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By Duciris, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

I'm waiting for the email from my FLGS that I can come pick it up! But they don't open until 2. :(


And it's here...just opened the box and about to open up the packs of cards. And I forgot, there's new tokens too....woot!!

4 hours ago, Soakman said:

Ooh exciting. And I just got notification my Innsmouth will be delivered today! On my birthday, what a nice surprise. :) I suspect Trish and Mary are going to make their way into Innsmouth here. Very excited to try Trish.

Happy Birthday!
I’m with you. Trish has been on my list from the beginning. We are going to play this campaign with friends and she is the only one off the table for everyone else!
I’m playing her Innsmouth deck tonight as a test run just upgrading a couple cards for the Blackest Pits. (Although I have to admit, I didn’t put Flashlight in her original deck).

24 minutes ago, Janaka said:

And it's here...just opened the box and about to open up the packs of cards. And I forgot, there's new tokens too....woot!!

Oh crap I forgot that too! I need to get more coin capsules!!!

Mine arrived today...I have the coin capsules ready and waiting. I really like the Innsmouth theme. So far TFA has been my favourite campaign but I am hoping that this tops even that. That said, I may try to wait until I have all the mythos packs as I prefer not to wait to continue the story. I will certainly give the investigators a spin whilst waiting though. Does anyone else wait for the full cycle or do most sane people just dive straight in?

39 minutes ago, Dr Dee said:

Mine arrived today...I have the coin capsules ready and waiting. I really like the Innsmouth theme. So far TFA has been my favourite campaign but I am hoping that this tops even that. That said, I may try to wait until I have all the mythos packs as I prefer not to wait to continue the story. I will certainly give the investigators a spin whilst waiting though. Does anyone else wait for the full cycle or do most sane people just dive straight in?

I usually wait until I've collected a complete cycle before starting; but with new mechanics and tokens I might just be tempted to play a tester game. 🤔

2 hours ago, Janaka said:

I usually wait until I've collected a complete cycle before starting; but with new mechanics and tokens I might just be tempted to play a tester

Us too. But we don’t usually have an outside group we play with and they can only do once a month, so we may as well. We will play other stuff in between.
We have Sister Mary going in tonight, so we are using blessing and curse tokens. Trish has a couple of cards that uses them in her deck too. So we will see how it rolls!

I got the email for Innsmouth from my FLGS earlier today. My copy is reserved and waiting for me, but I do not go in to pick it up until Tuesday.

My copy of Innsmouth has shipped, looking forward to it!

What investigators are people planning on using? I've barely had time to test out the investigator decks, and were about to get a bunch more. I usually use investigators from the deluxe for my first play through a cycle, 2-handed; tempted to do two campaigns, one with the new investigators in the cycle, and another with a pair of the investigator decks.

We tested played a scenario last night from Soakman. We used Trish and Mary and therefore the blessing/curse token mechanic. That really is a mechanic that will work in any scenario, but I almost feel like if you were playing Mary in something not Innsmouth, there has to be a way to put some cursed tokens in the bag, or it’s too heavily weighted. So I put the new neutral card from Innsmouth in Trish’s deck.

They were both fun. Mary became “The Boxing Nun”( Spirit and Blessed cards seemed thematic). Enemies certainly didn’t see her coming to knock out a few teeth with her surprisingly good upper cut!

Trish has been on my list for ages and I’m liking her a lot. Her Will may become a challenge. I fully expected her to go the opposite way and be a seeker/rogue, but I like this combo a lot. We haven’t had an investigator yet that can combine these two classes like she can. Eavesdrop was absolutely made for her. Her ability with Obfuscation are gold! I’m in!

Edited by Mimi61

I concur with your Trish analysis. She's very fun (I played her through Innsmouth). The upgrades to Seeking Answers in Harvey's deck are excellent on her. I've been using those in combination with shortcuts to move allies engaged with enemies into locations I want clues from and then snag clues off their location. It's fun.

