New Techniques

By ElricOfMelnibone, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Toa's Throne and Sephira's Knight had tons of errors in MK count and stuff...hence I reworked them a bit and I'm posting them anew (they substitute the previous post). Moreover a couple more Technique trees: Borea's Stars and The Prayer of The Sea (for lovers of Boreas' Blood and Ran's Blood), as well as The Four Missing Techniques of Tanathos for Kagutsuchi's heirs. Hope you enjoy them!

Developed by an heir of Toa’s Blood in Baho, this school incarnates the very own concept of solidity. Developed by the fusion of the principles from many schools, including Di Quiu, Sattyagraha, and Toa Calc Rex Regis, it’s an incredibly effective combat style, which proper use is limited to those that own The Gift and can summon Stone Barriers, Magnetic Barriers as a defense and/or to those who own Toa’s Blood and are able to summon the power of the Earth Dragon Transformation.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 420.

Level 1
The first technique of Toa’s Throne is a simple and effective offensive technique turning the user’s arm and weapon in an enormous fist made of stone that targets the opponent with great precision, fueled by the character’s own strength, with an increased damage output. This technique allows this character making an Earth Elemental Attack with a Predetermined Attack value of 240, and with a Damage Bonus of +50.
Effects: Predetermined Attack (240), +50 Damage, Elemental Attack (Earth), -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Earth).
STR9 / CON9 / POW9
MK: 30

Level 1
Stonewall is a strong defensive technique devised to protect allies against massive attacks by summoning of enormous stone walls. This technique allows the user to make an Block roll with a bonus of +90 to his final ability stopping any attack directed within 10m of the user.
Effects: 10m Area Block, +90 Block, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Earth).
STR7 / CON7 / POW7
MK: 40

Level 2
By manipulating his own supernatural shield, the user of this technique manages to raise the earth to wrap around the body of the opponent, crushing it. This technique allows making a single Elemental Earth Trap Attack without any penalty, with double Base Damage, and a Strength of 16. The Trap effect on the target can be maintained through following turns by paying the technique’s Maintenance cost. This technique can only be used while blocking attacks using a Supernatural Shield of any kind.
Effects: Strength16 Trap, 2XDamage, Elemental Attack (Earth), Maintained (only Trap on Target), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Earth), Generic Weapon Bond (Supernatural Shield).
STR12 (Mant.2) / CON12 (Mant.2) / POW12 (Mant.3)
MK: 80

Level 2
By fusing himself with any supernatural shield possessed, the user of this technique becomes an unbreakable lumbering titan with the endurance of a mountain. A character using this technique defends as a creature with Damage Accumulation with 1200 additional Life Points and a natural AT of 4, which combined with an additional layer of Unmodified AT6, grants him a total AT of 8, which cannot become lower than 6. This technique can be maintained in following turns by paying its Maintenance cost and 250 Life Points from the additional pool are regenerated each time the Maintenance cost is paid. This technique can only be used while blocking attacks using a Supernatural Shield of any kind.
Effects: 1200 Life Points Damage Accumulation (Regeneration 250), AT6 (Unmodified), Maintained.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Earth), Generic Weapon Bond (Supernatural Shield).
STR20 (Mant.6) / CON20 (Mant.6) / POW20 (Mant.5)
MK: 85

Level 3
A technique that can only be performed by those with Toa’s own blood in their veins and only while defending with a supernatural shield, Toa’s Smash concentrates all earthbound energies from an absorbed impact into a single point of the opponent, inflicting it an unbearable amount of damage, either sending it flying beyond the atmosphere or smashing it completely to the ground. This technique allows making a single Block with a bonus of +75 followed, in case a counterattack can be made, by an Attack with a bonus of +200, Base Damage 1000, dealing an Impact with Strength 20. This technique can only be used while blocking attacks using a Supernatural Shield of any kind and only by those with Toa’s Blood.
Effects: +75 Block, +200 Counterattack, Damage Substitution 250, 4XDamage, Impact20.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Earth), Generic Weapon Bond (Supernatural Shield), Requirement (Toa’s Blood).
STR36 / CON36 / POW36
MK: 185

A school created by a Paladin heir to Sephira’s Blood, Sephira’s Knight was developed especially to get the best out of the Magnum Magnus, with tremendous attacks capable of either destroying single opponents or cutting away masses, although the first techniques are mainly focused on defense.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 400.

Level 1
Developed for defending allies of the user, this technique allows defending those close to the user by barrages of attacks. This technique allows the user to make up to 5 penalty free defenses each turn and Block any attack directed within 5m of the user. This technique can be maintained through following turns.
Effects: +4Additional Defenses, 5m Area Block, Maintained, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX5 (Mant.2) / CON5 (Mant.2) / POW5 (Mant.2)
MK: 35

Level 1
The second defensive technique of Sephira’s Knight, it creates an unbreakable armor of light, that binds opponents making it easier to stop incoming attacks. This technique grants an Unmodified AT of 3, as well as a bonus of +40 to a single Block roll per turn. This technique can be maintained through following turns.
Effects: AT3 (Unmodified), +40Block, Maintained, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX7 (Mant.2) / CON7 (Mant.2) / POW7 (Mant.2)
MK: 50

Level 2
Devised after the paladin noticed that opponents tended to flee whenever they understood he was preparing his Magnum attack, this technique extends the destruction brought by the attack to a wide surrounding area. This technique allows making a single Light Elemental Attack affecting all chosen targets within 500m of the user, even if he were previously put at defense by an opponent’s attack during the same turn. This technique can only be used while unleashing a Magnum Magnus attack.
Effects: Recover Action, 500m Area Attack (Target Selection), Elemental Attack (Light), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Light), Generic Weapon Bond (Magnum Magnus).
DEX9 / CON9 / POW9
MK: 80

Level 2
Developed for fighting immaterial and invisible enemies and repelling mages’ spells, this variant of the Magnum Magnus is also terribly effective against armored opponents and allows the user to release the Magnum Attack under any circumstance. This technique allows its user to gain the See Supernatural Power and make a Light Elemental Energy based Attack, even if he were previously put at defense by an opponent’s attack during the same turn. Also the character’s attack will be able to block enemy spells using the Spell Clashing rules. This technique can only be used while releasing a Magnum Magnus attack.
Effects: Recover Action, Elemental Attack Light, Supernatural Attack, See Supernatural, Physical Shock, -3Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Light), Generic Weapon Bond (Magnum Magnus).
DEX10 / CON10 / POW10
MK: 70

Level 3
To be considered the most powerful expression of the Magnum Magnus, Maximum is a technique that only those with Sephira’s Blood can learn, inflicting a tremendous backlash that stops opponents mystical powers from working and dealing enormous amounts of damage. This technique allows making an attack that if it hits the opponent obliges it to take two PhR check against 200, even if he were previously put at defense by an opponent’s attack during the same turn. If the opponent fails the first check it will suffer a PhR reduction equal to the Failure Level. If the opponent fails the second check, he will suffer Damage equal to double its Failure Level. Furthermore, if the attack deals damage to the opponent, it must surpass a third PhR check against suffered Damage plus 120. In case of failure, any supernatural power maintained by the opponent is immediately dispersed. This technique can only be used while unleashing a Magnum Magnus Attack and only by those with Sephira’s Blood.
Effects: Recover Action, Supernatural State (PhR200, PhR reduction and Double Damage, Attack), Interruption (Damage+120, Ki and Magic and Psychic), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Light), Generic Weapon Bond (Magnum Mangus), Requirement (Sephira’s Blood).
DEX27 / CON27 / POW27
MK: 165

Signature techniques of those with of Boreas Blood, these fighting tricks are very particular because most of them are designed specifically to be used with projectile weapons, propelling them with the power of the Air Aeon.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 380.

