Kandosii Beroya'se IC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Cade slowly brought his saber down, then slapped the side of the blade against Quon's head.

<Darien, do you know a locksmith or safe cracker?> Cade asked. <I doubt Dax is going to talk, but I could try.>

<No, but I have confidence in your abilities to... "charm" Dax...>

Quom collapses on the floor sobbing.

<Sigh... let's go talk to the chakaar..> Cade started to walk to the temporary cell, as Falmok continued to drag Quom to the main cell.

Cade keyed open the bunk room and leaned against the door jam and addressed Dax Tarrk, as he lay on the bunk. Su'cuy, Dax. Let's talk combinations.

Like what? What happens when you combine a Mandalorian woman with a few blaster shots? Rather delicate after all, wouldn't you think?

Cade chuckled, Hey, that's pretty good... Cade got a little closer, you ever hear the one about what the five fingers say to the face? Cade asked as hit the face with a pair of brass knuckles.

He cries out as his head slams back into the wall, Touchy subject I see, he chuckles, What did you want exactly?

Actually, she can take a hit.. took more than you did infact. As for what I want? Cade shrugged, Nothing much, just the combination to your safe.

I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about...

That's not what I hear... Tell me the combination.

Fine. The password, is password.

Cute. <Dar, did you find anything on Dax like an access key or something?> Cade Hammers his fist into Dax's face a couple of times. You di'kut, you think this is a game?

<No, there's a keypad on the door of the safe, but that's it. Pretty advanced lock.>

*cough* *cough* Heh heh, careful, I'm worth a lot of money alive, and even more uninjured, what would your delicate flower think of you losing 10,000 credits because you lost your temper?

Good idea... lets ask her. <Kara? can you walk, Dax is interested in hearing your opinion on loosing 10k>

Fal'ika, Kara's voice came over the intercom, Can you bring me my skinning kit?

Very well, then, I guess I'll oblige. I'll open the safe for you.

Cade picks him up. Darien comes in from the hall and they escort Dax to the safe. Cade prods the back of Dax's knee, forcing him to the deck. Cade leaned over slightly, bringing out a lenght of aburn hair. Just so you understand, some Mandalorians do take trophies, he whispered, wagging the hair. This one stole something of mine, I'm willing to do much more to you if you kark with us. Cade tucked the hair back in a pouch.

The sound of metal scraping drew their attention, Kara was on the entrance to the cargo bay in full armor with an apron, sharpening a slender knife. Falmok standing behind her.

Tarrk taps the code out on the panel and it unlocks. He steps back from the safe, There you are. As promised.

Cade and Darien escort Dax to the main cell, now with very little space, and secure the door before investigating the open safe.

As Cade opens the door, he realizes that caution was warranted as on the top shelf there is a primed disruptor pistol, easy at hand for anyone opening the safe. Aside from what could have been a nasty surprise, there are a high quantity of credits as well as a couple encrypted datapads.

Cade pulls out the disruptor and places it on top of the safe, and pulls out the credits and datapads and puts them in separate piles. He looks up at Darien Unless we have a way to access the datapad, I'm not sure it benefits us... The credits, if its ok with you, I'll take 10k to the closest refugee center and make a donation. The other 5k, I'm thinking of giving to Kesra as a repayment for trying to warn us.. On the way to return the rental. Cade shrugged I'll leave it up to you ner'vod.. we could always keep it as a bonus...

Good idea, I'm not so sure about Kasra, but it might be helpful later on. We might be able to get a bonus on the bounty if we turn over the datapad, after all, the man who posted the bounty wanted the Pykes taken down anyway.

When you get back, let's contact Green and let him know our status.

Right.. I just got to hit the 'fresher first... Cade said wearily .. as he walked to the ladder Darien joined him and tapped his arm.. <Cade, I don't mean to pry, but that hair.. > he glanced up at Falmok, as Kara's legs buckled and he caught her, the hand that was supporting her back, wrapped around her waist and eased her back towards her bed... Cade pulled off his helmet and smiled at Darien. She stole my hart, so I have a little of her wherever I go.

Twenty minutes later Cade is lowering the cargo lift and heads out into the city, fist stop was the closest Refugee Relief Center. He walked in and asked to see someone about making a donation. After the misunderstanding and explanations to the local law enforcement, Cade managed to get a small thank you and a tote bag of local products, that seem to be given to high denomination donations.

He then headed to the Wobegon Wookiee next, hoping for a better reception. He parked a block away and strolled to the bar, He opened the door and waved away the panicking bar tender. Udesii, take it easy.. I'm not here for trouble, just here to see Kesra. Tell him Bes'kad olaror o'r naak. Say it with me... after a few times or repeating it, Cade nods and sends him off to deliver the message.

A Pyke comes back and glares at you, but turns and says, Follow me. I'll take you to Kasra.

He leads you back through the same coat closet you'd gone through before and leads Cade back into the smoke filled back room, which now has a population of more than one. It seems to have returned to business as usual as there are, once again, a variety of beings strung out across the room.

Kasra seems to still be quite high, but this time, he is also higher geographically, sitting on the throne. What do you want... Mando'ad...

Wanted to make sure you were alright.. Cade slowly reached into a pouch and brought out the credits. Payment of thanks, for what you tried to do.