32 minutes ago, Kuni Katsuyoshi said:
The irony to me to me is, If he was bashing her with a tetsubo no one would say boo about it.
The funny to me is, IN context it pretty much WAS a pimp-slap
(AUTHORS NOTE; While I don't advocate pimps slapping people (espescially women)
I DO, however, advocate slapping pimps at every opportunity.)
Yeah, and then she ended up becoming his buddy. That can read a bit iffy. -shrug-
I know it was nice for a lot of old-school Crab players to have Kisada come back. However, to me that whole storyline prize ("the broken Oblivion's Gate will let one more spirit come back to the land of the living. Get your favorite character back!") was ridiculous. It felt like a cheesy, poorly-written comic book storyline.