The Emperor is dead, and the New Republic is victorious! Of course, now we need to make sure the New Republic is the right kind of New, and the best kind of Republic.
New Republic Party game is a Forum Game of politics, debate, and deception, for 7 or more players.
The rules are based on "The Party Game" and can be found HERE.
The Four Factions are:
Mon Mothmaites (Spades)
Ackbarii (Diamonds)
Bel Iblism (Clubs)
Organans (Hearts)
To play the game via forum there will be some modifications to the rules. There will be a non-player GM who will send deal the cards and send each player their information. The Conversation Phase will be ongoing - players can always PM each other. In the debate phase, any active player can tag another player and choose "red" or "white." The tagged player cannot tag another player. Once the pairings are complete, the GM will roll a d6 - odds means "red" wins, evens means "white" wins. Players will then PM each other their card information. Surviving players will then tag another surviving player until three or fewer players remain. Players will vote using ##vote "player name" to choose the General Secretary, who will then PM the GM to indicate which mark they wish to make for their faction.
I am seeking interested parties and players. If there are any questions about the rules, please ask.
@GhostofNobodyInParticular @Bertie Wooster @The Jabbawookie @Drasnighta @EbonHawk @PodRacer @BiggsIRL @Matt3412 @Matt Antilles @FortyInRed (please tag others who might be interested)