Artifacts Unbound - High Republic - OOC

By Sincereagape, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

15 minutes ago, Bellona said:

I vote for the northern approach, as it's the least likely to catch the guards' attention.

Is a lock based on a retina scan something that can be "brute force" hacked via the Mechanics skill (as opposed to a finesse-based approach using Computers, a skill in which Vigdis doesn't have any ranks)?


Errr, are we splitting the party up into two approaches? I'm getting a bit confused as to which Stealth checks are being/will be rolled by whom for what reasons.

Good question. To brute force will only be a hard check. Three purples.

There are three different stealth checks the team can make. Depending on where you guys enter and the destination

That is correct. There is no boost on the stealth check due to the disadvantages garnered on the piloting check to land.

56 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Those Boost weren't supposed to be there, right?

Crap... Probably wouldn’t have tried that without them.

Okay. So 0s,3t,1d. Astrid’s capture can at least serve as a distraction, I suppose.

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Like I said earlier, I didn't understand how much intel we actually had, so I was picturing a small bit of the Jedi scouting, a small bit of Espio gathering support, and then the big event. If the other players would like him to go get support, I'm fine with Espio sitting out some of the scene.

@Bellona , @Xcapobl , @Edgehawk , you're the Jedi. What do you think? Send Espio to get support, or we all just go in? If the latter, I have an idea.

Actually, I'm a bit confused right now.

From a player's perspective , I just read the IC posts, and saw nothing new. As far as I'm up to speed, the Hutt just turned towards the cockpit, and could be stopped before landing if we were to choose to fly on and get assistence first, through Espio's contacts. Then, in the OOC, I see all those rolls, a status update to being landed, stealth checks, etc. It seems like I am missing something here. From 0 to 100 in -3 seconds. 🙂

Then, as a player, I would be all for keeping the party together. More fun for every one at the same time. Also gives us the opportunity to listen to @P-47 Thunderbolt 's idea. Especially as we have far better intel than we expected, like P-47 Thunderbolt also indicated.

From the character's perspective , Savah just asked the Hutt for an opinion, and the pilot seems willing to make that eager drop right then and there. Everybody can see she has Recklessness as an emotional weakness, as such she would likely be willing to drop in, and observe the enemy base. She can be stopped, as far as I can tell, by simply engaging in the conversation IC. I didn't see that happen yet, and as a player I await more IC posts to respond to.

As for Discord , I saw this zooming by in the OOC threads. There was talk of a map I never saw, even up till now. I created a Discord account yesterday and PMmed @Sincereagape with what I believe to be my new Discord ID for an invite (which is yet to happen), so if anything more happened there, instead of in the IC threads here, I understand my gap in character knowledge and response.

4 minutes ago, Xcapobl said:

Actually, I'm a bit confused right now.

From a player's perspective , I just read the IC posts, and saw nothing new. As far as I'm up to speed, the Hutt just turned towards the cockpit, and could be stopped before landing if we were to choose to fly on and get assistence first, through Espio's contacts. Then, in the OOC, I see all those rolls, a status update to being landed, stealth checks, etc. It seems like I am missing something here. From 0 to 100 in -3 seconds.

Heh, sorry.I'll do my best to summarize. [editor's note. If this is summarizing, I'd hate to see what not summarizing would look like]
We basically decided to go ahead and land after Espio identified a couple routes (addressed IC). Thorkan went back to the cockpit to go ahead and land the bird. We rolled that here, but April/Sincereagape has yet to narrate said landing. Then Edgehawk went ahead and rolled Stealth to approach, but the validity of the result has been called into question and has not yet been resolved.

7 minutes ago, Xcapobl said:

Then, as a player, I would be all for keeping the party together. More fun for every one at the same time. Also gives us the opportunity to listen to @P-47 Thunderbolt 's idea. Especially as we have far better intel than we expected, like P-47 Thunderbolt also indicated.

Sounds good. I'll go ahead and share the plan IC, as even though it sort of flips his intentions on their head, he wasn't expecting the intel just like I wasn't. A change in plans doesn't seem unreasonable.

