I completely forgot to post a finalized version of the Raitoningu no Kage school. Well without further adu, here is my completed, after a lot of help from Elric, version:
Raitoningu no Kage
(Lightning's Shadow)
A school developed by a branch of the Koga ninjas that harnesses the powers of Darness and lightning, to quickly emliminate their targets from the shadows.
Techniques: 8 Total MK: 565
Raiha no Kage
(Lightning Blade of Shadow)
Lvl: 1 MK: 25
By focusing his Ki the character manifest a sword or dagger that the character is proficient with. The blade looks as if it was created from the characters shadow. The weapon created is counted as being +10 in quality as is wreathed in arcs of electricity doing electrical damage. The weapon can be maintained by spending 3 Ki points each turn.
Total Ki: 10
POW: 6 (1) WIL: 6 (1) STR: 6 (1)
Effects: Creates a +10 weapon, Electrical Damage, Reduced Ki cost (1), Maintained
Disadvantage: Elemental Binding (wind/darkness)
Kage no Kuroku
(Shadow Cloak)
Lvl: 1 MK:30
By infusing Ki into their shadow, the character animates their shadow, causing it to mislead an enemy’s attack, granting a +40 bonus to all dodges in a turn. If the attacker fails in the attack in a way that causes a counter attack, the shadow will bind the attacker, granting a bonus of +40 to the character’s counter attack.
Total Ki: 14
STR: 10 (3) POW: 10 (3) WIL: 10 (3)
Effects: +40 Multi dodge, +40 to counter attacks, Maintained
Disadvantage Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air)
Kage no Ame
(Shadow Rain)
Lvl:1 MK:40
The character focus his Ki to create a barrage of Kunai to assault his foes. Creates up to 10 +5 Kunai and provides 5 additional attacks.
Total Ki: 27
Pow: 15 Dex: 15 Wil: 15
Effect: Creates up to 10 +5 Kunai, limited additional attacks (+5)
Disadvantage: Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air)
Kurai Arashi
(Dark Storm)
Lvl:1 MK:20
The character summons forth the dark energy from with-in and releases it upon hi foes. Causes a long distance attack in the form multiple bolts of black lightning. The attack causes damage equal to 2 times the character’s base press plus their power bonus. Also does electrical damage.
Total Ki: 12
Str: 5 Pow: 5 Wil: 5
Effects: Multi Distance Attack 150ft (2XPresence+PowBonus), Elemental Attack Air, Deduced Ki cost (1).
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air)
Kurai makingu
(Dark Marking)
Lvl:2 MK: 85
Once the character makes mutual visual contact with an enemy this Technique can be activated. The character creates and illusion to either distract the enemy, or make them think the Character has become invisible. The enemy must pass a PhR check of 140 to ignore the effects of the illusion. If failed the enemy is under the influence of a greater illusion for a number of minutes equal to the failure of the PhR check. Once done, the character automatically moves, if able, behind the enemy to attack. If the attack is successful and damages the enemy, the enemy is now marked with a greater brand of the character. The enemy can not be more than 30ft away and must be a humanoid for this Technique to work.
Total Ki: 47
Pow: 21 Agi: 21 Con: 21
Effect: Supernatural State PhR 140, Greater Illusion, Mutual visual contact, Range 30 ft; Automatic Transportation 30ft; Greater Brand
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air), Exterminator (Humanoid)
DaI Kurai Arashi
(Great Dark Storm)
Lvl:2 MK:55
Enhanse version of Kurai Arashi.
Total Ki: 20
Str:7 Pow:7 Wil: 7
Effects: Multi Distance Attack 300ft (2XPresence+PowBonus), Multi Area Attack 15ft, Elemental Attack Air, -1Ki
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air)
Kage no Arashi
(Storm of Shadows)
Lvl:3 MK:160
With this Techniques the character brings for the power of a thunder storm to decimate his foes. By focusing his Ki, the character calls for multiple bolts of lightning to strike his enemies up to 800 ft away. The lightning springs from the target’s own shadow doing damage of 2 times the base presence plus power bonus of the character.After striking a target, the lightning then arcs to all adjacent foes in an area with a 300ft radius. This Techniques grants 6 additional limited attacks. This technique is taxing on the character and causes a loss of 2 fatigue points and a penalty to all his actions. The penalty begins at -50 and reduces at a rate of 10 points per turn, this penalty can't be eliminated by supernatural or Ki means.
Total Ki: 70
Str: 28 Pow: 28 Wil: 28
Effects: Lev3 Indirect Attack , Multi Distance Attack 800ft, Multi Area Attack 300ft,+6 limited attacks, Elemental Attack Air , -1Ki .
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air) , -2Fatigues , -50 All Action Penalty.
I actually made a change to this one by adding in additional attacks and removing the predetermined attack.
Arashi no Abata
(Avatar of Storms)
Lvl: 3 MK 150
This technique is an advanced form of Arashi no Seishin. By invoking this technique, the character becomes the living embodiment of a storm, by focusing on straight attacks.
Total Ki: 85
Str:31 Pow:31 Wil:31
Effects: +100 Attack, +5 Additional Limited Attacks, Supernatural State (PhR200, Death, Attack), -2Ki.
Disadvantage: Predetermined, Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air), Exhaustion (-4Fatigue)
I added in the total Ki cost of each Technique for those that use "Unification of KI." Ice school still a work in progress...