Looks like I have to rework this stuff a bit.
I read on FFwiki, Dragoons were accompanied by wyvern familiars, but perhaps it's only like that in one of the games of the series.
As for the "Jump", my previous version was DistanceAttack+Projection, but Automatic Tranport costs FAR LESS both in terms of Ki and MK...So I preferred it to stay like this.
I entirely missed the STR / DEX / POW stuff, sorry. I'll rework ki costs too. Stay tuned. MK2 will be out within few hours.
Used by a group of heavily armored fighters known as Dragoons, Dragoon Style is a fighting style combining the use of pole arms, jumping attacks, and a huge tap on physical strength that allows them to drain energy from their targets.
Techniques: 5. Total MK: 300.
Level 1
The most basic technique of Dragoons, Jump allows its user to make a fast ki-powered jump on the enemy, greatly increasing the impact of the attack. This technique allows its user to make an Automatic Transport movement of up to 10m followed by an Attack with a Base Damage Bonus of +50. This technique can only be used while wielding a lance.
Effects: +50Damage, 10m Automatic Transport, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Generic Weapon Bond (Lance).
STR4 / DEX4 / POW4
MK: 25
Level 1
Once a Dragoon is in a real life-threatening situation, he can set himself to a defensive position in order to withstand any kind of attack for a very limited time. This technique grants its user a bonus of +20 to all Resistances, as well as a bonus of +40 to all Block Rolls performed in a turn. This technique can only be used while its user has no more than a quarter of his initial Life Points.
Effects: +20PhR (VR, DR), +20MR, +20PsR, +40Complete Block, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Limit Condition (1/4 Life Points).
STR8 / DEX8 / POW8
MK: 50
Level 2
Tapping upon his/her spiritual energy, the Dragoon’s lance is enveloped by a dragon shaped aura. When the Dragoon strikes the opponent, the dragon maws bite the opponent, draining its life and transferring them to the opponent. This technique allows its user to make an attack benefitting from a +75Attack Bonus. A target hit by this attack must pass a PhR checks against a difficulty of 160, or suffer a loss of Life Points equal to the failure level. Life points lost in this way are drained by the user of this technique. This technique has the Predetermined disadvantage. This technique can only be used while wielding a lance.
Effects: +75Attack, Supernatural State (PhR160, Life Drain, Attack), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Generic Weapon Bond (Lance), Predetermined.
STR12 / DEX12 / POW12
MK: 70
Level 2
By turning his own physical energy into row power, the Dragoon has it unleash a devastating breath of raw destructive power. This technique allows its user to make a Distance Attack affecting all individuals within a line 10m wide and 20m long, with a +50Attack bonus and a Base Damage equal to double the character’s Presence plus his Power Bonus +50. This technique has the Predetermined disadvantage. In order to use this technique the user must spend 4 Fatigue Points in addition to accumulated ki.
Effects: +50Attack, +50 Damage, 20m Distance Attack (2XPresence+PowBonus Damage, Line of Destruction), 5mArea Attack.
Disadvantages: -4Fatigues, Predetermined.
STR11 / DEX11 / POW11
MK: 40
Level 3
The final technique of Dragoons, taking the name by a great and noble family of Dragoons, actually combines the effects of Jump and Lancet, greatly augmenting their effects in a lethal attack that taps strongly upon the user’s physical strengths to be performed. The whole body of the user is surrounded by a dragon-shaped aura and the dragon seems to leap into the sky only to dive upon the opponent closing its mouth over it. This technique allows its user to make an Automatic Transport movement of 100m followed by an attack with a +75Attack Bonus, and a +75Base Damage Bonus. A target hit by this attack must pass a PhR checks against a difficulty of 180, or suffer a loss of Life Points equal to the failure level. Life points lost in this way are drained by the user of this technique. This technique can only be used while wielding a lance. In order to use this technique, the user must spend 6 Fatigue Points in addition to accumulated ki. The user of this technique cannot defend during the same turn this technique is used.
Effects: 100mAutomatic Transport, +75Attack, +75Damage, Supernatural State (PhR180, Life Drain, Attack), -3Ki.
Disadvantages: -6Fatigues, Generic Weapon Bond (Lance), No Defense.
STR20 / DEX20 / POW20
MK: 115
Removed all Wyvern Familiar things over ther. Dragon Breath is now no longer "Elemental" and Spirit Surge was substituted by a non-maintainable, but very nice all-round defensive technique. The whole school can be used with some satisfaction by a character with only 4Accumulations on all stats (Jump can be used each turn, Mighty Guard each even turn, Level2 techniques require 3 turns and Highwind Jump is doable in 5 turns), but gets more interesting if accumulations rise a bit, so it should be a fine group of techniques for a non-technician character. As a side effect the "total MK cost" went down a bit to 300, which is also good for a non-technician school.
Hope this fits better the target.