Star Wars Clone Wars: Cyclone Squad OOC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

In this loose Initiative I'm not sure who has acted. Is this the same "Round" that Gunslinger used his group thingy? Or is this a following "Round" in which only Driz has used his Action on the Perception check? If the later than all the remaining clones can make an attack, and it doesn't matter when Brick goes cause he ain't gonna hit **** in this darkness.

Being the medic, I don't mind going last any ways, fixing people who acted first and got shot in return, so go ahead.


How many targets are in my sights @Rabobankrider

I believe that @Edgehawk , @Xcapobl and @pyciloo were the ones to fix the crane, leaving @P-47 Thunderbolt and @Shlambate to fight this round.

In terms of enemies you are basically seeing the horde from a different side, so you can attack one of the semi-regenerating squads as well if you want. Killing the equivalent of 5 will help keep them from advancing on you as you guys descend.

So @P-47 Thunderbolt I get a setback less right?

On 11/25/2020 at 7:30 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt , for 2 advantage it will only be for 1 person unfortunately.

@Shlambate , for the remainder of this round those who haven't taken an action can still act in whatever order they want. Next round of combat it will return to normal.

17 hours ago, Shlambate said:

So @P-47 Thunderbolt I get a setback less right?

Go with a Boost instead.

Since removing a Setback isn't quite RAW combat expenditure, I didn't know quite how you were handling it. With something like Perception, or a boost to Initiative, I generally apply it across the board (but that's just my style), so that was the paradigm I was operating under. I doubted it was what you intended, but I wanted to clarify.

Alright then, since I narrated Slugger Spinning Martha up I’m going to say he doesn’t need to take the. Prepare maneuver.

He will Aim and Fire

: 2eP+2eA+2eB+2eD+2eS 0 successes, 5 advantage
p-a.png p-a-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png b-s.png b-a.png d-th.png d-f.png s--.png s-f.png

5 advantage, I’ll say that Slugger can suppress them enough with that to be able to hold them back. If he can save any I would like ro heal strain for the fight ahead.

Wait @Rabobankrider @P-47 Thunderbolt would Brace reduce darkness? Is that an environmental effect?

Edited by Shlambate
Brace Clarification
3 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Wait @Rabobankrider @P-47 Thunderbolt would Brace reduce darkness? Is that an environmental effect?

No, Brace would not. It affects things like a shaking platform. When you look at the long description, it describes stuff like unstable/slick surfaces, wind, etc.

13 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

No, Brace would not. It affects things like a shaking platform. When you look at the long description, it describes stuff like unstable/slick surfaces, wind, etc.

Ah ok, I was just making sure as I didn’t want to misplay

Pit Combat:

  1. @Edgehawk 5s1a
  2. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  3. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  4. @pyciloo
  5. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  6. @Shlambate
  7. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s
  8. @Xcapobl
  9. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1a
  10. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

@Shlambate , the advantage will definitely hold the statues back, which is a good move because they were about to start jumping on the platform till you did that 😛 I'll say you can also recover 1 strain. Feel free to have that for your ic thread.

So this takes us to a new round, so the hordes wounds reset as new statues take the place of the old. I have added a second set in the initiative to represent the statues in the shaft attacking the elevator.

The platform moves a further 2 range bands down, and you guys can just make out a blue glow that illuminates the ground. The floor of the cavern is at short range of you guys so you will get there next turn. To put things in perspective for you guys, the platform takes 3 turns to move from top to bottom, so bare that in mind when planning next. You could try and stuff more people on the platform, but there is a big risk of the platforms stability and cable strength etc.

Combat initiative is back up to regular, so @Edgehawk , you're up! The enemy is still at short range of you, 2 setback still is in place for the dark.

Pit Combat:

  1. @Edgehawk 5s1a
  2. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  3. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  4. @pyciloo
  5. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  6. @Shlambate
  7. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s
  8. @Xcapobl
  9. Statue Tunnel Horde: soak 3, 17/25 wounds, 4/5 men 1a
  10. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

Ok, @Edgehawk almost gets 2 of the enemies, and @Jedi Ronin you are up! You can definitely hear the gunfire from above, and with the lightsaber see the bottom of the platform. The horde you are fighting is at short range surrounding Vinteer, the silhouettes of the figure spread out over medium range.

@pyciloo Statues are at Short Range (10’ or less) and closing, I think, so not much choice.

Ah, gotcha. Missed that, thnx

Pit Combat:

  1. @Edgehawk 5s1a
  2. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  3. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  4. @pyciloo
  5. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  6. @Shlambate
  7. Statue Horde: soak 3, 16/25 wounds, 4/5 men 1s
  8. @Xcapobl
  9. Statue Tunnel Horde: soak 3, 17/25 wounds, 4/5 men 1a
  10. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

@Jedi Ronin , to keep things moving I am going to assume that you would want to try and help @rocketrobie2 out of their jam, so I will sort that in the ic. @rocketrobie2 , you're up!

