Traders of the Inner Western Rim

By LTD, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Turn 4 Market Prices


Demands Ardanium. Produces Cortheum.

Corpfodi has been recently colonised by settlers sent by the Granica Mercant Corporation, and renamed in its honour. The native inhabitants of this world (the Fodi) are primitive technologically, though they number in the hundreds of millions. They speak of an ancient enemy who conquered their planet centuries past and were only expelled after a devastating war that left the planet barren and poor. The planet has a breathable atmostphere, temperate climate, and humanoid suitable biosphere. The Corporation controls a Cortheum mine on the planet's southern pole. The local people desire trade goods, fuel, and Ardanium.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 9

Ardanium 103

Cortheum 32


Demands Cortheum. Produces Dedlanite and Fuel.

Darbagh is a troubled world with a difficult past. A climate disaster centuries past rendered much of the surface uninhabitable. A major terraforming project was undertaken in the last century, but failed. To complicate matters, Darbagh has become a place of refuge for people fleeing trouble from all across the sector. You can find every kind of alien here - crammed into the habitats that fight a constant battle against the environment. The atmosphere is thick, but breathable with a pressure mask, while the temperature is hot and humid. The population is not large, probably less than three million, but these are crowded into a few ancient habitats.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 26

Cortheum 106

Dedlanite 59

Granica Station[18.29]

Granica Station – an interesting port in a storm! Orbiting a planet composed entirely of methane ice, Granica station has been built to help open up the Inner Wester Rim for trade and exploration. The Imperial Senate has granted a charter to the Granica Merchants Corporation to develop trade in this part of space.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 21

Ardanium 81

Berubian 75

Cortheum 40

Dedlanite 86

Exonium 470

Items available at Granica Station:

Ships available for Sale this turn -

Jumpmaster 5000 9000 Credits {4 hullSp 4}

Lambda Class Shuttle (military surplus) 1300 Credits {6 hullSp 3}

A-wing 367 Credits {1 hullSp 5}

Pilots available for hire -

Shula Grumb

Jacen Morningstar

Caster Senn

Tracie Nilar

Braynar Tromans

All pilots ask for 30 credits a turn in pay.

Loans available -

Standard Granica Station New Merchants Start Up Loan - borrow up to 2000 credits. One and a half times what you borrow must be repaid in SIX turns.

Super Friendly Friends Bank Loan - borrow 1000 credits. 2000 credits must be repaid in SEVEN turns. Only one loan available this turn.

Edited by LTD

So am I in the middle of nowhere right now?

You are outside of public space - so submit your orders via the PM system.

I will sell 6 trade goods for 80 each. 480 total.
I'll buy 6 Dedlanite for 59 each, 2 fuel for 26 each (406 total).
Jump to Granica Station with 2 fuel, 6 Dedlanite.

I will sell my 7 units of Ardanium for 721, buy 2 units of fuel and 7 of Cortheum for 242, and jump to Granica Station.

Edited by GhostofNobodyInParticular

I will process in a few hours...

Processing has to wait while my computer struggles to render a video. Can’t do two things at once.

I hate rendering video. I'm glad I didn't get into the film business (I studied Film and Media Arts for undergrad).

Edited by Bertie Wooster

Turn 4 NPC actions

Thanat Churyd at Darbagh sells 6 Trade Goods, buys 1 Fuel and 6 Dedanite, and jumps to Granica.

Gunkev Storhepw at Corpfodi sells 5 Ardanium, buys 2 Fuel and 5 Cortheum, and jumps to Granica.

Jaijasp Causspra at Granica sells 12 Fuel, buys 6 Cortheum, and jumps to Darbagh.

Jamidar Heriros jumps to Darbagh.

G'ni Pias and ship are subjected to a random inspection at Granica Station.

Turn 5 has now begun.

Turn 5 Market Report


Demands Ardanium. Produces Cortheum.

Corpfodi has been recently colonised by settlers sent by the Granica Mercant Corporation, and renamed in its honour. The native inhabitants of this world (the Fodi) are primitive technologically, though they number in the hundreds of millions. They speak of an ancient enemy who conquered their planet centuries past and were only expelled after a devastating war that left the planet barren and poor. The planet has a breathable atmostphere, temperate climate, and humanoid suitable biosphere. The Corporation controls a Cortheum mine on the planet's southern pole. The local people desire trade goods, fuel, and Ardanium.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 10

Ardanium 75

Cortheum 34


Demands Cortheum. Produces Dedlanite and Fuel.

Darbagh is a troubled world with a difficult past. A climate disaster centuries past rendered much of the surface uninhabitable. A major terraforming project was undertaken in the last century, but failed. To complicate matters, Darbagh has become a place of refuge for people fleeing trouble from all across the sector. You can find every kind of alien here - crammed into the habitats that fight a constant battle against the environment. The atmosphere is thick, but breathable with a pressure mask, while the temperature is hot and humid. The population is not large, probably less than three million, but these are crowded into a few ancient habitats.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 24

Cortheum 121

Dedlanite 74

Granica Station[18.29]

Granica Station – an interesting port in a storm! Orbiting a planet composed entirely of methane ice, Granica station has been built to help open up the Inner Wester Rim for trade and exploration. The Imperial Senate has granted a charter to the Granica Merchants Corporation to develop trade in this part of space.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 12

Ardanium 81

Berubian 79

Cortheum 48

Dedlanite 100

Exonium 484

Offers Available at Granica Station

Ships available for Sale this turn -

Jumpmaster 5000 8000 Credits {4 hullSp 4}

Lambda Class Shuttle (military surplus)1200 Credits {6 hullSp 3}

A-wing 367 Credits {1 hullSp 5}

Pilots available for hire -

Shula Grumb

Jacen Morningstar

Caster Senn

Tracie Nilar

Braynar Tromans

All pilots ask for 30 credits a turn in pay.