Level 1
Designed to take out as fast as possible the target, this techniques allows shooting two rapid attacks with absolute precision. This technique allows the user to make up to 2 penalty free Attacks in a single turn which reduce by -50 any penalty for Aimed Attacks.
Effects: +1Additional Attack, -50 Aimed Attacks, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Air).
DEX4 / AGI4 / POW4
MK: 35

Level 1
This technique greatly enhances the character’s reaction time, making his movements blazingly fast and completely impossible for opponents to take him by surprise. This technique makes its user completely immune to Surprise Attacks and grants him a bonus of +100 to Initiative.
Effects: +100Initiative, Complete Prevision.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Air).
DEX6 / AGI6 / POW6
MK: 30

Level 2
While shooting his weapon, the character creates false images of himself that make extremely difficult understanding his real position. This technique grants its user a bonus of +75 to all Dodge rolls he makes in a turn. This technique can be maintained through following turns. The character must be using a projectile weapon to be able to use this technique.
Effects: +75 Complete Dodge, Maintained, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Air), Generic Weapon Bond (Projectile Weapon).
DEX11 (Mant.4) / AGI11 (Mant.4) / POW11 (Mant.4)
MK: 60

Level 2
Developed to face other ki users as well as other supernatural foes, Shield Buster shoots a round charged with mystical energy that will strike at the opponent with great precision and dissipate any mystical power active on it. This technique allows its user to make a single Electric Air Elemental Attack with an Attack bonus roll of +125. If the attack deals damage to the opponent, it must surpass a third PhR check against suffered Damage plus 100. In case of failure, any supernatural power maintained by the opponent is immediately dispersed. The character must be using a projectile weapon to be able to use this technique.
Effects: +125Attack, Interruption (Damage+100, Ki and Magic and Psychic), Elemental Attack (Air), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Air), Generic Weapon Bond (Projectile Weapon).
DEX14 / AGI14 / POW14
MK: 85

Level 3
This terrifying technique unleashes a sequence of extremely precise attacks followed by a barrage of lesser precise shots. Such a feat is allowed by a complete control of the wind, that can be achieved only by those with Boreas’ own blood. This technique allows its user making 6 attacks with a bonus of +200 to their Attack value, followed by 10 additional penalty free attacks. The character must have Boreas’ Blood and be using a projectile weapon to be able to use this technique.
Effects: +200Attack, +5Additional Attacks, +10Additional Limited Attacks, -3Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Air), Generic Weapon Bond (Projectile Weapons), Requirement (Boreas’ Blood).
DEX33 / AGI33 / POW33
MK: 170

Of the ten techniques of Tanathos, the school used by the Duk’Zarist praetorian guard, only six have survived in Gaia, or so it’s believed. Actually a hermit domine which was once a member of the praetorian guard has kept jealously the secret of all of them, until recently, when he taught them to a Duk’Zarist adventurer who has managed to get to Lunaris, where he learned two more and get back to Gaia, the complete Tanathos is back in the world, although the brave Duk’Zarist adventurer (who has fortunately gotten away from Imperium’s eye) is at the moment the only master of it, beside the hermit. Unsurprisingly, Tanathos most advanced technique requires the blood of the Fire Aeon to be used, which the Duk’Zarist adventurer fortunately (or perhaps due to destiny’s will) has.
Techniques (Including Tanathos from Dominus Exxet): 10 Total MK: 730 (Including Tanathos from Dominus Exxet).

Level 1
This base technique of Tanathos, preserved in Lunaris, calls upon the very two elements that are bound to Duk’Zarist soul, making fire and darkness around the blade a live entity. This technique allows the user to make a single Darkness and Fire Elemental Attack with a bonus of +40 to the Attack Roll. In order to perform this technique, the character must have at least 2 Fire Intensities at his disposal.
Effects: +40Attack, Elemental Attack (Fire), Elemental Attack (Darkness), -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Fire Simple Intensity).
STR5 / DEX5 / WIL5
MK: 25

Level 2
This technique, which a hermit kept as a secret for a long time, allows the user to move a small flame around the opponent and then switch position with it, attacking from an unpredictable angle, all the while increasing his attack and damage potential. This technique allows its user to make a single attack with a bonus of +75 both to the Attack Roll and the Base Damage. The target of this attack will need to perform a Notice Check against a difficult of Inhuman (320) or suffer the Surprise penalty to his Defense roll. In order to perform this technique, the character must have at least 2 Fire Intensities at his disposal. This technique has the Predetermined Disadvantage.
Effects: +75Attack, +75Damage, Disguised Attack (320), -4Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Fire Simple Intensity), Predetermined.
STR9 / DEX9 / WIL9
MK: 75

Level 3
The only maintained technique among Tanathos, still used in Lunaris, Dark Salamander charges the user’s body with the power from the sun, granting him incredible resilience and an unlimited flexibility, as well as keen senses that make impossible taking him by surprise. This allows its user to make any number of penalty free Defenses each turn, as well as granting him an Unmodified AT of 7 and immunity to all Surprise Attack penalties. This technique can be maintained through following turns. In order to perform this technique, the character must have at least 8 Fire Intensities at his disposal and spend 4 Fatigue Points in addition to accumulated Ki. This technique can only be used during daytime.
Effects: Complete Prevision, Unlimited Additional Defenses, AT7 (Unmodified), Maintained, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Fire Major Intensity), -4Fatigues, Requirement (Daily).
STR22 (Mant.7) / DEX22 (Mant.7) / WIL22 (Mant.7)
MK: 115

Level 3
This final technique was held by a Duk’Zarist hermit until little time ago, the reason being that only those with Kagutsuchi’s blood can learn it and only after they have mastered every single other move of Tanathos. While Dark Phoenix focuses on mass destruction and Dark Salamander on self defense, Dark Žar Ptica is designed for killing a single opponent with a flurry of attacks ending with a massively destructive attack. This technique allows its user making 8 penalty free attacks followed by a single attack with a bonus of +200 to the Attack value, completely ignoring target’s AT and a bonus to Base Damage equal to 90 plus double any quantity of Life Points Sacrificed by the character the moment he executes the technique. The character must have Kagutsuchi’s Blood, know all other 9 Tanathos Techniques, have at least 8 Fire Intensities at his disposal in order to be able to use Dark Žar Ptica.
Effects: +200Attack, +90Damage (Double Life Sacrifice), +8Additional Limited Attacks, Negates AT.
Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Fire Major Intensity), Requirement (Kagutsuchi’s Blood, All Other Tanathos Techniques).
STR33 / DEX33 / WIL33
MK: 185

Created by those with Ran’s Blood, this group of techniques is strictly bound to the sea, and although it includes few offensive maneuvers, it is markedly defensive, designed to engulf and protect the user and those dear to him. Strange enough highest level techniques require fighting with the Aquarius Magnus, simulating wave movements with the cape or other dresses of the user.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 410.

Level 1
A wave is summoned to protect its user, providing the optimal distraction for a counterattack. This technique allows the user to make a single Defense with a predetermined defense roll of 240. In case the defense is successful and the character can counterattack, he receives a bonus of +75 to his Attack roll. This technique can be combined with other combinable techniques.
Effects: Predetermined Defense (240), +75 Counterattack, Combinable, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Water).
DEX10 / POW10 /WIL10
MK: 35

Level 1
Thi attack projects a long stream of water that delivers a lethal blow to all opponents within its reach. This technique allows the user to make a single Distance Attack with a range of 100m affecting all individuals within its line of effect.
Effects: Distance Attack 100m (Line of Destruction), -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Water).
MK: 35

Level 2
The second offensive technique of The Prayer is Wave Dealer and can be performed only while moving the user’s ki-powered vests like sea waves. The movement propagates through the air as invisible energy waves that cut through the enemies. This technique can only be used while fighting with Aquarius Magnus.
Effects: +3Additional Attacks, Distance Attack 100m (Line of Destruction), Disguised Attack (320), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Water), Generic Weapon Bond (Aquarius).
DEX15 / POW15 / WIL15
MK: 100