@Rabobankrider If I go to move into range of one of the Unknown being's copys, will that put me closer to the horde? I'd like to start trying to dice that guy but not if it gets me churned to butter by the statues

@rocketrobie2 , you can move to attack one of the silhouettes at short range, but you would only be short range away from the statues, putting you at risk of attack but not being overrun. Bare in mind though that you do not know which of the silhouettes is the real one. They seem to have no discernible differences, and are mimicking each others actions with only slight variations to their movements.

@Rabobankrider I'm going to make the move. I'd need a really good role to do anything to the statues and I figure it better to take a shot at one of these guys and hope for the best. So I'll make move closer to one of the figures and lob some chunks of statue at 'em.

Toss some broken statue at Unknown figure with Move : 4eA+1eB+1eD+1eF 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Light Side
a--.png a-s.png a-a.png a-a.png b-s.png d-f-th.png f-ls.png

Still unsure about exactly how force powers work but I think I hit that guy (or fake) for 5 damage.

Sorry I was out for most of this week. Thanks @Rabobankrider for keeping things going.

Once correction. Caieous' Force Rating is 3, so you should have rolled one more Force Die on the Move check:

Move Force Die : 1eF 1 Dark Side

So that’s potentially a Strength Upgrade activated if there’s a Sil 2 object to throw (and 1 more Strain and Conflict).

Not sure if you want to change it or keep it.

Edited by Jedi Ronin

Pit Combat:

  1. @Edgehawk 5s1a
  2. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  3. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  4. @pyciloo
  5. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  6. @Shlambate
  7. Statue Horde: soak 3, 6/25 wounds, 2/5 men 1s
  8. @Xcapobl
  9. Statue Tunnel Horde: soak 3, 6/25 wounds, 4/5 men 1a
  10. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

@Jedi Ronin , no problem. If you want to use the third force dice you can do so at the cost of 1 additional strain and conflict. That does increase you damage so it's probably a good trade.

@rocketrobie2 , as there is no way of knowing if you are targeting the real figure, I'm going to put this up to fate for you. If I can get you to roll a D6 (there's six of the figure) and you hit a six, it's the actual being.

To explain the force powers, to activate any power requires x amount of force points. This is the pips listed next to the power. So yeah, you are able to activate force move to do the attack for 5 damage. However if for example you wanted to increase the size of the object, then you would also need to activate the force pips next to that upgrade by spending the ones you have on the dice. This means that you until you get more dice you won't be able to do everything you want to with your powers regarding the upgrades etc.

In the mean time after @rocketrobie2 is done, it will be @pyciloo 's turn! So you are still at short range from the ground and so are unable to really see the targets on the ground, but still have the statues in short range (2 setback for the dark) along the shafts wall if you want to stop them trying to jump onto the platform.

@Rabobankrider I'll take 1 Strain and Conflict to increase Sil to 2 and do 10 more damage.

Cool, I have edited the ic post and the combat data above.

@Rabobankrider Where can I find the pip requirement in the book? It might be right in front of me and I'm just missing it but for the life of me I can't figure out where it is listed. Also, since I only rolled one light side pip wouldn't that mean I'm only able to move the object thrown but not throw it?

Just now, rocketrobie2 said:

@Rabobankrider Where can I find the pip requirement in the book? It might be right in front of me and I'm just missing it but for the life of me I can't figure out where it is listed. Also, since I only rolled one light side pip wouldn't that mean I'm only able to move the object thrown but not throw it?

The basic power says it takes a FP to activate - which lets you act on a Sil 0 object at Close range.

To activate upgrades it's 1 FP for each upgrade. So to activate Range it's 1 FP. But for each Rank of Range you have you can increase the range 1 range band per Rank for that 1 FP.

Same for Strength - 1 FP to increase the Silhouette per Rank.

In both of those cases you can activate the upgrade again for another FP (doing so must be called out in the upgrade description which these do), so for example if you have 1 Strength upgrade you can spend 2 FP to get up to Sil 2. If you have 2 Strength upgrades you can activate them twice for 2 FP and move a Sil 4 target.

6 minutes ago, Jedi Ronin said:

The basic power says it takes a FP to activate - which lets you act on a Sil 0 object at Close range.

To activate upgrades it's 1 FP for each upgrade. So to activate Range it's 1 FP. But for each Rank of Range you have you can increase the range 1 range band per Rank for that 1 FP.

Same for Strength - 1 FP to increase the Silhouette per Rank.

In both of those cases you can activate the upgrade again for another FP (doing so must be called out in the upgrade description which these do), so for example if you have 1 Strength upgrade you can spend 2 FP to get up to Sil 2. If you have 2 Strength upgrades you can activate them twice for 2 FP and move a Sil 4 target.

Thanks! This helped and looking at one of the other powers I realized they'd just use the force pip icon multiple times if it costed more. I kept reading the description and thinking they were asking you to use a non-descript amount. Thanks for the help guys!

EDIT: Also, looking over the rules on tossing objects, since I can only throw sil 0 objects shouldn't my difficulty on my roll had been 0?

EDIT2: Also here's my roll for hitting the right guy, close but no cigar!

Trying to hit the right guy : 1d6 5

Edited by rocketrobie2