Boxing Nun sounds super interesting too. I was wondering who would try the boxing gloves in a non-Nathaniel deck.

3 hours ago, Soakman said:

I concur with your Trish analysis. She's very fun (I played her through Innsmouth). The upgrades to Seeking Answers in Harvey's deck are excellent on her. I've been using those in combination with shortcuts to move allies engaged with enemies into locations I want clues from and then snag clues off their location. It's fun.

Boxing Nun sounds super interesting too. I was wondering who would try the boxing gloves in a non-Nathaniel deck.

We actually used Boxing Gloves with William Yorrick in RttFA. It was great. With his ability to get cards out of his discard pile and the spirit cards survivors have, he was amazing. He had no other weapons in his deck and didn’t need them!

Some card combinations can be quite humorous. I can imagine William struggling to wield his shovel whilst wearing boxing gloves...or Sister Mary trying to look nonchalant whilst wearing the Armor of Ardennes over her habit.

3 hours ago, Dr Dee said:

Some card combinations can be quite humorous. I can imagine William struggling to wield his shovel whilst wearing boxing gloves...or Sister Mary trying to look nonchalant whilst wearing the Armor of Ardennes over her habit.

Agreed. There are a lot of humorous combos.
Sister Mary striding down a church aisle toting a Lightening Gun, Preston Fairmont snuggling into his smelly Old Leather Coat while discussing the stock market with Granny Orne...

Edited by Mimi61

Innsmouth arrived in the mail today. Plan to try it tonight. Can't decide who to try first. Silas or Mary, probably.

My Innsmouth was waiting for me when I got home on Friday. Marvel Champions: the Once and Future Kang arrived midafternoon on Saturday. Now that is a challenging scenario!

On 10/3/2020 at 10:54 AM, Mimi61 said:

We tested played a scenario last night from Soakman. We used Trish and Mary and therefore the blessing/curse token mechanic. That really is a mechanic that will work in any scenario, but I almost feel like if you were playing Mary in something not Innsmouth, there has to be a way to put some cursed tokens in the bag, or it’s too heavily weighted. So I put the new neutral card from Innsmouth in Trish’s deck.


I believe Mary's weakness should do it, or are you able to just absorb all of the horror?

3 hours ago, Duciris said:

My Innsmouth was waiting for me when I got home on Friday. Marvel Champions: the Once and Future Kang arrived midafternoon on Saturday. Now that is a challenging scenario!

I believe Mary's weakness should do it, or are you able to just absorb all of the horror?

I’m glad you got it all!! Once and Future King, what makes it so challenging?

It depends with Mary’s weakness. I had a draw right before it came up where I pulled 3 blessed tokens in a row before something else. Which pretty much emptied the bag of them. When she pulled her weakness, there was only one to replace and since another one comes in at the end of the round, it was a wash.
Of course, drawing three in a row again right before she draws her weakness is unlikely to happen often, so yes if her weakness comes up, it should help balance the scales. If it doesn’t come up, then there are a lot of +2’s to help you resolve tokens. I think we may make a house rule that if you advance an agenda and Mary hasn’t pulled her weakness, (and nobody has cards in their decks that affect blessed and cursed tokens), you need to put a cursed token in the bag. Maybe one for 1-2 players and two for 3-4 players. I don’t know, but it was an awful lot of help, with hardly any risk.

14 minutes ago, Mimi61 said:

I’m glad you got it all!! Once and Future King, what makes it so challenging?

It depends with Mary’s weakness. I had a draw right before it came up where I pulled 3 blessed tokens in a row before something else. Which pretty much emptied the bag of them. When she pulled her weakness, there was only one to replace and since another one comes in at the end of the round, it was a wash.
Of course, drawing three in a row again right before she draws her weakness is unlikely to happen often, so yes if her weakness comes up, it should help balance the scales. If it doesn’t come up, then there are a lot of +2’s to help you resolve tokens. I think we may make a house rule that if you advance an agenda and Mary hasn’t pulled her weakness, (and nobody has cards in their decks that affect blessed and cursed tokens), you need to put a cursed token in the bag. Maybe one for 1-2 players and two for 3-4 players. I don’t know, but it was an awful lot of help, with hardly any risk.