8 minutes ago, Xcapobl said:

From the character's perspective , Savah just asked the Hutt for an opinion, and the pilot seems willing to make that eager drop right then and there. Everybody can see she has Recklessness as an emotional weakness, as such she would likely be willing to drop in, and observe the enemy base. She can be stopped, as far as I can tell, by simply engaging in the conversation IC. I didn't see that happen yet, and as a player I await more IC posts to respond to.

We were pretty much agreed (as far as I could tell) that at least the Jedi were going to land and scout it out. That had been Espio's idea in the first place, so he is obviously not going to object. The other Jedi also seemed to be on board with it, and Thorkan wasn't going to object.

10 minutes ago, Xcapobl said:

As for Discord , I saw this zooming by in the OOC threads. There was talk of a map I never saw, even up till now. I created a Discord account yesterday and PMmed @Sincereagape with what I believe to be my new Discord ID for an invite (which is yet to happen), so if anything more happened there, instead of in the IC threads here, I understand my gap in character knowledge and response.

All that really happened was the posting of a map, and discussion over which way the map was supposed to be turned (largely my fault, sorry :P ).

Pretty sure that's all that happened on that end.

@Sincereagape , Espio intends to just go straight up the middle and announce his presence, demanding the surrender of Athaliah Zirkon and the mercenaries. Can this add those Boost (perhaps more?) back to the others' stealth checks as he would account for the disturbance the guards heard? This in conjunction with the desire for the Jedi to place the homing beacon on the ship could "fix" @Edgehawk 's roll, as it was the difficulty to get to the ship and adding back in the Boost means that it doesn't change her result. Then, perhaps the Despair results in a hole in her pocket that loses the beacon or badge?

Please be patient. I'm dealing with COVID - 19 on a professional level and that is translating onto a personal level. On Friday, our skilled nursing facility is the first facility in the area to confirm a COVID-19 case (Media Coverage) which has caused disruption at work.

I have not been on discord since Saturday afternoon. Sunday was spent with my family and yesterday I discovered one of my regular patients is being tested for COVID-19 due to experiencing symptoms. (Hopefully it will come up negative).

When I have an opportunity, I'll jump on Discord and add those who are not on it so everyone can see the map.

1.) The Piloting Check has been made. Thorkan managed to land safely, but bumped into some rock or branches causing a disturbance in the area. Zirkon's forces are "Spooked" because of it, negating the two boosts to any Stealth Check. That will be resolved IC when I have chance.

2.) I'll void Astrid's stealth check, if the group desires. So you guys can figure out if Prok will head to the capitol to round up forces, and come up with an official plan to be discussed IC or OOC (Whichever you guys desire).

3.) Astrid was unsuccessful in finding a local species/animals to cause a stampede. There is 1 boost on that check, and with creativity maybe used for the next check.

Once again: For the next few days at least, I'll be on and off my computer with no prolonged period to sit down. If that will be an issue PM me. Thanks.

Edited by Sincereagape

Didn’t narrate a landing simply because, the plan was still up in the air ( it’s been rolled for though) if you want me to do that it will be .

if Espio intends to do that Thorkan would try to make some kind of loud diversion ( igniting fuel, whatever to distract as many people as possible) Hutts don’t do stealth, and Thorkan tends to like things to have a big impact ( he is a Hutt after all, even if a ‘ good one’ )

@Sincereagape please take care during the pandemic, health does come first, stay safe.

here it’s very hard to get supplies, people are not acting seriously. There’s been multiple fights here and honestly it’s starting to freak me out. But muddle through and all that

we have a discord?

Edited by April
15 minutes ago, April said:

if Espio intends to do that Thorkan would try to make some kind of loud diversion ( igniting fuel, whatever to distract as many people as possible) Hutts don’t do stealth, and Thorkan tends to like things to have a big impact ( he is a Hutt after all, even if a ‘ good one’ )

Don't ask Espio. If you're going to do it, don't tell him . :D

Oh can I hear them talking about slaves or not?

38 minutes ago, April said:

Oh can I hear them talking about slaves or not?

