The Lost Realms - A Fan Expansion

By talismanisland, in Talisman Home Brews

That's amazing, cookierobber!! Thank you!!

Excellent, great job.

How about Ley Line Deck?

Discovery Deck?

For the Forge Deck how about an item with that


Chains of effort

if another player open the portal of power, mine, crypt he must roll one additional diece the lowest result dice is discarded.

I'm glad people like the Forge back. I think it's awesome!

I've been leaning towards a Helm for the last item, but the risk is having it end up just like the Rune Shield.

In order to make it a "little" different, I figured it would be nice to have a Helm that could be used in battle and psychic combat for defence AND attack.

The Stiletto is I think the only Trinket - Weapon, so I thought it would be a bit of fun to have an Armour - Weapon (though the Dragon Helm should really have been one).

It turns out it's a bit tricky trying to word it well enough, so I might just have to put the idea on the back burner for now. I think a Runestone equivalent might be nice, but I'm not fully sold on it yet.

The Enchantress Stranger sounds good. I'll mock her up later on for the next blog update.

Skewed die results are also fine, but again it will be seen how it goes during beta testing.

Edited by talismanisland

I don't know what the dragon helmet is but I want to give another try for a helmet.

2 abilities: normal helm defense (possibly 5 and 6). And as it's a dwarven item I really like the idea to add 1 to the attack score (in both battle and psychic combat) in the Highland (and the hills).

I don't know what to use use for discarding it but maybe another dwarf ability - discard to roll 2 dice in the mines (and crypt).

As for the deck I think trail deck is fine.

The names on the two lower spaces could be elven glade and ancestral home (since the elves seems to still be the there and the dwarves driven out).

Interesting thought with this Helmet Weapon/Armour idea. Perhaps a way to reduce the potential wordiness would be something like "Add +2 to your Attack Roll in Battle and Psychic Combat" instead of + to Strength and + to Craft for the respective forms of combat.

I like Rigmaster's rolling 2 dice in the Mines/Crypt as a discard bonus. It's very dwarfy, and synergizes nicely if you have the Black Iron Key as well, for making the early Inner Region run which is a staple of the dwarf character playstyle. It also makes sense to have the discard be late-game if the Object itself is quite handy for the mid-game.

For the space names, perhaps Lawless Peaks and Wildwood. I'm thinking something that evokes the affinity to Fae and Outlaws would work well.

Thanks for the kind words everyone! :D Hopefully there'll be more art coming soon...

Anyway, regarding the deck name - trail deck would be good, except it's already being used as a card type in this expansion, and having it be both a deck and card type would lead to ambiguity in the rules. Better to choose something else instead. As for what that could be... if we're playing up the "bridge" element, then track, passage, route... if we're going for the general feel of the expansion, maybe wilds, maze, fringe, border... playing up to the mystical feel of the expansion, on the other hand, would be names like myth, legend, arcane, secret, magic, etc. Most of those names aren't great, but maybe you guys will like one of them, or they can spark other ideas.

Pathway Deck?

Speaking of which, do we have a design in mind for the back of this deck? Loved the design on the back of the "Bridge Deck" in Deep Realms.

So I'll probably work with Jon again to design the back of this deck, but it'll depend on what we call it. And while good, I think pathway is a bit similar to path, which we already have.

Edited by Cookierobber

Interesting thought with this Helmet Weapon/Armour idea. Perhaps a way to reduce the potential wordiness would be something like "Add +2 to your Attack Roll in Battle and Psychic Combat" instead of + to Strength and + to Craft for the respective forms of combat.

I like Rigmaster's rolling 2 dice in the Mines/Crypt as a discard bonus. It's very dwarfy, and synergizes nicely if you have the Black Iron Key as well, for making the early Inner Region run which is a staple of the dwarf character playstyle. It also makes sense to have the discard be late-game if the Object itself is quite handy for the mid-game.

For the space names, perhaps Lawless Peaks and Wildwood. I'm thinking something that evokes the affinity to Fae and Outlaws would work well.

The brackets were only to clarify what I meant and to show possible variations of the cards. Of course you can say add to your attack score in both battle and psychic combat but if take away the bracket and just say add to your attack score in the Highlands and the hills it should also include both. Or is that to vague?

As for the space names I can certainly see wildwood and lawless peak working as well,for the same reason I stated before.

Thanks for the kind words everyone! :D Hopefully there'll be more art coming soon...

Anyway, regarding the deck name - trail deck would be good, except it's already being used as a card type in this expansion, and having it be both a deck and card type would lead to ambiguity in the rules. Better to choose something else instead. As for what that could be... if we're playing up the "bridge" element, then track, passage, route... if we're going for the general feel of the expansion, maybe wilds, maze, fringe, border... playing up to the mystical feel of the expansion, on the other hand, would be names like myth, legend, arcane, secret, magic, etc. Most of those names aren't great, but maybe you guys will like one of them, or they can spark other ideas.