Level 2
By focusing on his own vests, the Aquarius user turns them into a whirpool that surrounds the user and doubles itself, so that the opponents no longer know who the user really is. Such phantom image can attack at the user’s will imitating all his moves and causing illusory damage to the opponents, by striking their nervous system. Moreover the whirpool sucks away all attacks directed to the attacker. This technique allows its user to defend as if using a Supernatural Shield with 1000 Resistance Points and creates 6 mirror images of the character which cannot be detected even by Ki Detection, until a difficulty of 320 is achieved, and that attack using the rules for Ghostly Illusions against those who don’t pass a PsR check of 180. This technique can be maintained through following turns and the Supernatural Shield recovers 250 Resistance Points every time the Maintenance Cost is paid. This technique can be combined with other combinable techniques. This technique can only be used while fighting with Aquarius Magnus.
Effects: 1000 Resistance Points Energy Shield (Regeneration 250), 1 Mirror Image (Undetectable 320, PsR180 Ghostly Illusion), Combinable, Maintained.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Water), Generic Weapon Bond (Aquarius Magnus).
DEX19 (Mant. 6) / POW19 (Mant. 6) / WIL19 (Mant. 6)
MK: 100

Level 3
Only those with Ran’s Blood can summon the power of Baten Kaitos, a technique expressively developed for protecting as many people as possible with absolute certainty, reflecting any attack against the offender at the same time. The vest of the user seems to expand to cover all those within a large area around the user, granting them protection from any incoming attack. This technique allows its user making a defense roll with a predetermined roll of 440 that can be used to stop any attack within a 1km area. In case of successful defense, the attack, including any esoteric effect of it, is redirected against the attacker with a final attack value equal to the final attack value achieved by the attacker himself. This technique can be combined with other combinable techniques. This technique can only be used while fighting with Aquarius Magnus and only by those with Ran’s Blood.
Effects: 1km Area Block, Predetermined Defense (440), Reflect Attack (Esoteric Effects), Combinable, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Water), Generic Weapon Bond (Aquarius Magnus), Requirement (Ran’s Blood).
DEX23 / POW23 / WIL23
MK: 140

Expect techniques for those with Nifleheim's Blood and Rudraksha's Blood to be coming soon!

Elric of Melniboné said:

I believe too that overlapping area of effects can increase actual damage over enemies...

Hmm.... so lets say a character uses a tech that can hit multiple targets at long distance, and has multi area attack of 80ft. He targets 2 enemies within the range of the distance of the Long range requirement and are only 20ft apart from each other. Would they only be subject to one of the Area attacks or would the have to defend from both?

The Boreas Stars school looks awsome, and a good supplement to the Gunhell school. Speaking of which, I noticed the Gunhell school was missing something, imo, so I created a couple technques for it:

Charge Shot

lvl:1 MK 35

By focusing their Ki into the rounds in the guns, the character increases the damage of the attack.

Str: 8 Pow: 8 Dex: 8

Effect: 2x original damage (multi)

Disadvantage: Maintained Tech (Gunslinger)

Explosive rounds

Lvl:2 MK 80

By focusing on pure destructive energy into their next shots, the character unleashes pure "hell" from their guns.

Str: 16 Pow: 16 Dex: 16

Effects: Damage Multiplier 3x (multi), Impact (str 12), Area Attack 15ft (multi)

Disadvantage: Maintained Tech (Gunslinger)

I also made 3 more techniques, and last ones, for the Raiha no Kage school:

Daku Bakudan (Dark Bomb)

Lvl: 2 MK 45

By focusing his Ki to destructive levels, a character can create can create a bomb out of any weapon, thou the weapon is destroyed in the use of the technique.

Pow: 10 Dex: 10 Wil: 10

Effects: Area Attack 80ft (multi), Attack ability +50 (multi), Elemental Attack Electricity

Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air), Weapon Loss

Arashi no Seishin (Soul of Storms)

Lvl: 2 MK 100

This technique suffuses the body with energy, increasing their combat potiental.

Pow: 18 Dex: 18 Wil: 18 Agi: 17

Effects: +4 additional attacks, +40 Dodge ability (multi), +40 attack ability (multi)

Disadvantages: Elemental binding (Darkness/Air)

Arashi no Abata (Avatar of Storms)

Lvl: 3 MK 190

This technique is an advanced form of Arashi no Seishin. By invoking this technique, the character becomes the living embodiment of a storm, by focusing on straight attacks.

Dex: 45 Pow: 45 Wil: 45

Effects: Attack ability +100 (Multi), +5 additional attacks, +5 limited attacks, Supernatural state PhR 140 (death), Reduced Ki (1)

Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air), Predetermined, Exhaustion (-4 fatigue)

One thing I notice Elric:

Elric of Melniboné said:

Level 3
This terrifying technique unleashes a sequence of extremely precise attacks followed by a barrage of lesser precise shots. Such a feat is allowed by a complete control of the wind, that can be achieved only by those with Boreas’ own blood. This technique allows its user making 6 attacks with a bonus of +200 to their Attack value, followed by 10 additional penalty free attacks. The character must have Boreas’ Blood and be using a projectile weapon to be able to use this technique.
Effects: +200Attack, +5Additional Attacks, +10Additional Limited Attacks, -3Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Air), Generic Weapon Bond (Projectile Weapons), Requirement (Boreas’ Blood).
DEX33 / AGI33 / POW33
MK: 170

The max attack ability increase that can be given to multiple attacks is +100, the +200 is for a single attack

You are having some trouble understanding how certain "technique interactions" work.

If you buy ADDITIONAL ATTACKS (and not additional limited) and you buy +Attack (even single), the +Attack Bonus will apply TO THE ORIGINAL ATTACK AND THE ADDITIONAL ATTACKS.

On the other hand if you have a technique with +Attack and ADDITIONAL LIMITED ATTACKS, the +Attack Bonus will only apply to the original attack (the first or the last...usually).

Wind Barrage combines +200Attack with +5Additional Attacks and +10Additional Limited Attacks.

The +5Additional Attacks AND the normal attack the character is entitled GAIN FULLY the +200 Attack bonus, while the 10 Additional Limited Attacks don't benefit from any Attack Bonus.

BY THE WAY, if you bought +10 Additional LIMITED Attacks and MULTIPLE +100 Attack bonus...then the Attack bonus would apply also on the additional limited attacks, since it applies to all attacks made by the character during that turn (even additional attacks unrelated to the technique, due to dual wielding, additional attack maneuver...stuff...)

I hope my blabbering was comprehensible.

Returning to the question about overlapping areas...A technique giving you multiple long-distance-area-attacks (like Dai Kurai Arashi) adds the long distance and area effect to all attacks you make in the might be entitled more than one attack, for example because you're dual-wielding or simply because you chose the multiple attack maneuver applying the penalty for making more than one attack in a single attack action. Anyway, if you somehow pull out two area attacks and one or more targets are caught within BOTH area of effects, such targets will have to defend against BOTH attacks.

I'm terribly sorry, but right now I'm just far too lazy to comment on your additions to Gunhell and your own school. A rapid glance shows me you seem to have implemented some interesting stuff, but REALLY I'm far too tired right now to look closely at each of them, calculate Ki/MK cost and see if they are worth and/or correct. I'm awfully sorry for it...maybe tomorrow...

Meanwhile, I've created the last two promised schools for those with Rudraksha's Blood and those with Niflheim's Blood. Here they are:

This group of technique was created by a powerful warrior mentalist and scientist named Tesla (the first name’s been long forgotten), heir to Rudraksha’s Blood. The whole technique is based on lightning and thunder and as such energies are hard to control, it tends to overstrain the user.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 450.

