New Republic Party Game

By LTD, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

i vote @Madaghmire

the only platform I can agree with

24hours to vote please.

I vote Madagmire as well. I wasn't sure about him but @CaribbeanNinja 's opinion carries a lot of sway and now I'm convinced.

If there’s still time I’ll vote Mads because I saw a bunch of yard signs and they really won me over.

If there’s not still time, I was unfairly suppressed by a corrupt and rigged system.

Edited by The Jabbawookie

The result is 3. @FortyInRed has been elected General Secretary for this turn.

@Madaghmire as the defeated party in the debate may choose a card to show Forty, who must show his card of the same suit in response.

@FortyInRed please send a PM to @Caldias indicating your faction. Caldias, please keep a record of this information.

The game returns to phase one - conversation. Please take a few hours to message with anyone you wish and exchange information.

So..... how's it goin....

7 minutes ago, FortyInRed said:

So..... how's it goin....

You tell us, you're the Secretary. What's the state of the State?

2 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

You tell us, you're the Secretary. What's the state of the State?

New Republic [is the] greatest government in the world [galaxy]. All other governments run by little girls. New Republic number one exporter of Beskar. All other nations are jealous of our Beskar.....

It's a trap!

Our beskar brings all the boys to the yard

Ok. On to debate phase.

Tag an opponent, choose red or white.

@The Jabbawookie red

Edited by idjmv

Which must leave @RedDogReb for me.



Result is 6, so white wins.

Defeated players choose a card to show.

After rolling 5 sixes in a row, the result is 5. @RedDogReb goes through to nomination.

I’ll debate @CaribbeanNinja and choose white

Oh wiat unless i did that wrong

That looks correct.

@FortyInRed I defeated you in the debate phase, so send me a PM revealing a card of your choosing.
