Thanks. I will fix tonight when I get home along with finishing the other medium walkers
New Custom Desgned Unit Cards - Looking For Suggestions!
Fixed the Pounder and also uploaded Mickey card in PSD and JPEG
Hey everybody who is uploading cards, could you add a link to the folder in all your posts to make it easier to find them. Cheers.
Hey 536RodneySmith,
Just wanted to create an account purely so I can reply to this thread to say thanks for these cards they're fantastic.
I too had been working on my own set, but compared to yours they look like the work of am 8yr old!!!
Actually, compared to the work of my 8yr old, they look like the work of a 5yr old, but I digress!!!
Heard about this thread from "Craig in NH" onm the D6G, so shout out to him for spreading the word.
And thanks to anyone who has pitched in to help and do some of the leg work. Final result is great, and I cannot see why FFG overlooked this blatasntly obvious… er… over sight!
"Viva La Pole"
Just added BBQ squad and I am off to Kubla-Con for the tournament. I will have some other cards done this weekend. Probably the remainder of the allied heros.
If you can provide a blank template and fonts used, I could throw together a Python program (and make it standalone Windows executable) that can take XML input files describing the units, and output a PDF with the cards (1 per page).
Please do SSU!
Kommissar Zeitsev said:
Please do SSU!
The Operation Zverograd Campaign book for Dust Warfare isn't even at the printers yet. Nobody knows their stats and/or abilities for DW. If anyone does speculators ones, I for one say put them in a different location, so as not to mix up official stated stuff.
Pill be surprised if we see the DW SSU book before GenCon.
Just popping on to say that although I haven't been uplaoading more cards, I will be. Been a busy few days - but this project will never die!
Looks like others are picking up my slack anyway. Way to go gang!
If you are looking for fonts and templates, they are in the original post.
Shadow4ce said:
Kommissar Zeitsev said:
Please do SSU!
The Operation Zverograd Campaign book for Dust Warfare isn't even at the printers yet. Nobody knows their stats and/or abilities for DW. If anyone does speculators ones, I for one say put them in a different location, so as not to mix up official stated stuff.
Pill be surprised if we see the DW SSU book before GenCon.
I still think the SSU book will be out by July (I reckon mid-July). Delaying it to August (or beyond!) would be bad, because Gencon would be a great place to show off the book and the SSU miniatures (i.e. "buy the book, play with Russians!"). I plan to get the Operation Zverograd box though, just for Koshka and Grand'ma (hey, buying models every now and then due to fluff never hurt anyone).
Maine said:
If you can provide a blank template and fonts used, I could throw together a Python program (and make it standalone Windows executable) that can take XML input files describing the units, and output a PDF with the cards (1 per page).
This is the kind of inventiveness that makes (or will make) the Dust community so good. The idea of a "Dust Warfare data format" feeding a card-making program is just cool.
Axis Zombie posted!
Also added the information to the card for when a zombie is raised as a Failsafe Order.
Added Steel Rain and Hot Dog. Unsure about how to word Artillery and Rodney has not done an artillery weapon yet, so any changes or rewording that you may feel are needed there I am open to. Tried to keep it short and to the point.
4 by 6 in glossy photo paper + these unit cards + glue to back side of tactics unit cards = Awesome sauce!
Wow, I am even more impressed by these when I printed them on quality photo paper. Super crisp letters on a 4 by 6 inch card… just what the doctor ordered. I can't wait for you fine gents to finish the other units in the book as there are a few units that I have that there are no cards for yet… can't wait to get my hands on them. It made demo'ing a game yesterday infinitely more managable. When you are trying to show how fast and smooth the game is to new people it helps if the game runs fast and smooth, which is not possible if you are flipping pages to find the unit, then flipping to look up the rule for them, then flipping some more, etc. This made it soo easy to play and most people thought these were just the original cards from the game. When I told them I printed them out for free and that they were made from members on the forum, they were blown away.
My personal wish-list is
Sniper Grenadier team
Beobachter team
Recon Grenadiers
The Boss
Corps Officers
The Gunners
…and then I have cards for my entire collection (so far at least).
I am loving these cards, love the way they can just glue to the other side of tactics cards and look official, and, believe it or not, are a big reason why at least 2 new people are really excited to start playing the game, saying "its awesome that I don't have to buy a seperate codex and then flip all around the book every 5 seconds."
I have applauded all your efforts before, but applaud them even more after the impact they had yesterday. If you don't have quality photo paper to print these on, buy some… you will not regret it!
Strombole said:
Corps Officers
The Gunners
…and then I have cards for my entire collection (so far at least).
…and the Red Devils.
I can just say again: Great work!
Here is a video of what they look like printed on photo paper and glued to the back of dust tactics cards…. Really official looking! I wish I had a better video camera to really show how nice they look and so you could see my models a little better. I had an HD cam but can't find it. I'm going to buy a new one soon and shoot vids of my completed armies once I am done painting them all.
These seem to print a bit bigger than the dust tactics cards. Is anyone planning on pdf sheeting these fine cards so that we can just cut and glue like you've done? I'm mostly graphically illiterate.
Doesn't your printer have a 4 by 6 inch (10 by 15 cm I think) setting. When you go to print tell it to do this size instead, you may have to make sure it doesn't have "fit to page" enabled or whatever… check the print preview to see what it will print like. For me, I just loaded 4 by 6 photo cards into the printer, chose 4 by 6 paper option, unchecked the fit to page box and printed. They printed perfectly and to almost the same exact size as the tactics cards. The first couple allies cards that I printed without unchecking the fit to page box still came out great but they were very very slightly larger than the tactics card and had to trim a bit but still looked good. But once I unchecked the box they printed out to just barely smaller than the tactics card so when I cut it out there was a little bit of a border around it like you see in the video. But the ones I trimmed down looked good enough where I didn't bother to reprint them. Just check the print preview before you print to make sure they are sized just slightly smaller than the 4 by 6 card and when you cut it out it will fit beautifully.
I have uploaded The Boss and Corps Officer, because it is what you have asked for.
Thank you very much reptilebro. I have just printed them off and glued them to the tactics cards… pure. dead. brilliant.
How many different versions (and places to get these) are there? It looks like 536RodneySmith and ReptileBro have two separate drop boxes. Any others? What about those posted in thread… is there a one-stop shop?
Thanks for making these!
Thus far I think it is just reptilebros dropbox and rodney's dropbox though if I remember correctly, Jughead did work on cards as well. If I am missing anyone's contribution, sorry, I'm just going by memory. I just check this thread everytime there is a new entry and immediatelydownload them. Between the two of them they have a pretty good amount and there are only a few more profiles left to go before they get them all. I would have to go back through this thread but I think it can all be found in those two places. When they are all done, I guess I can host the whole lot of them in one place but I can't see that is necessary. These fine gents have gone through the work of making them for us, the least we can do is look through a few pages of a forum thread to get them
It looks like there's three:
reptilebro1: (Allies) javascript:void(0);/*1338312693988*/
thejughead: (Axis)
Thanks guys!
I'd help, but I don't have Photoshop or know how to get it without spending $699. Hope you don't find if I contribute by proofreading and offering wording suggestions.
Figured out how to size them on the 4x6 photo paper… awesome!
thought I'd try this test for the Red Devils. Am I doing this right?
I'm using Photoshop Elements with the "Plus" add on which allows me to open grouped layers.
so I noticed that Nobody has made a rear side for the cards yet, anyone able to throw one together as I have very little ability when it comes to photoshop.