Mary Sue Rey just suddenly, with no background or training whatsoever, manifested (a) piloting ability, (b) Force ability, (c) skill with a light saber, (d) gunner ability, (e) SUPER-ULTRA skill with a light saber, (f) SUPER-ULTRA Force ability, etc. etc., and overcame each and every challenge that came her way without breaking a sweat.

Darth Vader's origin began to be explained by Obi-Wan, IN Episode IV, not in later books, games, comics, or anywhere else. Enough of his background was developed in Episode IV to establish the character.

Analogizing Luke to Rey, or Vader to Snoke, just doesn't fly.

24 minutes ago, Firebird TMK said:

If you think Luke was a Mary Sue (or more properly, Gary Stu), you may not know what the term means.

Luke underwent THREE MOVIES' WORTH of character development, training, and overcoming challenges, and he STILL wasn't strong enough to take down Palpatine by himself. Mary Sue Rey just suddenly, with no background or training whatsoever, manifested (a) piloting ability, (b) Force ability, (c) skill with a light saber, (d) gunner ability, (e) SUPER-ULTRA skill with a light saber, (f) SUPER-ULTRA Force ability, etc. etc., and overcame each and every challenge that came her way without breaking a sweat.

Darth Vader's origin began to be explained by Obi-Wan, IN Episode IV, not in later books, games, comics, or anywhere else. Enough of his background was developed in Episode IV to establish the character.

Analogizing Luke to Rey, or Vader to Snoke, just doesn't fly.

Why bother dude? The people who liked it liked it. No changing that.

It's just a movie, those of us who don't like it can watch the older stuff and enjoy the old eu and just ignore the Disney stuff.

Trying to explain why we don't like it at this point is useless, it's only gonna attract accusations of being a misogynistic blahblahblah thanks to a few actual misogynistic ***** and some media spin. It's just not worth the hassle man.

6 hours ago, Wiredin said:

vs Mary Sue Luke and come out of nowhere Darth Vader back when Star Wars originally released?

Darth Vader appeared in the first Star Wars film, the film that set up the universe. The issue, I believe that Firebird was alluding to with Snoke was that he just sort of pops up out of nowhere in a franchise that was established rather than any sort of background being established for him. The Emperor makes sense in the OT due to there being an Empire, but we are told how great and powerful Snoke is but he was never mentioned before, nor was it explained where he came from. The ST just doesn't go into the backgrounds or explaining the situation the galaxy is at despite being a sequel. There is a reason why some people still have issues trying to grasp the status/state and origins of the Resistance, New Republic, and First Order.

19 minutes ago, Dabirdisdaword said:

Why bother dude? The people who liked it liked it. No changing that.

It's just a movie, those of us who don't like it can watch the older stuff and enjoy the old eu and just ignore the Disney stuff.

Trying to explain why we don't like it at this point is useless, it's only gonna attract accusations of being a misogynistic blahblahblah thanks to a few actual misogynistic ***** and some media spin. It's just not worth the hassle man.

Thats actually sort of what I'm doing at the moment. If the ST doesn't win me over I'll just head canon/cherry pick what I like from both continuities like Rogue One, Rebels, and the new Thrawn books being thrown in with the old stuff.

I love TLJ, but not for the reasons anyone else does. I’m a big fan of writing and what writers tend to do based on their thinking.

The original trilogy is based on Joseph Campbell’s Hero With a Thousand Faces. That was based off of a lot of Jungian archetypes, a lot of which is heavily mirrored in the prequels. So it’s almost as if you’re watching inspirations of creative thinking if you watch the series in order.

But what about the new movies? They’re complete post-modern thinking. Kylo basically gives the PM mantra in the throne room with his “forget the past, kill it if you have to” line. But then what happens? Rather than both characters moving forward and making something new by helping each other (and representing the balance of the force) ole Kylo slides back into his grandpa’s shoes. Because post-modern thinking can’t create. It just tears down until there’s barely anything left and it has to go back to older and better ways of thinking.

However, as much as I love TLJ for shining a spotlight on that, it doesn’t mean that any of it makes for good viewing. Here’s to hoping Resistance is a hit and they just hand the keys to the kingdom to Filoni.

Edited by Flavorabledeez

So I know they've indicated there won't be any big reveals next week at SDCC, there's a big Clone Wars panel for the 10th anniversary. I'm kind of hoping that they'll slip something in there, even if something small.

There's also a collectibles panel, a Hasbro panel, and a publishing panel. I'm hoping one of these will have some tiny tidbit, even if it's just of something we've seen in 2d as a 3d thing, or a like a book/comic cover, etc.

44 minutes ago, Ixidor said:

So I know they've indicated there won't be any big reveals next week at SDCC, there's a big Clone Wars panel for the 10th anniversary. I'm kind of hoping that they'll slip something in there, even if something small.

There's also a collectibles panel, a Hasbro panel, and a publishing panel. I'm hoping one of these will have some tiny tidbit, even if it's just of something we've seen in 2d as a 3d thing, or a like a book/comic cover, etc.

I'd love to see them decide to fully animate the stories that they had planned for the rest of the Clone Wars, though I doubt that would get approved especially with a number of those stories already being told in others forms now. Then again I never expected a live action US Gundam film to be worked on so who knows what they might announce.

1 hour ago, Animewarsdude said:

I'd love to see them decide to fully animate the stories that they had planned for the rest of the Clone Wars, though I doubt that would get approved especially with a number of those stories already being told in others forms now. Then again I never expected a live action US Gundam film to be worked on so who knows what they might announce.

