By tkis, in Deathwatch

I took that idea from the DH forums, so i would be glad if a mod would deem the thread worthwhile of being stickied.

The goal of the thread is to make it easier for players and GMs to organize sessions of Deathwatch, to find what they look for or tell which options they provide. Please stick to the suggested format to reduce clutter and make important information easy to spot.

ROLE: (e.g. Player, GM)

LOOKING FOR: (e.g. GM, Group, Players)

TYPE OF GAME: (e.g. Online, Face to Face, Convention)

SESSION SPECIFICS: ( e.g. Voice Based, IRC, Forum Based, LARP)

REGION: (e.g. Western Europe, Australia, US East Coast)

SESSION TIME AND TIMEZONE: ( e.g. evenings GMT, 10:00 AM PST)

GAME STYLE: (e.g. Narrative, Combat Heavy)


COMMENTS: (Specific Comments you want to make and information which is not covered above)

This sounds like a good idea.

I'm probably way too busy to participate in an online game myself, but I know there are people on here that likes to dabble in activities like that.

SESSION SPECIFICS: Text-Based (I'm better writing than speaking English)

ROLE: Player (I GM irl)

REGION: Europish

SESSION TIME AND TIMEZONE: evenings around Central European Time

GAME STYLE: I'm flexible

GAME SPECIFICS: I'm flexible

COMMENTS: Want to try out a BA Librarian and see how the game is playing from a player's pov.


PS Sticky requested.

ROLE: Player, GM



SESSION SPECIFICS: Voice Based, Logged Dice rolling, Flockdraw and pregenerated handouts for visuals

REGION: Europe


GAME STYLE: Narrative

GAME SPECIFICS: vanilla Deathwatch with minor house rules, example of carrying limit

COMMENTS: Other time zones are welcome, if you can find time to join for the GMT evening sessions. Example of visual aids

Role: Player ( I already GM a game have yet to be a player in DW , have experiance playing DH)

Looking For: Game

Type of Game: In person

Session Specifics: Appreciate regulated dice rolls out in open in plain view, have had bad experiance in past with dice being rolled away from GM view, will not hesitate to call the person out.

Region: Colorado, Springs/Falcon area

Time: Sundays best any-time of day

Game Style- Do enjoy all types, appreciate a well thought out campaign where more then just combat skills are required.

Specifics- None come to mind, open to all houserules.

Comments- Would be interested in playing an Ultramarine Apothecary, or Space-Wolf Tactical Marine.

LOOKING FOR: Players for both Deathwatch and Dark Heresy (I run DH)

TYPE OF GAME: Face to Face

REGION: Southwest Virginia, games held in Roanoke

SESSION TIME AND TIMEZONE: Every Friday night at 7:00

GAME STYLE: Equal amount of narrative and combat for DH, DW is combat heavy so far.

GAME SPECIFICS: We alternate between DH and DW, so you can come for one or both. New players are more than welcome.

COMMENTS: If interested contact me at [email protected]

role :player, gm, group of 3

type : face to face

looking for : player, gm

region : Baltimore, md

style : equal combat, story, action

time : varies (chaotic schedule)

game specifics: one session in having just completed extraction. have a space wolf assault marine, iron hand tech marine, and dark angels devistator

comment : looking for a new RP group member in the parkville, middle river, essex, white marsh, or dundalk area. games including, but not limited to, DW, RT, DH, exalted, scion, d and d, and all flesh must be eaten. if interested contact me at [email protected]

ROLE: Player


TYPE OF GAME: Online or Face to face

REGION: Nebraska, Usa, Kearney area

SESSION TIME AND TIMEZONE: I could make any time work

GAME STYLE: I perfer narritive with a mix of combat, but not combat focused. Then again, I'd be willing to try anything.

GAME SPECIFICS: As with previous answers, I'd be open to anything.

LOOKING FOR: Prefer being a player, I don't like to GM.

Region: Bismarck, ND

Specifics: No House rules preferred. Use of Errata please.

Type: Face to Face

ROLE: Player (I already GM two campaigns).

LOOKING FOR: Group: Deathwatch or even DH. 40k universe though.

TYPE OF GAME: Online, or face to face in SLC, UT


REGION: I am in Mountain time in Utah

SESSION TIME AND TIMEZONE: Evenings after 9PM Mountain or Sunday Mornings.