Level 1
The first technique, named Tesla Impact, consists in unleashing a strong electrical charge on a close by target, sending him flying most of the times. This technique allows making a single Electric Elemental Attack with a bonus of +25 to the Attack roll and +40 to the Base Damage, dealing an Impact with an equivalent strength of 12. Using this technique requires spending 2 Fatigue points in addition to accumulated Ki.
Effects: +25 Attack, +40 Damage, Impact12, Elemental Attack (Air), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: -2Fatigue.
STR8 / DEX8 / CON8
MK: 50

Level 1
This attack projects a long and wide electrical lightning that fries everything in its path. This technique allows its user to make a single Electric Elemental Distance attack affecting all those within a line 1m wide and 20m long, with a Base Damage of 120. Using this technique requires spending 2 Fatigue points in addition to accumulated Ki.
Effects: Distance Attack 20m (2XPresence+PowBonus Damage, Line of Destruction), Area Attack 1m, Elemental Attack (Air), Damage Substitution 120.
Disadvantages: -2Fatigue.
STR12 / DEX12 / CON12
MK: 50

Level 2
By accumulating energy from received blows, the body of the user of Tesla Backlash is surrounded by cackling energy that reflects the energy of attacks directed against the user, opening the opponents guard for a strong counterattack charged with electrical energy. This technique allows its user to make a defense with a predetermined defense value of 320, that in case of successful defense reflects the attack against the offender with an attack value equal to that achieved by the attacker itself and, if a counterattack can be made, grants a bonus of +75 to the counterattack’s Attack roll, +40 to its Base Damage and makes it an Electrical Elemental Attack. Using this technique requires spending 2 Fatigue points in addition to accumulated Ki and can only be used in a turn successive to one during which the character has suffered at least 10 points of Damage.
Effects: Predetermined Defense (320), Reflect Attack, +75 Counterattack, +40 Damage, Elemental Attack (Air).
Disadvantages: -2Fatigue, Limit Circumstance (Suffer Damage).
STR20 / DEX20 / CON20
MK: 80

Level 2
As the name implies, this techniques creates an electric coil arount the target that literally fries it to death. This technique allows making a penalty free Electric Elemental Trap Attack with a bonus of +50 to Attack, Base Damage 180 and a Strength of 14. The trap effect on the target can be maintained through the following turns by paying the technique’s maintenance cost. Using this technique requires spending 2 Fatigue points in addition to accumulated Ki. This technique has the Predetermined disadvantage.
Effects: +50 Attack, Damage Substitution 180, Trap14, Elemental Attack (Air), Maintained (Trap Effect on Target), -1Ki.
Disadvantages: -2Fatigue, Predetermined.
STR14 (Mant.2) / DEX14 (Mant.2) / CON14 (Mant.2)
MK: 75

Level 3
An absolute control over electricity, possible only to the heirs of Rudraksha is necessary to summon the Tesla Storm, a monstrous attack of terrifying power striking enemies in a wide region with an pinpoint precision and lethal effects. The vest of the user seems to expand to cover all those within a large area around the user, granting them protection from any incoming attack. This technique allows its user making a single Electric Elemental Attack affecting all chosen targets within a 5km area, ignoring up to a -75 penalty from aimed attacks, with Base Damage equal to double the character’s Presence plus his Power Bonus, quantity which must be doubled, and in case it scores a Critical, the Critical Level is increased by +75. All targets hit by this attack must pass a PhR check against a difficulty of 200 or suffer a reduction to their PhR equal to their failure level. Using this technique requires spending 2 Fatigue points in addition to accumulated Ki. Only characters with Rudraksha’s Blood can use this technique, and after using it, they suffer a -150 All Action Penalty, that recovers at a rate of -5 per turn.
Effects: +100Attack, -75Aimed Attacks, 2XDamage, 5km Area Attack (2XPresence+PowBonus Damage, Target Selection), Supernatural State (PhR200, PhR Reduction, Attack), Elemental Attack (Air), +75 Critical.
Disadvantages: -6Fatigue, -150 All Action Penalty, Requirement (Rudraksha’s Blood).
STR40 / DEX40 / CON40
MK: 195

Created by a renegade Frostkolier with Niflheim’s Blood, Isa’s Glacier renegades the water-bound elemental nature of ice, focalizing instead on its direct effects. The technique was developed through the fusion of Frostkolier with other ice-based technique trees and its final technique can only be performed by those who have Niflheim’s Blood, like its creator, who hasn’t found a rightful apprentice yet.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 450.

Level 1
Isa’s Cold Rain crates a small hail storm around the user that freezes to death those around him, ignoring their armors. This technique allows making a single Cold Elemental Attack affecting all individuals within 25m, that negates up to 3 points of AT of the defenders, with Base Damage equal to twice the character’s Presence plus his Power Bonus. In order to perform this technique, the character must have at least 2 Cold Intensities at his disposal.
Effects: 25m Area Attack, -3AT, Elemental Attack (Water), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Cold Simple Intensity).
DEX6 / CON6 / WIL6
MK: 50

Level 1
By covering the hands and weapons of the user with an ice layer, the user of Isa’s Fists becomes able to stop attacks, including mystical ones, with great efficiency and deal stronger blows. This technique grants a bonus of +25 to all Block rolls and to the Base Damage of all attacks made by the character, as well as making all his attacks Cold Elemental Attacks capable of clashing spells using the Clashing Spells rules. This technique can be maintained through following turns. In order to perform this technique, the character must have at least 2 Cold Intensities at his disposal.
Effects: +25 Complete Block, +25 Real Damage, Elemental Attack (Water), Physical Shock, Maintained.
Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Cold Simple Intensity).
DEX12 (Mant.3) / CON12 (Mant.2) / WIL12 (Mant.3)
MK: 45

Level 2
It’s after being dealt damage from the opponent that the user of Isa’s Glacier can summon his best defense, in the form of a particularly strong Ice Armor (shaped much like that summoned by Kolinger), that reflects against the opponents all attacks its wearer is able to stop. This technique grants its user an unmodified AT value of 6. Also it allows its user, in case of successful defense, to reflect the attack against the offender with an attack value equal to that achieved by the attacker itself. In order to perform this technique, the character must have at least 2 Cold Intensities at his disposal and must have suffered at least 10 points of Damage in the previous turn.
Effects: AT6 (Unmodified), Reflect Attack, Maintained.
Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Cold Simple Intensity), Limit Circumstance (Suffer Damage).
DEX16 (Mant.4) / CON16 (Mant.5) / WIL16 (Mant.4)
MK: 75

Level 2
Isa’s Ice Trap generates an icy slippery area around its user that inflicts rather low freezing burns on those who step on it, but most important makes them slip on it very easily, throwing them off balance and breaking their fighting postures. This technique allows making an additional penalty free Cold Elemental Attack per turn, affecting all individuals within 10m, with a Base Damage equal to double the character’s Presence plus his Power Bonus, quantity which must be halved. The targets of this attack will need to perform a Notice Check against a difficult of Almost Impossible (240) or suffer the Surprise penalty to his Defense roll and if they are hit, they have to pass a PhR check against a difficulty of 140 or suffer an All Action Penalty equal to their failure level which is recovered at a rate of -5 per turn. This technique can be maintained through following turns. In order to perform this technique, the character must have at least 2 Cold Intensities.
Effects: +1 Additional Limited Attack, Area Attack 10m, Disguised Attack (240), Supernatural State (PhR140, Minor All Action Penalty, Attack), Elemental Attack (Water), Maintained, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Cold Simple Intesity), Half Damage.
DEX17 (Mant.4) / CON17 (Mant.4) / WIL17 (Mant.4)
MK: 85

Level 3
Only those who can control the essence of cold through Niflheim’s Blood can hope to learn this extremely complex but lethal fighting technique and even then only while surrounded by an intense cold can they unleash it, dealing a sequence of ice charged blows on the target that freeze it, lowering its resistance to injuries and completely inhibiting its movement capacity. This technique allows its user making 5 consecutive Cold Elemental Attacks that if they hit the opponent oblige it to take three PhR200 checks. An opponent failing the first PhR check suffers a penalty to his PhR equal to the failure level. An opponent failing the second PhR check suffers an All Action Penalty equal to the failure level that recovers at a rate of -5 per turn. An opponent failing the third PhR check suffers from Total Paralysis for a number of turns equal to his failure level. An opponent cannot counterattack against the user of this technique until the complete sequence of attacks is completed. Only characters with Niflheim’s Blood can use this technique, and only if they have at least 8 Cold Intensities at their disposal. This technique has the Complex Disadvantage.
Effects: +4 Additional Attacks (Continuous), Supernatural State (PhR200, PhR Reduction and All Action Peanlty and Total Paralysis, Attack), Elemental Attack (Water), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Complex, Elemental Requirement (Major Cold Intensity), Requirement (Rudraksha’s Blood).
DEX32 / CON32 / WIL32
MK: 195

See you, space cowboys!

