Next round Mireska intends to move closer (Engaged) to Kenobi and see if he needs Medicine or Heal this time. Aside from the one just removed, does he have any other Critical Injuries, and is he suffering any status effects?
PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC
Barring any GM changes to that latest turn, I'm ready to do a small victory dance because of Mireska's success. Finally!
13 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:@Demon4x4 you still need to roll initiative and take your turn
@RandiQuade we've already past your place in the initiative order but feel free to take your turn now
@AnomalousAuthor we are quickly running out of time for you to post twice
Sorry, wasn't aware the troops had arrived yet. How close are the drop ships to the arena?
Edited by AnomalousAuthor7 hours ago, Bellona said:Since Mireska is using Strain so much for extra manoeuvres, I think that she'll simply bite the bullet and take the damage that gets past her Soak (+5 Wounds, new Wounds total is now 8/15). Will the droids that shot at Mireska use their 4 Advantages for anything affecting her?
Unless I'm mistaken, it will now take just one Force Leap (single manoeuvre, hopefully!) for Mireska to reach Short range to Kenobi, at which point she can use her Heal power (assuming that she gets the second necessary Force Point for range).
The thing about ebb/flow you only get to roll your force dice once per check and you already spent those pips on the heal power. If you had come up with 6 pips you could have split them between heal and ebb/flow. Also the base power let's you heal *1* strain (no multiple activations on this one) and the upgrade let's you heal another *1* strain (again multiple activations). The advantage can be used to heal a strain in Kenobi (but that will have no effect this encounter, Kenobi isn't getting up to use strain) however you could recover one point of your own strain which would make a difference.
I thought I had said 2 black dice on your next skill check but I won't do this post facto, so it's on the next attack against them
Edited by EliasWindrider3 hours ago, AnomalousAuthor said:Sorry, wasn't aware the troops had arrived yet. How close are the drop ships to the arena?
Troops haven't arrived yet but they're inbound on laat's. Probably 2-3 rounds out but you could be talking to your men.
1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:The thing about ebb/flow you only get to roll your force dice once per check and you already spent those pips on the heal power. If you had come up with 6 pips you could have split them between heal and ebb/flow. Also the base power let's you heal *1* strain (no multiple activations on this one) and the upgrade let's you heal another *1* strain (again multiple activations). The advantage can be used to heal a strain in Kenobi (but that will have no effect this encounter, Kenobi isn't getting up to use strain) however you could recover one point of your own strain which would make a difference.
I thought I had said 2 black dice on your next skill check but I won't do this post facto, so it's on the next attack against them
I've adjusted the post to reflect no Flow use, plus the change in Strain (gain +1 Strain taken that round as I used the one Advantage for Strain reduction, as per your suggestion).
That's interesting that one can split the Force pips between different Force powers. I must keep that in mind for another time!
(I do have the necessary upgrade to use Flow multiple times ... just no pips left over for that this time, as you pointed out.)
And thank you for not inflicting the two setback dice post facto.
56 minutes ago, Bellona said:I've adjusted the post to reflect no Flow use, plus the change in Strain (gain +1 Strain taken that round as I used the one Advantage for Strain reduction, as per your suggestion).
That's interesting that one can split the Force pips between different Force powers. I must keep that in mind for another time!
(I do have the necessary upgrade to use Flow multiple times ... just no pips left over for that this time, as you pointed out.)
And thank you for not inflicting the two setback dice post facto.
The devs answered a specific question that I submitted regarding ebb/flow (and some other things in combination), they did not give a general purpose ruling. Also ebb/flow doesn't take an action and most force powers do. So two force powers that both take an action are out because you only get one action per turn. And force talent pips can be split with powers etc. subject to the action constraint.
Edited by EliasWindriderThank you for the clarification.
Question, when using improved side step, is the hit automatic or does it require a ranged attack roll? I understand that improved reflect auto-hits and I assume improved sidestep does the same but I could see it either way.
Regardless, Tirani will reflect twice using the improved reflect to return the blaster shot for 11 damage.
Assuming my math is correct reflecting the first shot will reduce it's damage to 0 after soak, and reflecting the second shot will reduce its damage to 2 after soak; and I will take 6 strain putting me at 9 strain and 2 wounds.
Edited by vandarlDo we (the regular Jedi on Geonosis) know that reinforcements coming? And that they are clones born and trained for war, "bought" by the Jedi Order, and now under the control of the Senate?
I assume that Windu knows more than we do.
3 hours ago, vandarl said:Question, when using improved side step, is the hit automatic or does it require a ranged attack roll? I understand that improved reflect auto-hits and I assume improved sidestep does the same but I could see it either way.
