Jailbird and the Desperadoes OOC

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

It's a higher Cunning than Jaycen, so it would be helpful. IIRC for skilled assist, that means we would use your Characteristic for the base pool size (4), and then my ranks in the skill for the number of yellow dice (2). Correct? I've rarely done skilled assist so the rules are a tad fuzzy.

You are entirely correct. Since your doing the talking you should probably roll.

on an unrelated note our 1 month family European trip is over and we will be traveling for the next 30+hrs to get home. Don't expect to much from me for a couple of days.

Sounds like a plan.

So @TheShard

Ok so ill give you 1 bonus dice on a deception check or on coercion to lower ranking imperial troops.

Depending on how you're gonna go about it I'll give you a second boost. Its up to you if you wanna roll first and just go with the boost or narrate an ic post, however that can also result in a setback.

The difficulty will be dependant on what you want them to do, a simple distraction is t wo purples, but if you want them to leave their post that's hard with a setback... As they have been told to not leave their post.

My plan was, since Richardbuxton was going to play along, I'd do the classic Hold Him at Gunpoint trick, and say I caught one (which is actually true, since they ARE looking for him :) ) and his friends are that way, and point in some direction. The intention is to try and make as many of them leave their post as possible. Ideally all of them if I roll well enough, or just a few to make the possible fight easier. That's my intention anyway.

Regarding your comment about me doing an IC post first, are you saying if I make the speech prior to the roll, I might end up with more positive modifiers, depending on how I say it? I'm just trying to clarify what you mean, I'm cool either way, just making sure about the intent.

Yes exactly but you may also incur setbacks too, it cuts both ways, but generally for social encounters (and if you can sell it to me, combat as well) I'll be using setbacks and bonus dice liberally if you rp something very well, or not. I'll always give you the option for the straight ahead roll.

However go ahead an upgrade your check once since you used to be an imperial officer.

Edited by TheShard

Okie doke. I'll write up the RP description for possible increased dice later tonight. At work atm, and it's super busy right now.

Since Richard volunteered to assist, but then said he would be afk for 30+ hours, if you don't mind, I'll just sort of work your silent consent to be my hostage into the narrative. In an effort to save time and get the action moving.

On 6/20/2017 at 11:49 AM, TheShard said:

Ok so ill give you 1 bonus dice on a deception check or on coercion to lower ranking imperial troops.

Depending on how you're gonna go about it I'll give you a second boost. Its up to you if you wanna roll first and just go with the boost or narrate an ic post, however that can also result in a setback.

The difficulty will be dependant on what you want them to do, a simple distraction is t wo purples, but if you want them to leave their post that's hard with a setback... As they have been told to not leave their post.

So, did I earn a second boost die? Or did I get a setback for my post?

Oh hey apparently my post didn't post. If you want to distract them or have a few leave then it's just a standard diff. with a boost for your costume and a boost for your speech, if you want them all to totally abandon their post you negated the setback with your speech but it'll be hard with a bonus for your costume.

So, for a full abandoning of post, it would be 3 purple as my only negative dice? Just confirming before I plug in numbers into the dice roller.


Okie, I'm going to flip a Destiny Point, to upgrade my pool to 4 yellow, as Jaycen really wants off this planet ASAP. :D

Deception roll against Troopers : 4eP+1eB+3eD 1 success, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-s.png p-a-a.png b--.png d--.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

I would like for the 3 advantage to go towards them leaving the access hatch to the ship open as they run off, assuming I'm going to stow the captive inside anyway, so why bother closing the door.

Edited by KungFuFerret

Sounds good!

Vigilance check:
Vigilance : 2eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png a--.png

Trooper 1

Trooper #1 : 2eP 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-s-s.png p-a-a.png

Trooper 2 with feet up (set back)

Trooper #2 with feet up : 2eP+1eS 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-s-s.png p-a-a.png s--.png

Sorry guys

And I think Richard is still in the middle of his trip home, so might be a bit before he can roll.

I'll wait on him

@DJCrazee I'm going to stop you on the ramp, it'll take one round for you to get up the ramp.

It'll be @Richardbuxton and @KungFuFerret vs the two imperial army officers each gets a turn before help will arrive.

Just waking up bleary eyed and hugely jet lagged. I'll post shortly

There we go: good old rapid reaction to the rescue.

Hold it there troopers : 1eP+1eB+1eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png b-s.png a-a.png

So order is Richard, Npc, Npc, Kungfu

Its not yet combat as you have what appears to be in an imperial officer with a prisoner. Richard its in your hands.