PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: Misc

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

3 minutes ago, Bellona said:

I have no objections either way about the location/re-introduction of Beginner's Luck.

However, since it relies upon LS Destiny Points, I'd suggest that it be restricted to non-DS users only (i.e., only Force sensitives who have a Morality of 30+ may use Beginner's Luck). It makes no sense for a darksider to reap the benefits of a Destiny Pool full of LS points. Additionally, moving it "lower" in the tree and so close to the FR +1 talent makes Beginner's Luck tempting "low-hanging fruit" for darkside-leaning munchkins, so closing that loophole becomes even more important.

Any chance of getting the Sense Danger talent back onto the tree somewhere? :)

I'm unimpressed with sense danger as a talent... brace I think might be a better talent since it doesn't have a once per session restriction.

5 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm unimpressed with sense danger as a talent... brace I think might be a better talent since it doesn't have a once per session restriction.

That's true, but on the other hand Sense Danger works regardless of the specific situation and it removes 2 Setback dice right off the bat (no need to collect another rank first like with Brace). It's an unranked talent and as such it's more of a "this is an emergency!" talent instead of a "constant competence" talent.

I just don't know what to give up for it even toughened seems more valuable, I also don't want to make large scale changes to the tree, and valuable facts moving out is because it has a better home in librarian and avoids duplication of a non ranked talent within the jedi career.

But you do have a point about the potency of beginner's luck it makes more sense to move sincerest flattery to valuable facts' location and beginner's luck to sincerest flattery's original location.

5 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I just don't know what to give up for it even toughened seems more valuable, I also don't want to make large scale changes to the tree, and valuable facts moving out is because it has a better home in librarian and avoids duplication of a non ranked talent within the jedi career.

But you do have a point about the potency of beginner's luck it makes more sense to move sincerest flattery to valuable facts' location and beginner's luck to sincerest flattery's original location.

No objections from me.

1 hour ago, Bellona said:

No objections from me.

I'll go back and edit the spec tree post then.

@Bellona @ShockHelix get 5 xp

Edited by EliasWindrider
17 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Now what to buy...

@EliasWindrider :

... do we get XP for the last week's posts?

E.T.A.: And thank you for the changes to the first page of the OOC thread. :)

Edited by Bellona

Yes! *punches air*

Pressure Point talent is now purchased! :)

MediaFire, etc. links to character sheets will probably not be updated before tomorrow.

E.T.A.: The newest version of the character sheet should now be available via the links.

Edited by Bellona
Update on character sheet link status
4 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Yes! *punches air*

Pressure Point talent is now purchased! :)

MediaFire, etc. links to character sheets will probably not be updated before tomorrow.

Pressure point combined with deadly accuracy and 5 ranks of medicine and brawl is extremely potent against organics... similar to a highly tricked out lightsaber, then stacking anatomy lessons martial grace and enhance on it...

Edited by EliasWindrider

10XP (5+5 saved) for Armor Master on the Death Watch Warrior tree.

7 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Pressure point combined with deadly accuracy and 5 ranks of medicine and brawl is extremely potent against organics... similar to a highly tricked out lightsaber, then stacking anatomy lessons martial grace and enhance on it...

I'm not sure if Mireska will ever get in range of the Deadly Accuracy talent (unless someone's using it on/near her!), but the rest is possible.

I just needed a good excuse for her to realise that she needed to improve in certain areas, and the encounter with Trench certainly did so. Her helplessness frightened her, as did the choice that she took to escape it (and its results). She really doesn't want to be in a similar desperate situation with only DS options to stop her opponent in his tracks. Hence the sudden interest in upping her Brawl game.