Regardless, Tirani will reflect twice using the improved reflect to return the blaster shot for 11 damage.
Assuming my math is correct reflecting the first shot will reduce it's damage to 0 after soak, and reflecting the second shot will reduce its damage to 2 after soak; and I will take 6 strain putting me at 9 strain and 2 wounds.
You assumed correctly. If there was a despair and 3 threat you could have reflected and shot back. I'll update the ooc 1 post to reflect. Btw that minion group is down 2 droids.
1 hour ago, Bellona said:Do we (the regular Jedi on Geonosis) know that reinforcements coming? And that they are clones born and trained for war, "bought" by the Jedi Order, and now under the control of the Senate?
I assume that Windu knows more than we do.
You would know that Yoda is enroute with a conventional army. You don't know the details of it yet. You don't have any clue about when he'll get there.
Edited by EliasWindrider@vandarl and @MrTInce can you take your turns, will let @RandiQuade catch up later. @AnomalousAuthor if you've got any leadership buffing talents you can use them now and the timer on their duration starts ticking once the doors of your laat open in the arena (so feel free to load up now)
@vandarl Is your character's name Tirani or Tinari? I seem to see both versions in various posts.
Tinari Wen is correct. The alternative is a slight touch of dyslexia popping up. I don't have a bad case but I do have a touch of the kinesthetic branch of dyslexia which affects my typing. Most commonly manifesting as mirror imaging or double letters appearing in what I type. Also once a misspelling becomes muscle memory it is **** to break.
Part of the reason I went into physical therapy as a career oddly enough. And I type 'Perfroms about 20 times a day instead of Performs when documenting for my patients.
Thank you for the clarification. I wanted to be sure before our characters started talking to each other!
How badly off is Kenobi now? Does he have any remaining life-threatening Critical Injuries? What about his Wound status? Basically I want to be sure that he's stabilised enough for transport, and that one lucky shot won't kill him after all (or do irreparable damage).
If necessary, Mireska can keep pumping Heal into him, dealing with Wounds, Critical Injuries, Strain, and some status effects. (I don't expect him to wake up - that first post in the IC thread was just describing some overly optimistic thoughts from a healer on her first regular "sabre Knight" mission, as opposed to her previous, more sedate Healer Knight missions.)
Also, how far is Mireska from Ker'see? She's number two on Mireska's current "needs healing" list (after Kenobi, before Mireska herself).
So far, Tinari's situation doesn't look potentially life-threatening, but he's also welcome to drop by Mireska if he needs some Wound/Strain removal.
Ideally, Mireska should be Engaged with her Healing target, as it takes one of her (often precious few) LS pips to extend her healing to Short range.
Edited by Bellona1 hour ago, Bellona said:How badly off is Kenobi now? Does he have any remaining life-threatening Critical Injuries? What about his Wound status? Basically I want to be sure that he's stabilised enough for transport, and that one lucky shot won't kill him after all (or do irreparable damage).
If necessary, Mireska can keep pumping Heal into him, dealing with Wounds, Critical Injuries, Strain, and some status effects. (I don't expect him to wake up - that first post in the IC thread was just describing some overly optimistic thoughts from a healer on her first regular "sabre Knight" mission, as opposed to her previous, more sedate Healer Knight missions.)
Also, how far is Mireska from Ker'see? She's number two on Mireska's current "needs healing" list (after Kenobi, before Mireska herself).
So far, Tinari's situation doesn't look potentially life-threatening, but he's also welcome to drop by Mireska if he needs some Wound/Strain removal.
Ideally, Mireska should be Engaged with her Healing target, as it takes one of her (often precious few) LS pips to extend her healing to Short range.
To be honest I didn't put numbers on how badly Kenobi was hurt because I didn't think it'd be a game mechanical issue. But he's 1 plus the amount of healing you gave him below DOUBLE his wound threshold (so a stray shot would kill him), he's got a metric crapton of remaining critical injuries which will require extensive (not Vader or grievous level) cybernetics and most likely cause amnesia (replacing neurons doesn't recover the information on the destroyed neurons).
Ker'see is about halfway between Ker'see and Kenobi so short from both but Ker'see is medium from Kenobi.
Ker'see turns her attention to the group of battle droids that have started shooting at her. Carefully aiming (True Aim Manoeuvre) into the group she pulls the energy string back and looses into the group.
(Going to crit 3 times which takes out a minion each, a total of 16 damage with pierce 4 and I believe takes out the rest)
The blast hits the group and takes them out in one go, the force flowing through her. (will use the three light sight pips and turn them to advantages and recover three strain).
