New Custom Desgned Unit Cards - Looking For Suggestions!

By WatchItPlayed, in Dust Warfare

536RodneySmith said:

Major Malfunction said:

Angela has Laser Pistol B listed in her rules section, but she has a Mauser. No laser for Angela.


Wait, what are you doing in this thread? I thought you weren't getting into this game! gui%C3%B1o.gif

That wasn't me! I've been waiting for Dust Warfare since Tactics was released. Just late to the party. :)

PS: Angela: In the Frenzy description, "further" is misspelled "furthr".

Major Malfunction said:

That wasn't me! I've been waiting for Dust Warfare since Tactics was released. Just late to the party. :)

PS: Angela: In the Frenzy description, "further" is misspelled "furthr".

Oh - that's awesome! Thanks for the correction. Uploaded.

I'd just like to give a big shout out to all the forum members that produced such awesome player aids in a very short amount of time. This support level is what will make Dust Warfare a success. Thanks guys, especially to 536RodneySmith for kicking this whole thing off and seeing it through.

Since I have a few days off, I'll try to contribute what I can in the proof reading stage. Will update here with anything I find.

Thanks also to Fantasy Flight Games for allowing us to use their pictures and text for game support without slapping down lawsuits and to Paolo Parente for the fantastic stories, setting and characters that make the Dust universe.

So… what's the next project? Is there anything else we can make to speed game play or help new players?

Major Malfunction said:

I'd just like to give a big shout out to all the forum members that produced such awesome player aids in a very short amount of time. This support level is what will make Dust Warfare a success. Thanks guys, especially to 536RodneySmith for kicking this whole thing off and seeing it through.

Since I have a few days off, I'll try to contribute what I can in the proof reading stage. Will update here with anything I find.

Thanks also to Fantasy Flight Games for allowing us to use their pictures and text for game support without slapping down lawsuits and to Paolo Parente for the fantastic stories, setting and characters that make the Dust universe.

So… what's the next project? Is there anything else we can make to speed game play or help new players?

Many thanks for all the kind thanks!

The next project is getting as many eyes on this thread to help me with my document designed to condense the rulebook to the core rules and no fluff in as small a document as possible (currently 8 pages).

I would love for the good editors here to give that a look:

And let me know if I have everything right.

PM Sent Rodney ;D

The only thing I noted in a quick read through is in the supression section:

"If a unit becomes Suppressed during its activation, it does not lose any actions during hat activation." I am pretty sure that "hat" is suppose to be "that" :)

Great job with this document Rodney. I am sure it is going to help our group with play!

Good catch - document has been updated!

Once I paint up my custom soldier 1 units for the axis and allies (so that I have a pic of the painted units) do you think you could make me up a couple of unit cards for them if I provide the stats and pics for them. It would end up being 2 different units plus 1 hero for each faction for a total of 6 unit cards. I would really really really appreciate it. If I had photoshop I would do it myself but I don't and I don't want to have some ghetto cards made with microsoft paint interacting with your beautiful masterpieces. I can't wait to put the soldier 1 units in the game and see some of the existing units really get to shine when they can throw all those gobs of dice at a soldier 1 unit. To compensate I am making the soldier 1 units in 10 man squads with relatively weak "low-tech" weaponry. For example the axis units will be equipped with mundane karabiner rifles all the way up to mascinenpistole 40 (MP40s) and maschinengewer 34 (MG34s) and yes, finally, grenades for axis soldiers. Their soldier 1 hero Herr Leopold will be carrying 2 MP40s, grenades, and a knife and I really like the model I made for him. On to the paint and picture taking.

If you would not like to do these cards I totally understand and will make some half-arsed slipshot piece of crap cards for them that are functional gui%C3%B1o.gif but you guys rock the house at making unit cards so I thought I would at least ask. I am currently working on the model for the Allies soldier 1 hero, tentatively named Tommy Gunn. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Seriously amazing work guys! My thanks to everyone who worked on this project! Can't wait to get these suckers printed out.

Can we get this "sticky"

Ridney I just noticed an error on the Vehicle Cards with the Jump Special Rule. The no reaction to a Jump move only applies to Soldier Units not Vehicles.

Thanks DoomOnYou. You are right - new cards uploaded with vehicle jump rules.

Thanks for all the hard work Rodney and others.

I found one issue while reading. Under vehicle movement the text say's,

"Can only move into its front art (90 degrees)."

Hope everyone is enjoying Dust Warfare as much as I am.

Get_Outside said:

Thanks for all the hard work Rodney and others.

I found one issue while reading. Under vehicle movement the text say's,

"Can only move into its front art (90 degrees)."

Hope everyone is enjoying Dust Warfare as much as I am.

Thanks! Fixed.

Who did you contact to get approval for these?

I have created a web-based DW army construction tool I would like to get the OK from FFG before I go live with it.

I made unit cards and asked FFG about them, and the response was that they are fine to post online, etc., as long as each card has text on it specifying that it's fan content.

friggin awesome ! thanks for your guys hard work !!!

Yep, outstanding work!

Question, is there a way to easily determine whether or not a card has been updated. It seems I have to download each card individually (unless I am missing something), which is quite time consuming.


Any chance we could get one zipped file for all of them? Make it easier to download. Maybe an "Allies" and "Axis" set? They look awesome!

Thats what I thought, but it doesn't actually take long to make a couple of clicks for each one, literally just 2 minutes for the whole lot.

There is no easy way to see which cards have been updated. I didn't want to take on adding version numbers to them. Basically. I haven't edited any of the cards for several days now, so if you were to download all of them right now, you would have the most up to date version.

I will do my best to indicate which files might have been updated in this thread from this point forward. So check here if you're curious.

A zipped batch of the files would be great. Someone should do that. *hint hint* ;)

I can host the zip files on my webspace if you wish.

I just noticed this…but you should probably clarify in your run downs on Phaser weapons that Overcharge is optional…"you may…"

Thank you for that - very good point!

Honey, Action Jackson and Red Devils have been updated!

Would you mind if we put up links to these (with proper credit given, of course) on dust-war ?