My bad, guess I misread the stuff in the book on that part, but thanks for pointing that out. These other schools look pretty sweet too. gran_risa.gif

Ok, today I have a bit more time and will comment on the last few techniques you designed.

First Gunhell:

All Gunhell techniques are meant to affect single shots (as if using a "special round"), and since that's their main flavor, I would abide to it (hence NO multiple effects). Moreover, Gunhell is a technique tree based on DEX/AGI/POW (with a splash of Willpower and Constitution only for the final technique).

Charge Shot's MK cost is correct, as is the Ki cost, but then again, if I were using Gunhell I wouldn't be happy to have to go and raise also my STR accumulation and Ki pool. And again I wouldn't let a Gunhell user have "Multiple Effects" techniques. Moreover, Gunhell already has a Damage Augmentation technique: Sniper Shot. Currently a player buddy of mine is playing a technician with Gunhell (well...a variant version making use of a couple of Artifact Leo Short Sword-Pistols), but I don't think he'd be interested in such technique. Barrel Shot for less Ki actually deals more damage (because you shot 7 the opponent severe defense penalties) and when he's a bit out of Ki he can use Bouce Shot (yes, we're still low on levels, ok?), which again, most times inflicts a -90 penaty to the opponent's defense, meaning tons more damage. Then again: The technique is perfectly correct, its usefulness (especially considering the STR ki requirement) not so much.

Explosive Rounds: again...i'd go for Explosive ROUND (so no multi effects)...Anyway: its MK cost is 95, and not 80. As for Ki cost it's correct, but then again, having to raise STR accumulation and ki for a Gunhell user is awful (especially if you consider that being a ranged fighter, he won't probably have a high starting STR value!). As far as "crowd control" is concerned, Barrel Shot can make quick work of several small fries in a turn and once you get Storm Waltz why should you bother accumulating 16Ki points out of every stat when with 14 you slay (or severely damage) every single enemy within 100m?! Again, not so useful, on my opinion.

ANYWAY, I admit that the explosion with impact effect might be nice, but I'd entirely drop the damage augmentation stuff (again, for severe damage dealing you have other techniques in the tree already) and go for a cheaper thing like this:

Explosive Shot

Level 2

Effects: Area Attack 5m, Impact 16, -2Ki.

Disadvantage: Maintained Technique (Gunslinger).

DEX5 / AGI5 / POW5

MK: 50

Like this the Impact Effect, which is what makes this technique really "unique", is really effective and can make a difference and the technique is very cheap so that an average Gunhell user will be able to pull-out it in a turn once he's level 3 or 4.

Now le'ts get to Raitonigu no Kage:

A fist thought: making very big and MK-consuming schools is nice and I did it a couple of times too, of course, still you should remember that even a Teechnician or Tao might find useful keeping some MK for Ki/Nemesis Abilities and/or Ars Magna! When you design a technique requiring tons of MK. There are really beautiful and proficient school techniques for lower MK costs, like Frostkolier or Basis. Raitonigu no Kage was already 430MK worth IN YOUR PREVIOUS post...adding techniques would make learning it challenging for a TECHNICIAN. Since it's been designed for Ninjas (who will definitely have less MK, since they are usually a Shadow class...even using my Specialist Class they only get 30MK per level, and no discount on Martial Arts, meaning they won't usually have more than 1 "just for flavor"), I believe 430MK is already quite a lot...still if you want to "weight it more" I will comment on your new three techniques...

Daku Bakudan: MK cost is correct and the concept would be nice, but...there are three main problems with this technique:

1 - It gives crowd control (area attack) to a school that already has TONS of Crowd Control! Kage no Ame's Multiple attacks and Dai Kurai Arashi and Kage no Arashi's Area Attacks already give you a vast asset of weapons against multiple targets. What's the use of one more such technique?

2 - The explosion of a weapon should at best provoke a SINGLE detonation, so the "multiple" effects on Area Attack and Attack bonus are completely out of place here.

3 - The cost of others technique from the school is STR / POW / WIL. Again...buyng ALSO DEX accumulation would be troublesome for a technician, even more so for a tao and even more so for a Shadow...Need I say more?

Although I like the concept of this technique, adding another crowd control technique, requiring weapon sacrifice for a cost of 45 more MK to the already "MK-Heavy" Raitonigu no Kage is somehing I'd definitely avoid.

Arashi No Seishin: Again, you already have a technique giving you free additional you need more...anyway, due to the explanation in the previous post, you don't need to buy "multiple Attack bonus" to apply it to the 5 attacks granted by this technique...since the Dodge bonus is unrelated to the additional attacks, though, you have to take it multiple to apply it to all dodge rolls in the same turn. The real problem with this technique is anyway, the fact that you can only pay Attack Bonus with STR Ki, hence the technique is bound to be very heavy on POW and WIL and very light on STR, causing a strong Ki unbalance...and then again, it's 80 more MK...believe me, any character would work-out better without it.

Arashi No Abata: Usual stuff...Dex needs to be substituted by STR and I'd go for +100 Attack (no multiple). It won't apply to the Additional Limited Attacks, but it should be ok anyway and the MK and Ki cost drop a bit...a technique requiring 45 Ki points to be cas, is a technique that most likely isn't going to be used... even with Accumulation 11 on all three stats, you require 5 turns to pull it out! My Tesla Storm Tehnique has a cost of 40, meaning with 10 accumulation points its pulled-out in 4 turns...and than, THAT is a BATTLE ENDER, a 5km area attack is a technique which is supposed to be used on a battlefield where AN ARMY is giving you time to accumulate ki...Arashi No Abata is a "power-up" technique meant to erase a small group of opponents or a single overpowerful opponet (for poweful crowd control, you already have Kage no Arashi, after all!) and the cost should not surpass 40 on STR / POW / WIL. Besides a PhR140 for a Level3 technique is VERY the time you master that technique, the opponents don't break a sweat against such PhR difficulty. I'd suggest modifiying it a bit...

Arashi No Abata (Avatar of Storms)

Level 3

Effects: +100 Attack, +5 Additional Limited Attacks, Supernatural State (PhR200, Death, Attack), -2Ki.

Disadvantage: Predetermined, Elemental Binding (Darkness/Air), Exhaustion (-4Fatigue)

STR31 / POW31 / WIL31

MK 150

The attack with 100 bonus and Supernatural State effect should be the last. Like this the opponent will be severly weakened in his Defense roll and will almost surely be forced to take the PhR check of 200. For a high level character it's far easier to fail a PhR200 check than 5 PhR140 checks...and you're not going to use Arashi no Abata on small fries anyway! And with a cost of 31ki per stat, you're going to use it in 3 turns if your Accumulation is 11.

I hope my suggestions where somewhat useful.

@_@ ok well when you put it that way I can see that some were a bit overkill.... guess I just got caught in a creation fever and was trying to go for some techniques that were ninja - esque in nature, though I had though to have Daku Bakudan used with Kage no Ame to get the full effect of the weapon creation.....

But again thank you for your help Elric, I've learned quite a bit... and see I got a lot more to learn, when it comes to creating techniques.......