FYI RAW says writing once kills one extra minion and that's it, however what you propose is a very common house rule that I typically play by, just describe it as multiple shots. One dice roll can be more than one shot.
17 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:To be honest I didn't put numbers on how badly Kenobi was hurt because I didn't think it'd be a game mechanical issue. But he's 1 plus the amount of healing you gave him below DOUBLE his wound threshold (so a stray shot would kill him), he's got a metric crapton of remaining critical injuries which will require extensive (not Vader or grievous level) cybernetics and most likely cause amnesia (replacing neurons doesn't recover the information on the destroyed neurons).
Ker'see is about halfway between Ker'see and Kenobi so short from both but Ker'see is medium from Kenobi.
Healer Master Vokara Che and the Halls of Healing will deal with any necessary cybernetic replacements and therapies of various sorts. I just want to be sure that Kenobi makes it to them alive for those treatments.
How about if Mireska works towards pumping 50 points of Wound healing into him over the next however many rounds, and tries to clear one Critical Injury each time she successfully heals him (to reduce any chances of that proverbial "stray shot")? When she's done a total of 5 successful Heal power checks on him (including the one that she just did), she'll then switch to Medicine for one use of its first aid application, then continue with Medicine checks to try to remove any remaining Critical Injuries.
(Eyeballing the Critical Injury table - particularly the Bleeding Out result - Kenobi probably has at least 8 more Crits, plus whatever else he picked up before he suffered the Bleeding Out result.)
Assuming that that's a good plan, Mireska will use a manoeuvre next turn to move to Engaged with Kenobi and start working on him.
Mireska's getting tired of bouncing around like a rabbit on steroids (too much Strain), so she's not planning on moving away from Kenobi.
Any other character who is seriously injured can come into Engaged distance to Mireska for healing. With just one LS pip she can heal 7 Wounds and 7 Strain (more if she gets more LS pips) each time, up to 5/day per target (successful use of the Heal power counts towards the 5/day limit on stimpack use).
Unless a character has invested in some serious Stimpack Specialization or something similar, that's a better deal than a stimpack - assuming that the Heal power is successfully activated! (And we've already seen how that can go ...)
Characters can also try their luck with Mireska's Medicine skill as a first aid application or first attempt to remove a specific Crit (future attempts are at one week intervals for each Crit.) Her Medicine dice pool is YYYGB (plus 1 advantage on a successful check) vs. whatever difficulty. Any successful Medicine check to apply first aid will (in addition to Wound successes and Strain advantages) add +4 Wounds and +2 Strain (Surgeon 4, Physician 2).
I know that that's a lot of stats to throw at people, but I thought that you should all know the options available from Mireska.
@MrTInce @vandarl @Bellona you have incoming damage and you can post your turns any time now (don't have to be in order) @RandiQuade you may be called upon to force drag Mireska or Ker'see to your position and administer a stimpack to them.
@AnomalousAuthor what would you want my side of your narrative to be this turn. You show up at the end of next round. Taking your turn after the battle droids and before Bellona.
2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:@MrTInce @vandarl @Bellona you have incoming damage and you can post your turns any time now (don't have to be in order) @RandiQuade you may be called upon to force drag Mireska or Ker'see to your position and administer a stimpack to them.
@AnomalousAuthor what would you want my side of your narrative to be this turn. You show up at the end of next round. Taking your turn after the battle droids and before Bellona.
I’m fine with the game focusing on the Jedi types until the LAATs cruise into the arena. I’m sure you’ll give me plenty to shoot at once the troops arrive on scene.
@MrTInce do you want to use the triumph to crit OR position yourself so that the droids give you cover from other droids? BUT the second maneuver would cost 2 stain which would put you at 15/14 i.e. unconscious. You could use force leap as an action forgo the attack and get inside the defensive perimeter of jedi surrounding @RandiQuade and obiwan kenobi.
@Bellona sessions rollover at the same time as rolling for morality. Currently the plan is to roll morality once every two months but if that seems too infrequent in practice I'll increase it to once every month.
Edited by EliasWindrider3 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:@MrTInce do you want to use the triumph to crit OR position yourself so that the droids give you cover from other droids? BUT the second maneuver would cost 2 stain which would put you at 15/14 i.e. unconscious. You could use force leap as an action forgo the attack and get inside the defensive perimeter of jedi surrounding @RandiQuade and obiwan kenobi.
@Bellona sessions rollover at the same time as rolling for morality. Currently the plan is to roll morality once every two months but if that seems too infrequent in practice I'll increase it to once every month.
When did my strain get that high?