MacrossVF1s corner of paint and plasticard

By MacrossVF1, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

15 hours ago, Force Majeure said:

It looks like it's Instant Mold / Oyumaru very similar to Blue Stuff .

You. Are. Beautiful!

I have one package of Instant mold, but have been looking for some more. Basically been told everywhere that the distributors can't get any more and don't know if any more is going to be made. Even been told that the people behind the stuff (Cool Mini or Not) didn't expect it to be popular and it wasn't cost effective to make). I'm going to dive right in and get some Oyumaru, a 12 piece bag. :D

Actually, what modeling putties do people use? I've been using GW's Green Stuff lately, but does anyone have any other recommendations?

Milliput is one (haven't personally used it) and Sulpey or Super Sculpey. The only thing about the Sculpey is that it needs to be baked (can be done easily in your average oven). Fimo is another, but I'm not sure how much detail you can get in that one.

17 hours ago, Force Majeure said:

Milliput is one (haven't personally used it) and Sulpey or Super Sculpey. The only thing about the Sculpey is that it needs to be baked (can be done easily in your average oven). Fimo is another, but I'm not sure how much detail you can get in that one.

I didn't think about Milliput. And I think I have the two part putty from Privater Press around somewhere, though that's probably gone off.

On 2017-08-15 at 10:49 PM, Khyros said:

Huh... Alright, so I can get me some of that stuff - what do you use then to cast the part now that you've made the mold? I'm specifically looking for something clear. My vision is that for things like the CR-90 engines it would be easier to cast a clear replacement and paint the exterior, leaving the engine part transparent for the LEDs to shine through... Instead of hollowing out and cleaning up in between each and every fin like I currently am required to do.

On 2017-08-16 at 0:06 AM, ZealuxMyr said:

I did a similar thing to what you're describing for my Shaddowcaster that I converted to look like a federation starship (red bassard collectors and blue engine nacelles). In that case I cut the parts off that I wanted to make casts of, hot glued them into a cardstock paper box I made, poured in a liquid-rubber to cure into a mold, and then cut open the paper box to take the mold out. [Hot gluing the plastic parts down kept them in place so the liquid-rubber wouldn't move them around.] Afterwards I just poured in a clear mold resin (sold at most craft stores for jewelry purposes) and mounted the clear casts onto the ship model.

Having done the above process for this ship I am somewhat appalled with myself for having, months later, done my VCX-100 the hard way: drilling out the space around the fins as opposed to thinking of making clear casts of the engine bits... Just goes to show that none of us are as smart as all of us.

Yeah, ZealuxMyr's method is probably the best one for your needs Khyros. The type of 'casting' I generally do is normally making a simple mold using the aforementioned 'Instant Mold' and then I take a blob of some type of epoxy putty and press it into the mold in order to make it less blob shaped.

On 2017-08-16 at 0:06 PM, CyCo said:

Actually, what modeling putties do people use? I've been using GW's Green Stuff lately, but does anyone have any other recommendations?

I would generally not recommend anything from GW. There is nothing wrong with their Green Stuff, but you can get larger quantities of the same substance (not similar, EXACTLY the same) for less money from other companies.

My personal two-part knead epoxy of choice is not Green Stuff however, I tend to use Milliput, both the standard variety and their super fine version.

On 18/08/2017 at 5:04 AM, MacrossVF1 said:

I would generally not recommend anything from GW. There is nothing wrong with their Green Stuff, but you can get larger quantities of the same substance (not similar, EXACTLY the same) for less money from other companies.

My personal two-part knead epoxy of choice is not Green Stuff however, I tend to use Milliput, both the standard variety and their super fine version.

Yeah, I found the people who make Blue Stuff, also sell Green Stuff , and in bigger amounts for comparatively less. Still waiting for my Oyumaru to arrive. :(

I like the way that the main forum abbreviates the title of this thread to

"MacrossVF1's corner of pain..."

It makes me think there's something very different going on in here.

My Oyumaru did arrive late last week. And I have to say it's the same as the Instant Mold stuff I used previously. I got 12 sticks for just under $13, so plenty of good value there. :D

Hey MacrossVF1,

Im still waiting for that package to arrive in the mail filled with my Imperial Light Cruiser!!!


Also, any other epic scale ships in the pipeline that you are building?

On 2017-08-22 at 3:46 PM, FTS Gecko said:

I like the way that the main forum abbreviates the title of this thread to

"MacrossVF1's corner of pain..."

It makes me think there's something very different going on in here.

That's actually not too far from the truth. After all, some scratch builds and paintjobs are a big PITA. :)

On 2017-09-07 at 3:16 PM, Zeoinx said:

Hey MacrossVF1,

Im still waiting for that package to arrive in the mail filled with my Imperial Light Cruiser!!!


Also, any other epic scale ships in the pipeline that you are building?

Oh well, it must have gotten lost in the mail. Those darned postal services, can't trust them with anything. :P

Anyway, right now I'm not doing much X-wing related, the new edition of Warhammer 40k has caught my attention, and with some tournaments coming up, I need to update my old armies. There might be some scratch builds coming up early next year however.

On 8/17/2017 at 2:01 AM, CyCo said:

I didn't think about Milliput. And I think I have the two part putty from Privater Press around somewhere, though that's probably gone off.

apoxie sculpt

Not cheap (way cheaper than GW green stuff), but takes pretty good detail, and is hard as a rock when cured.

Edited by MonkeyPaste

Well, the new edition of Warhammer 40k has certainly demanded a lot of attention lately. Updating and adding some new stuff for one of my armies takes time damnit! Anyway here is an Admiral Zaarin TIE Advanced V1 for your viewing pleasure.





Ohh, looks like it should be a movie scale model. :D :wub:

Hiya peeps!

It's been a while since my last post. 40k has taken up a lot of time lately, though it's not the only culprit.

Anyway, here's another one of my much appreciated scratch builds. However, I will not reveal just yet which ship I'm building so feel free to guess. In fact, I'm almost confident you won't be able to get it right until I've revealed quite a few additional photos of the build progress.


Ummmmm.... Something from Star Wars?


You could have at least told us which trilogy or book it's from!

I'm going to guess that ship/pod that Finn and Rose landed on the beach.

Its a YT-Class Frigate, I dont remember the number though.

Dude! Macross! Ya back! :D

My guess is that it's a rare "kite" model of a Tie Fighter.


13 hours ago, ZoraTheHutt said:

It is hard to tell when there is nothing in the frame with which to judge scale... Doth @MacrossVF1 haveth a banana?

(If scaled correctly) Here's my YV-929 from Mel's Miniatures (Shapeways) for reference:


You are all wrong! So far at least.

On 2018-01-18 at 1:24 AM, Force Majeure said:

You could have at least told us which trilogy or book it's from!

I'm not sure if that's even applicable with this ship. It's supposedly a non-canon ship.

Anyway here's a few additional pictures.



More progress

