I haven't compared them for that, but I doubt there would be much difference. Each trial is different to the individual anyway so it only really a rough guide. But yeha if you're interested to join you're welcome to put forward a character to join the others.
Old Republic (Jedi Civil War) PbP Anyone?
I'll work one up tonight. I'm thinking Big White Wookiee Sentry .
Might do a Consular Healer idea, will have to toss it around more in my head to flesh it out.
Sounds good guys, plenty of options to be had here I can imagine.
My character is nearly done. He's a Dug Seeker with the Ataru Striker specialty who loves fast vehicles. I will take the Racer specialization when we get to Knight level, so my focus will be on vehicles and (to a lesser degree) on lightsaber combat.
1 minute ago, Kymrel said:My character is nearly done. He's a Dug Seeker with the Ataru Striker specialty who loves fast vehicles. I will take the Racer specialization when we get to Knight level, so my focus will be on vehicles and (to a lesser degree) on lightsaber combat.
I will build a High-Int, Mechanically-inclined character to compliment this. He'll be obsessed with crafting and collecting just the right pieces for his lightsaber.
3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:Who your master was (preferably not one already seen as they still had 1 apprentice to 1 master at this time) amd a bit about them.
Your views on the Mandalorian war (the war Revan lead the Jedi into). Bear in mind anyone who followed him dies or turned to the darkside, but you could still sympathize with him etc.
What you did dueing the Mandalorian war/before the civil war. Key events or just general activity etc.
I've completed the character and am trying to get the background out of my head and into the computer, and have a couple of questions about that.
If the plan is to play out the 'crystal quest' initially, would we have a master at that point? Would we not get a master after we complete that?
What is the timeline like, if we are initiates who 'graduate' to Padawans in the initial stage of the game, would we have done much more than study at the temple before that?
1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:A Character won't be a full on Knight until he at least has a FR 3 and solid proficiency in Move , Sense , Enhance , Protect , and Foresee , as well as a basic grasp of at least a few other powers.
Hm. Interesting. I haven't seen such a finite list before. Is that from one of the books? It would be interesting to read more about that.
So regarding timeline, you guys would be classed as younglings during the peace before the Mandalorian wars, probably around 12-13 years old would be my guess. The crystal quest I'm thinking of would be our own version of the one seen on the clone wars animated series using Ilum, as I figured that'd be a bit more interesting than just a dungeon crawl on Dantooine to get the crystals. As with the show a high ranking Jedi would take you to the caves where you would all go on your own to find your crystal. After this there will be the time skip were you have all been padawans for a while (hence the requirement of a few key vents you've taken part in) to the point shortly before Revan returns to known space.
Regarding the classification of the knight rank, for this campaign I won't be making set requirements regarding force powers or talents. All they have to do is pass the trials. My reasoning is that you could be a master consular, and make very little use of force powers like enhance etc. It will mainly be down to the individuals specialization and ability within that. Eg. focusing on a seeker you wouldn't necessarily need to know much about force influence, but could still be a great tracker and hunter.
Ah, this clears things up. Do you want to know now what we want our characters to have done after the prologue crystal quest, or is this something we should write out when the prologue is done?
It is really down to you guys, I'd like you all to have freedom to fill in your characters backstory as you all see fit. If you want to have spent those years only in the temples, sure, if you want to be training under a sentinel hunting criminal gangs, works just as well. It's really down to what kind of interactions you'll want to come back up during the campaign. Think of it as a more fluid version of obligation.
Sure. That makes sense. But since all that would happen after we go looking for shiny stones in the ground, would you be OK with me doing that part of the background later, after the crystals are found (and assuming my poor Dug even succeeds and/or survives)? It feels weird somehow to write background that's in the future
Sure, it's mostly so that I can work out some NPC's and places to throw at people at some point
I'll give you some of that in the early years, since Gunda Poot was rather old to be accepted into the order and has a bit of a background before joining.
21 minutes ago, Kymrel said:Hm. Interesting. I haven't seen such a finite list before. Is that from one of the books? It would be interesting to read more about that.
15 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:So regarding timeline, you guys would be classed as younglings during the peace before the Mandalorian wars, probably around 12-13 years old would be my guess. The crystal quest I'm thinking of would be our own version of the one seen on the clone wars animated series using Ilum, as I figured that'd be a bit more interesting than just a dungeon crawl on Dantooine to get the crystals. As with the show a high ranking Jedi would take you to the caves where you would all go on your own to find your crystal. After this there will be the time skip were you have all been padawans for a while (hence the requirement of a few key vents you've taken part in) to the point shortly before Revan returns to known space.