Not yet. You do know there are captives

On 4/7/2020 at 5:56 PM, April said:

Oh can I hear them talking about slaves or not?

If the team is able to make the stealth checks then Thorkan the Hutt can start hearing discussion about slaves.

I hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe. I know April's area is fairly chaotic.

If you guys are unable to agree and begin executing a plan by Wednesday/Thursday, then I'll throw an encounter your way. If people are busy RL, then I totally understand and will wait longer.


North inbound stealth check for Savah.

test : 2eA+1eD+1eC 0 successes, 1 threat
a-a.png a-a.png d-th.png c-th-th.png

Not much there. What to do with that threat?

A wash for Foggy...

Stealth Roll : 2eA+1eC+1eD 0 successes
a-a.png a-s.png c-f.png d-th.png

Vigdis coming in via the northern route ...

Stealth, northern route : 3eA+1eD+1eC 1 success, 1 threat
a-s.png a-a.png a--.png d-th.png c-th.png

Shall I take +1 Strain for that Threat, or does something else happen?

Wait, can't Espio add Boost from his distraction? Perhaps Boost from Thorkan?

Sorry I wasn't around yesterday.

Here is a Stealth check, using the correct positive dice for the Northern Route, with the rest of the group. Stealth (North) : 2eA+1eD+1eC 2 failures, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png a-a-a.png d-f-f.png c-th-th.png

If you would prefer to use the previous Stealth roll I made for Astrid approaching the ship, removing the extraneous dice, the results would be 0s,3t,1d.

On the whole, we are definitely not Stealth experts! :D

Well, aside from Boost or not, is everybody on board with Espio being the distraction? Should I go ahead and post?

There is a lot to unpack here. Needless to say, overall the team has been noticed.

@Xcapobl , @MrTInce @Edgehawk Have been noticed by the cook, and minions around him.

@April - No need to make a Stealth check for Thorkan. Just make a straight Vigilance check (Simple, vs no purples).

@Bellona Has not been noticed yet.

Everyone feel free to resolve an IC post ALONG with an Vigilance Initiative check. Disadvantages add a setback to the roll, Advantages add a Boost to the roll. Feel free to writer how your character stayed hidden or was noticed. Some ideas "They are wearing bright colors, stepped on a twig." Feel free to write how your character has a boost to their initiative or setback to it.

@Bellona Since Viggy has not been seen yet. She cannot be attacked during the first round.

@P-47 Thunderbolt make a vigilance or cool check with no boosts or setbacks. Prok will be distracting the Nikto/Morkugai Adept who is the greatest threat on the board right now. That means he'll be going 1 vs 1 with the Nikto.

ALL Immediate threats are within medium range. The cook along with the minions have cover.

North Side - the Cook, 3 minion groups of 3. They have cover (The Cook's shack).

South Side - 2 minions groups of 3 along with the Nikto. The Nikto will be ordering the minions groups to head North while he takes on Prok.

As much as I'd like to use Vigilance, Cool makes more sense here. He'll have powered up his armor, increasing his Defense to 2.

Initiative (Cool) : 1eP+1eA 3 successes
p-s-s.png a-s.png

Not half bad.

Vigilance Check : 1eP+2eA 2 successes
p-s-s.png a--.png a--.png

Not too bad...

Vigalance : 3eA 1 success, 2 advantage
a-s.png a-a.png a-a.png
that’s kinda good maybe?

also Thorkans usual idea of stealth is either a stealth field or burning down something then attacking through the smoke... so best not to ask him too

Edited by April

Vigilance Initiative : 2eA+1eP+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-s-s.png p-s-a.png s-th.png

Not too shabby, despite that Setback from the threat earlier.

Posted IC with the initiative order of the enemies. The Cook rolled a triumph which automatically activated his 'defensive cocoon' within the shack. Thing of the reinforced doors in the intro battle scene of the TPM upon the Trade Federation ship. It will take 3 turns to punch a roll through the shack's defenses with a LS.

Updated the first post in this thread with the current initiative order. So far Edge and Xcap are going first. Bell still has to make her roll.
