STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic


38 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


Huh, forgot if they showed Rucklin(did I spell that right?) had joined the FO.

Also hoping to see some starfighter stuff for this episode.

1 hour ago, KiraYamatoSF said:

Huh, forgot if they showed Rucklin(did I spell that right?) had joined the FO.

Also hoping to see some starfighter stuff for this episode.

Jace Rucklin 👍🏻

I’m pretty sure starfighters will be along shortly.

On 10/7/2019 at 10:28 AM, CaptainJaguarShark said:

I wonder if they're doing the episode guides and bucket's list and all that like they did last season.



I do enjoy this show.

TIE Fighter Battalion? The writers for this show don't pay attention to proper military terms.

1 hour ago, ravehnhuhrxt said:

TIE Fighter Battalion? The writers for this show don't pay attention to proper military terms.

To be fair there are real world counterparts and equivalents for this terminology in many militant dictatorships, notably Nazi Germany’s Luftwaffe and Argentina’s Fuerza Aérea Argentina , but there are examples in many other Latin American and Third World dictatorships, some with no actual Air Force or a skeleton of what a dedicated Air Core would entail. North Korea does this in the modern day.

Why ?

Because it is easier to validate a buildup of sizable but superfluous ground units (outside of the actual Army Core), or to cloak and obscure combat ready/active militarized units deployable to the front, or in some cases, the vain hope that one day there would be an actual Air Force for the excess personnel (or in the case of Reich Marshal Göering, who in hubris wanted ground forces loyal explicitly to him).

And let’s not forget the nomenclature of Imperial Ace Baron Colonel Soontir Fel.

OR maybe the show runners just flubbed on this one. 🤣

It’s a coin toss.

12 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

OR maybe the show runners just flubbed on this one. 🤣

It’s a coin toss.

Commander Pyre called them Squadrons, so maybe it's to underscore that Tierne doesn't know the correct term. It's just so jarring when fighter wings have never been referred to as "Battalions" in Star Wars before.

21 minutes ago, ravehnhuhrxt said:

It's just so jarring when fighter wings have never been referred to as "Battalions" in Star Wars before.

Well the difference here is, The Empire brought The Emperor’s majestic vision of (The New) Order and hard fought Peace to the Galaxy.

The First Order is just a bunch of wannabe emo hipster pretenders to the throne posers playing at ruling with daddy’s trust fund money for toys.

(Yes I’ve been bitter since the Lies of Endor.)


54 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

(Yes I’ve been bitter since the Lies of Endor.)


Vader lives

4 minutes ago, Whalers on the moon said:

Vader lives

In The Empeor’s Shadow

3 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Well the difference here is, The Empire brought The Emperor’s majestic vision of (The New) Order and hard fought Peace to the Galaxy.

The First Order is just a bunch of wannabe emo hipster pretenders to the throne posers playing at ruling with daddy’s trust fund money for toys.

(Yes I’ve been bitter since the Lies of Endor.)


And the empire might have been successful and enduring if it wasn't for one thing. The Emperor - a petty, vindictive tyrant full of hubris.

18 hours ago, ravehnhuhrxt said:

TIE Fighter Battalion? The writers for this show don't pay attention to proper military terms.

When has Star Wars EVER used proper military terms correctly? After all.. palps himself called, what maybe 60 people on Endor a Legion.

Perhaps in the Galaxy Far, Far Away they use terms in different ways? Perhaps a battalion is appropriate for starfighters? Perhaps a battalion is made up of several squadrons?

Video source has been removed, message from Disney states:

Our Master, Mickey the Great, bids thy vid unwelcome.


Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

3 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

I like how the preview image gives me what I want but the preview doesn't. Hopefully the episode has a lot of stuff like the preview image.

On ‎10‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 3:03 AM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

And let’s not forget the nomenclature of Imperial Ace Baron Colonel Soontir Fel.

Indeed. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to organise units.

On ‎10‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 7:30 PM, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Perhaps a battalion is appropriate for starfighters? Perhaps a battalion is made up of several squadrons?

I would assume so. A squadron is normally shown as half-a-dozen-to-a-dozen ships, depending on source and 'main character' status. That's closer to a platoon or company concept for ground forces nomenclature; a Battalion is a level above that. There's nothing inherently wrong with a Battalion containing fighter squadrons instead of infantry companies.

That goes double for the first order, who are a weird amalgam of naval and army structure; their senior officer, Hux, has the title 'General', for example, despite commanding naval engagements.

1 hour ago, Magnus Grendel said:

That goes double for the first order, who are a weird amalgam of naval and army structure; their senior officer, Hux, has the title 'General', for example, despite commanding naval engagements.

Generals have long been in command of ships in star wars. General Calrissian during Endor, Jedi Generals often commanded ships. Star Wars is weird.

44 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Generals have long been in command of ships in star wars. General Calrissian during Endor, Jedi Generals often commanded ships. Star Wars is weird.

Which is not a problem, except it does then raise the question about what a general does that an admiral doesn't. Of course a jedi commanded basically everything in the vicinity.

Calrissian actually might support the 'battalion of starfighters' idea; if an admiral (Ackbar) commands a fleet, but a general (Lando) commands the fleet's fighters, that suggests the fighters are organised in a broadly 'ground forces' fashion, so battalion as an organisation level doesn't sound so silly

Edited by Magnus Grendel
On 10/16/2019 at 11:12 PM, CaptainJaguarShark said:

I like how the preview image gives me what I want but the preview doesn't. Hopefully the episode has a lot of stuff like the preview image.

Resistance as a series... just...

Does that.

On 10/17/2019 at 10:44 AM, Magnus Grendel said:

Calrissian actually might support the 'battalion of starfighters' idea; if an admiral (Ackbar) commands a fleet, but a general (Lando) commands the fleet's fighters, that suggests the fighters are organised in a broadly 'ground forces' fashion, so battalion as an organisation level doesn't sound so silly

In Imperial Doctrine, the Imperial Navy won out on that bureaucratic fight over the Imperial Army.

In the Order of Battle, the Naval Fighter Wing consists of six squadrons.

- One Fast Interceptor sqaudron

- Three ‘Standard’ squadrons

- One Heavy Ordnance Bomber squadron

- One Scout squadron

The Army Fighter Wing consists of four squadrons.

You have NO cohesive organization Admiral! You Order of Battle is nothing like what we have in the Army!

- Imperial General

You are quiet right General, the Army certainly has its organization. We in the Navy simply have to content ourselves with complete control and dominance over all known space.

- Imperial Admiral

The Resistance S2 Episode 3 - Live Fire is now up on DisneyNow.

On 10/19/2019 at 1:36 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

In the Order of Battle, the Naval Fighter Wing consists of six squadrons.

- One Fast Interceptor sqaudron

- Three ‘Standard’ squadrons

- One Heavy Ordnance Bomber squadron

- One Scout squadron

- TIE Interceptors

- TIE Fighters

- TIE Bombers

- ???

1 minute ago, Odanan said:

- TIE Interceptors

- TIE Fighters

- TIE Bombers

- ???

TIE Reconnaissance

Superior Scanning and communications tech

Has limited hyperdrive

More agile (but not faster) than a regular TIE

Single gun

Can also assist in targeting for Capital ship orbital bombardment

Normally not supposed to engage in combat

@Odanan did you read Dark Force Rising ?

At the battle for the Katana Fleet , with all four of his combat squadrons already engaged (and being torn up), the Star Destroyer Captain mules which squadron to send out, his bomber or his scout squadron into the fray.



This version does not have a hyperdrive and does not have the right wings pictured but uses West End Games as a the original source. So in my head Canon those are in error.