Following that line of thought with dwarf/elf - highland/woodland spaces I think border deck has a very nice ring to it.

So I'll probably work with Jon again to design the back of this deck, but it'll depend on what we call it. And while good, I think pathway is a bit similar to path, which we already have.

This is going to be hard...we've already used the two best single words for a deck name. We might have to resort to a two name deck such as "Winding Way" or "Hidden Road" since "path" and "trail" are already being used.

I quite like the sound of Wildlands or Wilds something, but I'm not sure they really look that wild. I know the proliferation of Enemies and the encroachment of Outlaws into the region might make it so. We could certainly build it up a bit with the blurb from the beginning of the rules.

So... Wilds deck?

Edited by talismanisland

Perhaps, although border deck has quite a nice ring too, as rigmaster pointed out

Edited by Cookierobber

Perhaps, although border deck has quite a nice ring too, as rigmaster pointed out


Perhaps, although border deck has quite a nice ring too, as rigmaster pointed out


My current leading contender is just border deck.

Edited by Cookierobber

Border deck has a nice ring to it, and fits with the old Dwarf/Elf lands...

Seeing that everyone likes the name Border Deck, I'm thinking some nice artwork that can be sort of like a combination of mountains leading into a forest would do the trick!

Seeing that everyone likes the name Border Deck, I'm thinking some nice artwork that can be sort of like a combination of mountains leading into a forest would do the trick!

Maybe, yeah. I'll be working on the back for this deck too - hopefully I'll have something to show you guys in a few days.

I wonder if it is possible to have a different template for the "Border Deck". The gold outline works perfect for the Forge Deck, but since the Bridge and Tunnel Decks had different templates in Deep Realms maybe the Forge and "Border" decks should have different ones.

The backs will be distinct, which is the important point. The fronts are different enough, after all look at Adventure, Purchase, Spell, Talisman, Dungeon, Highland, Warlock Quest and Lycanthrope cards. I made them like that to be reminiscent of Adventure and Purchase cards.

I couldn't resist this artwork when I saw it and thought it would do nicely for the Enchantress idea.


I like that, and the art fits so well!

Border deck with the art moving from mountains to woodlands--PERFECT!

A rune helm with +1 to attack roles, help in the inner region, and another +1 in the highlands and hills is good.

(I sound a bit cheerleaderish. All these ideas make me happy!)

This expansion seems to be shaping up nicely! One thing that has been bothering me though is the Trail cards, I feel they need to be a bit more unique to justify being a sub-type like Traps or Cursed.

As it stands the Trails are very similar to cards like Cave or Tomb, with the sole exception that by being Trails there exists one Follower that can add to the roll on their table. I have a thought to expand on them some, tying them into the expansion as a whole more than they currently do. This idea to follow changes a few of the current rules regarding movement, but I'd like to propose this as something to be playtested.

I propose that Trails become the way to move to the Forge/Elder Village spaces. If on a turn you draw cards on a Border Region space, and do not draw any Trails or do not encounter a Trail due to having your turn end before encountering a drawn Trail, the only options for movement on your next turn is to move to the opposite Border Region space or go back to the Ravine/Thicket (whichever is currently adjacent to you). However, if on a turn you encounter a Trail and complete the encounter while still remaining on the space (you weren't sent to the Chasm, Lost City, etc) and your turn wasn't ended as a result of the encounter (ie, lost a Battle or Psychic Combat) then you immediately move to the adjacent Forge/Elder Village space and you immediately encounter that space. Basically, the Trail encounter takes you to the destination.

In doing the math, with a 36 card deck with 6 Trails and calculating the 1,2 or 3 draw card nature of the spaces, the average amount of cards drawn is 2.33. So, on average, a player will draw a Trail once every 3 turns they land on a Border space. This is compatible to the amount of time spent traversing the catacombs, but has a more variable nature. Using this suggestion would also require changing the Elder Village some from previous thoughts, since going there isn't quite as direct and quick as before. The Forge would remain the same.

I think a good way to go forward with the Elder Village would be something like this:

The Fae Elders make you an offer to change your fortunes. You may discard 1 Fate to roll 1 die:

1-2 - You are transformed! Draw a new character card and discard your previous one.

3-4 - Gain your full complement of Spells

5-6 - Draw a random Destiny

This brings back Jon's earlier thought about Transformation as a potential reward (curse? Nobody ever said making deals with capricious fairies was wise!). The price for rolling the die is reduced from previous suggestions as it won't be quite so easy to get there and might take some time.

Another thought I've had is to allow characters to move from the Forge to any Hills space, and from the Village to any Woods space. This adds another bonus for having made the trek to those spaces.

Oh, and one last thought. If the Helm does end end up helping you navigate the Crypt as its discard ability, we could call it the Helm of Decrypting :P

Edited by sanityismyvanity

Shaping up so well we need yet another expansion :) .

Shaping up so well we need yet another expansion :) .

Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not go nuts now! :D