GAME STYLE: All good, just wanta play


COMMENTS: The ideal time for me is Sunday mornings from 8am - 2pm window.

Contact me at chrynoble (at) gmail (dot) com.

ROLE: Player


TYPE OF GAME: Online or Face to Face


REGION: North America (Edmonton, Canada)

SESSION TIME AND TIMEZONE: Evenings, Mountain Time



COMMENTS: There are two of us that are looking for a GM or group

ROLE: Player, pref. Can GM

LOOKING FOR: GM, or group

TYPE OF GAME: Online or face to face

SESSION SPECIFICS: Voice or Text, I don't know maptools, but would be a plus

REGION: US West Coast, California, Bay area, Concord

SESSION TIME AND TIMEZONE: 1-7PM Tuesday and Thursday, Any time Fri-Sun

GAME STYLE: ROLE-playing, with tactical combat, not just shooting stuff and laughing

GAME SPECIFICS: Rites of battle, plus Errata

COMMENTS: This was a great Idea tkis. I like stealth stuff, so expect me to either play a Wolf Scout, or include ways to be sneaky

Role: Player
Looking For: GM, Group
Type of Game: Online
Session Specifics: Voice Chat, flexible
Region: Western Europe
Session Time and TZ: Evening GMT to Midnight, Monday to Thursdays
Game Style: Narrative
Game Specifics: flexible
Comments: Got into this game as a GM, now want to see it as a player :)

Roll: Player
Looking For: GM, Group
Type of Game: Online
Session Specifics: Voice chat (Vent/Skype), live chat (Steam), PbP
Region: USA, EST
Session Time: Weekdays after 8pm EST (except Wed.), weekends
Game Style: Serious, narrative.
Game Specifics: I prefer story based to combat focused. Some flexibility and creative license a must.

Comments: I am looking jointly for a game for both my husband and myself. He usually runs all our rpgs and it would be nice to be able to play with him instead of "against" him for a change. Dark Heresy veterans with extensive knowledge of the game system and 40K universe.

Contact: [email protected]

Role: GM
Looking For: More players
Type of Game: in person
Session Specifics: Voice Chat, flexible
Region: West end, Toronto
Session Time and TZ: Tuesday evenings currently, looking to play more though
Game Style: Non-serious, our goal is to have fun
Game Specifics: flexible
Comments: Always looking for more players to join, also interested in playing as a normal player

Role: Player
Looking For: Gm and Group
Type of Game: in person, but I dont think thats going to happen so online
Session Specifics: flexible
Region: Vancouver west coast.
Session Time and TZ: open
Game Style: serious, but have fun have fun
Game Specifics: I'd like a serious girmdark campaigin but with every games I want to have fun.
Comments: I am not a huge role-player, but I am a big fan of underdogs and I am not going to turn my character into a mathhammer god and try to get the shiniest gear. I want to do it proper Space Marine style with Bolter and blade.

Hey folks, rather new to these forums. Just wanted to let everyone know that we have a few Warhammner Play by Post games going at including Deathwatch where I could use a player or two. Drop by and hit me up with a message if interested. Also, check out the podcast for some Deathwatch Actual Play (recording the final arc in the story tomorrow).

If you have any more space, I would be interested in playing. What are your views on custom chapters?

This was meant for jacktheinedible , sorry for any confusion.

Theres still plenty of room ygnar, sorry for the delayed response, real life reared its ugly head and i forgot about this thread

Custom chapters are fine, although theres a focus on interesting chapters, such as the Fiery Lions (or loins, depending on who you ask...)

We will be meeting this wednesday evening at heavy support games at 6:30ish if you want to come join ( )

Also, any idea how to send PMs on this forum....

jacktheinedible said:

Also, any idea how to send PMs on this forum....

You can only send PMs to Friends.

Thanks happydaze, that never occured to me :S

ROLE: Player

Looking for: GM/players

Type of game: Online or Face to Face

Region: Mobile, AL

Time: Any

Comments: Can do voice chat via ventrilo/skype/teamspeak etc.

Role: PlayerGM

Looking For: PlayersGM

Type of Game: Face to face

Region: USA, Michigan, Grand Rapids

Session Time: Currently Thursday

Game Style: up to the GM

Comments: I've been running a Dark Heresy Rogue Trader crossover but some of the guys aren't into 40k so we're looking for other players.

ROLE: Player


REGION: United States East Coast. Woodbridge, Virginia