Traders of the Inner Western Rim

By LTD, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Rules link:

Players Start with:
500 credits
Themselves as a Pilot / Manager (Give a name, species, other fluff as desired)

Starting Location is Granica Station.



Demands Ardanium. Produces Cortheum.

Corpfodi has been recently colonised by settlers sent by the Granica Mercant Corporation, and renamed in its honour. The native inhabitants of this world (the Fodi) are primitive technologically, though they number in the hundreds of millions. They speak of an ancient enemy who conquered their planet centuries past and were only expelled after a devastating war that left the planet barren and poor. The planet has a breathable atmostphere, temperate climate, and humanoid suitable biosphere. The Corporation controls a Cortheum mine on the planet's southern pole. The local people desire trade goods, fuel, and Ardanium.

Trade Goods 50/80
Fuel 50
Ardanium 100
Cortheum 40


Demands Cortheum. Produces Dedlanite and Fuel.

Darbagh is a troubled world with a difficult past. A climate disaster centuries past rendered much of the surface uninhabitable. A major terraforming project was undertaken in the last century, but failed. To complicate matters, Darbagh has become a place of refuge for people fleeing trouble from all across the sector. You can find every kind of alien here - crammed into the habitats that fight a constant battle against the environment. The atmosphere is thick, but breathable with a pressure mask, while the temperature is hot and humid. The population is not large, probably less than three million, but these are crowded into a few ancient habitats.

Trade Goods 50/80
Fuel 10
Cortheum 100
Dedlanite 70

Granica Station[18.29]

Granica Station – an interesting port in a storm! Orbiting a planet composed entirely of methane ice, Granica station has been built to help open up the Inner Wester Rim for trade and exploration. The Imperial Senate has granted a charter to the Granica Merchants Corporation to develop trade in this part of space.

Trade Goods 50/80
Fuel 20
Ardanium 70
Berubian 90
Cortheum 70
Dedlanite 120
Exonium 500

Ships available for Sale this turn -
Jumpmaster 5000

Pilots available for hire -
Gunkev Storhepw
Xzadrew Peytgros
Jamidar Heriros
Jaijasp Causspra
Thanat Churyd

All pilots as for 30 credits a turn in pay.

Loans available -

Standard Granica Station New Merchants Start Up Loan - borrow up to 2000 credits. One and a half times what you borrow must be repaid in 6 turns.

Super Friendly Friends Bank Loan - borrow 1000 credits. 2000 credits must be repaid in four turns. Only one loan available this turn.

Edited by LTD

Call for players to join - all welcome.

Actions made on the listed worlds are public - so your post just needs to say "My name is {insert star warsy name here}. I'm borrowing X from the New Merchants Loan, and I'm buying the {insert name of ship here}. I'm going to buy X number of such and such a good, and I'm jumping to...

If you are not following the standard hyperlane, you can send me a PM indicating your jump orders.

@Bertie Wooster @GhostofNobodyInParticular @The Jabbawookie @Drasnighta @BiggsIRL @FortyInRed @jhh3 @Madaghmire @PodRacer

@ebon hawk @EbonHawk

Please ping other players who might be interested.

Edited by LTD

Orders for turn 1 need to be in within 48 hours. But players can join any turn they desire.

20 minutes ago, LTD said:

Trade Goods 50/80
Fuel 50
Ardanium 100
Cortheum 40

Can you explain what exactly it means when there is only one number listed? I missed that in the rules.

That’s the price to buy or sell.

Trade goods has two prices - the first to buy, the other to sell. Everything else just has one price.

I'm G'ni Pias, a human trader who wears a carefully pieced together set of Mandalorian armor obtained from the debris of several battlefields, in the hopes that it will provide the necessary intimidation factor (otherwise lacking) to aid in negotiations, but which actually tends to bring about a bunch of bounty hunters thinking I'm one of a number of people whose armor I'm wearing. . . maybe I should get rid of it. Or at least repaint it - I'm a walking rainbow. . .

