Kandosii Beroya'se IC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Falmok sees an opening, and takes a sniper shot at the driver, patiently waiting for the best opportunity... and takes the shot. Just as the driver turns the ship slightly, lining Darien in the way of the shot. ahh! Darien cries out.

Darien, in spite of the stun bolt that just slammed into his back, manages to focus and successfully stun Tarrk. Oya! We got 'im.

Cade walks up behind the driver and taps him on the shoulder with the bes'kad. Now, would be a good time to surrender aruetii... Or I chop your shabla head off. Cade threatens .

The driver stops the repulsorcraft and slowly puts his hands above his head, I surrender, don't shoot.

Darien reached over and grabbed the Pyke by the collar and searched him, placing the items on the deck, then tied him up. Cade got on coms and relayed the good news to Falmok and asked him to rendezvous with the rental for the transfer and turned the craft around. Darien finished securing Tarrk, and searched him as well. Once done, he pulled out a collapsible bag and packed the Pyle's items inside, and made his way over to the passenger seat. Sitting down he lightly hit Cade's shoulder plate. C ongratulations, ner'vod!

Cheers! Cade cheered, before letting out a weary sigh.. Man, I need a drink..

Edited by RuusMarev

If you weren't wearing your armor, I'd push you overboard for that!

Been there, done that... Cade joked, patting Darien's head. Let's get these two back to the ship, open that safe, and call Green.

When they arrived at the ship, Darien parked the rental on the Cargo lift and raised it into the ship to unload their cargo and newest guests. They escorted Dax Tarrk to the temporary cell in a bunk room, and brought the masked Pyke to a corner of the cargo hold to question him. Darien took the bag of items from Tarrk and 'Mask' to a locker in the hold to be inventoried later, and then joined Cade and Falmok in the questioning.

Alright, Darien started, Let's start with your name..

I have no name. I am the spokesman. I need no name.

Cade tenses visibly, Darien can see him balling his fists, ready to strike. But holds back.. Barely. Oh for... Again with "spokesman" are you the real Spokesman this time?

Fine! I'm not the spokesman, my name is Quom.

Cade looks up to the ceiling for a moment, making no effort to hide his anger, and leans in close to Quom's face. Listen to me very carefully, Quom.. Cade's voice is a harsh whisper, If you don't start being truthful and helpful right karkin now, I will beat you to a pulp. What do you do for Tarrk?

I'm his accountant! I just help him with the numbers.

Accountant? Good , Cade points to the safe a couple feet away. Open that.

I can't! Not even Tarrk knows the combination! It's opened remotely.

Cade sighs... You Pykes and your mistrusting nature.. It's a wonder tha--- Cade stops talking and stands there a moment.. Then, like lightning, he slugs Quom. Then you aren't any use to us alive are you? Falmok, take him outside and shoot him. I'll be down in a minute and I'll help you dump him. I'm going to ask Dax to open it.

Falmok hesitates for a moment, gives Darien a glance before forcibly grabbing Quon's collar and starting to drag him to the hatch.

No! Wait! I know things! I helped with the day-to-day operations! I know all about his operations on this planet. I know shipping routes, fronts, dealers, a lot! Don't kill me.

Falmok slowed his drag.. Cade stopped half way to the access to the rest of the ship and half turned, spreading his arms. But we don't have any interest in dismantling this operation. I'm satisfied in leaving it to Kesra, he has been honorable enough to tell us the truth . As far as I can tell, you've lied to me twice now... First, you're only a spokesman, second you didn't know anything.... Cade put his hand to his helmet, like pinching the bridge of his nose, fighting a migraine. He stood there a moment, then slowly drew his saber and turned the rest of the way to face Quom as he lay on the deck.. Quom, are you lying to me about the karkin safe too?

Tarrk can open it! I can't, I can't! Don't kill me! You wouldn't kill a prisoner, Mandalorians are supposed to be honorable aren't they?

<Dar'ika, I'm pretty sure he's lying...> Cade said over the private link, < I was thinking of letting him go, but could you check the board for any bounties?>

Cade looked at Falmok, then walked forward. Cade knelt down in front of Quom, and pointed up at Falmok. Actually, he is very honorable.. But I'm more flexible when it comes to what comes next.... He gently placed the back of his hand on Quon's shoulder.. tell me the combination to the safe Quom.. you help in the day-to-day, you know shipping routes, intimate details of the operations of the Syndicate. Tell me the combination, and I won't tell anyone it was you.

I don't know the combination! I swear, I don't know the combination.

Cade tilted his head. Oh Quo'ika, that wasn't a combination. he said just before a jab to the face. Tell me the combination.

I don't know! he wailed, I don't, I swear!

Quom, I'm told there isn't a bounty on you.. that there aren't any record of you anywhere , apparently you don't exist, if you don't exist then you can't be a prisoner.... Cade shrugged, stood up and raised his saber

Darien glances warningly at Cade, as if to say, "don't take this too far."

I don't know! Don't kill me! Tarrk knows it! He knows. Please don't kill me!