@Bellona The Amulet Mireska is teaching Jorin.. Could you give me the details/check for it.. I don't have Unlimited Power yet. (It's on the list, but the store were out last I looked :( )

43 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

@Bellona The Amulet Mireska is teaching Jorin.. Could you give me the details/check for it.. I don't have Unlimited Power yet. (It's on the list, but the store were out last I looked :( )

Protective Amulet (a Talisman)

"Commonly taking the form of a ring or a brooch, this talisman surrounds the user with an aura that simulates the comforts of their native environment, no matter the dangers that surround them. While active, the talisman allows the user to ignore environmental effects such as fire, acid, and corrosive atmospheres. They always act as if in a standard gravity field and may breathe normally even underwater and in a vacuum. Weapons with the Burn quality do not count as having that quality when used as part of an attack against the user."

Material Cost: 300 credits (materials have rarity 4)

Time: 3 hours or less

Check: Easy (1) Discipline or Knowledge (Lore) plus Force Rating dice

Each Success after the first one reduces the crafting time by 2 hours (to a minimum of 1 hour)

Things get complicated when it's time to spend the Advantages/Threats, Triumphs, Despairs, and Force pips. You can't avoid spending any DS pips (which is why I said that the process can be tricky, and sometimes it's just better to scrap the result and try again later).

It would be easiest if you have access to Table 3-4 from Unlimited Power . Failing that, do you have access to Oggdude's excellent character creation program? You can get into the crafting menus under the Equipment tab/Gear sub-tab. Failing that, reply to this post with your dice results and I'm sure either @EliasWindrider or myself can look them up for you (or anyone else with access to UP).

... Access to unlimited power. That sounds rather nice! :D

31 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Protective Amulet (a Talisman)

"Commonly taking the form of a ring or a brooch, this talisman surrounds the user with an aura that simulates the comforts of their native environment, no matter the dangers that surround them. While active, the talisman allows the user to ignore environmental effects such as fire, acid, and corrosive atmospheres. They always act as if in a standard gravity field and may breathe normally even underwater and in a vacuum. Weapons with the Burn quality do not count as having that quality when used as part of an attack against the user."

Material Cost: 300 credits (materials have rarity 4)

Time: 3 hours or less

Check: Easy (1) Discipline or Knowledge (Lore) plus Force Rating dice

Each Success after the first one reduces the crafting time by 2 hours (to a minimum of 1 hour)

Things get complicated when it's time to spend the Advantages/Threats, Triumphs, Despairs, and Force pips. You can't avoid spending any DS pips (which is why I said that the process can be tricky, and sometimes it's just better to scrap the result and try again later).

It would be easiest if you have access to Table 3-4 from Unlimited Power . Failing that, do you have access to Oggdude's excellent character creation program? You can get into the crafting menus under the Equipment tab/Gear sub-tab. Failing that, reply to this post with your dice results and I'm sure either @EliasWindrider or myself can look them up for you (or anyone else with access to UP).

... Access to unlimited power. That sounds rather nice! :D

" when activated " I'm guessing that the effect destroys the ring/broach in a specific time frame? " when activated, character is protected until end of session/encounter "?

I understand it as being "when needed", and that it's a permanent item. With many of the other talismans and potions you actually have to choose to activate it, or they get triggered by certain actions/events (like drinking a potion). The other item write-ups also mention if they're single-use items. Protective talismans don't mention being single-use items; they simply do their job when needed.

Edited by Bellona
17 minutes ago, Bellona said:

I understand it as being "when needed", and that it's a permanent item. With many of the other talismans and potions you actually have to choose to activate it, or they get triggered by certain actions/events (like drinking a potion). The other item write-ups also mention if they're single-use items. Protective talismans don't mention being single-use items; they simply do their job when needed.

ok.. because otherwise...

Image result for hal jordan rings

3 hours ago, Bellona said:

Protective Amulet (a Talisman)

"Commonly taking the form of a ring or a brooch, this talisman surrounds the user with an aura that simulates the comforts of their native environment, no matter the dangers that surround them. While active, the talisman allows the user to ignore environmental effects such as fire, acid, and corrosive atmospheres. They always act as if in a standard gravity field and may breathe normally even underwater and in a vacuum. Weapons with the Burn quality do not count as having that quality when used as part of an attack against the user."