That would be amazing but I doubt it. Didn't that even have the Yuuzhan Vong planned? I definitely don't see that happening at this point. Maybe some of the other stories.

3 hours ago, Dabirdisdaword said:

Why bother dude? The people who liked it liked it. No changing that.

It's just a movie, those of us who don't like it can watch the older stuff and enjoy the old eu and just ignore the Disney stuff.

Trying to explain why we don't like it at this point is useless, it's only gonna attract accusations of being a misogynistic blahblahblah thanks to a few actual misogynistic ***** and some media spin. It's just not worth the hassle man.

You're probably right. Although "accusations" just make me laugh.

Btw: I like your handle!

11 hours ago, Ixidor said:

That would be amazing but I doubt it. Didn't that even have the Yuuzhan Vong planned? I definitely don't see that happening at this point. Maybe some of the other stories.

When you think about it, the Yuuzhan vong, if handled right, could work. The new republic didn't have a large military. Heck, they didn't even have all the planets the republic before the empire had.

The first order will likely fall in the next film, or be forced into a retreat. Where things go from there who knows. If the vong were toned down on their ‘90’s edginess they could work.

They don't need the S&M vibe, or the force immunity anymore I've heard the former was misconstrued and supposed to just be for the one faction, and the latter was a symptom of how superpowerful Jedi in the novels became - same goes for the lightsaber resistant snakes..

If you combined them with the Ssi-ruuk, that might work.

The only thing that might hold them back is the lack of love of the vong, and the overall theme and appearance. They are probably a little too grim-dark for star wars.

14 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

If the vong were toned down on their ‘90’s edginess they could work.

Yeah, for whatever reason any time someone brings them up, they just seem like Star Wars version of Cobra-La. Especially when the force-immune snakes are brought up.

1 hour ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

When you think about it, the Yuuzhan vong, if handled right, could work. The new republic didn't have a large military. Heck, they didn't even have all the planets the republic before the empire had.

The first order will likely fall in the next film, or be forced into a retreat. Where things go from there who knows. If the vong were toned down on their ‘90’s edginess they could work.

They don't need the S&M vibe, or the force immunity anymore I've heard the former was misconstrued and supposed to just be for the one faction, and the latter was a symptom of how superpowerful Jedi in the novels became - same goes for the lightsaber resistant snakes..

If you combined them with the Ssi-ruuk, that might work.

The only thing that might hold them back is the lack of love of the vong, and the overall theme and appearance. They are probably a little too grim-dark for star wars.

Well I think it was mentioned that when they were thinking of bringing them into the Clone Wars they wouldn't be immune to the force. Tone down the 90s HARDCORE punk orcs and they'd be real cool. Their whole thing of using living weapons and ships and hating technology is a really good base to work off of, personally.

22 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

Well I think it was mentioned that when they were thinking of bringing them into the Clone Wars they wouldn't be immune to the force. Tone down the 90s HARDCORE punk orcs and they'd be real cool. Their whole thing of using living weapons and ships and hating technology is a really good base to work off of, personally.

There is always a chance that Thrawn and Ezra are off with the vong. Imagine a story with the Chimera being like the Battlestar Galactica, and the role of the cylons being played by the vong.

*I* think THAT would make a good story. Ezra would be at odds with Thrawn, but they would grow to rely on each other. Ezra’s connection to animals would also feature heavily.

We could also get some ‘heroic’ empire characters - namely some of the pilots. Ezra can fly along side them, and the pilots slowly accept him.

Plus, the Chimera likely had Defenders, and the plans. During the show the defender could turn into the clawcraft.

1 hour ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

There is always a chance that Thrawn and Ezra are off with the vong. Imagine a story with the Chimera being like the Battlestar Galactica, and the role of the cylons being played by the vong.

*I* think THAT would make a good story. Ezra would be at odds with Thrawn, but they would grow to rely on each other. Ezra’s connection to animals would also feature heavily.

We could also get some ‘heroic’ empire characters - namely some of the pilots. Ezra can fly along side them, and the pilots slowly accept him.

Plus, the Chimera likely had Defenders, and the plans. During the show the defender could turn into the clawcraft.

I actually want to watch this!

Just make sure Dave Filoni is involved! !

30 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

I actually want to watch this!

Just make sure Dave Filoni is involved! !

And make sure someone is there to keep his wolf fixation at bay.

1 minute ago, Animewarsdude said:

And make sure someone is there to keep his wolf fixation at bay.

Nah... the vong have their voxn/vorynskyr whatever.

2 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

There is always a chance that Thrawn and Ezra are off with the vong. Imagine a story with the Chimera being like the Battlestar Galactica, and the role of the cylons being played by the vong.

*I* think THAT would make a good story. Ezra would be at odds with Thrawn, but they would grow to rely on each other. Ezra’s connection to animals would also feature heavily.

We could also get some ‘heroic’ empire characters - namely some of the pilots. Ezra can fly along side them, and the pilots slowly accept him.

Plus, the Chimera likely had Defenders, and the plans. During the show the defender could turn into the clawcraft.

If they do this Disney wins me back easy. All other complaints forgotten.

Edited by Dabirdisdaword
2 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Nah... the vong have their voxn/vorynskyr whatever.

Don't be negative, friends, think of it as an incentive. For every good season of Thrawn-Ezra / Ahsoka-Sabine, he gets to put a wolf reference in... :D

1 hour ago, RuusMarev said:

Don't be negative, friends, think of it as an incentive. For every good season of Thrawn-Ezra / Ahsoka-Sabine, he gets to put a wolf reference in... :D

You ever wonder if he keeps a wolf pack in his office, all of which are wearing Wolf Pack clone trooper helmets made for them?