Good luck man. I'm in a similar boat...
Star Wars: Dark Times - Bounty Hunting Doesn't Pay OOC
Hello guys! I"m back. Sorry for the delay. Hope to be getting an IC post up when my son allows. I'm going to fast forward a day or two, which gives you time to 'gear up.'
So far...
-Taquib has offered to setup a meeting between the group and the ganks.
-The Acolyte Prisoner is still knocked out unless she receives medical attention of sometype. (may try another medicine check or take her to a street doctor).
Did I miss anything else?
Hihkhic has also arrived at the pylon
4 hours ago, Sincereagape said:Hello guys! I"m back. Sorry for the delay. Hope to be getting an IC post up when my son allows. I'm going to fast forward a day or two, which gives you time to 'gear up.'
So far...
-Taquib has offered to setup a meeting between the group and the ganks.
-The Acolyte Prisoner is still knocked out unless she receives medical attention of sometype. (may try another medicine check or take her to a street doctor).
Did I miss anything else?
Welcome back!
The meeting idea sounds interesting.
About the acolyte prisoner's critical injury ... as far as I know, our only RAW options are either a 24-hour bacta tank dip (potentially expensive) or a zap from an advanced version of the Heal power (probaby exceedingly hard to find someone who can do that under the current political climate!). Otherwise it's a week-long wait until the next possible Medicine check, unfortunately.
(Right now, I'm really missing my high-xp Jedi healer from another campaign!)
In future when it comes to these type of Medicine skill checks, I suggest that we try to make them assisted checks (according to the character sheets, the best chances are with Wes plus either Navi or Ryuto) - and use a Physician's Kit too. Any chance of getting one for the Zepto?
Edited by BellonaWell I would like to sell the new speeders before shopping. What can we get for them?
@MrTInce even though they are listed at 5,000. I’m going to say you are have an offer of 1,750 a piece with a successful negotiation check vs 2 reds. Success moves the price to 2,225 with each advantage increasing by 100 credits.
This is mainly done to not break the game. Or you can barter both of them for the rocket boots if you haven’t picked them up yet.
Rocket boots and 1500 credits?
1 hour ago, MrTInce said:Rocket boots and 1500 credits?
That is fine.
@Bellona 400 for a med pac for the ship.
2 hours ago, Sincereagape said:@Bellona 400 for a med pac for the ship.
The full Physician's Kit (FaD p. 186) costs 400 and is a little bit better than the EotE/AoR Medpac (same encumbrance and rarity). Any chance of finding a Physician's Kit?
@MrTInce May the party/ship use 400 of that amount for the Physician's Kit/Medpac (whichever it is)?
1 hour ago, Bellona said:The full Physician's Kit (FaD p. 186) costs 400 and is a little bit better than the EotE/AoR Medpac (same encumbrance and rarity). Any chance of finding a Physician's Kit?
@MrTInce May the party/ship use 400 of that amount for the Physician's Kit/Medpac (whichever it is)?
Works for me. The kit will come in handy for the Wars To come.
8 hours ago, Bellona said:The full Physician's Kit (FaD p. 186) costs 400 and is a little bit better than the EotE/AoR Medpac (same encumbrance and rarity). Any chance of finding a Physician's Kit?
@MrTInce May the party/ship use 400 of that amount for the Physician's Kit/Medpac (whichever it is)?
That's fine. It can be party funds.
@Tramp Graphics @MrTInce @Edgehawk @Bellona @LaGouache @Rabobankrider
Posted in the IC thread with the latest "Informative Post" from Taquib. Hope you guys don't mind me suggesting a new scene. Hope it doesn't feel rail-roadish.
It just came to me today after work. Feel free to come up with your own ideas, but this is what Taquib suggests to you guys. Cheers.
I've put my characters intro in the ic thread, I just need someone to respond to it and he can get involved.
17 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:I've put my characters intro in the ic thread, I just need someone to respond to it and he can get involved.
I just posted something IC if you want to run with that.
If you guys want. I’ll let you flip a destiny point to try a medicine check again on the acolyte. Hard check. Blue with assist and a blue with the med pack/kit.
Unless someone wants to stop him, Hihkhic will drag the captive to follow
@Rabobankrider Navi will help Hihkhic move the twi'lek, as she (Navi) has some basic medic training.
Probably a good idea yeah, Hihkhic is not exactly tender.
@Rabobankrider I just posted Navi's IC attempt at an explanation for Hihkhic.
@Sincereagape If the guild contact is dead, then does that in any way invalidate the bounty? And do we have any way of knowing/finding out who posted the bounty?
(In case it's not obvious, Navi is definitely getting cold feet about bringing in this particular bounty. Also, she wants to throw as many obstacles as possible in Maul's way.)
... When @LaGouache turns up, we can see about that Destiny Point-given second chance at a skilled assisted Medicine check plus physician's kit bonus on board the Zepto. Ït'll be YGGGB vs PP, with a bonus Advantage on a successful check. Or should I just roll it now myself on Orakos?
Edited by Bellona1. I haven't seen @LaGouache for a few weeks. I'll send him a PM if he is still around. Last time I saw him, he mentioned RL picking up.
2. The death of Vug Nib does not invalidate the bounty. She was only a contact. The guild has many headquarters and bases located throughout the galaxy. Once the bounty is acquired, the group just needs to drop off the goods to one of those locations.
3. To find out who put out the bounty is a daunting Streetwise check w/ 1 setback and 1 upgrade.
@Bellona feel free to attempt the medicine check. I’ll assume one of the others gives you a unskilled assist and with the med pack. That adds two boosts vs average diff.
2 hours ago, Sincereagape said:@Bellona feel free to attempt the medicine check. I’ll assume one of the others gives you a unskilled assist and with the med pack. That adds two boosts vs average diff.
Okay, here goes ...
DP-given, assisted Medicine check to "revive" the twi'lek
1 success, 5 advantage
With the bonus Advantage from the physician's kit, that becomes 1 Success and 6 Advantages.
I'm AFB for the moment, but I believe that that managed to get her into a good enough condition for interrogation. Please note, while Navi might have some ideas for what we should ask the twi'lek, most of you know already that she's not very good with interpersonal skills (average Cunning, Willpower, and Presence, no skill ranks in most of the related skills).
2 hours ago, Bellona said:Okay, here goes ...
DP-given, assisted Medicine check to "revive" the twi'lek : 1eP+2eA+2eB+2eD 1 success, 5 advantage
With the bonus Advantage from the physician's kit, that becomes 1 Success and 6 Advantages.
I'm AFB for the moment, but I believe that that managed to get her into a good enough condition for interrogation. Please note, while Navi might have some ideas for what we should ask the twi'lek, most of you know already that she's not very good with interpersonal skills (average Cunning, Willpower, and Presence, no skill ranks in most of the related skills).
Based off the success. She Awakens, albeit with her wounds till high.
Based off the Advantages - she has no hostility towards the group and is very thankful. Although fearful of her master.
Advantages on next social check against her to gain info.
Well, it's up the rest of you -
maybe Fitz could charm the twi'lek into telling us all that she knows/suspects?
By the way, I'll be AFK the rest of the night and most of tomorrow morning and afternoon (CET). RL makes its demands!