I'll eventually make some more, My player with the ninja was also wanting some Ice based Techniques... might "barrow" a couple from Fury of the Ice Queen school for this..... was thinking of doing a bit of Sub-Zero meets Naruto. I was also thinking of creating a school based on the "Dark Slayer Style" Virgil uses in DMC3 and that Dante uses in DMC4...........

Also had an idea bouncing in my head of a school of limited use Techniques that utilize tattoos as a media and will dissapaer from the body once used......

But those are for later once I figure out some of the stuff for it........ like how to best imitate the summoned sword attack.... and how to create Devil Trigger demonio.gif mode with the rules for the game.

But again thank you very much for all the help you have provided Elrix, you the best! gran_risa.gif

Dude, you'll need my permission to use the Fury of the Ice Queen school like that, seeing that it was my original idea. If you need proof, you could look back a couple pages, but... yeah, I'll need to speak with you about that, as it's for a story thing that I'm writing.

Hehe....sorry bout that..... it slipped my mind. So is it possible I could use a couple of the Techniques in my campaign? BTW if you want to use any in the school I created feel free.

Woah, guys! Stay cool (no pun intended)!

It's a game...remember.

For Ice Based techniques there are 4 nice schools around:

Frostkolier (Dominus Exxet...has a few errors around...but I posted somewhere corrections to that).

Fury of The Ice Queen which I made for Xamusel.

Isa's Glacier which I made for myself.

Lin Kuei, created by Brewmaster Vitty and included in a compendium he created. I've reworked a bit Ki costs for that school, and I don't know if he decided to undertake my suggestions or the way, since he published it, I don't think he has problems having others use it.

Stay cool and most importantly have fun!

Elric, i made an ice technique i thought might fit well for Isa's Glacier


Level 1

Using this technique creates a thick layer of ice on the current weapon. After the attack has been blocked, the ice shatters and flows past the intended target. As soon as the ice shards are behind his target, they thrust back into him.

Effects: Camouflaged Attack(240), Attack +40, Damage +25, Armor Destruction -4, Elemental Attack(Water)

Disadvantages: Only vs Block

Cost: Dex 12, Con 12, Wil 12

Okay, that's a fair trade-off, I'll admit. Alright, I accept the trade, though I wonder if the character in question is a female character.

@Elric: I agree that we need to stay cool. Fortunately enough, that ought to be good for me, anyway.

@Raybras: Nice ice technique.

Nice technique Rybras: the problem is all techniques from the Ice Glacier school have the Water Elemental Requirement Disadvantage, meaning you cannot buy a second Disadvantage for a Level 1 technique.

I did a bit of maths on Isa's Shards and you can pay it like this:


3 less Ki on each stat is important...but don't worry. Finding the best way of paying techniques' cost isn't really easy in the beginning and requires excercise. I will check the cost of your future creations too, if it helps.

Besides, for my elemental schools (meaning by that Toa's Throne, The Prayer of the Sea, Isa's Glacier, Sephira's Knight, Tesla's Legacy, Boreas Star, Pandemonium's Reign), I prefer using the "simple" structure 1+1+2+2+3. Basically it keeps MK under check, allowing a technician to develop other stuff. For the fire element I tried something different adding 4 techniques to Tanathos that actually make it REALLY Heavy (730MK).

By the way, since Ice based techniques seem to be much requested and you seem to have pretty good ideas, how about you develop your own school? Or, if you don't want to develop the fifth Ice-based school around, since the technique you posted has no elemental binding, you might develop a school with 6-8 techniques, including one for each element (6 if Ice and Electricity are considered as part of Water and Air, 8 otherwise). I'm eager to see your future creations! Another Idea might be making 3 Schools of techniques, each based on a single House of the Aytir. This technique would fall in the school related to the Njordt Aytir.

well, you sorta convinced me into making a tree, and here is my idea

Developed by a follower of Rafael, also known as Mother Nature, this school makes use of the natural elements to combat those who would do harm to people and nature alike. The majority of these techniques reflect upon the users own experience.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 415.

Level 1
The first technique calls upon the power of electricity and forms 2 tigers that attack those of the users choice. They cannot go far from their source of power or they will dissipate to nothing. As long as the user spends ki, he can keep the tigers active.
The tigers deal Electrical damage with a base damage of (Presencex2+PowBonus).
Effects: Additional Attack+1, Indirect Attack, Long-Range Attack 5m, Elemental Attack(air), -1 Ki
Disadvantage: Overcharge 5 rounds
Dex6(3 Maint)/Pow6(2 Maint)/Wil6(2 Maint)
MK: 50

Level 1
When in danger, nature itself intervenes to protect he who follows Rafael. A Thick layer of bark surrounds the user, taking the damage instead. Grants Damage Resistance of 600 LP with a total AT of 8 and can be maintained.
Effects: Damage resistance 600 LP, Armor+4
Disadvantage: Limited situation 1/4 LP
Dex8(2 Maint)/Pow8(2 Maint)/Wil 8(2 Maint)
MK: 30

Level 2
Using his energy he creates all types of vermin within 100m, although it seems they are called upon, that come out of the ground and start clawing and biting those the user designates. These vermin dont hurt much but the pain is unbearable. Base damage is (Presencex2+PowBonus)/2.
Effects: Area Attack 100m Target Choice, Esoteric Effect 160 PhR Severe Pain
Disadvantage: 1 hour preparation, Half Damage
Dex 13/Pow 13/Wil 13
MK: 85

Level 2
Summoning his inner instinct, the user expulses from him a deep form that takes the shape of an Eagle. It reaches terrible heights before divebombing it's target. Base Damage is (Presencex2+PowBonus)x2
Effects: Long-Range Attack 100m, Attack+100, Damage Multiplierx2
Cost: Dex 14, Pow 14, Wil 14
MK: 75

Level 3
The wrath of nature is bewildering beyond all possibilities. Gaia reacts to the will of the invoker and uses all it's power to strike and bind all designated targets in the area from humans to spirits. After the cradle is activated, the user may continue the bind by maintaining energy flow and his strikes also hit on the energy table whilst maintaining it.
Effects: Immobilization 20 Existencial, Area Attack 1km Target Choice, Long-Range Attack 1km, Supernatural Attack
Cost: Dex 20(4 Maint), Pow 20(4 Maint), Wil 20(4 Maint)
MK: 175

Very good stuff, guy, although unfortunately Isa's Shards didn't find place in it!


There's a problem with the cost:

Distanct 5m (5), Elemental Attack (5), Indirect Attack (10), +1Attack (20), -1KI (10), Maintained (10), Overcharge 5 turns (-5) = 55

ANYWAY, you might make it +1Additional Limited Attack, meaning the character will be able to attack as normal AND the two electric tigers will meanwhile make their independant attack (much like Legacy of Solomon techniques). Moreover, I'd try to completely balance Maintenance costs which is for the better and the best way to do it is a little increase in range.

Hence the result would be:


Effects: 20m Distance Attack (2XPresence+PowBonus Damage), Elemental Attack (Air), Level 1 Indirect Attack, +1Additional Limited Attack, Maintained.

Disadvantages: Overcharge 5 turns.

DEX8 (Mant.2) / POW8 (Mant.2) / WIL8 (Mant.2)

MK: 35


The problem is the AT4 from Damage accumulation and AT4 from Armor combine as two different layers, hence the comprehensive AT is 6 and not 8. Moreover remember that accumulation grants tons of Life Points, but means no defense beides the Armor. For a technique with Damage Accumulation I'd always reccomend taking Regeneration. Again, balancing of Maintenance is a issue, but I've already seen that Gaia's Cradle has an error in maintenance and is actually unbalanced, so you might balance the maintenance there with the maintenance here like this:


Effects: 600 Life Points Damage Accumulation (Regeneration 100), AT4, Maintained.

Disadvantages: Limit Condition (1/4 Life Points).

DEX11 (Mant.2) / POW11 (Mant.2) / WIL11 (Mant.3)

MK: 35
A bit more costly, but much more useful, at least.


This technique is very MK count though is 65!