Material Cost: 300 credits (materials have rarity 4)

Time: 3 hours or less

Check: Easy (1) Discipline or Knowledge (Lore) plus Force Rating dice

Each Success after the first one reduces the crafting time by 2 hours (to a minimum of 1 hour)

Things get complicated when it's time to spend the Advantages/Threats, Triumphs, Despairs, and Force pips. You can't avoid spending any DS pips (which is why I said that the process can be tricky, and sometimes it's just better to scrap the result and try again later).

It would be easiest if you have access to Table 3-4 from Unlimited Power . Failing that, do you have access to Oggdude's excellent character creation program? You can get into the crafting menus under the Equipment tab/Gear sub-tab. Failing that, reply to this post with your dice results and I'm sure either @EliasWindrider or myself can look them up for you (or anyone else with access to UP).

... Access to unlimited power. That sounds rather nice! :D

Jorin, Amulet crafting: : 2eA+2eP+2eF+1eD 5 successes, 3 advantage, 4 Light Side
a-s-s.png a-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png d--.png

2 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Jorin, Amulet crafting: : 2eA+2eP+2eF+1eD 5 successes, 3 advantage, 4 Light Side
a-s-s.png a-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png d--.png

You can use the clever construction and hidden purpose upgrades (so you get 2 "rings" that people won't suspect, you could give one to Camouflage)

3 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Jorin, Amulet crafting: : 2eA+2eP+2eF+1eD 5 successes, 3 advantage, 4 Light Side
a-s-s.png a-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png d--.png

If that wasn't your first attempt... well you need to post every roll and spend the time and credits for them. Btw you don't have the time for more than 1 attempt before dinner.

9 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Jorin, Amulet crafting: : 2eA+2eP+2eF+1eD 5 successes, 3 advantage, 4 Light Side
a-s-s.png a-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png d--.png

(I didn't reply in time and so got ninja'ed by our GM, but I might as well post this anyway.)

That's a very good result, although it looks like Jorin spammed it 15 times on Orokos in order to get it. He must be a perfectionist! :)

If the clock started after Jorin arrived on Christophsis (when Mireska introduced the idea of alchemy crafting to him), then in-game the spamming would indicate that it took Jorin 4 days to get something that good (assuming 4 free evening hours to work on the project*) and 3,000 credits (a generous eye would decide that 10 of the failed attempts managed to recoup 50% of the cost**).

I can see that attempt #11 could give Jorin a Blueprint result which reduces the Difficulty by 1 for all future Protective Amulets, in this case to the minimum of Simple (although there would still be possible DS pips to contend with on each future attempt).

Does Jorin have the 3,000 credits for all those attempts? If he does (and our GM gives us the in-game time to cover all 15 attempts), the last result could produce 2 mechanically identical amulets (Clever Construction), both of which add +2 Setbacks to any attempt to identify their true function (2x Hidden Purpose). The cost would also be reduced, but that's included in the 3,000 credit estimate.

(By the way, I consider it good Orakos/play-by-forum-post etiquette to label each dice roll with the character, campaign, and what the roll is for - and spam attempt number if there's a time crunch in-game.)

* I'm assuming that the daytime hours would be taken up by training, studies, and wartime activities. Each attempt had enough successes so that they only took 1 hour each.

** It depends upon the interpretation of how the symbols can be spent: can one combine 1 Advantage and 1 LS pip to gain a result requiring either 2 Advantages or 2 LS pips?

Edited by Bellona

@EliasWindrider , @Bellona

I apologize for that, I did a test roll just to make sure I did it right, then got out of control as it was kind of fun to see the results.

Since I cant prove this, I'll accept whatever decision you make for those extra rolls, either they all count or I'll make one roll when told to do so, so there isn't any question about it.

I'll make sure this won't happen again.

(I'll only use physical dice from now on for my experiment rolls)

@EliasWindrider , I'll PM you an email at some point for any pdf you are able to send..I currently only have the FaD core in the FaD book line. :(