The complete Core Set is complete!
When I print them through Photoshop they come out as 6.5" x 4.5" (or for my fellow Canadians: 16cm x 11cm).
I am also including links to the PSD files for each so that you can do whatever you like with these - but mainly I'm hoping you will help us complete more unit cards!
If you don't know how to use Photoshop this may be a little hard to figure out, but you can still help by seeing what people upload (including me, and double checking for mistakes). It's easy to screw up a weapon state line or a rules detail.
Tips: I have layers for all the different items and I've included the fonts in the Drop Box folder with the PSDs.
To add the unit picture:
1. Find a high quality picture of the unit (Google Image search with Large Image selected is your friend).
2. Copy the unit picture you found to the Clipboard.
3. Then go to the Unit Card you are working on and go into the Unit ID layer group and select the Polaroid layer.
4. Then click in the area where the current picture is located on the card using the Magic Wand Tool, this should highlight the full square where the pictre is.
5. Then go to Edit / Paste Special / Paste Into. This will ensure that the image never extends beyond the photo square. Now you can move it around, hit Control-T to enlarge, shrink or rotate it.
And of course, ask if you have any questions. Most importantly though, please upload the full PSD and the JPG so that other people can have the PSD (and the text and stat lines) to copy and paste into other cards. Plus, if I have all the PSD files I can update any cards that might need it in the future.
Let me know if you have any questions.