Those tokens are very strong, and Mary floods the bag with them. I don't mind, personally, but we generally play on easy anyway, so it has been more breezy instead of easy. The thing about Mary is that those tokens are probably needed in harder difficulties where the modifiers are worse and her two primary 'tempo' stats are only 2 int and 3 combat. You could build her more mystic to leverage her will, but she'll hit a wall with her spells. This isn't a problem when you're pulling for tests and 'praying' you get a blessed and pass naturally. But on easy difficulty, there's less risk of pulling into a symbol token and failing and getting a fail by effect.

I like her a lot, but the auto effect is very strong even if you don't combine it with other potential ways to add blessings, imo.

Got my Innsmouth Conspiracy.

Right now, we're midway through Return to the Forgotten Age (Mateo and Wini). After that, we're going to make a run at The Circle Undone with Preston and Luke. THEN we'll start Innsmouth, when we've probably got most or maybe even all of the Asylum Packs on hand.

I'm excited to play Trish and Mary, though, so maybe we'll throw them at the Blob in between RtTFA and TCU.

Edited by Carthoris

Picked mine up at my FLGS yesterday! This was my first experience preordering from them, and the time between release day and when it was ready for me to pick up wasn't as fast as I'd like. It shouldn't matter too much for Innsmouth since I'm trying to slowly dole out all my new purchases and it will be a while before I get to the Innsmouth investigators, let alone to playing through the scenarios (I'm going to try to wait until the whole campaign has been released for that.) But for the campaign after Innsmouth, I may be impatient to get everything on release day. So we'll see.

On 10/5/2020 at 11:47 AM, Mimi61 said:

I’m glad you got it all!! Once and Future King, what makes it so challenging?

I'll try to liken it to Arkham.

The villain (and each minion) scheme (place threat (doom))/attack once for each player each turn (depending if you're hero is in Alter-Ego/Hero mode (the two (soon three) sides you hero (investigator) card)). This is resolved by their basic Scheme/Attack stats. His 1st form stats (2/2) are a little higher than average for a level 1 villain. Then you flip a card from the encounter deck over and add the number of boost icons revealed (0-3). His encounter deck has a higher average in it so without minions helping he is placing more threat or attacking harder each time he activates. He even has an attack ability to further increase his base damage by 2 or you have to add 1 threat to the main scheme (agenda). He has a few side schemes (encounter cards) which just add to the amount of threat (doom) you need to deal with each round.

It's his obligations, which attach to your heroes, that really slow you down early game. They cause you not to ready one turn, or deal you 1 damage every time you take a basic action, or prevent you from using your hero-specific cards (15x signature cards), or remove 8 cards from your deck, or remove your highest costed card in play from your deck until you deal with it/them. The cards removed from your deck (which are kept beneath the offending card) are then discarded after the obligation is removed. Every time you have to shuffle your deck to draw a card, you are dealt an encounter card (normal rule), but removing cards accelerates this, plus denies your seeing them your first (second...) pass through your deck.

Once you're set up, you're really powerful, but early game Kang is really hindering to getting setup.

Once you defeat his 1st form, you are each scooped and dropped into your own game zone separated from the others (so much so that you can play the same unique cards!) with your very own main scheme (agenda) and version of Kang. Kang is a time traveler, so you're dropped into one of his conquered timelines before you break free. You fight your own "mini" game of Champions until you defeat your Kang and then join any other player's game.

Then you have to fight Kang's 3rd form, which isn't that difficult. (He's the first villain to utilize all 3 stages for a single playthrough.)

Oh, and there are multiple included ways to increase the difficulty. And that's before Heroic Mode which was introduced last March and increases the difficulty of the game by drawing additional encounter cards each round!

I really like the scenario - it's unlike any scenario we've seen (which isn't uncommon at this early stage of the game). The Once and Future Kang is the 11th 12th scenario for the game to date. They did an excellent job.

Edited by Duciris
12th, not 11th scenario
1 hour ago, Duciris said:

I'll try to liken it to Arkham.

The villain (and each minion) scheme (place threat (doom))/attack once for each player each turn (depending if you're hero is in Alter-Ego/Hero mode (the two (soon three) sides you hero (investigator) card)). This is resolved by their basic Scheme/Attack stats. His 1st form stats (2/2) are a little higher than average for a level 1 villain. Then you flip a card from the encounter deck over and add the number of boost icons revealed (0-3). His encounter deck has a higher average in it so without minions helping he is placing more threat or attacking harder each time he activates. He even has an attack ability to further increase his base damage by 2 or you have to add 1 threat to the main scheme (agenda). He has a few side schemes (encounter cards) which just add to the amount of threat (doom) you need to deal with each round.

It's his obligations, which attach to your heroes, that really slow you down early game. They cause you not to ready one turn, or deal you 1 damage every time you take a basic action, or prevent you from using your hero-specific cards (15x signature cards), or remove 8 cards from your deck, or remove your highest costed card in play from your deck until you deal with it/them. The cards removed from your deck (which are kept beneath the offending card) are then discarded after the obligation is removed. Every time you have to shuffle your deck to draw a card, you are dealt an encounter card (normal rule), but removing cards accelerates this, plus denies your seeing them your first (second...) pass through your deck.

Once you're set up, you're really powerful, but early game Kang is really hindering to getting setup.

Once you defeat his 1st form, you are each scooped and dropped into your own game zone separated from the others (so much so that you can play the same unique cards!) with your very own main scheme (agenda) and version of Kang. Kang is a time traveler, so you're dropped into one of his conquered timelines before you break free. You fight your own "mini" game of Champions until you defeat your Kang and then join any other player's game.

Then you have to fight Kang's 3rd form, which isn't that difficult. (He's the first villain to utilize all 3 stages for a single playthrough.)

Oh, and there are multiple included ways to increase the difficulty. And that's before Heroic Mode which was introduced last March and increases the difficulty of the game by drawing additional encounter cards each round!

I really like the scenario - it's unlike any scenario we've seen (which isn't uncommon at this early stage of the game). The Once and Future Kang is the 11th scenario for the game to date. They did an excellent job.

Very interesting. Different dynamics altogether, with some similarities.

I love the idea of being dropped in your own timeline and defeat one of his versions, before joining forces with others. Is Dr Strange your go to guy in this one?
My interest in the whole Marvel thing has been piqued for a while, but then my husband just gestures to the enormous quantity of cards we are currently adding to and storing. His eyebrows raise in a query, and I realize he has a point!
It does sound pretty fun though.

1 hour ago, Mimi61 said:

Very interesting. Different dynamics altogether, with some similarities.

I love the idea of being dropped in your own timeline and defeat one of his versions, before joining forces with others. Is Dr Strange your go to guy in this one?
My interest in the whole Marvel thing has been piqued for a while, but then my husband just gestures to the enormous quantity of cards we are currently adding to and storing. His eyebrows raise in a query, and I realize he has a point!
It does sound pretty fun though.

I find Strange a bit OP. He just has the best options at most 1 turn away. I find Captain America & Black Widow a really balanced team, but I like playing most of the heroes.

5 hours ago, Duciris said:

I find Strange a bit OP. He just has the best options at most 1 turn away. I find Captain America & Black Widow a really balanced team, but I like playing most of the heroes.

Those two are my husbands favorite Marvel Characters. I’m a bit partial to Ant Man and Thor (Yes, the irony of that is not lost on me).

Edited by Mimi61