Loans available -

Standard Granica Station New Merchants Start Up Loan - borrow up to 2000 credits. One and a half times what you borrow must be repaid in SIX turns.

Super Friendly Friends Bank Loan - borrow 1000 credits. 2000 credits must be repaid in EIGHT turns. Only one loan available this turn.

Edited by LTD

8000 credits for the Jumpmaster 5000? Why?

It gets cheaper every turn until someone buys it...

Does Counter apply when being chased by bounty hunters? Asking for a friend.

I'll jump to Darbagh.

I will sell 6 Dedlanite for 100 each. 600 total.
I'll buy 6 Cortheum for 48 each, 1 fuel for 12. 300 total.
Jump to Darbagh with 2 fuel, 6 Cortheum.

20 hours ago, LTD said:

So sorry! Orders in.

Turn 5 NPC actions.

Thanat Churyd sells 6 Dedlanite at Granica, buys 2 fuel and 6 Cortehum, and jumps to Darbagh.

Gunkev Storhepw jumps to Darbagh.

Xzadrew Peytgros jumps to Darbagh.

Jaijasp Causspra sells 6 Cortheum at Darbagh, buys 6 Trade Goods, and jumps to Granica.

Edited by LTD

Turn 6 Market Prices


Demands Ardanium. Produces Cortheum.

Corpfodi has been recently colonised by settlers sent by the Granica Mercant Corporation, and renamed in its honour. The native inhabitants of this world (the Fodi) are primitive technologically, though they number in the hundreds of millions. They speak of an ancient enemy who conquered their planet centuries past and were only expelled after a devastating war that left the planet barren and poor. The planet has a breathable atmostphere, temperate climate, and humanoid suitable biosphere. The Corporation controls a Cortheum mine on the planet's southern pole. The local people desire trade goods, fuel, and Ardanium.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 10

Ardanium 80

Cortheum 31


Demands Cortheum. Produces Dedlanite and Fuel.

Darbagh is a troubled world with a difficult past. A climate disaster centuries past rendered much of the surface uninhabitable. A major terraforming project was undertaken in the last century, but failed. To complicate matters, Darbagh has become a place of refuge for people fleeing trouble from all across the sector. You can find every kind of alien here - crammed into the habitats that fight a constant battle against the environment. The atmosphere is thick, but breathable with a pressure mask, while the temperature is hot and humid. The population is not large, probably less than three million, but these are crowded into a few ancient habitats.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 21

Cortheum 126

Dedlanite 64

Granica Station[18.29]

Granica Station – an interesting port in a storm! Orbiting a planet composed entirely of methane ice, Granica station has been built to help open up the Inner Wester Rim for trade and exploration. The Imperial Senate has granted a charter to the Granica Merchants Corporation to develop trade in this part of space.

Trade Goods 50/80

Fuel 13

Ardanium 86

Berubian 95

Cortheum 71

Dedlanite 40

Exonium 484

Available at Granica:

Ships available for Sale this turn -

Jumpmaster 5000 8500 Credits {4 hullSp 4}

Lambda Class Shuttle (military surplus) 1250 Credits {6 hullSp 3}

A-wing 317 Credits {1 hullSp 5}

Pilots available for hire -

Shula Grumb

Jacen Morningstar

Caster Senn

Tracie Nilar

Braynar Tromans

All pilots ask for 30 credits a turn in pay.

Loans available -

Standard Granica Station New Merchants Start Up Loan - borrow up to 2000 credits. One and a half times what you borrow must be repaid in SIX turns.

Super Friendly Friends Bank Loan - borrow 1000 credits. 2000 credits must be repaid in NINE turns. Only one loan available this turn.

Edited by LTD

For those arriving in Darbagh spaceport this turn:

You are greeted by Xzadrew Peytgros on the flight deck. "Hey! I'm the pilot of that y-wing yonder. I've been out in deep space, exploring. I'm on the verge of something great, but I don't quite have the cash to pay for the fuel to make another journey. I've got enough to take me back to Granica and get a loan, but I'm not keen on dealing with the "powers that be." If you spot me, say, 100 credits, I'll make sure you get your money back, or some great information on new trade routes. What do you say?"

7 hours ago, LTD said:

For those arriving in Darbagh spaceport this turn:

You are greeted by Xzadrew Peytgros on the flight deck. "Hey! I'm the pilot of that y-wing yonder. I've been out in deep space, exploring. I'm on the verge of something great, but I don't quite have the cash to pay for the fuel to make another journey. I've got enough to take me back to Granica and get a loan, but I'm not keen on dealing with the "powers that be." If you spot me, say, 100 credits, I'll make sure you get your money back, or some great information on new trade routes. What do you say?"

If you can give this information privately, I'll give the 100 credits.

I will sell 6 Cortheum for 126 each. 756 total.

I will pay off my debt of 1620 credits. I will give 100 credits to Xzadrew Peytgros (provided he can meet my conditions above).

I will buy 1 trade goods for 50 credits.

Jump to Granica Station with 1 fuel, 1 trade goods.

Edited by Bertie Wooster

I'm selling my 7 Cortheum for 126 each, total 882.
I will then immediately pay off my debt of 2400 (it's due this turn, right?).
Then I will take out a loan of 78 credits, buy 1 fuel and 2 Trade goods, and jump to Granica.

Edit: If I have to actually be at Granica to take out a loan, then I will buy only the 1 fuel and jump.

Edited by GhostofNobodyInParticular