STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Real talk tho: that ship in the art, take on the E-Wing, or modded to **** and back X-wing?

31 minutes ago, Nyxen said:

Real talk tho: that ship in the art, take on the E-Wing, or modded to **** and back X-wing?

Z-107 Super Headhunter.

Edited by Rakaydos

My fear is this another show where a handful of Rebel pilots "defy the odds" in almost every episode and slaughter hordes of nameless TIE fighter pilots. My hope is we get some variety and show some great pilots on the Empire side as well as some Scum pirates or bounty hunters to give birth to a slew of new ships for this game.

9 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

You guys are so good to me.

And I agree, we really do need a reasonable amount of Red Shirts... But I'd also like each squad member to be a realized character, so when something happens or they die, it means a lot.

I don't care about Internet Points. I was just doing what I was told to do by quite a few people.

Fully agreed. Like, on all accounts. Filoni really does have trouble letting go of beloved characters, and as a fellow writer I totally get that? But you have to, sometimes. You've gotta do what makes sense for the story above all else. Luckily, most of what Filoni's done is exactly that. I just hope it continues to serve the story, and not his desire to keep his characters alive no matter what.

Star Wars: Rebels gave X-Wing Miniatures Eight ships during its lifetime, if you count Saw's U-Wing that only appeared in two episodes of Star Wars: Rebels. The list is as follows.

Auzituck Gunship
Attack Shuttle
Saw's U-Wing
TIE Advanced Prototype
Lancer Class Pursuit Craft
Gauntlet Class Starfighter

And this is not taking into account how many things it added for Armada, Imperial Assault, and other media. Clearly these shows are quite the rich source of information and stuff to play with.

So it is very much on topic.

Didn't we also get Sabine's TIE fighter?

1 hour ago, Nyxen said:

Real talk tho: that ship in the art, take on the E-Wing, or modded to **** and back X-wing?

It depends on a classic question I ask myself when looking at promo items for video games. "Is what the character wear/wielding starting gear or end game gear?" In this context, is that the first ship we will see the main character in or the fighter they get when joining the Resistance?

If the former, I would agree with @Rakaydos 's prediction of it being a more direct Z-95 "descendent". Racing is mentioned in the press release, so a modded "Z-107" as a racer could make sense.

If the latter, I could see it either being a new interpretation of the E-Wing, a new model E-Wing (we've apparently had two newer models of the X-Wing by the time of the ST, so a second gen E-Wing might be possible), the mentioned but yet to be shown T-85 X-Wing, or a specialized X-Wing (like the T-65BR ).

With how little we know about the show so far, there's not a good way to know for certain. Lots of details about the setting of the show can change the likelihood of the listed options, so we'll just have to wait and see. I certainly hope that the E-Wing makes it in the show in some form or fashion (hopefully leading to an actual fix, maybe including a Tech slot).

10 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Star Wars: Rebels gave X-Wing Miniatures Eight ships during its lifetime, if you count Saw's U-Wing that only appeared in two episodes of Star Wars: Rebels. The list is as follows.

Auzituck Gunship
Attack Shuttle
Saw's U-Wing
TIE Advanced Prototype
Lancer Class Pursuit Craft
Gauntlet Class Starfighter

And this is not taking into account how many things it added for Armada, Imperial Assault, and other media. Clearly these shows are quite the rich source of information and stuff to play with.

And don’t forget the Epic ships: the Gozanti & the C-Roc

44 minutes ago, Bulwyf said:

Didn't we also get Sabine's TIE fighter?

Make that nine!

5 minutes ago, Herowannabe said:

And don’t forget the Epic ships: the Gozanti & the C-Roc


4 hours ago, FlyingAnchors said:

Well now I need the entire star wars saga (Clone Wars, Rebels, and Rogue One) Drawn in anime style because that just looks AMAZING.


This is not bad either.

21 hours ago, Chumbalaya said:

This show represents our best chance of reintroducing one of the most beloved characters from the EU.


You mean Jaxxon and Obi Wan Kihotay?


Star Wars + Top Gun + Black Sheep Squadron = huge potential for WIN!

Just wish it was about the adventures of Wedge and Rogue Squadron from the Battle of Hoth to the Battle of Endor. I'd name it Star Wars: Defiance (a certain carrier making a key appearance) and end the series with the death of Manny Bothans.

Edited by Hawkstrike

Ok. I haven’t shared my thoughts yet, so here it goes. As a lover of WWII and sci-fi dogfights, I love the idea. I really like the TIE Fighter anime out there and hope that it takes cues from that. And while I enjoyed Rebels, I do agree that the empire wasn’t really portrayed as competent other than the big bads most of the time. Let’s have our heros have to run from unwinnable fights. And while I’m not a “blood for bloods sake” kinda guy, maybe have a pilot sacrifice himself to save the squadron. Or you could have an Ace decimate the squadron at the end of the season a take out one of the mains.