Area Attack 100m (30), Target Choice (10), PhR160 (35), Severe Pain (15), 1hour preparation (-15), Half Damage (-10) = 65

As for the Ki Count, you're overpaying it. DEX12 / POW12 / WIL12 is sufficient!


Another very nice technique. Mi Ki count is Dex13 / Pow14 / Wil14. This is a very minor Ki unbalance, so you might choose to leave it like this or add -2Ki and bring the MK cost to 95. Your choice there, since both solutions are quite feasable.


I also like this one very much. As already said, the maintenance cost is wrong. I suppose you're only paying maintenance for the Trap effect...which is 11 and not 12, so the maintenance cost should be 4/4/3 (to balance the maintenance cost of Barkskin). Besides the MK cost is 180 and not 175.

Trap20 (40), Existential (5), 1Km Area Attack (50), Target Choice (10), Long Distance 1Km (35), Supernatural Attack (10), Maintained (30) = 180

Besides, is the Long Distance 1Km effect really needed when you already have a 1Km area target choice? It would cost LESS both in MK and Ki to extend the area of effect to 5Km...which would allow you to cover a much greater area anyway! Hence I'm modifying it like this.


Effects: 5Km Area Attack (Target Choice), Trap 20 (Existential), Supernatural Attack, Maintained (Trap Effect on Target).

DEX22 (Mant.4) / POW22 (Mant.4) / WIL22 (Mant.3)

MK: 155
Strange enough my Ki count is higher than yours...perhaps there was some error in your ki count, since I've double checked it.

Anyway, amazing job, I'm definitely going to add this to my collection!

wow thanks for all the help although there there is a minor ick in some of the things you said

Storm tigers will become Storm Tiger, since there is only 1 of the attacks that become electric/indirect/range.

Gaia's cradle also maintains Supernatural attack.

i dont know how your ki cost for GC is different, maybe we didnt use the same primary effect.

i counted ki for the 5km one as well, and im getting 18/18/17 costs.

now if we set immobilization as the primary effect, it will come to a cost of 19 Str ki, leaving Supernatural attack at 8 Power and Area Attack at 22 Power.

what i did was set Immobil at 17 Dex(total 18) and 2 Wil(total 4 wil), Supernatural at 8 Pow and Area Attack at 10 Power and 12 Wil(total 13), giving me 18 Dex, 18 Pow and 17 Wil. now the maintenance is 4/4/4 due to Supernatural and Immobil.

Storm tigers is a matter of liking. You can leave it as you made it, in my version the two tigers attack as one, and since they are "an additional limited attack" they don't influence your primary attack, allowing you to act freely while the additional "Tigers attack" bites at the enemies.

As for Gaia:

You know that when you maintain a technique you have to add the maintenance cost of the effect to the effect cost...

The cost for Existential Trap 20 (taken as primary effect) is:

18+10+1+1=30 ->31Dex

Supernatural (I don't understand what's the use of maintaining it, though: trapped things WON'T be able to free themselves once they're trapped anyway...besides by the time you own this technique it's pretty clear your technician will be able to damage energy anyway...) -> 8+1=9 ->9Power

5Km area with target choice (paid as secondary and not maintained) -> 20+2=22->11Pow + 12Wil

Now we hve

DEX31 / POW20 / WIL12

MOREOVER, if you pay Trap ONLY with Dex, you must allocate ALL MAINTENANCE FOR THAT EFFECT to Dex, meaning a HUGE Ki unbalance...

So you have to distribute Trap Effect cost on all 3 stats in order to have the balanced Maintenance of 4 / 3+1 / 4. Hence:

Dex29 / POW23 / WIL15

Rebalancing stats now that you can move around Ki...

DEX22 / POW23 / WIL22

Since I didn't maintain the Supernatural Attack effect in my version of the technique:

DEX22 / POW22 / WIL22 - with minor Ki unbalance in maintenance which was balanced somewhere else...Barkskin.

oh? i thought you only paid for the maintenance cost if you wanted to maintain it and not just use it as a single action. thats why my maint costs were aside. That aside, supernatural attack is to hit on the energy table

Ok, sincerely I don't think you can choose which effects to maintain and which not...except for techniques with "Trap" that allow you to ONLY maintain the "Trap" effect, instead than the whole technique (simply meaning you keep using the technique Trap STR value instead of your own in following turns).

Anyway, it's not like rules are absolutely unbreakable...there are a few techniques in the rulebook that pay Supernatural State with AGI+4, although it's not included in the alternative costs options...

My last suggestion is, if you decide the "Supernatural Attack" effect can be maintained independently from the rest, to buy a -1Ki to leverage the ki only increases the cost of the technique by 10MK, after all...

Well I finally finished one of the new schools I was working on, still need to get the ice school and the Tattoo one finished llorando.gif . But anyway, here is my version of, and homage to, the Dark Slayer Style from Devil May Cry 3 and 4:

Dark Slayer Style

Summond Swords - Hurl 4 Ki generated swords at the enemy.
Lvl:1 MK 40
Dex: 13 Wil: 13 Pow: 13
Effects: +4 Limited Additional Attacks, Indirect Attack, Long distance (Multi) 30ft 2X Base Presence + Power Bonus
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

Spiral Swords - Create a barrier of countless swords which surround and protect you.
Lvl:1 MK 45
Dex: 9 (2) Wil: 9 (2) Pow: 9 (2)
Effects: Energy Shield (500LP) regeneration 250 , Dodge ability +40
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

Air Trick - Instantaneously teleport to a spot directly near the enemy to unleash a barage of attacks.
Lvl:2 MK 90
Dex: 24 Wil: 24 Pow: 23
Effects:Attack Ability +125, Automatic Transportation 150ft, +4 Additional attacks
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

Aerial Rave - Two quick slashes that cut through the air.
Lvl:2 MK 90
Dex: 20 Wil: 20 Pow: 20
Effects: Initiative Augment +125, +1 Additional Attack, Long Distance Attack 60ft (2X Base Presssence + Power Bonus), Attack Ability +40 (Multi)
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

Dimensional Slash - A swift motion of the blade that cuts through dimensional barriers and unleashes a vortex of destruction.
Lvl:3 MK 200
Dex: 35 Wil: 35 Pow: 35
Effects: Long Distance Attack 3000ft, Area Attack 1500ft (2X Base Presssence + Power Bonus), Damage Multiplier X4, Attack Ability +200
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

So what you all think?

I have no time to make the math right now, but this is a super-powerful school requiring tons of Ki...split the cost among 4 stats for this one (I know it sounds strange said by me...but this one requires ki costs to be split upon 4 stats, I believe).

Anyway, beautiful school.

EDIT: Just noticed now, but the first technique won't work as you want it to do. The Indirect Acttack thing will work only on 1 attack. Anyway, you might quietly choose to remove the Indirect Attack thing entirely since long distance attacks don't really need it...Anyway, if you want to do 4 long distance attacks it should be +3 additional limited attacks and not +4 (like that you make 5 attacks...). The rest of the techniques seem very good. Extremely powerful, although hard to use for a character.

Elric of Melniboné said:

Ok, sincerely I don't think you can choose which effects to maintain and which not...except for techniques with "Trap" that allow you to ONLY maintain the "Trap" effect, instead than the whole technique (simply meaning you keep using the technique Trap STR value instead of your own in following turns).

Anyway, it's not like rules are absolutely unbreakable...there are a few techniques in the rulebook that pay Supernatural State with AGI+4, although it's not included in the alternative costs options...

My last suggestion is, if you decide the "Supernatural Attack" effect can be maintained independently from the rest, to buy a -1Ki to leverage the ki only increases the cost of the technique by 10MK, after all...

not exactly what i meant. lets take your version of storm tiger.

the way i thought it worked was

Single use cost: dex 6, wil 6, pow 6

maintained cost: dex 8(2 maint), wil 8(2 maint), pow 6(2 maint)

keeping your version, i would have listed

Dex 6(2 maint), Wil 6(2 maint), Pow 6(2 maint)

that way i just add the maintenance cost to the base cost if i wanted to maintain the technique in its entirety. i know you cant just maintain a part of a technique once its finished, you can only set what you want to maintain on creation

i cant seem to edit my post.. i think it's time delayed.