I will take out a loan of 1200 from the New Merchants and buy a VCX-100, henceforth known as The Scavenged Hulk . I am buying 16 units of fuel from Darbagh and am jumping to Granica Station along the hyperspace route.

Edited by GhostofNobodyInParticular

@LTD I'm in. Reading the rules...

I'm in. Where is our starting location?

When would combat ensue? If I land on the same planet as another player's ship, is it assumed to be peaceful or hostile?

You start on Granica station.

I will let you know if there is going to be combat - but worlds connected by hyper lane will be peaceful by default. You could always choose to attack another player...

13 minutes ago, LTD said:

I will let you know if there is going to be combat - but worlds connected by hyper lane will be peaceful by default. You could always choose to attack another player...

If one were hypothetically a big jerk, could one launch an immediate turn 1 attack on another player over Granica Station?

Edited by The Jabbawookie

Yes. But there are NPC ships about as well...

In that case:

I am Omai Guidnesse, a Pantoran accountant of average build on the run from his former employers. They seem to think he's committed embezzlement, which is very hurtful and probably not true at all. Possessing a likeable personality until you get to know him, Omai's frequent attempts at playing the kloo horn are abysmal and have marked him for death on Jabiim, Endor and Bos Pity.

I'll be taking a New Merchants Start Up Loan of 1320 credits, and will be buying 1 VCX-100 ( Rusted Ram ) and 16 fuel for 1820 credits.

Then I'll jump to from Granica Station to Corpfodi via hyperlane, carrying all of it.

Edited by The Jabbawookie
1 hour ago, LTD said:

You start on Granica station.

Oops. Then I've done gone and entered invalid orders.

I'll take out a loan of 1600, buy 7 units of Cortheum and 1 of fuel at Granica, and jump to Darbagh.

Orders have been revised.

...It’s not remotely possible these loans will be paid off in time, huh?

Edited by The Jabbawookie
2 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

...It’s not remotely possible these loans will be paid off in time, huh?

You may have a point... but there will be price fluctuations, etc. I am sure that if everyone is about to go broke that there will be some kind of arrangement made...

Remember that fuel only takes 1/2 of a cargo space.

13 minutes ago, LTD said:

You may have a point... but there will be price fluctuations, etc. I am sure that if everyone is about to go broke that there will be some kind of arrangement made...

It feels kind of realistic, honestly.

I've changed the loan conditions of the start up loan to be to repayment of "one and a half times" what you borrow (rounded up).

7 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

...It’s not remotely possible these loans will be paid off in time, huh?

(In the last Warlords game, I was foolish to get a loan from Erris Station in order to buy an Arquitens, then you eliminated me before I paid it off. It was painful.)

I'm Orrie Durzer, a human who was a droid salesman until recently, but my business has dried up thanks to competition from Jawas. I've taken what money I have to get into the resource trading business.

I will take out a loan of 1080 credits from the Standard Granica Station New Merchants Start Up Loan, buying 1 YT-1300 ( Ingrid ) for 1300 credits. I'm going to buy 14 units of fuel for 280 credits, and I'm jumping to Corpfodi via hyperlane.

Edited by Bertie Wooster

@Bertie Wooster - please look again at the rules for single ships - it’s not a 6 hull ywing - it’s only 2 hull...

1 hour ago, LTD said:

@Bertie Wooster - please look again at the rules for single ships - it’s not a 6 hull ywing - it’s only 2 hull...

OK thanks, I misunderstood. You said they can be purchased "individually," which makes it sound optional. Otherwise I assumed the default rules apply.

So if I wanted 3, each one would need its own fuel and pilot.

Orders revised. I'm assuming the YT1200 is actually the YT-1300?

Edited by Bertie Wooster

Yes, 1300. I knew that. Nothing to see here....

Edited by LTD

Dear Granica Station, please be merciful if I cannot repay the loan in six turns. Eight turns should do the trick.

Sincerely, Orrie

Dear Orrie -

The future is not ours to tell, but we will have our cash, on time. That much is certain.

{I will process the turn in the next few hours, so if anyone wants to jump in, do so now}