I’m also interested to see just how rag-tag things’ll start. Will the entire squadron be a mishmash of fighters, or will they be somewhat organized? There’s a lot of possibility here, and I can’t wait to see how this goes!

1 hour ago, sf1raptor said:

And while I enjoyed Rebels, I do agree that the empire wasn’t really portrayed as competent other than the big bads most of the time. Let’s have our heros have to run from unwinnable fights.

LOL - if there is one thing you can be absolutely sure of, for 100% certain - the bad guys are NOT going to be 'competent', here, in this even-more-kids-show-than-Rebels. ROFL...

1 hour ago, xanderf said:

LOL - if there is one thing you can be absolutely sure of, for 100% certain - the bad guys are NOT going to be 'competent', here, in this even-more-kids-show-than-Rebels. ROFL...

I think ya may be counting your chickens before they hatch. Yes, it’ll be on Disney, but that doesn’t mean they won’t trying for a more well rounded show. Most anime-style US cartoons I’ve seen tend to do well at this (Last Air Bender and Teen Titans come to mind.) I mean, Disney’s show quality has been hit or miss recently, but what station doesn’t have this happen? I for one’ll keep being an optimist and have hope this’ll be great.

Expect nothing, hope for the worst, you won't be disappointed.


1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


I think I finally agree with you on something!

A show featuring daring pilots, and muggles of all sorts is something most Star Wars stories lack.

3 hours ago, xanderf said:

LOL - if there is one thing you can be absolutely sure of, for 100% certain - the bad guys are NOT going to be 'competent', here, in this even-more-kids-show-than-Rebels. ROFL...

hey look something you literally can not possibly know yet that's cool

y'mind sharing the crystal ball

1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


PLEASE , Disney. I do not want Jedi and only Jedi. If the primary character is force sensitive I'm gonna' frakking cry.

I'll deal with it, but I'll cry.

Also, weren’t the Prequels considered unsalvageable, then we got the Clone Wars? And from what from what I’ve seen of the ST (Haven’t seen TLJ yet cause college) it’s not that far gone.

5 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

PLEASE , Disney. I do not want Jedi and only Jedi. If the primary character is force sensitive I'm gonna' frakking cry.

I'll deal with it, but I'll cry.

Agreed. I would not mind someone with minor force powers, but not as the main character and not in a jedi-like way. (A Corran Horn analog for example, would be cool). Also, is there a chance that Poe is a main character? Or do you think he is more likely a supporting character.

Edited by Do I need a Username
I read the article, finally.
9 minutes ago, Do I need a Username said:

Agreed. I would not mind someone with minor force powers, but not as the main character and not in a jedi-like way. (A Corran Horn analog for example, would be cool). Also, is there a chance that Poe is a main character? Or do you think he is more likely a supporting character.

Poe will definitely come around somewhat (ir)regularly. Dunno' how much but Oscar Isaac seems to love throwing his voice everywhere he can.

So, count on it I suppose.

UNLESS they become one of Luke's students and therefore we get more Mark Hammil, I have zero interest in a force user unless they're like Lor San Tekka or Chirrut.

I'm mostly hoping for a story that's at first more like the movie Flyboys.

My ultimate dream is we get a new Rogue Squadron, even if its only adjacent to the protagonist's squadron.

Then give us an enemy squadron with a lead ace that is a serious foil for our cast, such as Soontir Fel.

I'm 100% okay with them bringing elements originally placed in the OT and transposing them in this new war against the First Order.

Edited by Forresto
3 hours ago, Do I need a Username said:

Agreed. I would not mind someone with minor force powers, but not as the main character and not in a jedi-like way. (A Corran Horn analog for example, would be cool). Also, is there a chance that Poe is a main character? Or do you think he is more likely a supporting character.

6 minutes ago, Forresto said:

UNLESS they become one of Luke's students and therefore we get more Mark Hammil, I have zero interest in a force user unless they're like Lor San Tekka or Chirrut.

I wouldn’t mind them bringing back the Miraluka in full. Apparently one appears in the Jedi of the Republic comics, but the Wiki page makes it sound like his blindness is a hindrance instead of a normal thing (anyone with more info on this please speak up) which honestly seemed odd to me. Anyway, it would be interesting, and slightly comical, to have a “blind” pilot.

@That Blasted Samophlange I'm confused, is this thread dead now? Which one are we supposed to be posting in?!

Yeah, I really hope that the lead character isn't force sensitive. I think Rogue One showed that you can do a good Star Wars story without the force, and it would be good if the show was telling the stories of ordinary pilots.

I would love to see Admiral Ackbar and Nien Nunb in this.

And how about love for Baron Soontir Fel!

3 hours ago, The Mighty Boushh said:

@That Blasted Samophlange I'm confused, is this thread dead now? Which one are we supposed to be posting in?!

I'm not really sure. I've reported both threads in the hopes that the mods will merge them.

Any info I hear I will post in my thread, not that copy.

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange