Given the size of the ship, and the lack of shuttles (unless you guys want to use escape pods ODST style), I assume we're going to land in the capital to conduct business? (acquire overland transport, convene with Commander Rohrk, etc.)
Artifacts Unbound - High Republic - OOC
Sounds about right to me.
Unless inserting a team to scout is a reasonable option? Not sure of the logistics.
If the Jedi are okay with hoofing it, would it be plausible for us to come down near-ish to the site, drop off the Jedi, and skedaddle unnoticed, @Sincereagape ?
57 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:If the Jedi are okay with hoofing it, would it be plausible for us to come down near-ish to the site, drop off the Jedi, and skedaddle unnoticed, @Sincereagape ?
Yes. It would require a hard pilot check and then a stealth check vs three reds.
5 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:Yes. It would require a hard pilot check and then a stealth check vs three reds.
Oof. Okay, Jedi. How do you feel about being dropped without support behind the lines of an enemy that probably knows you're there?
I'd suggest going with the original plan, then.
Do we have a holo-map of the area, @Sincereagape ? Could Prok make a Perception check to look for a suitable site? Or would the check be the same regardless if we were to drop the Jedi close enough for them to actually save time by hoofing it, rather than going to the capital and coming back with a transport?
You can get a holo-map by reaching out to the local authorities. Average leadership check to get the holo-map. 1 boost if you drop that you are affiliated with the rangers and 1 additional boost if you name drop the jedi. Let me know if you want to do that OOC, and I can post something IC when I have a moment.
you can make an average perception check with 1 setback (first time to planet/region). to find a suitable place to drop them off. still have to make a hard stealth check with three upgrades to go unnoticed.
Do you allow Force Powers with vocal components over coms, rolling force dice to Influence (control upgrade) a social check, for instance?
If so, stand down, Ranger. I’ve got this. @P-47 Thunderbolt
Edited by Edgehawk56 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:Do you allow Force Powers with vocal components over coms, rolling force dice to Influence (control upgrade) a social check, for instance?
If so, stand down, Ranger. I’ve got this. @P-47 Thunderbolt
Hmm. is there any official ruling for using force powers with vocal components over coms? I'm leaning towards yes with a destiny point spent.
To build off @Bellona IC post where Viggy mentioned using the mountain as cover. That would be a hard pilot check and then add two boosts to the stealth check to sneak into the camp. Still stealth check vs three reds (Perception rating of Nemesis character).
All rolls can be boosted with an unskilled or skilled assist.
1 hour ago, Sincereagape said:Hmm. is there any official ruling for using force powers with vocal components over coms? I'm leaning towards yes with a destiny point spent.
My understanding of the Influence control upgrade is that if the circumstance allows for the social check, force dice may be added. I don’t believe it comes out and specifies one way or the other, but I don’t think Range necessarily comes into play for this control upgrade (which I think would be the only limiting factor in the mechanics).
I think it would make sense for Espio to assist (narratively and/or mechanically) Vigdis, but she should probably be the one to make the check.
7 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:I think it would make sense for Espio to assist (narratively and/or mechanically) Vigdis, but she should probably be the one to make the check.
Vigdis is the other Arkanian, with the charisma of a Kyuzo (no offense). 🙂
Astrid is the Influential one.
5 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:Vigdis is the other Arkanian, with the charisma of a Kyuzo (no offense). 🙂
Astrid is the Influential one.
Whoops! Sorry.
26 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:My understanding of the Influence control upgrade is that if the circumstance allows for the social check, force dice may be added. I don’t believe it comes out and specifies one way or the other, but I don’t think Range necessarily comes into play for this control upgrade (which I think would be the only limiting factor in the mechanics).
Hmm. Still going to say Astrid needs to spend a Destiny Point to use Influence over a comm. Keep in mind, Zirkon officially has influence. So, same rule will apply to her if she uses influence in a similar fashion.
Leadership w/Destiny flip, boosts for namedropping
1 failure, 4 advantage, 2 Dark Side
(Boosts for mentioning or being assisted by Jedi, Rangers, Exploration Corps).
So... does the requisite destiny point expenditure mean there is no way to utilize the dark side pips?
17 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:Leadership w/Destiny flip, boosts for namedropping : 2eA+2eB+2eF+2eD 1 failure, 4 advantage, 2 Dark Side
(Boosts for mentioning or being assisted by Jedi, Rangers, Exploration Corps).So... does the requisite destiny point expenditure mean there is no way to utilize the dark side pips?
You've had some interesting rolls so far....
You can use the dark side pips if Astrid flips the DP. Astrid might be the "Belloq" or "Dr. Schneider" of the story..
Is it the pilot's (i.e., Thorkan's) Stealth check for the ship to land unnoticed, or is everyone going to roll a Stealth check once we start hoofing it?
If it's a question of "vehicular Stealth", then maybe Vigdis can help with making the engines run more quietly or something, using a Mechanics check?
7 minutes ago, Bellona said:Is it the pilot's (i.e., Thorkan's) Stealth check for the ship to land unnoticed, or is everyone going to roll a Stealth check once we start hoofing it?
If it's a question of "vehicular Stealth", then maybe Vigdis can help with making the engines run more quietly or something, using a Mechanics check?
It is a non vehicle stealth check once ppl start hoofing. Only one person needs to make it. Piloting to land safely and unnoticed
@Edgehawk Good post. I’ll resolve tomorrow. DeSantis just put FL on lockdown. Your advantage requests will be fulfilled.
Edited by Sincereagape1 minute ago, Sincereagape said:It is a non vehicle stealth check once ppl start hoofing. Only one person needs to make it. Piloting to land safely and unnoticed
Then maybe Vigdis could assist the Piloting check (the "land unnoticed" part) by making the engines run more quietly?
2 Strain and 2 Conflict noted on character sheet.
18 minutes ago, Bellona said:Then maybe Vigdis could assist the Piloting check (the "land unnoticed" part) by making the engines run more quietly?
Sure. Sounds good.