Regarding the classification of the knight rank, for this campaign I won't be making set requirements regarding force powers or talents. All they have to do is pass the trials. My reasoning is that you could be a master consular, and make very little use of force powers like enhance etc. It will mainly be down to the individuals specialization and ability within that. Eg. focusing on a seeker you wouldn't necessarily need to know much about force influence, but could still be a great tracker and hunter.
The EotE beta had a table which roughly ranked the Force ratings for different levels of Jedi and put a newly minted knight at FR3. Also, the Jedi trials in Nexus of Power included tests involving uses of those specific Force powers including being capable of lifting multiple objects with Move , being able to sense your surroundings, Foreseeing, etc. basically all of the tests we see Luke undergo in ESB were included and then some.
5 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:
The EotE beta had a table which roughly ranked the Force ratings for different levels of Jedi and put a newly minted knight at FR3. Also, the Jedi trials in Nexus of Power included tests involving uses of those specific Force powers including being capable of lifting multiple objects with Move , being able to sense your surroundings, Foreseeing, etc. basically all of the tests we see Luke undergo in ESB were included and then some.
Doesn't mean the GM had to rigidly follow these guidelines.
For this campaign it's really down to each individuals personal aims regarding their character. Someone aiming to be a weapons master probably doesn't need to worry too much about levelling his diplomacy too much, while a mystic may not focus on powers like enhance or move. From what I can tell the Jedi of the Old Republic were more specialized than those of the films, who were more jack of all trade types.
@Tramp Graphics You seem to be reading a bit much into it. The Beta stuff is not in the actual book, so it seems to have been rejected. And a Padawan can finish the trials as outlined in the Nexus without a single force power (or, at the very least with only the basic Move power if the GM isn't feeling generous, as per the top of page 132). Won't be easy, but very possible.
But that doesn't really matter for this game. I just thought you had read something I had missed on the subject.
4 minutes ago, Shlambate said:Doesn't mean the GM had to rigidly follow these guidelines.
I agree. However, they do provide a good baseline standard. And the Tests of Force proficiency were required for Jedi to pass as minimum standards.
On on a side note. During this era, it was not all that uncommon for Jedi initiates to start training much later than in the Prequel era, usually as adults, as evidenced by Nomi Sunrider and Kith Kark from the Tales of the Jedi comics. Nomi Sunrider , for instance was a widow and mother when she began her training (her husband was also a Jedi). The taking of babies for training didn't become formalized, much less the standard until after the Ruusan Reformations.
Well I'm assuming all character will have at least some force proficiency so it's not a massive concern at this point.
And that is true, there were older initiates, though it doesn't seem that there's a hard and fast rule regarding age. I think it's down to the ability of the individual again. Obviously characters like Sunrider proved to be very exceptional in their power, but I can imagine the Jedi preferring younger initiates as they may be easier to teach. At the end of the day though it doesn't matter all that much if characters want to be younger or older. I'm estimating about a 5-10 year gap between the starting mission and the main campaign.
Yeah. I'd say the difference was that back then, Masters looked for potential students with the maturity to make sound and informed decisions, rather than relying on rigid dogma drummed into them from childhood. This slowly started to change following the Great Sith War against Exar Kun and leading up to the events in KotOR, when they started taking on younger students as well. However that didn't become dogma until much later.
IMO, doing a time skip isn't really advisable. You're better off just starting a "Knight level" game. If we're starting with fresh starting level characters, I'd rather work my way up and earn the lightsaber crystal once the character has enough training and experience to actually succeed at that trial. That's the fun of Starting characters.
My main reason for planning it that way is so that characters get the opportunity to get their crystal, which has the potential to be interesting, while still being able to get stuck into the action of the Civil war at a level where they can get some proper responsibility and missions etc. If the other are against this idea I can look into lengthening the plot of the campaign to incorporate the training, but my intention is for most of the plot to revolve around the civil war.
I'd prefer a quick prologue to a prolonged one.
It'd most likely be a few posts each as you explore the cave for your crystal. The intention would be to play on the characters emotional strength and weakness.
So are we going to have the Mentor perk for Force power cost reduction at character creation? Or is that not going to come into play until we reach the Knight Level Play phase?