After having re-read the maintenance rule, i see i was at fault.

so Final version of GAIA'S VENGEANCE is at goes

Developed by a follower of Rafael, also known as Mother Nature, this school makes use of the natural elements to combat those who would do harm to people and nature alike. The majority of these techniques reflect upon the users own experience.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 385

Level 1
The first technique calls upon the power of electricity and forms a single tiger that attack those of the users choice. They cannot go far from their source of power or they will dissipate to nothing. As long as the user spends ki, he can keep the tiger active.
The tiger deals Electrical damage with a base damage of (Presencex2+PowBonus).
Effects: Limited Additional Attack+1, Level 1 Indirect Attack, Long-Range Attack 20m(2xPresence+PowBonus), Elemental Attack(air), Maintained
Disadvantage: Overcharge 5 rounds
Dex8(2 Maint)/Pow8(2 Maint)/Wil8(2 Maint)
MK: 35

Level 1
When in danger, nature itself intervenes to protect he who follows Rafael. A Thick layer of bark surrounds the user, taking the damage instead and regenerating itself. Grants Damage Resistance of 600 LP with 2 layers of AT 4(following normal rules with no initiative penalty) and can be maintained.
Effects: Damage resistance 600 LP(Regeneration 100), Armor+4, Maintainable
Disadvantage: Limited situation 1/4 LP
Dex11(2 Maint)/Pow11(2 Maint)/Wil11(3 Maint)
MK: 35

Level 2
Using his energy he creates all types of vermin within 100m, although it seems they are called upon, that come out of the ground and start clawing and biting those the user designates. These vermin dont hurt much but the pain is unbearable. Base damage is (Presencex2+PowBonus)/2.
Effects: Area Attack 100m Target Choice, Esoteric Effect 160 PhR Severe Pain
Disadvantage: 1 hour preparation, Half Damage
Dex 12/Pow 12/Wil 12
MK: 65

Level 2
Summoning his inner instinct, the user expulses from him a deep form that takes the shape of an Eagle. It reaches terrible heights before divebombing it's target. Base Damage is (Presencex2+PowBonus)x2
Effects: Long-Range Attack 100m, Attack+100, Damage Multiplierx2, -2 Ki Cost
Cost: Dex 13, Pow 13, Wil 13
MK: 95

Level 3
The wrath of nature is bewildering beyond all possibilities. Gaia reacts to the will of the invoker and uses all it's power to strike and bind all designated targets in the area from humans to spirits. After the cradle is activated, the user may continue the bind by maintaining energy flow and his strikes also hit on the energy table whilst maintaining it.
Effects: Immobilization 20 (Existential), Area Attack 5km Target Choice, Supernatural Attack, Maintainable(Trap effect only)
Cost: Dex22(4 Maint), Pow22(4 Maint), Wil22(3 Maint)
MK: 155


and during all that, i came up with another tree.

If you know what Busou Renkin is, you'll somewhat recognize the 1st technique ^^;;

This tree was developed by the indigenous villages to protect themselves from strangers. These small villages learned to fight with Chakrams. Knowing the weapon's power wasnt sufficient to dispatch their enemies quickly, they came up with techniques that were effective, also making them need to use thier heads more than their arms. Most of these techniques are best suited for Ambush attacks and Hit and Run tactics.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 315

Level 1
This technique was designed for Hit and Run Tactics. When Active, the Chakram creates 2 images that start rotating at high speeds and are set at the ankles of the user, turning them into "roller blades".
Effects: Increased Movement +3, Increased Athleticism +50, Additional Defenses+1, -1 Ki Cost, Maintainable
Disadvantage: Generic weapon bound(Chakram)
Agi6(2 Maint)/Con7(2 Maint)/Pow7(2 Maint)
MK: 40

Level 1
Shadow Strike was created for 1st encounters where the surprise was unavoidable. A small squad of the indigenous would be able to dispatch a few opponents with this technique before they engaged in combat or retreated to a strategical position. The user Throws his chakram once, and on its way back it is usually unnoticed and strikes by surprise.
Effects: Long-Range Attack 20m(presx2+PowBon), Limited Additional Attack+1, Camouflaged Attack(240), -1 Ki Cost
Disadvantage: Generic Weapon Bound(Chakram)
MK: 30

Level 2
When the indigenous first fought against the metal men, their weapons were almost useless against the hard steel. This was made to dispatch the armored opponents with deadly speed by slicing their armor temporarily.
Effects: Complete attack+40, Armor Destruction-7, -1 Ki Cost
Disadvantage: Generic Weapon Bound(Chakram), Maintainable.
Agi13(4 Maint)/Con13(4 Maint)/Pow13(4 Maint)
MK: 70

Level 2
The Elite Fighters of the Indigenous came up with this technique as a combo with their hit and run tactics. Using speed and surprise to their advantage, they would mow down almost anyone they came in contact with.
Effects: Critical Enhancement+50(automatic), Increased Initiative+150
Disadvantages: Generic Weapon Bound(Chakram), Level 1 Maintained Technique(WINDWALK)
MK: 65

Level 3
Being a member of a reclusive village, their army was never big enough to properly defend themselves against the invaders. With this technique, a single man becomes a squad himself, bolstering their numbers dramatically.
Effects: Mirage(20), Non-Detection(440), Phantasmal Damage(240 PsR), -2 Ki Cost
Disadvantages: Generic Weapon Bound(Chakram), Predetermination
Agi16(6 Maint)/Con16(6 Maint)/Pow16(6 Maint)
MK: 110

OK here is the revised version of Dark Slayer, using Elric's suggestions.

Dark Slayer Style
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 465

Summond Swords - Hurl multiple Ki generated swords at the enemy.
Lvl:1 MK 30
Dex: 8 Wil: 8 Pow: 8 Agi: 8
Effects: +4 Limited Additional Attacks, Long distance (Multi) 30ft 2X Base Presence + Power Bonus
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

Spiral Swords - Create a barrier of countless swords which surround and protect you.
Lvl:1 MK 45
Dex: 8(1) Wil: 7(2) Pow: 7(2) Agi: 7(1)
Effects: Energy Shield (500LP) regeneration 250 , Dodge ability +40, Maintained
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

Air Trick - Instantaneously teleport to a spot directly near the enemy to unleash a barage of attacks.
Lvl:2 MK 90
Dex: 18 Wil: 18 Pow: 18 Agi: 18
Effects:Attack Ability +125, Automatic Transportation 150ft, +4 Additional attacks
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

Aerial Rave - Two quick slashes that cut through the air.
Lvl:2 MK 100
Dex: 17 Wil: 16 Pow: 17 Agi: 17
Effects: Initiative Augment +125, +1 Additional Attack, Long Distance Attack 60ft (Multi) (2X Base Presssence + Power Bonus), Attack Ability +40 (Multi)
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

Dimensional Slash - A swift motion of the blade that cuts through dimensional barriers and unleashes a vortex of destruction.
Lvl:3 MK 200
Dex: 28 Wil: 28 Pow: 29 Agi: 28
Effects: Long Distance Attack 3000ft, Area Attack 1500ft (2X Base Presssence + Power Bonus), Damage Multiplier X4, Attack Ability +200
Disadvantage: Tied to a weapon (Katana)

I know this it a bit of a power house school, and being able to pull it off of a normal character is a bit much..... I was just trying to recreate as acuretly as possible Vergil's and Dante's style from the DMC games....then again those two begin as inhuman with at least 2 bloodline traits..... but anyway.... Off to the Ice school..... hope I don't get frostbite while making it.... lengua.gif

Oops, forgot to remove from the description in gaias cradle "And his strikes Also hit on the energy table whilst maintaining it"